Deer Demon Race

Chapter 157: Deer Demon 0 Treasure

   A group of little demon took the body of the snake demon and went on the road sadly.

Watching the little monsters leave, Zixia said behind him: "In the future, in front of Guanli and the master, you can only show the truth! As a monster slave, who is equipped with a humanoid fisheye? Make an exception!"

   The snake's head is not yet stiff. Putting it in the pouch is to let it die immediately. Zixia is rare to be generous once, Xu Luyao holds it in her hands.

Life has come to an end, and there are only five steps left in the head. Now I am not afraid of the sky. Hearing what the evil lady said, the snake head turned back and said: "The goddess Nvwa is a person who made up the complete form of our demons. Now I think we are not worthy of humanoid monsters?"

When the little demon left, the deer deer with great skill should not be able to fly out of her palm. Thinking of needing an extra white deer mount to show her identity, Zixia's mood has completely improved, and she replied to the dying little deer demon: "Sky deer girl Empress Wa, now it’s not just human beings who are worshipping, who are you waiting for the demon race to blame her? Although human beings came from the sky demon, they are uniquely endowed by nature. They are inherently stronger than other races, and are the longevity of all souls!"

   After returning to the dying little demon, he shouted to the deer demon again: "Don't be slick, the thief bird will let you ride it today, look back soon!"

  The Luan Bird hurriedly came over, and the Deer Demon jumped up and asked Zixia: "Master Female, don't you tell me to go back with this thief bird, and chase after those little demons?"

Zixia was annoyed by him again, and said angrily: "I will fly behind the thief! The master is the master, what is the female master? The few little demons you are thinking of, what am I worth? Annoy the master, really. After chasing it out, every brain is killed!"

   Miscellaneous Hairy Luan Bird also said: "Master can call me Thief Bird, you need to call me brother!"

   The deer deer doesn’t care, stomping on its back: "The dog is flying faster and annoys me. It rips you out of your miscellaneous fur, believe it or not?"

   The green snake's head also opened his mouth to help: "The miscellaneous hair still has hair in it, so it's really plucked out. A phoenix with no hair is not as good as a chicken!"

   Luan bird is not the Phoenix blood, the miscellaneous Luan bird was furious when he heard that, but Zixia urged out: "Fly faster, wait for a look, you two are a different species, a beast, just fight!"

To this irritable female master, the miscellaneous-haired Luan bird is already afraid to his bones. Although he is so angry with the snake head of the deer demon that is about to die, he dare not attack, thinking about keeping it in the view, he is called this deer. I know how powerful the Phoenix bloodline is.

   The Miscellaneous Luan bird fluttered its wings and took off, but did not dare to fly too fast, for fear that it would throw the purple clouds too far away and annoy her, and use various methods to remediate her family.

   On the bird's back, Lu Bao turned upside down and sat down so that he could see Zixia at any time.

   It was just a look that was worried, afraid that she would fly back to chase the little demon, Zixia Yinfang bit her secretly, first keep the account, and coax it now, wait until the curse is planted, and then slowly concoct it!

   The Luan Bird was very fast. It flew for more than an hour when it came. On the way back, Zixia flew slowly. It took a long time to wait for her.

   In the high-altitude cold wind, the snake head is getting colder and colder.

   Snakes are naturally cold-blooded, but the empress transforms the demon, and the body temperature also has it.

The sound of the Five Steps is getting lower and lower, and the wind whistle is too loud. In order to hear each other clearly, Luan Bird’s back, the deer demon’s long face against the snake’s head, whispered softly: "Five Steps, the demon race has good and evil, some are tricky and tricky. Simple and honest, the same is true for human beings. There are people like Zhang Meigu’s kind heart, and some women like this vicious woman. It can be seen that good and evil are not divided into races, but only by their own temperaments! The flesh is a human, a monster or a monster, what is so strange? From now on, I will be a monster, just a monster!"

  Five steps with a faint voice: "You are... a demon originally, but... what else do you want to do?"

   "In my dream, I used to be a human being. My name was Lu Bao. Today, my dream is broken. Lu Bao turned out to be just a dummy. From now on, I will only be called Bai Bao. It is true to be the demon of this life first!"

  Five steps could not answer again, the deer demon whispered softly: "I'm sorry, I couldn't take you to the Sacred Ape Mountain!"

   Snake's head finally spit out a few words: "Stupid, Ape Mountain?"

   After speaking the last few words, the soul was broken and dissipated, and the snake's head was completely silent.

   The deer deer held the head of the snake and watched the gray-robed female nun chasing after flying. The temperature in his eyes was the same as the body temperature of the snake's head, cold.

   "My old deer is inadequate. I can't help you now, but one day, I will let you know how to regret it!"

   The monk has clear eyes and ears, and there is a miscellaneous Luan bird under his hip. Of course, the deer demon didn't say aloud this sentence.

   Afraid that the eyes could not hide the hatred, the female cultivator noticed that the deer demon finally turned his head and turned to look ahead.

   was flying high, accompanied by winds all the way, nearly three hours later, Hongfeng Mountain appeared in the line of sight.

   Miscellaneous Luan Birds shouted and lowered their height. The red hills were not the highest among the surrounding peaks, but the deer demon knew it was about to reach the ground when he looked at the attic corridors and pavilions on the red maple forest.

   "Master, the snake demon is completely dead, should I bury his head outside?"

   In the squally wind, the deer deer yelled loudly. Zixia glanced at him and asked: "Is it really going to be buried on the mountainside of Hongfeng Mountain?"

   "I tried the master's miles before, my monsters, where is the right place to bury your home on the mountain, near these hills, just follow the master's point!"

