Deer Demon Race

Chapter 158: Bestiality

   Following Zixia's desperate rebuke, the deer deer roared boldly and roared. In the sunset view, a female monk was alarmed, or went directly to the sky, or rode a bird, and drove over.

   When the head and another senior Jin Dan arrived first, Zi Xia just angrily broke the big antlers in half.

The Miscellaneous Luan Bird was still fluttering on the ground, and it seemed to be extremely hurt. The head of Luo Xia Guan Qingyuan looked at the disciple who was the most capable of fighting in her family and the most troublesome disciple, and asked in a warm voice: "Zixia, it's out. What's the matter?"

Zixia's face was pale, and she replied with a cold voice: "Uncle Master, I caught a deer demon today. I think about your usual teachings and did not hurt his life. I also want to bring Guan back to be a demon slave. Dahua was injured by him, escaped without saying anything, and humiliated me with words. It can be seen that monsters deserve to die, and they should not be sympathetic to him and wait!"

   "Huh?" Another Jindan Qingyin who came with him couldn't help but uttered in surprise, and asked, "I can escape if I was caught by you, is it a demon general?"

   knows that this uncle voiceless master is not malicious, but Zixia's face is even more ugly, and she gritted her teeth and burst out two words: "Demon Ding!"

After talking about the cultivation base of the escaped Deer Demon, Zixia said to Qingyuan again: "Master Master, that Deer has supernatural powers, comes with some power of good fortune, or is useful for Guanli, so I didn't kill it on the spot. !"

   Qingyuan narrowed his eyes: "Huh? He looks like a white deer, with words on his body, so many magical powers?"

   Zixia nodded, and asked strangely: "How did Uncle Master know?"

The head of Luoxiaguan ignored her and said to Qingyin happily: "Junior sister, do you remember that the two factions around Erlingtao Peak on the east side quarreled a few days ago. They wanted to rob the beast and white deer. It was the Xuantian faction. To put it bluntly, Bailu can grow Yunyanling tea, and if you get it, you will benefit from the school!"

   also remembered the voiceless voice, nodded and said: "Remember!"

Qingyuan's face turned into a smile: "After the Xuantian faction has broken, advise the two factions not to quarrel. In the future, even if anyone catches it, I still think that we are far away, and I envy the yellow-level top grade. Spirit tea is also missed. Who knows that Bai Luer has already ran to my home. Isn't it a surprise?"

With joy, he raised his voice and issued an order: "All disciples and demon slaves listen to the order and search from all quarters. Once you find a trace, all parties must encircle you. Be sure to capture the white deer alive and return to Hongfeng Mountain. "

After the commander issued the order, the four parties responded. The deer demon only fled for the first time. The flying foundation and gas refining priests and nuns broke up and searched nearby. After half a joss stick, several orders were written in the psychic chamber. , It spreads to the main roads of Luoxia Temple.

   All for a while, Luoxiaguan monks and demon slaves came out.

After    issued the order, the head said to the voiceless voice again: "Junior sister, the deer deer hasn't gone far, please check it carefully with divine mind!"

   Qingyin nodded, and then smiled bitterly: "I tried it a long time ago, but there are too many creatures in the four fields. He is the demon cultivation base, but it is not easy to detect!"

   Qingyuan said: "I also know, Junior Sister, pay more attention to me, I will ask Sister Qingxin to replace you tomorrow!"

Although Luoxiaguan has some ways to make a living, the energy-producing yellow-level high-grade elixir is also quite attractive. After even Jindan arranged to participate in the hunt, the head asked Zixia again: "You are here, there is that deer demon. Weier, let the demon slaves with good nose sniff it, and search better!"

   Zixia took out the immortal rope and put the red-stained end forward: "It's the blood of that evil animal!"

   Qingyuan was busy taking it, and sent some demon slaves to smell it.

The headmaster has already said the importance of the White Deer Demon, and he has issued an order. It will not be easy to be killed on the spot if he is caught. There is no resentment, and he does not want to go again. Moreover, the Deer Demon possesses weird magical powers and is cunning enough. After getting out of the cage, Zixia snorted coldly: "Uncle Master and Uncle Qingyin, the big flower was hit hard, and the disciple is not flying fast, so I won't chase this beast, in the door. If you catch it, please let me know!"

   Seeing Zixia lose her temper and leave first, Qingyuan smiled bitterly: "How can she become such a temperament for her excellent cultivation Miaoer?"

   Divine Mind explored the Baili realm, and the voiceless said: "The white deer beast will be captured. If one can't take care of it, she may be tortured to death by her!"

   For this broken-hearted master Zhuji disciple, the two golden core female cultivators sighed in mid-air.


   Baibao "Take off the robe and change position" was launched, and immediately changed positions with the big antlers, placed in the soil, and then launched the "Earth Escape".

   The five-step ice-cold snake head is still on top, and he is not too dirty. He even puts some dirt in his pocket and takes it away, leaving a high probability of being vented by the wicked lady.

Avoiding the rocks, he walked out of the lower reaches of the ground for a while, and after completely dispelling the spirit of Zixia's possession, he snorkeled further underground and found a place with deep roots, which the tiger demon got it. Sprinkle some flavor powder lightly on the body, and add the "breath-holding technique" before quietly showing his face.

   There were a lot of fallen leaves on the ground. He pulled some animal skins to block several wounds, and did not allow the soil to be directly touched. When the "earth escape" supernatural power ended, he buried himself in the soil, leaving only his face outside, and breathed gently through the fallen leaves.

