Deer Demon Race

Chapter 153: Zixia

   When I first entered the Sacred Ape Mountain Range, as far as Lu Bao could see, most of the peaks were majestic, with many strange peaks and strange rocks, such as the level and gentle slopes around Lingtao Peak, which are rare.

   Tiger demon led all the way, walked along the peaks and valleys, to a certain place where there was a cursed little demon guarding him, in order to get around, he began to climb the higher mountains.

After entering the mountain, birds and beasts have gradually increased. Most of the peaks and valleys have streams and streams. Mountain rats, snakes, frogs, lizards, water birds, and beasts that go down to drink water can be seen at any time. It takes more than a day to climb that high mountain. There are many apes and squirrels. They are all vigilant about harvesting autumn fruits. The two leopards that appear from time to time are eager for them on the tree. Golden pheasants and pheasants hop away quickly under the tree. When they reach the top of the mountain, some muntjac and rock sheep are frightened. After climbing and running away; in the sky above, there are seven or eight eagles and falcons flying around, occasionally rushing down to catch prey. On several top rock crevices, there are large nests piled with dead branches.

   This is completely different from the desolate scenery of the Gobi nearly two thousand miles away. Seeing so many creatures, the deer demon's mood improves inexplicably.

However, I don’t know if any monsters mingled with their true nature. Even the tiger demon and the dead ghosts, the group still drove on their true nature. The front pretended to be a black tiger chasing the wild deer. Forward.

   The deer demon ran at the forefront, and only when he had to choose a direction, the tiger demon uttered the way.

  The valleys and mountains guided by the tiger demon are all very remote. Walking in the mountains, the deer demon also discerns its position secretly. The treetops all point to the east, and the home and others are actually heading towards the northwest.

   Before entering a long ravine somewhere, the tiger demon took out some powder, sprinkled some on the demon to eliminate the smell, and then walked inside. Halfway through, he called the deer and waited to hide in the dense forest, without making a sound.

   The powder is deodorant powder, which has a great effect on the little demon who doesn't know the "breath-holding technique".

   After half an hour in the dense forest, a goat ran across the ravine. After a while, another magpie patrolled along the ravine.

   "Did you see? Demon traitors, the two are patrolling the boundary all the way. If they are disturbed and the smoke cannons are lifted off, there will be people who are watching them everywhere. It will not be long before the monks will come to check."

   After the magpie flew past for a long time, the tiger demon made a sound, and then continued on the road with him.

   The road behind, sometimes winding along the ravine, sometimes climbing the mountain, and entering the Sacred Ape Mountain for three days, unexpectedly a monster was not alarmed, this tiger monster is really hot as a guide.


   On the southeast side of Sacred Ape Mountain, there is a high mountain with maple trees growing all over the mountain. Now it’s autumn, the maple leaves are red, and looking at the crimson from a distance, it is pleasing to the eye. It is the name of this mountain, Red Maple Mountain.

It was autumn when Luoxia Guan was sent to the Sacred Ape Mountain as an outpost due to the decline of the school. The head of the Qi refiner at that time liked the beauty of the mountain and maple leaves and chose to settle down here, and was not among the five thousand peaks This unnamed mountain is named Hongfeng Mountain.

After eight or nine hundred years, relying on the support of the Xuantian Sect, the original ruined sect has developed again. There are currently three Golden Core female cultivators, nineteen foundation female cultivators, and two hundred Qi refiners. In addition, the qi-cultivating monks and the demon cultivators The large group of people has long no longer carried the reputation of "broken sect". A Red Maple Mountain is too crowded, and the rolling wing houses have been extended to the mountainside.

On this day, in the Luoxia Temple Hall, a female crown was facing the young female monk standing in front of him: "Zixia, I have said many times that your evil spirit will not be restrained. You will act with your temper, and you will have to worry about misfortune. Let's take it with the view of Luoxia!"

The young female cultivator is also pretty, her skin is white and delicate, and her chin is pointed, but her eyes are sharper, as if she has her own chill, it is difficult to bring others close, she heard the golden core female crown scolded, her face did not change in the slightest. , Su Rong replied: "Master Master, I crossed the Lost Forest yesterday and killed a few demon, but which school did not plant a curse, why bother to ask?"

   Seeing that he could not move, the women's crown showed an angry face: "Zixia, you are the master and sister of the door, and you are an example of a disciple. Just like this time and time again, you don't pay attention to the orders of my head?"

  The head said in a heavy tone, and the young female cultivator finally bowed: "Zixia has always respected her uncle, and didn't dare to violate the law. She just killed a few monsters. Why should the uncle blame me?"

   The female crown shook his head discouragely, and sighed again: "Knowing that your master has always spoiled you, but the two clans have fought for many years, and death and injury are common. She died to the Demon King, but it was just not good enough. Why did you become paranoid?"

Luo Xia Guan's contemporary master sister Zi Xia is still unconvinced: "Master was swallowed by the demon king. It was because the master was not good enough. Those monsters were hit by me. It was because they were not good enough, so I can't blame anyone! Zi Xia is only willing to rely on her hands in this life. With the sword, destroy all the demons in the world!"

   Seeing that her left and right oils and salt were not coming in, the women's crown couldn't help but hold her forehead speechless, and said for a long time: "You only remember your grudges, picture yourself happy, and cross the lost forest time and time again to tease the monsters, regardless of the overall situation of the Luoxia faction..."

"The overall situation?" Zixia raised her head again, with an angrily look on her face: "Master Master, shrunk in the door cautiously, that is the overall situation? The Xuantian faction puts me and the five factions here, and I really want to see me as the gentleman. Good guy swallowing? I'm in a dangerous place. Once I lose the Xuantian faction's backing, I'm afraid that I will have a dead end in Luoxiaguan!"

