Deer Demon Race

Chapter 145: 3 things

The demon king nodded in agreement, and the new pigeon demon sent a new notification to the southern mountain patrol demon. Lu Bao said goodbye. Seeing the small demon mixed in the little demon group, he called him over and asked, "Brother Ding. The little demon went to the land of no owner to look for tea trees, and I followed along. You were clamoring to see your brother's outer room? Would you like to go with him?"


Since the deer demon was promoted to the demon, the two identities are no longer equal, but the small mountain spirit is special. He has a face in front of the demon king, and he is full of "brother" barking, and no one will blame him, let alone deer demon. Can.


   Bored in the mountain field, when he heard that he could go out, the hill nodded vigorously, gave up watching today's performance, and went down with the deer demon.


   In the past, I searched for the tea tree and dug it back. The demon never followed, and the little demon went by themselves. This time, the deer demon went out to see the outer room on the pretext of going out with him.


The whole Ding crossed the border together, no better than before, but the demon king’s pro-demon and the pigeon demon from Zhongxinhua have already passed the order. After flattering for a while, Xian Tan could still raise a woman outside before letting him wait.


Crossing the border, the deer demon said to the ten newly enrolled little demon: "You wait for ten, and all go east to find tea, three or four each, and be careful not to be caught by the monks! The five of them are the confidants of the master. The lord worshipped the little lady, and looked for tea trees on the way home. Everyone digs more diligently. After four days, I will come back to the tea garden to see me!"


   After walking the ten, the deer demon only tells the five steps to spread out, first catch the beast and use it to survive.


I don’t know what kind of medicine he sells in the gourd, or he is going to bring meat to the "little lady". There are few wild beasts in the land of no owner. After five steps and the old fever have been searching for a long time, they caught a muntjac and brought it back. Master deer.


   "I don't want to be a deer family too!"


   The deer demon sighed with a smile, and called to lead the suzi on the road together.


  Master Lu was acting a bit weird today, Lao Wen muttered in his belly, and asked five steps directly, but he didn't get a word of truth.


After arriving at the hillside of Pojiao Village, the musk demon Yuanxiang converged. The deer demon went to the hillside to see it. Zhang Meigu had already left, and everything in the house had been taken away, and the chicken coop was emptied. I think the caged chickens are all sent to the people in Shanxia Village.


   After a few last glances, the deer demon turned back down the mountain.


   said to take them to see the little lady, but they didn't lead them to the hills. Wubu and Xiaoshanjing were all guessing the reason. When he got down, they wanted to ask questions.


Lu Bao told them the truth: "I don’t want to leave Wangshanchang to fill the water and die. I want to ask for life on the Sacred Ape Mountain. To be honest with you, it’s easier for me to get away with my own money. I just have a good relationship with you, and I can’t bear to leave. After being killed in a war, I brought it here. I just ask you to wait, who wants to flee with my old deer?"


The deer demon's mouth was tight before, and even a few of him did not expect to flee. At the southernmost point of this borderless land, everyone was surprised that the musk demon showed his hospitality before Yuanxiang, and only thought that he could get the deer demon after worshipping the mountain. Take care of it, I didn't expect him to run away!


   Langlang reacted first, and asked: "Master, how much money do you have in a year at the mountain field, which one doesn't envy? If you run away, wouldn't it all be cheaper?"


   Lu Yaoxin said that few monsters have long-term plans. After the war, they have been able to stay at ease for sixty years, so they all chose to stay. Because of this, Filling B would never think that they would flee.


Thinking about it in his heart, the deer deer replied: "With my old deer's ability, where can I not find this elixir? Moreover, I become a demon, and the moon essence tempering is really insufficient. It is a good thing to stop for a few years without tonic. You wait. If you don’t want to go with you, you can go back to the mountain field after dark and tell the King of Filling Water truthfully!"


The monsters have possessions, and they are mostly hidden in pockets and treasure bags. They can leave alone if they say they are alone. After learning that the deer deer came out of them, the little mountain spirit jumped up and shouted, "Brother Xie has helped me. I want to go!"


The deer deer turned to him and said sternly: "Knowing that you can't find a way to advance in the mountain field, you have to go outside before you are reconciled, so he called you, just different from him, and took you to flee, no matter what. Wherever I need to listen to everything from now on, let alone sell my feet when I see the benefits!"


At such a critical juncture, Xiaoshan Jing also put away a laugh, and Zhengrong replied: "I wanted to leave a long time ago. I only worry about my ability to be low and I am afraid of being caught in a cage by the monks. Since my brother is willing to take me on the road, he will tell the truth. It has nothing to do with my promotion, and I will never vent my brother's roots. If I sell my brother and get promoted, I must not blame me!"


   Xiaoshan Jing speaks honestly, but Five Steps is dissatisfied: "You are weird, how can you speak truthfully!"


   Xiaoshan glared at him, tilted his head to think about it, and said, "I can swear that if I violate the previous words, Xiaoshan Jing will not grow taller in this life!"


   Lu Bao shook his head, and asked, "Isn't it subject to other methods for the strange category?"


It is rare to win the trust of the deer demon without bleeding. The little mountain spirit frowned and took off the leaves on his head. There were three thick hairs underneath. His small face was tightly torn off, just like crying: "This is the root of my life. The total number is only three. The one will not grow long in the first life. If one is missing, it will not be promoted or grow. The king of filling water didn’t give it to him. My brother took it. When I can get promoted, I will pay it back. good?"


   Lu Bao took it, and saw that the hair root was about the same thickness as the earthworm, and he could sense that it was indeed connected to the life of Xiaoshan Jing, and then he put it in his pocket.


   The black cow died. Big Horn thought that he might be able to vent his breath for him. He couldn't help him. He took away the small mountain spirit and the logistics of the Pangolin Demon King.


