Deer Demon Race

Chapter 155: Snake off

   was hit by the "head mallet" blessed by "Boiling" and "Juli", and Zixia also slid out a few steps, taking advantage of the situation and letting off the big hoof that was quietly formed in the back.

   The wrists, elbows, and shoulders that have been tempered for a long time are a little sore, this deer demon is so powerful!

   But, I have great skills, so my grandmother can get angry!

Zixia was faintly excited. While the Lei Jin that the Deer Deer had eaten was not digested, she was still standing still, waved her right hand, and the Demon Slaying Sword flew out, stabbing the deer demon's head, and at the same time, a finger of her left hand followed her. The fingers flew out again!

The previous head hammer was hitting the female sister’s palm, and it was also the center of the powerful Thunderman’s net. If it had swallowed the Tiger King’s essence and blood, such a powerful Thunderman would surely penetrate into the body and hurt the internal organs. Said, at this time, I still can't recover, but now the deer deer is pretending, thinking about looking for opportunities, by the way, let "regeneration" recover more skin wounds.

   It's a pity that the female cultivator didn't let him breathe. The Deer Deer had no choice but to spit out an old porcupine thorn, and hit the Demon Sword Sword.

   Leimang wiped the deer demon's back hoof and fell on the ground, exploding a dustpan-big dirt pit, and the old porcupine stabbed the sword to the point of the sword and fell to the ground.

The porcupine demon will destroy the old porcupine thorn that has been tempered for many years, and the demon-killing sword "buzzes" and flies again, but the spirituality has been lost, like a drunk after drinking too much. Being able to chase the deer demon again, Zixia raised her hand to beckoned back.


   The deer demon flashed across the thunder, "low hissing".

   Infrasound waves spread to the surroundings indiscriminately, and impacted the gray robe female Xiu Na. The pendant hung under her jade neck exuded some yellow light, which had a pure heart and guardian effect, so that she would not be affected by the sound waves.

   The deer deer only dodged a few steps, the scene in the lost forest changed, and the figure of the female cultivator was no longer visible, but the gray shirt flashed quickly and appeared in his sight again.

   The deer demon tilted his head, and the huge stag that was more than two feet tall appeared. On the deer's body, a few words were also enlarged in the same proportion, making it more conspicuous.

   The stag hoofs raised, panting, and "savagely rushed" to the sister again!

   "So courageous!"

   This deer demon is so fat that he didn't run away, but instead rushed toward him!

After Zixia snorted, she patted each other with her palms. In the soft "pop" sound, an inch of thunder light appeared on her ten fingers. She leaped high, and her left hand became a claw with five fingers. Lu Tian Ling Gai!


   Zixia is just a false catch, but there are five big thunders pointing out, and they are hacking at the same time!

   The huge stag stopped the collision, and the humanoid form "tiger jumped" again, and flew into the gray robe in mid-air!

   The female Xiu opened her mouth and yelled: "Yushu!"

   Except for her yelling, there was no warning, a big thunder fell from the sky, and the deer demon's second "tiger leap" turn was too late to be sent, and he was hit right on the spot!

This Yushu thunder method appeared secretly. In fact, Zixia had been gaining momentum for a long time and was extremely sharp. In addition to the deer demon's skin and flesh being broken and burnt, the rest of the energy also jumped into the body, "cracking" in the bones and joints everywhere. Explode.

   The deer deer was stiff, feeling that his whole body was about to fall apart, and a gray shadow flashed in front of him. The female cultivator appeared in front of him, and the five fingers of her right hand carried the thunder-like light into her right chest!


   The five fingers brought the fierce thunder light into the body, and were blocked by the "hard skin" and "thick fat", the deer demon let out a miserable cry.

   The pain was unbearable, and his lungs were already injured, but this was the opportunity he had been seeking for. He pinched the wrists of the female cultivator with both hands, and opened his mouth at close range: "Puff!"

   The blue light exits, and the welcoming female cultivator shoots eagerly!

   is the foundation of the foundation. At this moment, Zixia also smelled the breath of death, and her hair was standing straight!

   But, Master Luoxiaguan, don’t you have one or two life-saving things on your body?

   cyan light shot towards her face, and when Zixia's spirit was horrified, the inconspicuous gray robe on her body instantly swelled up like an air, covering her with her head!

   The blue light hits, first hits the weak Taoist robe, makes a shallow mark on the Taoist robe, and then can't get in, so he has to turn back into the falling deer demon's mouth.

This master sister of the Luoxia School has many enemies with monsters, but has not resisted the demon king hard yet. The demon generals of the same rank have never let this robe show on her. , I almost forgot about it, so I was shocked by the Demon King's scale armor that the Deer Demon spit at close range.

   Today, she was forced to such a degree by the famous demon. After the robes were calmed down, she looked at the deer demon that fell to the ground, her eyes could not help being a little complicated.

   is half of the fierceness after becoming angry, and half of the unexpected surprise.

   But for Lu Bao, this female building is basically a big deal, and she has many magical artifacts on her body. "Boiling" has been activated, and her body is broken. There is no chance at all. If there is nothing to do, she can only escape!

   It’s good to save your life for a while!

   Spicy female cultivators are proficient in thunder method this day, so they should not be good at the earth method, "earth escape" can escape, but the big antlers can still be kept for the time being.

   During the fall, the deer demon made a "porphyr" sound on the back buttocks, and first sprayed out a yellow-green mist to prevent the female cultivator from pursuing it.

The odor spread quickly, and it was really disgusting. The gray robe had a "deodorizing" effect, but the effect was not great at this time. Zixia couldn't help but frown and cover her nose. She really didn't want to chase her down, with her left hand. Five fingers rubbed, and a golden pointed cone appeared in the palm of the palm. With another flick of the finger, the pointed cone dragged Dao Jinguang and stab the Deer Demon's chest!

