Deer Demon Race

Chapter 156: master

   The captured little demon leaned against each other, the five-step headless snake body leaned against the old Wen, and the blood was pouring and bouncing on the ground like a fountain.

   The upper body was tied to the fairy rope, always struggling tighter and tighter, the demon kind of facilitating the cost, this magical artifact will also change, but seeing the snake demon head broken, Zixia sent her own curse.

   Zixia only wanted to kill one first, forcing the deer monster to show up. If not, she could swipe all these little monsters with a single sword.

Snakes have strong vitality, their souls are not dissipated, and their bodies have to be stiff for a while. The green snake head that has been kicked a few feet can actually spit out: "Kick again, I really bite you! On the day I just turned the demon, no I was anxious to go up to Jingping Mountain, just wandering around and showing off my ordinary appearance. I didn’t want to get too proud. I was caught by a mountain eagle. I was timid and frightened for a while. Bird, I took my Pi'er away by mistake, and when I found it on the cliff, Pi'er was torn to pieces by it."

"I waited in the eagle's nest for a long time. The eagle came back and frightened it for dozens of times. It only swallowed its belly after it died. It was just that I could not succeed in refining as many skins as I could. I had to lie to my family. The skin is still there, thinking about it, you can save your life, and you will be stronger, and you don't have to be afraid of eagles from now on!"

   "What kind of ability to cheat others, I can cheat even my own five steps!"

   "It's more than fun for me to scare you, who told you to be so courageous? I have to be scared enough so that I won't be afraid of snakes anymore!"

Yuan Xiang had no friendship with Wubu yet, and she was silent. The small mountain spirit only pursed her mouth and listened quietly. The body of the snake was still throbbing underground, and the only old Wen turned his head and cursed fiercely with red eyes: "Tattered Smelly snake, you can only lie to others, and say before going out that you will admit to yourself that you will not help each other!"


The little monsters talked, but Zixia didn't hear a word over there, she kept her spirits away, focusing only on whether the deer demon appeared, and the little demon still talked about it. She was annoyed and shouted, "Noisy! "

   drank it, then looked back and yelled to the forest: "The deer will not come out again, the little monsters will chop it down!"

   Amidst the shouts, a red-eyed monster appeared in the underground. Upon closer inspection, it was not the deer demon, but the little bull demon first ran away.

   Watching the bull demon appear, the pig demon cursed again: "Don't help each other! It's a foolish bull, it's useless for you to use it, get out of here!"

   Xiao Niu Yao stupidly said: "He hasn't died yet, I always have to say a few words to him!"

   The snake head that landed on the ground glanced at the bull demon and hummed: "Get out of your egg, I don't want to talk to you!"

   The bull demon still wanted to speak, the Miscellaneous Luan Bird had already jumped down, grabbed him, and led him over. The string from the snake demon slid over and tied him instead.

   The bull demon fell to the ground and finally had to talk to the snake head.

   Zixia couldn't help but "chuckled" and laughed: "This little demon is a loyal person, but unfortunately your master is not like you, not very loyal!"

   "Who said...I have no loyalty?"

  Outside the sparse stray forest, a deer deer covered in broken bodies also emerged from the haystack, and asked: "I really only need to recognize the Lord and not hurt my life?"

The gray-robed female cultivator replied, "Whether it is a demon or a demon, you can ask about it within a few hundred miles. When will the words I said by Zixia not count? Grand Sister Luo Xiaguan killed countless demon, and only the ones who have survived It's just a thief, you have to be the second demon slave, you are fortunate!"

   The miscellaneous bird nodded in agreement: "My masters always say one thing is the same!"

   Listening to its voice, he is also a male demon.

   The deer demon covered the wound on his chest, slowly approached, and couldn't stop the question: "Zixia? Sister Luoxiaguan?"

   Zixia raised her eyebrows, and snorted coldly: "Call Master!"

   The deer deer was too lazy to care about why the female cultivator would call "Master", and when he approached, he only said: "Master, if I want to recognize the Lord, I need to let the little demon go away!"

   has gotten close in two strokes, Zixia first put some spiritual thoughts on the deer demon, and after that, he can hunt down again if he escapes. After listening to the deer demon, Zixia raised her hand and slapped his face with a slap in the face. She sneered: "If you get into the hands of the master, how can you let it go. If you don’t kill it, just grab it. Looking back, he is already waiting for blessing!"

   This slap was so strong that the deer demon could barely stand, and was knocked to the ground by a fan, revealing his back, and his robes were mixed in gray and white.

   It turned out that at this point in time, the "rebirth" magical powers had worked. Some of his outer scorched skin had fallen off, and the new fur had turned into a part of the robe, and it became white.

   Zixia said in surprise again: "Huh?"

   asked again urgently: "Are you actually white in color?"

   The deer demon slowly stood up and replied: "Yes!"

   Zixia asked again: "Not a single hair?"

   The deer demon nodded: "Pure white, not a single color!"

Zixia immediately slapped her happily: "Since she is a white deer, she has the word'rui' in her back. Isn't that a good mount for the Xiu family? I hate the thief bird. The coat color is not pleasing at all. Ride you out, the face is only glorious!"

   Miscellaneous Luan Bird did not dare to show his grievances, but did not hear it.

   Zixia was still happy, she didn't want the deer demon to shook her head again, and continued: "Master, you need to let the little demon go away, so I will recognize the lord!"

   Zixia narrowed her eyes, put away her joyful expression, and asked in a cold voice, "Are you not afraid of death?"

