Deer Demon Race

Chapter 151: devil

   After encountering Monk Miao De, the monsters went west along the Gobi Corridor and ran for thousands of miles without any further changes.

During this journey, Lu Bao also understood the importance of slackness. The monsters have rough skin, and the physical strength is far higher than that of humans. With the physical strength of the little monsters, it is absolutely possible to run for seven or eight days, but as long as it is not When life and death are at stake, he waits for his spirit to collapse first. If he only cares about running for days, exhaustion and boredom are intertwined, and he is hungry and thirsty, mania is inevitable, and the wolf demon can eat people. This is also the reason.

   Therefore, after Lang Lang was taken away by the monk Miao De, Lu Bao reflected on himself. Every day on the Gobi, he would rest for a while to relieve the mental fatigue of the little monsters.

There are few water sources in the Gobi, and rain is hard to see. Fortunately, it runs close to the human boundary. The mountain chief said that the Chisha River invades south, and there are many large and small puddles and swamps formed at the northern end of the Gobi. Small spirits who are not enchanted are sent there. Use it, steal it again and again to get water, everyone is cold, and only after drinking it on the road.

   Nothing happened all the way, two or three hundred miles a day, on the seventh day after meeting Monk Miaode, the blurred ridge line at the end of the line of sight finally became clear.

   The huge mountains that lie in front of you, one after another are tall, majestic, majestic, and majestic. It should be the Sacred Ape Mountain!

   The terrain will change, and the weeds on the ground will gradually become denser. Stepping on the grass and running towards the mountains, the deer deer, Goubao, Lao Wen, and Yuanxiang's hoofs became brisk. Five steps, small mountain spirits, blue eyes were just like those who worked hard, and their eye sockets were all a little moist.

   rushed straight to the nearest mountain not far away, the deer demon gradually slowed down, and carefully looked at the mountain in front of him.

Standing close, standing at the foot of the mountain, you can no longer see the top of the mountain, but compared to the Gobi just past, the vegetation on the mountain is dense, and occasionally the exposed soil and rocks are black, which adds a sense of solidity. In early autumn, a few The vegetation leaves began to turn yellow and red, and they became more colorful. A group of gray monkeys hopped around among the trees, looking for fruits.

   Looking southwest from the foot of the mountain, the mountains stretched all the way, cutting off the Gobi and going deep into the desert.

   To the northeast of this mountain, the same peaks are undulating.

   "Yeah! I waited for more than ten days, finally there is a sand monster coming!"

   The deer demon is still looking left and right, wanting to choose the road ahead. After a huge rock in front of the mountain, he suddenly jumps out of his personal creatures and screams towards them.

  The slender monsters of the long distance who were all leaner in a circle were taken aback, staring at their respective guards.

Seeing a few monsters from afar stomping on all four hoofs, preparing to run away, the humanoid creature slowed down and shouted: "Don't panic, don't panic, I'm a tiger demon, and I have no evil intentions. !"

   As he spoke, he rolled to the ground, turned into a black tiger, ran a few steps, and then turned back into a sturdy figure, his face and beard turned into a tiger's whiskers, and his mouth shouted: "What a monster of his own!"

When he transformed from a tiger into a human, his demon spirit naturally leaked out, and he couldn’t be faked. The deer deer just believed it, and squeezed into the pierced ears, and turned into a human form. He said, “It’s better to speak farther away, dare to speak. What do you think your brother has?"

   "Oh, I was also a deer monster, and there is a little monster!"

The tiger demon was overjoyed. As expected, after listening to the deer's words, he stopped coming forward from a distance, and looked at bison, wild boar, fragrant deer, mountain frog, snake, etc. with hope, and asked: "How many others are there? Demon? It's rare to look like a big brother in the desert!"

   The deer demon will not explain that he is not the "sand demon" who has escaped from the desert. Seeing that he is not suspicious, he turned around and said to the little demon: "Wait to disperse, I will talk to this elder brother closer!"