"Who would not understand the intention of the Xuantian School? If it weren't for a thousand years ago, the school was really difficult, and it would be cut off from the inheritance. If the patriarch had no other methods, would he agree to go on this road? When he moved to Hongfeng Mountain, he joined the school. There are only seven or eight gas refiners! It looks better now, but the ancestors of the past, which one is better than walking on thin ice? Why did I send a wide range of in-laws? I caught monsters in the holy monkey mountain, and only planted a lot of curses. Why do you kill fewer people? You know that the sect is in a dangerous place, or one day, the holy ape will wake up, and the demon ancestors and demon kings will be so angry that they will let one go?"

Both of them knew that if the sacred and famous mountain-moving sage reappeared, she would be angry that the five factions invaded his mountain field. Unless the Xuantian faction ancestor of the **** of transformation appears to rescue instantly, the five factions of golden core and Nascent Soul will have no vitality, only The holy ape is scrupulous that killing evil will lead to the catastrophe, and only after the foundation can there be a way to escape.

The golden core of Luoxia Guan's head is afraid that Zixia, the big sister, will over-promote the opposing demon kings. When it is really difficult, maybe the demon kings will let go of the four houses, and they really want to see the door of Luoxia, except for marrying. Disciple, the inheritance will be broken.

It’s a pity that Zixia is not someone who can listen to persuasion, and she said loudly: "Master Master, the holy ape does not show up, we are naturally stable. If he shows up, life and death are only in his thoughts. How can it be cautious and a little kind Can you think about it? If it’s time for the school to survive, Zixia is willing to die first and never escape! Today’s words are all that is said, the head will fade away, and the disciples will retire!"

   After giving the ceremony, he crossed the threshold and went out, leaving the head of the golden core alone in the temple and sighed.

   Jin Dan is fine and will not check the surrounding conditions at any time. Zixia went out, a little far away from the main hall, and stomped and cursed: "This old godly woman, who has been nagging for a long time, is mad at me!"

   Before deciding where to go out of this bad breath, she saw the sister in the psychic room hurriedly running by, and she beckoned: "What's the matter?"

Sister Sister called, but didn't dare not answer. The female disciple came over and said: "Sister Sister, it's from the Immortal Cave. The tiger demon from his family led a few monsters who fled a long way. Entering my lost forest, the tiger demon said that the demon headed by him was a little harder, and let him build a foundation to kill!"

   Zixia sneered and said: "You are so afraid of me, what else do you cultivate? It's better to go out and marry someone early!"

   Seeing the female disciple did not dare to speak, Zixia impatiently talked to her and said to herself: "I'm still here in the Lost Forest. I have nothing to say if I kill others. I'll take this job!"

   After finishing speaking, Yingkong gave a whistle.

   After a while, a miscellaneous bird flew out and fell in front of her.

   Today is in a bad mood, Zixia kicked the Miscellaneous Luan Bird and cursed: "Fuck!"

   When Luanniao got down, she dropped the disciple of the psychic room girl, jumped on the back of Luanniao, and hurried to the lost forest.


   Lu Bao and others followed the tiger demon and the dead ghost for three days. Even if they took some detours, they traveled for more than 500 miles to the northwest.

   The five cultivators only invaded the Sacred Ape Mountain for three hundred miles, and after traveling so far, Lu Bao was relieved when he had crossed the Luoxiaguan boundary.

When    was only in the second half of the journey, no monsters were seen along the way.

   Fortunately, no matter how far away, there is always an end.

When climbing the last ridge, the tiger demon approached Lu Bao, transformed into a human form, pointed to the opposite mountain and said, "It is called Huagai Peak. It is named after the giant peak of the mountain is like a Huagai. UU Reading is now the mountain field of King Jinyu. The valley below is the boundary. There are little monsters on the mountain patrolling the mountain every day. Brother, please look, you can already see the little monsters here!"

   Lu Bao looked around, the opposite was a mountain of strange rocks, and the boulders on the top of the mountain did not look like the canopy mentioned by the tiger demon, but like a big mushroom. Sure enough, some little monsters were playing around on the top of the peak, and they found Lu Bao and his party on the ridge, all pointing at them.

   Between the ridge that came up and the Huagai Peak, there is only a canyon. The gentle **** on the side of the ridge is full of sparse trees, sparse but very long, and can be seen through at a glance. The stream in the canyon is not deep.

The deer deer was still looking at the environment, and the tiger demon said with a smile: "Send my brother a thousand miles away, and there will be another one in the end. I'm going to Jinyu Wang's house to make a living! It's just that his family has never allowed any monsters to enter the mountain. You have to look for it. For the peaceful land, you have to follow the gorge below, and then look for it to the west!"

   can safely reach the monster land boundary, the deer monster also had to breathe a sigh of relief, smiled and said: "You have been tired for a long time!"

   "I have to protect me with my brother and the little demons everywhere! It's just here..."

   Hundreds of miles away calmly, the five cultivators have already left behind, and in a blink of an eye, it is the realm of monsters. If it is really like the mountain chief said, it is not too difficult to live.

   Lu Bao was still not at ease, and smiled again: "I have to go down the valley to the left and right, and I will explain it to my brother when I get to the bottom!".

   The dead ghost nodded in agreement, and a group of monsters passed through the sparse long forest and descended into the valley. Then the deer deer took back the soul rope and released the tiger demon to freedom.

Once he was free, Tiger Demon smiled again: "I left. Brother, be careful on the road. Don’t go wrong. This valley is the border. The little demon from Jinyu Wang’s family will come and stare at you. If you make a mistake, you will have trouble. !"

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