   The deer deer looked up and looked straight into her eyes: "You killed me!"

Zixia stared at him: "There are hundreds of monsters who died in my hands, to say nothing. Are you really rare? It is said that the deer is a treasure, and your body is well tempered. Take it back and kill it. Let’s invite a younger brother from the Immortal Cave to cook. The younger sisters do not know how happy they are!"

   The deer deer is fat, and seeing his "Master" has changed his face again, the Miscellaneous Luan Bird stopped breathing, trying to be a transparent monster mount.

   Goubao, Biyan, Laowen, Yuanxiang, and Xiaoshanjing were all in a daze. They were moved and helpless, and the blue snake head on the ground sighed quietly: "Oh! It's not saved."

Lu Bao has never been so enthusiastic before. He only stares at the master Luo Xiaguan: "If you don't let go of the little demon, you will be killed on the spot, and my old deer won't recognize it. Lord! If you want to torture, I can always explode with a demon, and you can't stop it if you cut it off!"

   Zixia "puchi" smiled: "It's a stubborn deer. If he depends on you, he will let a few little monsters escape. What is the real value?"

   Raising his hand again, the strings loosened the little monsters, twisted together in mid-air, and flew back to Zixia's hand.

   Goubao waited to be free, the deer demon nodded, and moved to see Five Steps.

   Zixia blocked him: "Master, I can cast a curse to pass it!"

   The deer demon shook his head: "I can't believe you, I must let the little demons escape for a day before letting you cast a spell!"

   Zixia was furious, waved her hand and slapped the deer demon to the ground: "Are you a pastime lord? Still want to play tricks?"

   fell to the ground again, the character "Rui" on the back of the deer demon flew out and turned into a phantom. Zixia didn't know what magical powers it was.

I was fanned twice, and it was all painful. The deer deer gasped lightly and stood up on the ground again: "I have some usefulness, but today I cannot help but kill you. But if you want to plant The curse is something I want to do!"

With Zixia’s old temperament, the monster who is not honest and submissive at this time, impatient, it is really rewarding him to die, and he will grind again, but the supernatural power of the word "rui" is revealed, and there is good luck under the close investigation. Inside, Dali vegetation grows, and it is of great use. It is really a rare demon slave. If he is really killed, where can I look for this in the future?

The head of Na Luoxiaguan, because of her master’s former affection, and because she had the hope of a proper golden core, now that her combat power far exceeds that of the people in the family to build the foundation, she has repeatedly violated orders and is reluctant to punish severely, but in her heart I am already extremely dissatisfied, knowing that such a demon slave who is so useful in the sect, how can he not remember the great merit?

   With this demon slave, I will do whatever I want in the future, and I should punish less! Moreover, this deer has thick skin and thick flesh.

   Just like Lu Bao treated the tiger demon dead ghost who didn't let go of his pouch, seeing that he would rather die than give in, Zixia became dissatisfied, but also reluctant to kill him.

   The deer deer may have a different mind, but maybe it is really to protect the little demon!

   After hesitating, Zixia swung the Demon Slaying Sword again, and a sword pierced the Deer Demon's Pipa bone. Amidst his snoring, the immortal rope passed through the wound and tied it to her left shoulder.

   There is a spiritual lock, and there is a celestial rope tied, Zixia feels a little safe, and then said: "Go, let the little demon go on the road, so I can return to Hongfeng Mountain!"

   dragging the immortal rope with a wound, the deer demon finally had to walk over.

  Looking at his deer master, the little demon didn’t speak, especially the little fairy, and only the green snake head said, “It’s not saved!”

   The deer deer shook his head, picked up the head of the big snake, and transformed it into a big body, dragged the body of the snake over, placed the head of the snake on the fracture, and said "Rejuvenation".

   Snakehead said: "I can't blame you for making you Your vitality is cut off, your body is about to die, and your soul is about to be scattered. How can'rejuvenation' work?"

   Zixia saw that he still wanted to save the snake monster, and couldn't help laughing: "Cut off his head and save it again. Do you think you are a demon saint or a sky demon?"

   Sure enough, his neck was broken and his vitality was broken. Although his body was not yet stiff, how did the deer demon urge the "rejuvenation technique", but the snake's head and body would no longer grow skin and flesh.

   The deer demon smiled bitterly, and said to the snake head: "I can't save it!"

   Snakehead replied: "If I can't save it, I just hate that my soul is weak, and I can't transform the ghost, otherwise I can play with you for a few more years!"

The deer deer sighed, threw away the body of the snake, and turned around to ask the gray-robed female cultivator: "Master, I will mess around in Luoxia Temple and act according to human customs. When the snake's head is stiff, I can take it back to Hongfeng Mountain for burial. NS?"

   Zixia thought about it, and replied: "You are not allowed to bury the inside, but you can do it without obstruction!"

The deer demon nodded, and then turned to Gou Bao and the other demon and said: "Old deer, I can’t save him, you will take the body of the snake on the road and find a stable place. Just set the table with the old way; I will take the snake’s head away. In the future, we will hang out with human beings, and we will be buried according to human rites, leaving a thought."

   After speaking, ask the snake head in his arms again: "This arrangement, do you think it can be done?".

   The snake's head twitched the corners of his mouth, it should be a smile: "Very good, there are always thoughts on both sides, my old snake will not lose!"

Lu Bao said to Gou Bao again: "You lead them to find a safe place to live, my master Zixia, only allowed it for a day, and I don't know the temperament of the big monster in Zakon. Be careful on the way. Don't worry, where can I not live with my master's ability?"

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