Deer Demon Race

Chapter 137: Self-destruct

The "sand blast" of the rat fur exploded, and the three of them evaded in time, and finally they were not injured.


   The deer demon shouted at them: "Find firewood quickly and burn it again!"


   For the monsters, a single mouse hair is powerful enough. One of the monsters is reluctant to take risks anymore, and shook his head with lingering fear: "I don't use it at all. Why are you burning?"


   "Why is it useless? Didn't see that he had already eaten the king, and he was distracted to put out the bonfire?"


   Luer made sense, and Lux ​​decided to run away to avoid the next time he threw a rock into the fire, and hurriedly went around looking for firewood and hay. When the other two demon saw him, they had no choice but to follow.


   The summer grass is verdant, and the hay that is easy to catch fire is hidden in the lower layer. It is not too difficult to pick up the green grass above and gather the hay, and look for some burn-resistant dead branches.


   The deer demon has turned his head, and then went back to fight on the battlefield.


In the final battles of previous years, the demon king’s fierce battle continued day and night. Until the result of the battle, the demon general and the demon spirit were limited, but when the demon qi was exhausted, he dared to retreat and recover. Otherwise, the demon king’s **** The strength of thinking, the full sense of avoiding and fleeing battles!


   The fire started again for the second time, and Li Shi threw the stones into the fire, and he turned around and ran away. The other two monsters were not stupid, and they ran away as well.


Unexpectedly, although the King of Star Picker had been fighting the fire extinguisher before, he was always uneasy, and his attention was almost half of it here. Seeing that the strong man took out the stone powder and threw it into the fire, he couldn’t help it. , Turned around and rushed towards Lux!


   Don’t worry about the ones being burned in the fire, but there is clearly in the pocket of this demon!


   just took a few steps, a big golden gourd flew on his back with a "bang", and his spine was deformed!


   The King of Star Picking screamed, turned and turned into a little black mouse, holding the silver bell on his front paws, and the "Ling Ling Ling" swayed and flew towards the strong man!


  The silver bell is a masterpiece, and the underground fighting monsters are all affected, and each body swells up again, and many voices are chanting "Clean Heart Mantra".


   The deer demon jumped out five or six feet back, and then started "Wu Ciao" with a "croak" to dispel the surrounding monsters and strange states, and the cleansing effect did not let the opponent benefit as much as possible.


   At the moment of the battle, the star picker actually chased a demon in the distance. The water king turned his eyes and ignored him, turned and rushed to the opposite demon general in the battlefield!


  The King of Filling Water pounced very fast and swelled his body. The goat demon general who was struggling to support under the black cow saw that the situation was not good, and turned around to escape, only to find that his legs had been trapped in the ooze, and he couldn't get out of it for a while!


   can't avoid it, the goat demon will raise up the weapon made of the horns to block!




The Gourd Hammer is really heavy, and it cannot be blocked by the Demon General. The King of Filling Water smashed it vigorously, and the Goat Demon General was smashed to pieces with his weapon and head. The magical powers similar to Baibao’s "rebirth" will no longer be able to survive. .


   The last demon general of the King of Stars, he will die!


  The rat demon is not doing business properly, and the situation is rare. The pangolin demon king also wants to expand the result of the battle, carrying two big gold melons and rushing to the nearby mad bull king's bear demon general!


   Hei Niu Jinsha concealed a demon who had been following the goat demon general behind him. After the "sand burst", he turned and pounced on the Crazy Cow King's golden pheasant demon!


   The situation suddenly got out of control, and the two big swords of the mad bull king blocked the eagle claws of the wind chaser, and was completely furious, shouting hate and roaring: "The King of Stars!"


The flying speed of the star picker is much faster than that of the water filling king, but the Lux is far behind the formation and is almost unaffected by the silver bell. At any rate, he can escape a few more steps before being chased by the black mouse, and his head is broken with one leg. .


He turned a deaf ear to the roar of the mad cow king. The little black mouse, who had been out of addiction for several years, was only thinking about the stone powder. He couldn't wait to take out the bear demon pouch and shake it open. When he saw the unburnt stone powder, there was still a big pile of stone powder in his mouth. "Hehe" gasped for a few times, then opened his mouth and sucked, and sucked all eighteen catties of stone into his stomach!


   Lu Bao's "Wu Chi" was released, and he wanted to turn around to help the fight, but why did he think that the King of Star Picker completely ignored the overall situation and only chased the strong man?


   How can I think that the King of Water Filling only cares about the overall situation, leaving the King of Star Picking aside, and turning to the enemy monster?


   Then, he watched the little black mouse who was changing the Demon King chasing after the monster bear, and watched him being crushed by one leg!


   I asked the magnate to light a bonfire and burn the rocks. I thought that the death rate in the front melee was high, and he was a new demon to stay behind to be safer!


   The deer demon's eyes are moist.


   Over there, when the King of Filling Water rushed over, the Demon Bear turned and fled, chanting "Heart-Cleaning Curse" while running away!


Filling Water B "swish" and threw the left hand gourd out, the gourd got close, and the "Heart-Clearing Curse" was not finished, the bear demon would slap his palm back and slap it, after a "slap", the sledgehammer fell diagonally, and the bear demon would The palm also fell softly, the flesh was swollen, and the elbow bones inside were all broken.


A flash of lightning fell, and it was also invited by the King of Filling Water, and it struck the monster bear again, so that black meat fell from him. The deer monster’s "black cry" did not benefit the wood ghost who fought with the monster bear before. The ghost can only recite the "Clean Heart Curse", distracted and send out a few willow branches to wrap the two soles of the bear demon!




A huge simple knife flew down and cut off the willow branches, and then the mad cow king fell to the ground, but he abandoned the wind chaser and returned to relieve his bear demon general, and another knife barely held the water fill queen. Another golden gourd!


