Deer Demon Race

Chapter 138: Divine avatar

In the past final battles, the demon general and the demon can rest after the demon qi is exhausted, but the demon king is not resting day and night, and it will take ten days to fight for results. This time there are frequent accidents. It is only the first day. Has blew himself up and died.


The explosion sound remained unresolved, the Tiger King laughed "haha", and his backhand threw a large net with "sizzling" noises and a vague thunder current moving in it. After it was cast out, it was afraid that it would not be fifty or sixty meters in diameter, and the front cover was dropped. On a scalper the size of a hill!


   The huge scalper raised his head and roared, and the thunder and lightning continued to scream, and it quickly scorched its whole body's epidermis, electric current entered its body, and it ran across its limbs and skeletons.


   was numb all over by the electric power, the mad cow king yelled unwillingly, and even the moo of the cow had come out, the huge body could no longer be maintained, and it began to shrink slowly.


   "Sky Net?"


   The King of Star Picking blew himself up, and the Crazy Bull King was covered again, and the King in the Clouds was shocked. If he is the only one left, how will the surroundings of Lingtao Peak be mixed up in the future? He rushed to the Tiger King, trying to rescue the scalpers in the net.


  The King of Wind Chaser was startled, and found that the situation was great, so he hurriedly flew over to live against the King of Clouds.


After all, the "Tianluo Net" in his hand is still a magic weapon. It is not a magic weapon. It cannot be controlled by the evil spirit. The Tiger King tensed the rope tightly and screamed: "Brother Filling Water, come quickly and kill this old cow. It's all ours!"


   The pangolin demon king released his hand, and the black cow that blocked the demon pill and blew itself to pieces. The bones and internal organs of the black cow were shattered. The demon's body fell softly.


Regardless of the demon pill or the monster body, the self-detonation power is huge. Most of the flying knives previously inserted into the giant rat’s scale armor were blown up and lost their luster. .


The real Tianluo net is a very famous magic weapon. Many fairy gods are using it. It is no longer at the same level as the monster catching net for monsters. It is much more powerful. To cover all living creatures in the world, except for the contending of the ****, the demon-qi spirit, the demon-qi yin, and the spontaneous detonation are completely ineffective for it, and it is even called "the sky net" because of the saying that "below the net, the gods can't escape."


  Because of the great reputation of Tianluowang, there are many imitations in the world. Although this piece in the hands of the Tiger King is only a fake semi-finished product, it is only a spiritual birth from the magical treasure corresponding to the online thunder and lightning!


   When did Shi Tiger King get such a spicy artifact? Did you hide this king?


  Filling the water, squinting his eyes, still suspicious, the Tiger King urged again: "Brother hurry up, kill this guy, we are invincible again!"


   Now is really not a good time to investigate the source of the imitations of the Sky Net. The Crazy Bull King was caught, and the Wind Chaser blocked the King of Clouds. It was a good opportunity to kill!


   Kill the Crazy Bull King first, and talk about the rest in the future!


Although the thunder and lightning on the network is not the **** thunder of the purple sky, it is not vulgar. It is the **** of jade from the thunder of the three clear gods. The net is struggling, but it is all in vain, and it is impossible to open this large and small net that is close to the demon body and enters the thunder method!


   Watching two golden melon sledgehammers fly back into the hands of the King of Filling, the King of Filling took the hammer, and the meteor rushed to the scalpers in the net with strides. He really couldn't surpass the King of Chasing to intercept him. The piebald tiger wailed and turned and fled!


   When the Crazy Bull King is killed and the three Demon Kings join forces, where can they find their own way to survive?


Around    Lingtao Peak, there is no more place to stand for your own family. It is better to escape back to the mountain field and ask the children to move earlier!


  The king of the cloud is thinking about fleeing like this, the king of filling water has carried two large golden melons, has rushed to the net, and will drop the hammer when he lifts the hammer!




   The clear applause spread throughout the audience, and the slender hands wrapped in red appeared in the void, and then the whole body flashed out from behind the shoulders, a big red palace costume, holding the woman's hairpin, who is not the local demon ancestor, Mrs. Xiwang?


