Deer Demon Race

Chapter 150: Miao De

The deer deer felt relieved and said, "Master, I heard that the original big water puddle here has fed hundreds of thousands of egrets. It looks very magnificent, I don't know where the egret is today?"

Miao De frowned, not angry, but pondered: "Do you want to discern sentient beings with the monk? According to the theory of Buddha nature, there is no difference between sentient beings, but the monk is a human being and has been in Zen for thousands of years. It’s still rare to become a Buddha, so you hide your selfishness, and you should be partial to the human race!"

   Coming all the way, Lu Bao really wanted to talk to the monk about the Buddhist theory of equality of all living beings. He didn't want the monk to take a step back and admit that his cultivation level would not be home.

The Buddhists in this world don’t know if they are the same as they know, and they have to fight to fight against the Buddhist theories. A hundred Lu Bao will not be opponents to the monks. Before going out, he said it was difficult to save each other, but at this time Involuntarily, he couldn't bear Langlang to pay for the old man's orders. He racked his brains and said, "I see the glory of the sun and the moon, and I am never biased against the six races! In addition to the egrets, there are still in the original Shuiwa. Many fish and shrimps are mostly extinct today, but with this puddle, many humans have to be fed..."

  Lu Bao didn't think about it. One day when a monster eats people, his family did not choose to stand on the side of the people to condemn, but to defend the monster! It’s just that I’ve been close to the little monsters for a long time, and fled all the way here, not willing to die anymore, so he organized the words to continue: “Those fish, shrimps and egrets, if they get a chance, they can all become monsters, in the eyes of my monsters. The birds, beasts, fish, shrimps, and even the vegetation are the same as the ordinary people in the eyes of the monks, except that the laws of heaven and earth are like this. All the creatures demand to live, and kill this group before you have to live another group."

Seeing that Monk Miaode was not speaking, but listening carefully, Lu Bao said again: "The master killed the Heron King and taught the people to change the puddles into fertile fields. There are countless lives lost because of the ordinary people's demand to live. It's not a sin, I think, if it is so, human-eaters, monster-eaters, monster-eaters, if you are hungry and hurt your life, it is not a crime!"

   Hearing what he said, Monk Miaode sneered and said: "The old man goes out to herd cows, and people and cows are there. If it's just for the stomach, why not eat the cow but only the people?"

   After finishing speaking, he shouted at Langlang: "Wolf, are you eating people because you are hungry?"

   was drunk by him again, Lang Lang answered truthfully: "I'm hungry, and I heard the little demon say, human flesh is delicious, so I didn't hold back the greedy!"

   Now, Lu Bao couldn't tell.

Seeing that the straight sword at the monk's feet began to shrink, Lang Lang was about to die here, Lu Bao was anxious, and blurted out: "The master respects the human race, and I pledged to promise that in the future, thousands of people will be saved. Is it fatal?"

   Monk Miao De heard it, and turned his head and smiled: "It takes a long time to talk around and go around. I won't say it earlier! The monk is a real one, and he doesn't have to kill this wolf demon!"

   After a smile, the fat monk said to Lu Bao: "The wolf demon is exempt from death. The monk detains him to listen to the scriptures in the monastery. When will you save thousands of people alive, come and take him again!"

This is already the best result. Lu Bao nodded and agreed, not wanting to say again: "Since it is your little demon, he cannibalize people, you are also responsible for inadequate teaching! You have shaved the monk's head and hit the monk again, you can see If you have some predestined relations with the Buddha, you will be punished to teach the Buddha Dharma to the demon for ten years. When you come to lead the wolf demon, the monk will ask him without slander. If you have not passed it enough, you will not be able to take him away!"

   The deer deer opened her mouth, stuttering for a while: "Da...Master, how can my old deer know Dharma?"

   The fat monk said with a smile: "You said a lot before, isn't it Dharma? Killing for the sake of life is not for sin! The mind has all dharma, all dharma is the mind, and there is no dharma, and it is only in your thoughts."

   The demon was under the eaves, and Lu Bao nodded his head, and the monk said again: "The glory of the sun and the moon is never partial to the six races. It's a good point! Om, Riluo, Tuo are all, shake!"

The last few words of    were sung and sung, and as he sang, a faint yellow light appeared all over the fat monk.

Wubu, Yuanxiang, etc. were dumbfounded. They never thought that Master Lu could really tell this kind-hearted monk to save Langlang's life. Since then, the wolf demon was detained by the monk, and it was better than the immediate death. Although the number of "thousands" It's rare to count, but maybe someday I really saved enough people, and I can bring him back again.

   The monster has a rough temper and rarely sheds tears. Today, Lang Lang squeezed out a few tears, kowtow to the deer monster and the monk.

He had no worries about his life, Biyan thought that the wolf demon commanded and killed many wild little demon to eat together, and then changed his mind to his goodness. Seeing that the monk had a very good temper, he also asked: "Master, besides the master, I Can the people we save count as a thousand people?"

   The monk replied: "It's up to you, it's up to you!"

   answered the question, and then asked, "Where are the monsters you are waiting for, come here?"

   Five steps to look at the deer demon, waiting for him to answer.