   The last note of the "Clear Heart Mantra" of the bear demon general and the wooden ghost was finished at the same time!


   Crazy Bull King saved his demon general, and the King of Wind Chaser was free again, and came down to culminate the other demon general. He chose a demon general from the King of the Clouds!


   For a time, the two demon generals and demon kings of the mad cow king and the king of the clouds are in a hurry!


  The King of Wind Chasing is fast, and the King of Clouds is too busy to give up the Tiger King, and rescue his demon general!


   Crazy Bull King gritted his teeth and shouted: "Wait and scream, this king and the king of the cloud have broken off!"


  While screaming and drinking, the scalper turned out to be the size of a small hill. After panting and breaking, the two big knives all flew back and turned into two ox corners on its head.


   The golden pheasant has been seriously injured by the black bull, and flew over the head of the mad bull king desperately, and will retreat with the bear monster.


   The remaining demon generals here all began to retreat, and the King of Wind Chaser wanted to pass through the air, but was firmly resisted by the King of the Clouds.


   The King of Eater Tiger landed, the demon leaders and the King of Water Filling together attacked the King of Crazy Bull!


There is a "crazy" in the name of the mad cow king, which really started madness. The effect is even hotter than "boiling". It hurts one body and conflicts between the left and right. The king's family!


   Of course, there must be some side effects when Crazy Cow King broke out like this.


   The little black mouse over there inhaled the stone powder in one breath, and finally turned around, his face was as refreshing as a fairy, but his eyes were red and he looked strangely tight!


   Seeing that he finally turned his head, the mad cow king Niu in the fierce battle spit out angrily again: "The Rat, killed your grandfather Niu today!"


   Unwilling to show weakness, the King of the Clouds shouted in each other's fight with the King of Wind Chaser: "You will also be killed by Grandpa Tiger!"


Excessive addiction, and the dose is seriously exceeded, the rat demon is actually completely in a trance, the body of the little black rat begins to grow, and it is as big as a small hill, only slightly smaller than the scalper used by the mad cow king, holding his head "boom boom" "Come in stride!


   found that the star picker rushed back, the deer demon and other demon, demon will dodge and avoid!


   The giant mouse rushed all the way, a demon from the Crazy Bull King's family only gave way a little, not to prevent the giant mouse from throwing its tail, "slap" it, and knocked its head away!


   The mad cow king had no time to roar again, and a demon from the star-catcher king's family nearby cried out in shock: "Great King!"


   just called this, and was bitten into the body by the king of star picker, and crushed in his mouth.


   The demon's dying howl hasn't been broken yet. Seeing that he is all enemy and me, the mad cow king is more angry, and only two words are spit out between his teeth: "Rice!"


   was scolded by him again, the giant mouse chewed in his mouth, turned his head, and finally rushed into the battlefield of the Demon King!


   Rat tail, rat hair and rat claws were all let out in one mind. They attacked the two families of filling water and eating tiger, but also did not let go of the Crazy Bull King. The situation was messed up by it.


   Crazy Bull King couldn't help it any more, and he also fought back with hatred. The big horns turned into a simple sword and a giant mouse. In addition, the gourd sledgehammer and the deadly hook made of the antlers, thunder method, wood method, and ice method all greeted the giant mouse.


Killing a demon king is more effective than killing a few more demon generals. Once the balance is out of balance, Lingtao Peak will no longer have the opposite share. The Wind Chaser in mid-air sees that it is cheap, and shakes the King of the Clouds, a pair of big ones. The eagle claws grabbed the head of the giant mouse!


   flesh and blood flew across his body, his muscles and bones were broken, the giant mouse still had a refreshed expression, and he didn't feel any pain at all!


I saw that the giant rat lost his heart and swallowed his monster. A loyal monster had already chanted "Heart-Cleaning Curse" in his mouth. When he was finished, he rushed to the central battle regiment with his death and was hit by the tiger king with a whip. , Fell to the ground softly, but somehow released the spell after reading it.


   was sprinkled by the "Clean Heart Curse" released by the loyal demon dying, the red eyes of the giant mouse finally faded, but the mad cow king hit it with another "savage collision", smashing it.


Then, the King of Filling Water flew out with a swarthy scale armor, and turned into a short knife with a sharp handle, which was inserted into the giant This scale armor was a big sword with a sharp handle. The most powerful method before the Golden Gourd Hammer, it is usually armored and has extremely high defensive power. It can also be turned into a flying blade and fly out to injure the enemy. However, if the armor is removed, the greatest defensive advantage of the Pangolin Demon King will disappear. Mobilize.


   The giant rat raised his head and glanced at the side. The mad cow looked bitterly. The piebald tiger transformed by the king of the cloud landed on the side of the ox with disdain in his eyes.


   The corners of the giant mouse's mouth twitched twice, and large drops of water formed in each of his red eyes, and they fell to pieces!


  Eagle claws and deadly hooks came again and again, the giant mouse opened his mouth, the red demon pill flew out, and went straight to the King of Filling Water!


   In previous battles, the Star Picker King would also spit out the demon pill against the enemy, but for fear of hurting the demon pill, he would not let the demon pill come close to the opponent!


   Today, I’m afraid that I’m not going to pull him back and die together! The King of Filling Water was so scared that he jumped backwards!


Over there, the eagle claws and deadly hooks are all in the body of the giant mouse. If the demon pill is spiritual, it is still not reluctant to chase after it. The heart beats wildly, seeing the general Hei Niu by his side, he hurriedly pulled it over and stood in front of him!




   Jin Dan burst open!




   The giant rat's flesh also exploded, turning into pieces and splashing away, and the red mist rose like a big red mushroom.



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