   The allusion of "black under the lamp", the deer demon still knows.

   Then, Luo Xiaguan came to two golden cores. The monk wanted to capture the characteristics of the Bailu Rui Beast. The head was in mid-air and he heard everything clearly.

  Luoxia Guanhe faction's pursuit, how to deal with it?

   The deer deer feels simple, just a word "boil"!

   Such a big sect, the high-ranking Golden Core monk, the deer demon does not believe how long it will take for him!

   made up his mind to survive the most rigorous period of hunting first, he just hides under the rotten leaves.

Because it was the place to escape in the first place, the search was extremely rigorous. From time to time, female nuns flew in mid-air, and then a large number of demon slaves rushed in and sniffed and searched inch by inch. One of the jackal demon never covered the deer demon. Stepped on the thick rotting leaves of the face.

   The monsters rely too much on their sensitive sense of smell, as long as they don't peel away the rotten leaves, Baibao will not bother to move.

   Luoxiaguan was searching with great effort. Under the rotted leaves, "regeneration" kept running, and the injuries were getting better. Only the chest and the left shoulder were the most injured, and the broken bones would take some time to recover.

   Anyway, I have to spend time with each other, just as a way to heal my injury.

   I lay under the rotten leaves for three days. Except for the broken bones, the rest of the injuries have healed. The two broken bones have also been hidden in the body by the new flesh, which is completely invisible from the outside.

The monks and demon slaves have already searched to the outside, and the deer deer was found out in the night, trying not to use the demon energy, looking for some fruits in the wild forest, experimenting a few times, and finally painted a satisfactory brown, even the bold letters on the body are roughly It is successful if you cover it up.

   Since then, pretending to be a wild deer, wandering in various mountains and forests, walking slowly northward, never taking the "demon road" of the valley pointed by tigers and ghosts, and never running away except when chased by beasts.

  The west side must be on the guard tightly. There is that **** tiger demon in the immortal cave boundary to the south. There may be accidents. It is better to turn around and head north, enter the Lianzhen Pavilion boundary where there is a Nascent Soul monk, and then change to the west.

   The head of Luo Xia Guan did not want to disclose the details of Rui Beast to other factions, which is a good thing for Lu Yao.

The details of his pretending to be wild beasts were learned from Yuanxiang and other wild little monsters in the borderless land of Jingping Mountain. He walked three steps to take a look, and left when there was a slight turbulence. Now he is extremely vigilant. It is vivid.

   was chased by ordinary beasts, and he only took out a little bit faster than normal beasts, and would never try to be happy again, letting out a demon spirit to scare the beasts.

   was leisurely and firm all the way, turning to the north and advancing steadily, crossing one mountain after another, until no more female nuns flying past the sky.

  Without the little demon's burden, his patience has become very good.

   After working like this for twenty or thirty days, one day he saw some male cultivators driving the demon slaves to mine the sand mines in the river beach. Only then did he realize that it was the realm of the Lianzhen Pavilion, and then turned to the west.

   Until finally, under a mountain peak, I saw the familiar stray forest again. The trees were sparse and tight, but the two ends were so long that I couldn't see the head at a glance.

   He still doesn't know that if this forest is not presided over by monks above the Golden Core, it can only be effective for two hours a day. However, when the tiger demon passed by last time, there were no monks or demon slaves around.

   The way of using the tiger monsters that time, has already passed through to reach the monsters realm, but turned around again, eating a bite to grow a wise, of course he is more vigilant now.

I just wandered for two days on the mountain where I could see the sparse forest. This mountain forest is remote and no monks have been flying by. Only occasionally some suspicious beasts parade down the lost forest is too long, it is the disguise The demon slave who became a beast could not garrison everywhere, and could only cruise around to check, in fact, there were a lot of loopholes to exploit.

After wandering for two days, I roughly figured out the time when the suspicious beast appeared, and only deliberately provoke a leopard at night, ran away in panic, then turned around and picked it up, leading the leopard to chase it all the way, and flew to the lost forest, before getting rid of the leopard. A few breaths have passed through the Lost Forest, which is more than a hundred meters away.

Running over is the monster land boundary. It’s just that he passed through the lost forest and was far away from the area the tiger demon brought last time. I don’t know which mountain field this side belongs to, how the mountain field boundaries are divided, and what is the temperament of the monster king. Continue to look like a wild deer and stroll forward.

Here is the same mountain range, and there are also many beasts, but many only survive on the hills without owners and monsters. Valleys and land with owners can often hit monsters, unlike the Jingping Mountain patrolling monsters who only show their faces. , The deer demon sees all these things, showing the appearance of big thorns.

  Occasionally, you can see the Demon King or Demon General flying in mid-air.

   All the way to the monster land, he walked carefully, but he was not in danger. .

On a certain mountain, there were only a few little monsters. The wild deer was walking around the mountainside for a long time. He overheard the little monster talking and learned that the mountain lord here is a demon general without a backing. Go out of human form to worship the mountain, and ask the fastest way to find your own lost little demon.

He was cautious, thinking that the opponent was only a demon general. If he was malicious, he would not be able to fight with confidence and escape. Unexpectedly, facing a demon, the opponent was more nervous than him, until he repeatedly confirmed that he was not sent by the surrounding demon king to fight the autumn wind. Tell him that if you want to explore the news of the 21st ancestor realm, the wood demon in Zhaxi Mountain will be the most informed.

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