  The deer demon who can open up a new tea plantation leaves, and by the way abducts the small mountain spirit, to see how much he has in the next term!


   And will come from Jiaruo also occupy the mountain as the king, with this mountain spirit, how much can be saved?


   lied to the little spirit, the deer deer nodded contentedly: "Okay! How many miles are you?"


   This time it was Lao Wen who spoke first: "I would like to flee with the master!"


Five steps, Goubao looked at each other, very surprised, the pig demon rolled his eyes at them: "Have you never heard of getting it forever? If you can't escape, you will die; if you escape, you will have a happy birthday in the second half of your life! "


   The quintessential snake's tail "slapped" him: "It's death to be caught, you're heart-warming!"


   The deer demon asked again: "Biyan and Langlang, how are you two?"


Biyan was a timid person. Suddenly hearing about this big event, his eyes rolled around, and he made up his mind for a while. The wolf demon said, "It's good to be able to escape to the Sacred Ape Mountain. It's just that there are a lot of monsters and monks along the way. Which one is willing? Let me pass?"


The small mountain spirit had cooperated with the deer demon to steal the Chichi. He knew that Baibao always planned well, so he was willing to flee together in every way. nod.


Lu Yaocai said: "We flee, don't go directly to the west, but head south first, and cross the hills behind me to be the human race boundary. Although we have to travel more, but the demon general and the demon king knew about it. Don’t dare to chase after him! I once heard the King of Filling Water say that there was a big puddle all the way to the southwest. Passing by home, it is very convenient to go to Sacred Ape Mountain."


   Hearing this, the small mountain spirit shook his head: "My brother is afraid that he is bad. The King of Water is preventing the monsters from escaping. Where is the road he said to believe?"


Lu Bao smiled and replied: "I don't want to trust him all. I will find the big puddle first, and then inquire about it! If you go from Lingtao Peak to the west, the road is a lot of straightness, but the King of Filling Water has a few hundred. It is easy to chase inside, and can pass the wind of the king to intercept it, so you have to break out of the land of no owner. The monks on the road may also have many interceptions, so it is better to go around the long way!"


   Waiting for Fill Water B to learn of the escape, and the King of Wind Chasing will take the initiative to pursue the escape. Other cultivators will only passively intercept them. If they want to intercept them improperly, they will not be so minded. Deer Demon explained clearly, and then said:


"When you are willing to go with my old deer, you need to listen to three things on the road. Don't make mistakes at all, so you have more chances to survive. First, you can only walk as you are when you leave the country. The demon hasn’t learned the'breath-trapping technique', so it’s forbidden to transform the human form to leak the demon energy, and not to talk when walking. I let go and stop when I stop. I go around towns and crowded places. Try to choose forests and mountains. If you can't go around, you will wait for the night to steal again, but you must avoid hitting the ghost at night. He and other human territories, there are ghosts called mountain gods, land, and city gods, and they have close contacts with monks. If you look at me Traveling to Tibet and going to the monk sect to file a complaint is a disaster!"


   "Secondly, we have turned out to be true, and they are not of the same kind. We can't go together when we walk. We should pull away and smell the smell in front of us. We must not leave the team to do things on our own. It will drag the others!"


"Thirdly, even though I am a demon master, I am more capable than you, and in front of the monks, I only serve better dishes. There are countless dangers along the way. Each is resigned to his fate. If anyone is caught by the monk, he will be chased and killed. Okay, you don't have to wait and don't save it, just run away. No wonder it's fateful!"


After listening to what he said about the three things, I have considered the three things very well, and the risk of going on the road has been greatly reduced. Five steps, blue eyes, and Langlang all nodded, Yuan Xiang stomped and said: "Stop! Actually it's only more than two thousand miles, we are fast. Some, it's time to arrive in the next twenty days, you good fortune master dare to fight for a way to survive, can I not follow?"


   The only remaining Goubao hasn't made a statement yet, and asked him in Five Steps: "Don't you be together, Da Niu?"


Gou Baohan smiled and said, "Of course I flee together! I just thought, according to the master, today I will drive on the road as it is, and I will not be lazy. After arriving at the Sacred Ape Mountain, you are afraid that you will not complain for a long time, saying that your belly was scraped by a stone. Pain?"


   Snake demon rolled his eyes to him: "He is now a and occasionally complains, I only hide it in my stomach, so he won't let him know!"


   "Brother Snake, I'm listening now!"


   Except for the musk demon Yuanxiang, these few have been together for a long time, and couldn't bear to leave them behind. Seeing that they all agreed to flee, Lu Bao was also overjoyed, so he took out his big antler from his pouch and gave it to Five Steps for safekeeping.


   On the way out, anything can happen. Naturally, life-saving measures must be prepared first, and the skins of the snakes must be taken out in five steps and handed over to the deer demon for safekeeping.


   This is their unique supernatural power. Don't be envious. The big antlers and snake skin are all put in the bag first. When the other party is in danger, they can take it out. Maybe it can save their lives.


   Prepared properly, the deer demon pulled the deer caught alive, and asked each demon to shave off some sweat, smear it all on the demon's body, and then withdrew the demon's shock and let it escape.


Looking at the muntjac fleeing, Lang Lang licked his mouth and said: "When you make a beast, it is delicious, but it is difficult to catch. Now I don’t think it has much taste! I heard the little demon say that human flesh is the freshest. I have a chance to taste it!"


   The deer deer was taken aback and cursed: "Don't let it! I'm greedy for a while, and it makes us vent their guilt, where is it worth?"


   After scolding Langlang, the deer deer turned his head and said viciously: "Remember, no matter who is chased by the monk, he is not allowed to save him. No wonder he lives on the road!"


   (end of this volume)


   (End of this chapter)

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