Lu Bao didn't dare lie to this fat monk who was unfathomable. He said truthfully: "We were originally asking for life around Lingtao Peak, but it is really dangerous and not a place where I live for a long time, so I want to escape to Sacred Ape Mountain! "

Monk Miaode lightly touched his fat head and said: "From now on, you will indeed reach the Holy Ape Mountain. Just remember that at the end of the Gobi, you will enter the mountain when you see the mountain. Don't go into the desert! The flying sage in the desert is a hindrance. The monsters fled, and at the junction of Sacred Ape Mountain to the north, a spirit monster was sent to guard. The spirit monster was cultivated at the same level as Yuan Ying and the monster ancestor, and was cruel by nature, so he was afraid of being robbed by the sky. Monsters share food!"

   Lu Bao hurriedly said: "Thank you, Master, for showing me the way! I also heard that there are five monks blocking the way to the southeast of Sacred Ape Mountain, blocking the flow of monsters. Does the master know a safe road?"

Miao De shook his head: "Those monks and monks have never met with him, but even though there are five sects and such a wide border, it is difficult to keep them well! On the contrary, it is the spirit monster in the northern border of the desert, the monk listens to it. The monsters who escaped said that they were born in the wind. In his own land, where there is wind and sand, he can know the details, and he can get there soon. The escaped sand monsters dare not go directly to the north. They have to make a detour to the Holy Ape Mountain. ."

The monk said carefully. I heard that the monster equivalent to the demon ancestor was the root of the wind monster. The deer demon suddenly stopped walking westward and went straight into the desert. He curiously asked: "The master has been here for a long time. Holy root feet?"

Miao De has a good temper, and replied: "The monk also heard it. The Flying Sage is a beast that turns into a demon. He has a violent temper and a great ability. The desert is unsuitable for living. The Yuxiaomen and the Xuantian School are here. Stop, no longer expand to the southwest."

Lu Bao had never heard of beasts, but no matter how good a monk was, he couldn't keep asking the bottom line, and only raised the last question he was curious about: "I heard that demons are abandoned by the sky, and creatures hate and hate each other. Will there be?"

   "The demons are abandoned by the sky, and there are four types of people who share the same hatred and hatred. The demons in the desert are not among the four types, but the Flying Sage has been fighting with them for many years, and they are always fighting!"

  Lu Bao nodded and learned from the old man who had been eaten by Langlang. He folded his hands together and thanked him: "It is a blessing for me to wait for the little monster!"

   The fat monk laughed: "It's also Buddha's predestined relationship. The monk is planting good causes today and is still waiting to harvest your good fruits!"

   pointed to the little spirit who had not hid after coming out and kowtow again: "You little monster, you want to be promoted to a spirit, you should go to the sea to find a chance!"

  Don't want to mention the problems that have troubled him for more than two hundred years, Xiaoshan said urgently: "Grandpa monk, Xiaoshan will sink into the water, and he is inherently impenetrable!"

   "Then it's none of the monk's business!"

   The monk smiled, without saying anything, and pointed at the wolf demon Lang Lang: "Follow the monk!"

   By his finger, Lang Lang couldn't help but flew in front of the fat monk. Monk Miaode put on the wolf demon's neck, put away the straight knife, and went to the sky.

   Xiaoshanjing cried out crying: "Grandpa Monk, you can make it clearer!"

   The wolf demon lost his freedom, but could save his life. It was the best result. Lu Bao secretly rejoiced, and said to Xiaoshan: "Master Miao De doesn't want to say it. I will ask you to find out more slowly in the future!"

   Xiaoshanjing shook his head: "If I miss Xu, I can't ask again, where can I wait? I look back to the monk, maybe my brothers will wait for me?"

   Hearing that he was about to run back, he cursed in five steps: "You are crazy, I really think that the monk has no temper at all!"

Lu Bao also said: "This master is at least a golden pill. It is hard to say that it is Yuan Ying. Seeing that he has a good temper, he will make up his mind if he doesn't want to say it! You go to Don't be annoyed. I also became detained like Lang Lang."

   Biyan, Gou Bao, and Lao Wen even persuaded and scolded them for a while, only to stop the idea of ​​Xiaoshan Jing running back.

There was persuading the little mountain spirit, Yuan Xiang walked to the deer demon and knelt down: "Before going out, the master said that he had escaped after the death, and he did not want to speak up for the wolf demon. The master has a lot of affection, and Yuanxiang is also willing to bow down. , Wait for dispatch!"

He has a human heart, but today he excuses the cannibal monsters. Lu Bao didn't feel like it at all. He didn't want to get the heart of the wild little monster Yuanxiang. He smiled bitterly and said, "You are not far away from the demons. I'm afraid I'll be called my brother soon, so why bother to talk about these imaginary things!"

   Biyan interjected: "Master, with your ability, you will be a demon in a few decades, so I will be promoted to the demon. After a while, I have to change it at the door!"

  The blue eyes are not bad, the deer deer grinned with joy, glanced at the frog demon in five steps, and hummed: "You are not stupid, that is, I will scare you a few times in the future!"

  Blue eyes glanced back at him, pursing his lips and making no more sound.

   Seeing that the little mountain spirit turned from joy to sorrow, but still crying, the deer deer turned to the topic and asked: "Little mountain spirit, how do you call each realm of strange things?".

There was good news on the left and right, and I would inquire about it later, but there is no answer. I will look for this monk again. The small mountain spirit picked up his mood and looked up and replied: "I also heard from the monster race. The first four levels are called mobs and spirits. , Weird, big monster, and the same spirit monsters as the demon ancestors and Yuanying are also the first to be heard today."

   Lu Bao smiled and said: "It can be seen that the benefits of going out are not only getting the promotion idea, but also knowing the realm of the ghosts. Given the size of the world, it is not only this master who knows things, let us go on the road again!"

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