"You monsters died, and the flesh was eaten separately. How many were buried? What location do you choose? There are restrictions on Hongfeng Mountain, and the burial has to be allowed by the head. It is very cumbersome and the surrounding hills are fine. Choose one of your own!"

   Lu Yao pointed to a hill very close to Hongfeng Mountain: "It's there, I want to see him in the future, and the road is close!"

   The mountain pointed by the deer demon, for the monk, was actually at the door of the house, Zixia nodded in agreement, and let the miscellaneous hairy Luan bird fly over.

Before Bai Lu'er planted the thought curse, Zixia was still worried, and she fell down. Watching the deer demon let go of the piles of rocks, searched for the thick mud, and then looked around, she patted the stiff snake's head and praised it. : "Surrounded by green hills and buried here, I don't want to lose you!"

   wiped out the **** from his mouth again, and sighed again: "Drawing a snake gave me a mile for digging purple golden potatoes. I don't want to keep it until today, but I can dig a hole for you!"

   Seeing him talking to himself, looking endless, Zixia was impatient and urged: "Hurry up!"

   The deer demon threw off his arms to dig a hole. With his current strength, his movements were naturally fast.

   When the size of the pit is large enough, the deer deer reaches in from the slit of the snake head, pulls out the pouch to smash it, and then says: "Your belongings should be buried with you, the master will not take it!"

There are mostly debris in the pouch. Zixia looked at it. There were a few pieces of snake skin, horns, antlers, and teeth. Although they were a bit spiritual, they were all things of little demon. They were not worthy of attention, and they were all lost. At the bottom of the pit, the deer deer put the snake head in again and backfilled it with mud.

   When the landfill is completed, the deer demon patted the slightly raised mound, and said: "If you have time, the master will come to see you!"

   Feeling that the deer demon didn't do anything anymore, Zixia watched him jump on the back of the Miscellaneous Luan bird and take off together, preparing to fly to the gate of the mountain.

   The spiritual mind of the foundation-building cultivator may be very strong for ordinary monsters, but for the deer monsters who have already manifested their spiritual consciousness, it is really not that great.

   There are a lot of demonic generals, but their consciousness has not yet been realized!

   is not to say that the deer demon spirit is stronger than Zixia, but Zixia only uses some spirit consciousness to attach to the deer body to facilitate the detection of the position and prevent him from fleeing away.

Because the deer demon had a rigid attitude before, Zixia finally failed to invade the spirit of the deer, to check the deer demon’s sea of ​​consciousness, if she saw it, she would know that the deer demon’s consciousness of the sea had already manifested as a thing. The soul-bound rope cannot resist, but it doesn't take too much effort to expel some possessed spirits.

   The reason why I haven't tried before is because the little demons have not been able to escape far. The evil lady couldn't catch him, so it wouldn't be cost-effective to look back for the little demons.

   At that time, the injury was serious, and the breath was not completely stopped after five steps, and he couldn't bear to put the snake's head in his pocket. This was also the reason why the deer deer felt that the time had not come.

   Now that the "rebirth" magical powers have been repaired for three hours, if you don't activate them, are you really waiting for this evil lady to enter Luoxia Temple and become a demon slave?

   He wants to be a demon, demon slave or something, can’t do it!

   Miscellaneous Luan bird inflamed its wings to take off into the air, and the deer demon began to think, expelling the possessed Zixia spirit.

   The divine mind attached to the deer monster was rejected, Zixia was aware of it, and she suddenly shouted, "You are going to die?"

   With her shout, the immortal rope tied to the bone of the pipa immediately moved and tied the deer demon's body.

Ignoring the tightening of the immortal ropes on his body, the deer deer's nostrils sprayed two thick airs, "Boiling" has been activated, and while his right hand was not tied, he violently hammered his left shoulder blade and hit the left shoulder bone directly. Broken, his five fingers buckled the flesh and bones, and pulled out the immortal rope tied through the wound.

   The head of the bundle of fairy ropes was all dyed scarlet!

Seeing that the momentum was wrong, when the deer demon broke her own pipa bone, Zixia ignored the white deer mount she had imagined. UU reading's most powerful magic weapon, the armor-breaking golden cone, is now in her hands: "If you don't want to live, it will Give this big deer body a snack to the juniors!"

   was strangled by the immortal rope, don't even think about the big dodge of the deer demon, the armor-piercing golden cone instantly turned into a golden light, and shot him directly in the chest!

The harder you get, the tighter you tie the immortal rope, the deer deer doesn’t care, stomping hard, "boiling" and "juli" blessing the "shock trampling", stomping fiercely on the unreacted spine. Go up, and at the same time use the greatest strength, tear his throat and shout: "I am a deer demon treasure, and there is a big deer whip to collect, and I will give it to you another day!"

  The golden light has flew to the front of the deer demon. After a "pop", the deer demon turned into a big antler stained with mud. The armor-piercing golden cone flew over the antlers, and the celestial rope was tightly tied, and it was all tied to the antlers!

  The miscellaneous bird screamed, and his spine broke seven or eight places after receiving that foot. The internal organs were all shocked to hemorrhage, and he fell from the air in a whirlpool.

The top of this mountain is too close to Hongfeng Mountain, and the deer demon roared very rudely. I don’t know how many colleagues in the division heard it. Zixia was so angry that her spirits felt anxious, and the deer demon was already there. In the pit where the snake head is buried!

   is so rare, what magical power is this? No wonder he has to avoid places where there are many stones, so that he can escape from the soil, and he thinks that he is all in accordance with the customs of the human race!

   Under the pit where the snake head was buried, the deer demon paused slightly, and then began to move under the soil. .

   Regardless of the miserable Luan bird that was planted, Zixia locked the deer demon's position, and when he appeared again, he would summon a "Taiyi Thunder" bombardment.

   Just a moment later, the sense of spirit sense of possessing body has been cut off.

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