Deer Demon Race

Chapter 152: 5 pie

   Tiger demon was stepped on his throat, unable to move for a while, and asked with difficulty, "What is going on, brother?"

   Afraid that he would have magical powers to escape, the deer demon stepped heavily on it. If there is any change, he can trample to death with more force. He smiled and said, "I want you to lead the way and lead us into the Sacred Ape Mountain!"

   The corners of the dead ghost's mouth twitched, showing an ugly smile: "I'm willing to do everything possible, and it will be done on the road together. Why do I need to pick up on me first?"

   Lu Bao shook his head: "I want you to lead the way, but it's really hard for me to let go of my life in your hands."

   In addition to the reasons mentioned earlier, this tiger demon really appeared too strange. It was like knowing that his party lacked a guide to enter the mountain, so he came here and waited. The sky came down, too obedient, how could he easily believe it?

He pointed at the camel ghost over there who was still howling, Lu Bao asked: "My monsters, souls are really weak, and it is more difficult to become ghosts. I have killed many monsters, and I haven't seen a soul left behind after death. How much did you kill to get such a camel ghost?"

As he spoke, he used more force on his legs, and the tiger demon was stepped on and screamed "Woo", and when the leg was loosened, he said loudly: "Brother, don't wrong me. He actually hit a group of monsters in the desert. Fight, good luck hit one, where did I kill?"

The deer demon raised his left hand, got out of the soul tie, and said to the tiger demon: "I can't tell the truth from the false, so you have to make it up. I just want you to lead the way, so I can't worry about it. I've caught one before. Tiger demon, whose name is Nongfeng, I ran into you again today. It is clear that we have a destiny with the tiger demon! Let this cable into the skull, we are all cheap. After entering the deep mountains, I will call back this cable and let you go. how?"

   The dead ghost gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "My dead ghost has a strong temperament, and I would rather die than be bound by soul ropes and thought curses!"

Lu Bao nodded and said: "I have escaped from the poor country. I thought of raising my temper here. I didn't expect to enter the Sacred Ape Mountain. I would kill a tiger demon first! Five steps, Goubao, I see there are many firewood on the mountain, you When I look for more, I’m hungry when I walk thousands of miles. I roast the meat first, fill it up a bit, and then go into the mountains. Fighting and fleeing are all done with strength!"

  Yuan Xiang, who was born in the wild little demon, felt that Master Lu’s behavior was justified. He also thought that the tiger demon was suspicious. Although the others were a little strange, they sang in unison. The small mountain spirit rushed over first: "Brother, there is still a pot of fruit wine in my treasure bag. First, I cut off his tiger whip and roasted it for my brother to add wine to relieve the fatigue?"

Speaking of it, Lu Bao was really addicted to alcohol in his previous life. He ran hard along the way. Hearing what Xiaoshan Jing said, he was really greedy. He had never tasted tiger whip before, so he smacked his mouth and struggled in his head. Then, he resisted the temptation, and shook his head, saying, "It's too wasteful to roast it, cut it off, and collect it first. When you go to the mountains, look for a stable place, and slowly boil the soup, it will be good for wine!"

The deer deer was talking, and his feet continued to increase force. Seeing that the little mountain spirit had taken out the knife, he was about to cut. The tiger demon was struggling, and his tone changed: "Good brother, I know what is wrong, let you do it. Come in, I will guide you honestly, and there will be no trouble! But when I get to the ground, my brother must take it away. Mo Zhen makes my head hurt!"

   The tiger demon suits softly, waiting for the soul-bound cord to climb over, and he let it go into his skull, until he finds the tiger soul, and binds it up.

The tiger's soul was bound, and the leg on his throat was moved away. The dead ghost got up and said with a flattering smile: "I don't want my brother to be so hot. Soul tie?"

   Lu Bao snorted coldly and didn't answer the question. He just said: "Let you watch my'low hiss' first, so as not to blame me all the way!"

   Tiger demon hurriedly bent over and said, "My brother is trustworthy, how can I say this is useless?"

   said like this, after the deer deer gave instructions, he hurriedly entered the demon energy to see the deer demon’s "low hissing" magical powers.

This magical power comes from the blessing of the bat demon, it is very difficult to learn, so Goubao has heard the theory of the deer deer, but it has not originated. The dead ghosts are confused. After his debut, he had to hide his doubts in his heart.

   Tiger Demon Death Gui saw his own magical powers. After completing the previous transaction, Lu Baocai spoke again: "Tell me, how did the five cultivators block the exchange of monsters?"

Nodding and bowing, the tiger demon replied, "Sand monsters who want to flee to Sacred Ape Mountain can also be found. The five monks' sects have invaded the three hundred lili sect of Sacred Ape Mountain, but mortals did not dare to bring it in. Both sides The border is wide. He waited for the monks to inspect his own house, so he arrested many monsters and cast all spells. On weekdays, he waited for him to patrol the mountains, and if he had something to do, he would set fireworks to tell him to wait!"

   "What is a smoke cannon? Do you have one?"

   Tiger demon smiled froze on his face, and stammered: "I...Where would I have such objects?"

   The deer demon shook his head and didn't believe it: "Then let me take a look at your pocket!"

   Tiger Demon's face was corrupted, and he hurriedly pulled out an object from his pocket: "I'm a business man, and there are a lot of goods in the pocket. If my brother is interested in taking it, it will be more uncomfortable than taking my life!"

