Deer Demon Race

Chapter 144: Parting

When Mei Gu woke up early in the morning, her spirit sensed that there was an extra creature on the hill, and her breath was very strong.


   The tiger demon has left, and the new musk demon never dared to set foot on the hills. Who is outside?


   When Nongfeng left, he said that the Lingtao Peak fight was over early, and there was only waiting for the peaches to ripen, and it was just the last few days.


Her heart was beating violently. She grabbed the door latch in a few steps, just touched her hand, and stopped in a hurry. Turning back to the wooden basin, she poured a ladle of water into the basin, cleaned her face, and then threw the copper that fell down. The mirror lifted up, and the scattered long hair was straightened out and tied together.


  I took a closer look, and then smoothed my dress before removing the latch and pushing the door out.


   The deer deer sits on the edge of the hill, blowing the mountain breeze, quietly looking at the village below.


   From the side, the long cheeks are still the same ugly.


   Aunt Zhang Mei "puchi" laughed out loud.


   Lu Yao turned her head and saw her pretty face, no different from the 13th year.


   Seeing that she couldn't stop laughing, the deer deer was very strange, and asked, "What's so funny?"


   Aunt Mei put down her covered mouth, chuckled and pointed on his head: "How can you paint your hair like that..."




   Deer Demon said the words himself, Zhang Meigu nodded, lifted the corner of her skirt lightly, and walked to sit next to him.


   The white-haired deer was really conspicuous, and she was so impatient, she would find it weird if she found the fruit pulp to smear it in the wild.


   But this face of my own, at present, can't add points at all, how can I add more weirdness.


   Zhang Meigu sat closer, and the fragrance was more intense. The deer deer quickly glanced at her and did not dare to look again. Turning around, he turned to pay attention to the rising smoke, **** cries and dogs barking, women cursing children, and farmers calling cows in the village at the foot of the mountain.


   Compared with the first time I saw it more than 20 years ago, the firewood wall in Pojiao Village has been extended by a section, there are 20 or 30 more houses, and there are more newly reclaimed fields farther away.


   The mountain breeze blew her hair, fluttering on her cheeks and nostrils, and her itchy heart was crisp.


   sat beside him like this, basking in the morning sun, blowing the mountain breeze, and my heart was at ease. It felt so good.


   One man and one demon, one man and one woman, no one spoke.


  Until the hen in the chicken coop "chuckled", thinking that she had laid an egg and wanted to beg for food, Zhang Mei aunt jumped up regretfully, went back to the house and grabbed two handfuls of chaff, and calmed the chickens before throwing the cage.


   After washing his hands, he remembered the raspberries in the big canopy at the back of the house, went around again, picked a large handful, and presented it to the deer demon like a treasure: "Here you!"


   Deer demon grabbed half of them, threw them into their mouths one by one, and tasted them carefully.


   Zhang Meigu also took a few pieces from the rest, and the sweet and sour taste was very good.


   After tasting the wild fruits picked by Mei Gu, the deer demon asked: "When did you get promoted, why don't you tell me?"


   Aunt Zhang Mei replied: "It's been three or four years. I want to tell you in person, but I didn't write it in the letter. Is Boeing okay?"


   "Dead in battle!"


   Zhang Meigu went down in sorrow, and asked after a while: "Is it not easy for a monster to ask for a living?"


   Deer demon nodded: "It's not easy to make a living here. I want to move to the west. I'm here to ask you today, would you like to be with me?"


   Unexpectedly, he would leave too, Mei Gu took a light breath and shook her head and said, "I want to go too!"


   The deer demon frowned and turned his head, Zhang Meigu looked at him: "I won't write a letter to tell you that I am a Qi refiner, but I want to wait for you to come and be alone with you!"


   "Also, there are always ways to go!"


   looked at each other, but the monster of the scorpion mouse couldn't stand it at first, then turned away, and the woman's voice sounded faintly again:


"Our human races are not all rural places like Pojiao Village. There are government offices in the city, and emperors in the big city. Although they are all controlled by the monks, they also have their own rules. In our rural areas, women dare to fight against demons. , The devil, the ghost, the strange is afflicted, the government does not come to punish the crime, the folks will drown, and scold the woman for being shameless and shameless. My dad was a pedantic student during his lifetime, and he taught morality for a lifetime. I was just killed by some rumors. If I follow you, he will be **** to death when he hears it in the Spirit of Heaven!"


   The deer demon wants to say that your father's soul should have disappeared with the wind, and he has not become a ghost.


"You are a demon, I am a human, we can't be...together, my father doesn't allow me, and I can't pass the hurdle in my heart, can stay tonight, just as it is...for decades, I owe you!"


The deer deer turned around again in surprise. This time it was the woman's turn to put her chin to her chest, her ears were red, and she finished the following words: "I have met each other, and I will leave tomorrow. I am willing to ask for justice!"


  Looking at her shy appearance, the deer deer's mouth was dry for a while, and his heart was "pounding". After a long rest, he asked with difficulty, "You mean, don't see each other again?"


Aunt Mei said, "Well" in her nasal cavity, and said: "My father once said that life is always easy in the world. Even if you and I are separate from this day, even if it is difficult, we will all live well. Don't worry, I will never marry in the future. People! Go and ask for a monster asshole, so you can live your life!"


   The deer demon stood up, very irritable, and walked over and "tengteng" with heavy steps on the job.


   walked back and forth three times before he stomped his foot fiercely: "You mean, Xu Laolu is all night, and will not see each other again?"