  The King of Filling Water was flew far away by the demon ancestor's mouth, and then he climbed up after landing. There were five clear fingerprints on his cheeks, red and swollen.


  An accident happened again, and Wang stopped in the cloud and turned around to look again.


The two monsters Baibao and Bighorn have rushed to the general's side, touched the body, the black bull's aura is gone, and it is returning to its original form, only the soul is not scattered, gathered into a small black bull phantom with the size of a thumb, four hooves Standing on his forehead, seeing them, he murmured: "I wanted to give up Jinsha and don't want it, but I want the fossil wall to block the explosion for him..."


   "Afterwards, Big Horn took the sands, don't embarrass us bull demon!"


   "I found an opportunity to be promoted to the Demon King, but I don’t want to tell him about it, I’m not happy..."


   murmured, a gust of mountain wind blew by, this soul can no longer be maintained, swaying and dispersing, disappearing cleanly with the wind.


   Babao and Dajiao both blushed.


   Mrs. Wang Xiwang's mouth was full of sneers. Looking around, the Tiger Eater was trembling with fright. The King of Filling Water put away the gourd, covered his face and got up, screaming: "Old Ancestor?"


   Local monsters fight to death, doesn't this monster ancestor never ask? Crazy Bull King is his relatives and descendants?


   Among the demon of the Tiger King’s family, the fox demon Tianxiang jumped out and smiled and saluted in front of Mrs. Xiwang: "Xiang'er has seen the ancestor!"


Mrs. Xiwang ignored her and stretched out her hand. In the grass in the distance, the silver bell of the star picker, who had lost all spirituality, flew over and landed on her palm. She looked at it carefully for a while, and then said: "Chongming Bird’s blood is good fortune." The thing that the throat turns into has a magical appearance, but it's a pity that it has been tempered by that partner. After a few hundred years of work, I can't get it back!"


Putting the silver bell into the sleeve, suddenly there was an extra wooden staff in his hand, and slammed it at the Tiger King from far away, and there was a shadow of the wooden staff in the air. On the head of the Demon King of Pin, the Tiger King’s head snapped, his brain splashed, and the corpse fell to the ground and turned into a big deer.


   The demon ancestor stretched out his hand and grabbed it again, and the "Sky Net" that covered the Mad Cow King flew up again, folded in midair, and fell into her hands.


   She looked at it again, and then said to herself: "Not far from the magic weapon, the monk's refining is really extraordinary!"


The Crazy Bull King was free. Regardless of his injury, he rushed over in ecstasy. He opened his mouth to say thank you, and the ancestor of Westview waved his hand again, and there was a crisp sound, the big mouth drew the Crazy Bull King out, and when he landed The face is also swollen!


The king of filling water was still holding his face aggrievedly, and seeing the mad cow king being slapped in the same way, he immediately relaxed, and said from the bottom of his heart: "Oh! My ancestor had a bad temper, and there was no good fruit to eat. I really thought you were. Is it her relative?"


   The demon ancestor unexpectedly appeared to help the Crazy Cow King out of trouble. The Cloud King was ecstatic. He had already turned around and ran a few steps. He was so frightened that he was so frightened and stopped.


   Waiting for the audience to be silent, the lady in the Dahong Palace pretends to have sneer eyes, and then glances at Abiao, the demon of the King of Eater Tigers.


   The corpse of his own king was not far away, and A Biao smiled sternly.


   Mrs. Wang looked at him and said with a sneer: "Old monsters say that a tiger gives birth to three sons, and there must be a tiger who can eat his fellow tigers. You didn't get the wrong name!"


   A Biao smiled non-stop, knelt down and whispered: "Old ancestor Rong Zi, my A Biao tiger soul is clean, and I have never planted a curse!"


   "You are not cursed by thoughts, but the old lady believes, but is your soul clean? Humph!"


   sneered, completely unreasonable, and drew his stick from a distance. A Biao's head exploded again, turning back into a yellow tiger and fell to the ground.