The deer deer became more and more curious and insisted on looking at his pouch. This time, the demon tiger refused to live or die. His soul was strangled. The pain caused him to roll all over the floor. His mouth just said, "You kill me, the pouch is The root of life, a hundred years of possessions have survived, so don’t let them look at them!"

In the end, I was helpless. I didn’t find a new guide. It was a pity that he was killed. He could only be regarded as a lover of money more than his life. Then the deer deer picked up the smoke cannon on the ground and took a closer look. It was similar to fireworks, made of paper. Yes, it's just that there is no ignition lead.

   "How did you get it?"

   "I can earn a living when I do business everywhere, and when I kill those evil spirits, naturally!"

   The deer demon asked about the use of the smoke cannon before letting him get up, and then asked about the situation of the five monks.

"These five monks, from north to south, are divided into Cumulus Mountain Haiyun Guan, Wulao Mountain Cave Xiaogong, Longtou Mountain Lianzhen Pavilion, Hongfeng Mountain Luoxia Guan, Luobao Mountain Immortal Cave, the mountain behind me, until Wherever it borders with the desert, it belongs to the immortal cave realm!"

  The deer demon nodded, and asked again: "I heard that among the five monks, there is also a Yuan Ying, where is it?"

The soul punishment just now was relieved, and the dead ghost smiled again: "My brother has good ears and eyes. The Yuan Ying monk calls himself Chilling, and he is the elder of Lianzhen Pavilion. I heard from the old demons that he fought against our 21st ancestors. Many times, I didn't take advantage of it, and didn't suffer much!"

   "What's the difference between each family?"

This tiger demon is indeed well-informed. He replied one by one: "Haiyunguan is very good at refining the body. The monks are good at close combat, but they are not good at business and are a little poor; Dongxiao Palace is proficient in rhythm, and my brother should know it. It's hard to prevent, there is another piece of wonderful sound bamboo on the Wulao Mountain, which is used to make the flute and flute. The sound is good, and it is heard that it is very popular among the monks. He can also weave robes. The ritual tools are famous for turning the river and tying immortal ropes. The monks in Xianren Cave cooked good dishes. Let alone the other four in the mountain, the Baishi Temple, Yongle Palace, and Ziyun Temple in the east have obtained good ingredients. I will not be far away to ask for cooking; the refining pavilion, in addition to the Yuanying monk, is also capable of refining tools. I heard that Yuanying Hancicada has a magic weapon by his side, and the 21st ancestor is hard to beat. Pass him!"

Listening to him, Lu Bao couldn’t help wondering: "What do you do? I don’t believe that you can know about these many monks by doing a job alone, but with your ability, it’s hard to kill many monsters. !"

The dead ghost froze for a moment, and smiled: "I am not good at it, but I was born here to fight in the realm. My parents have also taught a lot, and then I know a little bit more. My brother just doesn't believe me!"

   The deer demon was still noncommittal about what he said, but found another question: "Do you have parents?"

   "I'm not the weird thing that popped out of the stone, so why don't I have parents?"

   was asked rhetorically by him, the deer deer was speechless, and the small mountain spirit stared out in anger.

   Most demon races are transformed by beasts. The parents of beasts do not live long, regardless of their lifespan or the cruel natural environment. This is the first time they have encountered a second generation of demon today.

Seeing Lu Yao’s face full of surprise, I think I really don’t know, fearing to tie the soul in my mind, the dead ghost patiently explained: "My Yao clan, if two different kinds of drafting, the descendants are extremely difficult, so they have to give birth. The customs of the main house; but if it is a combination of the same kind, it will be easier for the offspring. This is the case for the Dragon King of the North Sea and the Great Sage of the Moon in the Holy Rhino Valley! If you want a child, you will receive a few Deer Deer Bodhisattvas in the future and draft... If you pamper more frequently, you can get children."

   This tiger demon’s mouth is taking Lu Bao doesn’t care much. Now when he is still in a situation where he doesn’t care about the next generation, he only asks curiously: "The Great Sage of the Moon?"

The monsters from afar knew nothing, so the tiger demon had to introduce: "It is the holy rhinoceros in the holy rhinoceros valley. There was originally a mochizuki rhinoceros who was born with seven or eight children. The cultivation base, as well as the children, were all killed by our sage, and only the moon and the great sage escaped. From then on, they have become mortal enemies with our sage!"

   The deer deer only heard that Chisha River originated in the Holy Rhinoceros Valley, but the enmity between the two big monsters was still heard for the first time.

  Since the tiger demon and the dead ghosts know it, the old things of the big monsters in the holy ape mountain can still be inquired, it is not a priority, the deer demon turned to the subject and asked: "Which monk are you used to walking in and out of the holy ape mountain?"

   The dead ghost smiled bitterly: "Naturally it is the fairy cave, here is closer to the desert!"

   "Other homes and borders, can you be familiar with the road?"

  Dead ghost replied: "I only know a little bit, not as proficient as the immortal cave realm!"

   Lu Bao immediately said: "That's good, we have passed from other places!"

This is to guard his family to the death, Hu Yao said with a grimace: "How can I dare to have tricks after being tied to the soul? My brother is too careful. How much more roads do I have to walk around other houses? I don't believe what I said. , It depends only on you, where does your brother want to cross?"

   The deer demon pondered for a while: "Beyond the road far away, I have stolen from the Luoxia view realm, his family is all female cultivators, and I think more kindly!".

   "Only Brother Yi!"

   From here, turn directly to the north. If you don’t enter the mountain, there will be many human villages. After the dead ghosts understand it, they will take them into the mountain and go northwest.

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