Hearing him ask again, Mei Gu was flushed, but she nodded firmly: "You have to go too, who knows how many mountains and rivers will be separated? It is fortunate to know some letters. Go around a little bit!"


   The deer demon looked savagely, and said viciously: "Then my old deer don't want it, there will be opportunities to meet in the future?"


   Aunt Mei raised her head, the red tide on her face hadn't subsided, but she had changed into a stunned look.


   The deer demon asked again: "Lao Lu doesn’t want tonight, but is there a chance to meet?"


   Zhang Meigu didn’t know whether to nod or shook his head. The deer deer stared at her, suddenly "haha" smiled, turned and went down the hill behind the hill, and said loudly as he walked: "No!"


   The word "don't" was said several times in succession, Mei Gu walked over to the hillside, dumbly watching him leave behind, two rows of teardrops silently slipped down.


  Walking to the foot of the mountain, I don't know what to think of, the deer demon suddenly turned back and rushed up like a gust of wind!


  What is he doing when he comes back?


   Aunt Zhang Mei grabbed her heart, short of breath.


  Slowly when descending the mountain, he rushed back but almost became a shadow line. After a few breaths, the deer demon rushed in front of him and said anxiously: "Almost forgot, the interest must be collected first!"




   There was a goshawk hovering in the sky looking for prey, and there were ants on the ground crawling across the insteps. After a while, the deer demon let go of his hand with satisfaction, "Hey" smiled, and turned back down the mountain again. This time his footsteps were drifting.


  Looking at him on the way down the mountain, the hands were still alternately placed on the tip of his nose to sniff. Zhang Meigu stomped on the hill, gritted his teeth and cursed: "Goddamn, can't you keep the ceremony to the end?"


   After cursing, I remembered, "God killer" is the mantra of the village women scolding men, and I am already a monk, so it's right to be a taboo. Such cursing is a bit... inappropriate!




   returned to Jingping Mountain, Lu Yao reported that her outside room had agreed to move in, but she had to wait for her to clean up her household and bid farewell to relatives, and then pick it up two months later.


   On the first full moon night after returning to the mountain, Lu Bao randomly selected ten little monsters as the old little demon. On the second day, he went to the southern part of the mountain to choose the new tea garden address.


My own mountain field, I feel at any time, and fill water B is familiar with every place. Listening to the deer demon report about the topography, I know that the selected place is more than 30 miles away from the boundary. It is a gentle **** with a large area next to it. Surrounded by trees, the tea plant species is not conspicuous here, so he nodded in agreement.


The wood ghost demon Ding Sixi and Lang Jun’s former demon Ding Wangchuan have all died in the battle, but the black cow died, and he followed the demon Ding Yuan to survive. The tea garden is now a fat man, to block others. Mouth, the demon king appointed Yuan Cun as the tea gardener to manage this mountain tea garden for the deer demon Baibao, and Baibao went out to open up a new tea garden.


The deer demon cannot be promoted to the demon general within sixty years. When filling water B negotiated with him to open a new tea plantation to harvest, although the words were euphemistic, he patted his chest as a guarantee, but he only gave two bowls of tea in spring and summer. , Two pieces each in autumn and winter into the purple golden potato.


Lu Bao is already determined to leave. Where will he get another tea garden for him? He doesn't care how much he will give, but he is afraid that the Demon King will be suspicious and just complain a few words. Instead, he took the opportunity to get the ten drops he promised before. The **** begs must be obtained.


   Actually, the ambush demon will not succeed in the end, but the deer still needs to coax, and fill water B also nodded in agreement and rewarded ten drops as a comfort.


   On the day when he moved to the tea garden, the deer demon deliberately went looking for the painting snake and chatted with him for a long time, but for him, no matter how good his friendship was, he would not dare to confide his intention to escape like a big horn. After all, it was the demon king's confidant.


   Other demon, UU reading Lu Bao felt that the friendship was not in place, so he didn't look for anyone.


Quan Ding moved to the new tea plantation, and had to run all over the mountain field to transplant tea, and the old plague naturally complained behind his back. Finally, although Lord Lu did not put on the mastery in front of them, he did not dare to violate the management before becoming a demon. The master's order must be flattered by the small wing in person, and he must be obedient.


  The tea gardener is a poor man, so he has more chances to make a second tea. The ten little monsters who are newly recruited are all happy, all different from the old lazy appearance.


   On the first day of the new tea plantation, the deer demon said to the little demon: "The wild tea trees from the north to this mountain are reserved for moving to this mountain in the future. You can only look for it in the south!"


It’s only 30 miles from the south to the border, and it’s hard to find it in ten days. When the little monsters return, it’s hard to find it in the south. Tomorrow, the deer said: , I’m always still in the bowl, I can let other little monsters pick tea when nothing happens, and then move them all. The mountain field hasn’t benefited much, but it’s grown in a land of no owner outside. It’s a pity if I think about it. When I go to tell the king tomorrow, I will dig the land of no owner first!"


In the morning of the second day, he changed to report to Filling Water B. Filling B also agreed, but worried that the monk would catch and dig the tea tree little demon to plant a curse. Lu Bao said: "The monk caught the little demon curse, it was only once or twice in the past ten years. , Now that the three monks in Ziyun Guan have been known by the Xuantian Sect, they all know how many of them are still guarding against this thought curse. If they have not calculated it, where will they come out at this time? If the king is not at ease, two or three The little demon in My Dingli is only fifteen little demon at one time, so it’s not too much trouble!"


   (End of this chapter)

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