   This is the Zixia pressure box bottom magic weapon, the armor-piercing golden cone that makes the demon generals west of the lost forest panic!

   The sharp cone came very quickly, and the sound of breaking through the air has not been heard yet!

   The deer deer who just fell to the ground just saw the golden light, and there was a tingling sensation in his eyes!

   The power of this golden light is still above the Demon Slayer Sword! Ming Wu flashed through Lu Bao's mind, and he could no longer dodge it. Fortunately, the "arrow in the mouth" finally cooled, opened his mouth eagerly, greeted the golden light and spit out the scales of the Demon King.

  The golden light and the blue light collided in mid-air!


   The blue light shattered, and the golden light continued to attack!

   As long as it hits the target, the scaled armor of the demon king, which is unprofitable, hits the golden cone, and it breaks into several pieces!

The scale armor of the Demon King was destroyed, and the Deer Deer had no time to feel distressed. The golden cone had fallen, and the nail shot on his left chest. The flesh and blood in his chest exploded in an instant. Almost revealing his heart!

The three magical powers of "unloading force", "hard skin" and "thick fat" worked in succession, and the demon king's scales offset a lot of the killing power. The deer deer didn't die on the spot. With a tone of breath, I turned over and rushed down, rushing away.

   Zixia in mid-air had already driven the poisonous gas away, she couldn't help but "Huh", and she was surprised: "I have never seen a demon who was shot by the armor-piercing golden cone and could escape his life!"

After    praised, Zixia couldn't help but rejoice: "If you are in the eyes of grandma, just listen to the old pious woman, show kindness, and reward you for being the second demon slave!"

   Although she is not proficient in the local law, she has a sense of spirit with the golden cone that penetrated deep into the deer demon's body. She can know the direction of the deer demon's movement in the ground, so she does not call back the golden cone, but only hangs in mid-air.

No matter how hot the deer demon earth escapes, there is always an end, but he is not stupid. After gritting his teeth and walking out of the ground for a while, he can gradually check his body, and feel that the golden cone that caused the serious physical injury is still hot, so he hurriedly digs it out. , It is indeed a treasure, but it is a pity that the female cultivator turned into a great achievement. He couldn't hold it, so he could only throw it in the soil, and then took out the snake skin from the pouch, and continued to swim in the soil, while avoiding the stone.

   The golden cone no longer moved. Zixia noticed that there was a difference, and she stretched out her hand. The armor-piercing golden cone turned into a golden light, flew out through the ground, and returned to her hand.

   The human monk's spirit is stronger than the demon race, and cannot rely on the golden cone to sense, so Zixia let go of her spirit and carefully senses her surroundings.

   At this time, Lost Forest shook for a while, and the two hours a day's maze effect had passed.

   The surrounding ridges, canopy peaks, and valleys reappeared, and in the sparse forest, the figures of the little monsters were all revealed. Don't look at the previous running around for a long time, in fact, they are not far away from each other.

   Zixia Divine Mind finally sensed that the Deer Demon appeared, and his time underground was longer than expected.

  Since she decided to spare the deer demon's life and catch him back as a demon slave, she found that the more deer demon's supernatural powers became more powerful, Zixia was happier instead.

   The distance is a little far away. If Fei chases it, the deer deer may be able to slow down again and launch a second "earth escape" to escape.

   couldn't leave a ray of spiritual thought on him, and there was really no way to chase him for the time being. Zixia turned her eyes and placed it on the six little monsters who had noticed that the maze was broken and fled down the valley.

   "Thief bird, stop the little demon, don't let one go!"

Hearing the command in the sky, the miscellaneous-hair-luan bird flew down to intercept the capture. It will make Lei Fa, in fact, a demon, and it is also the only demon slave that Zixia has cast so far. Zixia slapped her palms, her ten fingers made a thunder, and Fei followed the little demon, knocking them to the ground one by one.

   There was only one bull demon, and it would actually "fight away". Before Lei Fa added himself, he escaped first. The others, including the little monster, were all overturned, and they were **** in bundles of fairy ropes.

The tied fairy rope is a famous artifact in her family's Luoxia Temple. It is sold in many countries, but it is not compatible with Zixia. It is rarely used on weekdays. The most powerful.

   Five Steps, Blue Eyes, Yuanxiang, Laowen, and Xiaoshan Jing were first smashed to darkness by thunder method, and then tied by a strand of celestial rope, and it was difficult to break free.

   With Zixia’s temperament in the past, he would kill him whenever he saw it. Who would catch the little demon alive? Today, in order to force the deer demon out, I had to try it.

After capturing five little monsters, Zixia raised the Demon Slaying Sword and screamed to Si Ye: "Deer Deer, come out and recognize me as the master, and spare you for your life! If not, a few little monsters, every one of them will be slashed. !"

"Let me show you something first," Zixia glanced across the little monsters. Except for the little monsters, the frog monster was the shortest, like a dwarf, a frog like toad or something, born with a pair of frogs. Slimy and weird, there is no need to keep it. With a wave of the Demon Slayer's sword, he immediately slashed at Biyan.

   His blue eyes were tied up, and he couldn't do anything except lower his head. He could only wait to die. .

   A blue shadow flashed in front of her eyes, and after the demon sword slashed, a big green snake head fell in front of the blue eyes.

  The frog demon was stunned for a while, stretched out his webbed hind legs from the restraint, kicked the snake head wildly, and shouted sternly: "You have snake skin! You have snake skin! You have snake skin!"

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