   Hearing the order, the little monsters scattered around, preparing to flee if the situation is not good.

   Lu Baocai stepped forward, then clasped his fists and asked, "My name is Baibao, dare to ask my brother's name?"

The tiger demon is a big man, but he greeted him with winking eyes: "I am a black tiger and turned into a demon. I was fortunate to have magical powers when transforming a demon. I can raise ghosts. , He named himself Dead Ghost, and he is a master in the southeast of this holy monkey mountain!"

   "Female Bodhisattva?"

   Tiger demon grinned and said: "You sand demon who escaped, don’t know our holy monkey mountain vulgar, the male demon of the same realm is only called the brother, the female demon needs to be called the female bodhisattva, to appear to respect her!"

   The deer deer recites lightly twice, just as if it's all different parties, and then asks him: "Death...The dead ghost brother is a holy monkey mountain monster, why is he here?"

   said it, only to realize that he was really awkward to call his name in a male voice, so he made up his mind to never call his name again.

   Tiger demon laughed and said: "I'm used to walking alone. When I was a little demon, I was afraid of being poor. I would sneak across the boundaries of the five monks from time to time, looking for some livelihoods!"

   "Single gang? Make a living?"

These words don’t seem to appear in the mouths of monsters, but the tiger monsters and the dead ghosts speak only as ordinary. He explained in detail: “You wait for the elixir in the desert to be scarce. Go to the edge of the desert to find some artifacts, then go back and change into the elixir, go back and forth, and make a little profit!"

   Lu Bao was stunned, and he took a long time to say: "Brother Taiqian, where is such a small profit?"

   Huhu demon said: "Although it is a bit profitable, here you have to risk your death to cross the borders of a few monks, and your side is not even more peaceful. You are all involved in life and death!"

   "I think my brother is a hot day in order to make a living!"

   The deer demon gave a compliment, not wanting to let go of his own roots and feet, but the tiger demon suddenly smiled and said: "My brother is not a sand demon, he is from Lingtao Peak?"

   The deer said strangely: "Why do you see it?"

"The flying sage in the desert is a beast that transforms into a demon. There is a famous beast in ancient times. If you don't contain its breath, the land that passes through a hundred miles will die with water and grass! This man has been holy for many years, and it is good in the desert. It's not easy to occasionally have some green space, how can you produce chili? The sand demon has long forgotten about the hotness of the day!"

After a short pause, the tiger demon said again: "In the Sacred Ape Mountain, the products are more abundant, and the female bodhisattvas are not lacking. Although the hot days are often lip service, there are actually few people who take pleasure in this matter. It is said that only Lingtao Peak is poor and there is still this vulgarity!"

  Lu Bao complimented him: "My brother is well-informed. I came out of the poor country, so I was ashamed to talk about it. I didn't want to say a few words, so I asked my brother to listen to it!"

   Tiger Demon laughed "Haha", and Deer Demon said again, "Since my brother is a frequent visitor, he is familiar with the road. Maybe he will bring us to the Sacred Ape Mountain?"

The dead ghost nodded his head: "Brother doesn't know, the five sects of cultivators, because they have to look after the vast territory, each has raised a lot of treacherous monsters, all of them under the curse of thoughts, and usually inquire about the roads everywhere, if you see the monsters coming and going , I must inform the monks to catch them! Although I know a few remote roads, one is weak, and I dare not dare to do it easily. I just waited here. I wanted to gather a few partners before leaving, but I met my brother. , Isn't it the fate of both sides?"

Hearing that there are many monsters and spies raised by the five monks, Lu Bao was taken aback, and immediately showed a vigilant look, saying: "Brother trouble me to lead the way. That's it!"

   Tiger Demon said with joy: "Just so! We looked at each other's souls. After confession, we can walk together with peace of mind. Brother, please look at me first!"