   Facing the tiger corpse for a long time, seeing no movement, the woman in the big red palace pretended to be speaking: "Not coming out yet?"


   A light sigh sounded on the tiger's carcass, and a phantom figure in a Taoist robe floated out and said to the imperial woman: "Madam Xiwang, you are polite!"


"There were twelve Yuan Ying in Xuan Tian this thousand years, saying that the most idle clouds and wild cranes are happy and free. There is nothing to do with it. I don’t know who frustrated me more than 600 years ago. It was my old lady who killed and cooked it. Since then, only eleven are left. Who are you?"


   The imaginary figure replied: "Poor Dao Zhang Yifu, third among the brothers, and those who are familiar with it are called poor Dao Zhang Lao San!"


   Hearing his self-report, the King of Water Filling and other informed hearts tightened!


   The cultivator Ziyunguan confessed that two hundred years ago, the "three masters" gave an order to destroy the demons by the four factions. Is this the one in front of him?


   In the ten years before the war began, Abiao’s family had to meet several times a year. He was a frequent visitor. Who knew that the "Three Masters" of the Xuantian Sect was attached to him?


   Void Zhang Yifu continued: "Pan Dao has only one divine mind clone here. As a lady, shouldn't it be embarrassing?"


This shameless old way, Madam Xiwang couldn’t help but laughed angrily: “I’m here, except Daoxuan’s old miscellaneous hairs, which one of your brothers dare to come? You’re afraid that my old lady will notice and only attach to the demon as a clone of God’s mind. After killing this monster with a conspiracy, he forced the old lady to return to the Sacred Ape Mountain. If she fails, she wants to keep this distraction? Do you think the old lady has a good temper?"


   Xuying said: "Madame, know that the name of a poor Dao has the word ‘fu’. If you have a blessing in this life, you will be content, and you will occasionally do shameful things for accumulating your merits and gaining blessings.


   Mrs. Xiwang sneered: "It would be worthwhile to kill so many monsters here? What kind of saying?"


Zhang Yifu replied: "The land around Lingtao Peak is not small, and it is full of aura. Just because the lady is here, there are so many monsters, so you can't cultivate wasteland, grow food, and find no elixir. If you can force your wife to retreat, you can feed it. How many mortals? How many elixir can be found? Poor Dao is cultivated by human beings, so we have to plan for our own clan! And humanity is prosperous, and heaven is dependent on people. Although Poor Dao harms some monsters, it has merit in the tribe, UU Reading www.uukanshu .Com has its own merits and benefits!"


   The demon ancestor and the Yuan Ying cultivator were avatars of dialogue, and the surrounding demon kings were silent and silent, except for the ears who dared to listen, the other half of the word was not dared to say.


Only Lu Bao, after hearing the words of the general's death, felt angry and unreasonable. Previously, the king of filling water thought that the king of star picker blew himself to death. The balance of the two sides of the war had been broken, and the black bull was not allowed to be promoted to the demon again. King!


  The King of Food Tiger thinks that he has been controlled by the monks. How did the King of Filling Water know that the demon ancestors would suddenly appear, and would not tolerate his ally? If this is the final result, the Demon King has changed back to a two-to-two balance. At this time, the King of Filling Water definitely hopes that the general can come back to life and be promoted to the Demon King to become a help!


  The black cow is just dead in vain! However, he might have expected Dajiao and Goubao to have a supernatural power before.


   Whether it is a demon or a human being, everyone has a variety of selfish calculations. If you want to gain a foothold in this world, you must be strong enough!


   Standing and listening for a while, Lu Bao impulsively stepped up, pulling his leg to look west towards Madam.


   The demon ancestor appeared, shocked the whole scene, surrounded by quiet and obedient monsters on the left and right, the deer demon suddenly acted, and it was immediately conspicuous.


   The wood ghost stretched out the branches and wicker to stop: "What are the treasures to do!"


Even the lady in the Dahong Palace costume turned around. The deer demon ignored the wood ghost, and only shouted: "Old ancestor, Tiger Eater promised that I will give me 20 drops of blood, so it won’t make the body cold. go!"



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