The tiger demon said that he wanted to check his spiritual knowledge, and the deer deer remembered the origin of the name he said before. The magical powers of raising ghosts are really rare, so he didn't want to let it go, so he said: "My brother can raise ghosts, it is really the first time I heard. Fortunately, I have a few magical powers. I would like to exchange one of them for my brother's magical powers, okay?"

   Tiger demon was startled when he heard it, and then he rejoiced: "It is good to communicate with each other. I wonder what magical powers my brother has?"

   Lu Treasure was hiding some, so he said five kinds of "arrow in the mouth", "linking", "after-imaging", "easy", and "low hissing". The dead ghost thought for a while and chose "low hissing".

  The two sides looked at each other, the deer deer first looked at the spirit of the tiger demon, and then asked the tiger demon to look at him.

  Waiting for the tiger demon dead ghosts to have seen Lu Bao's soul, and his faces were piled up with joy: "I don't want my brother to be so hot, my spiritual knowledge has already been manifested!"

   The deer demon smiled and responded, "Fuck, fluke, how many of his little demons, did your brother want to see it?"

   Dead ghost said: "I don't worry, brother, how can the little demons still use it? Please watch the supernatural powers!"

   The deer demon enters the evil spirit again to check his magical powers.

The supernatural name of the tiger demon dead ghost is "Yangyou", which also originated from the sea of ​​knowledge. A new dead soul can be collected in the sea of ​​knowledge and transformed into a ghost. From then on, the ghost has most of the skills in his lifetime and can be the same as the ghost. Cultivation and promotion, but the realm can only be equal to the tiger demon, the tiger demon realm is the ceiling of the ghost's cultivation, and if the tiger demon dies, the ghost will also dissipate, and the only possibility for the ghost to be released is to have a new soul replacement.

   This magical power is fixed, and there will be no progress after it originated.

   I've seen Tiger Demon's "Nurturing" supernatural powers, Lu Bao withdrew from that demon spirit, Tiger Demon said, "I should look at my brother!"

   Lu Yao Xiaoying: "Okay..."

   In response, the demon spirit returned, the hand that should have retracted grabbed the tiger demon's head, and slammed his right knee forward!

   The dead ghost reacted very quickly, and jumped out It turns out that there are also "tiger jumping" supernatural powers!

  When he landed, his face was a little ugly: "Here from Lingtao Peak, is it so cruel? My brother has given me supernatural powers, so he has to kill him?"

   It must not be difficult to get this familiar Tiger Demon to lead the way through the blockade of the five monks' sects safely.

The deer deer first smiled and replied: "I don't know how dangerous it is to enter and exit the Sacred Ape Mountain. Since my brother always wants to make a living, with such an understanding temperament, how can he not find a companion? And I am so happy to see us. These are just as if my little demon sees the face of a meal! It is life-related, how can I be careless!"

   Tiger demon lowered his face and blew casually, and there was a camel phantom beside him, gradually solidifying his body, although he was a ghost, he was not afraid of the sun.

When    recruited the ghost, the tiger demon asked, "My brother has the little demon to help me, and I am not a soft face!"

   The deer demon has turned out to be true again. A "savage collision" passes by, opening his mouth "lowly hissing", and at the same time flying the ghost camel with the word "pain" on his back.

The tiger demon ate "low hiss", said "Clean Heart Curse" and got up to "tiger jump". He didn't want the deer monster to "tiger jump" like a shadow, and followed it like a shadow. There was a faint monster air fluctuation in mid-air, showing a big hoof. Come, kick it on the back of the tiger demon's head suddenly. .

   The camel ghost over there didn't have time to release any spells in the future, so he ate "low hiss" and "pain", and could only roll all over the floor.

The back of the head was kicked by gravity, and the tiger demon's head was dizzy. After falling, he was punched in the face and fell to the ground. The deer stepped on his throat and smiled and said, "Do you still need the little demon's help if you knock you over? "

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