Deer Demon Race

Chapter 161: Female bodhisattva

After getting ready, the deer deer said to his little monster again: "Although I borrowed favors, but who knows what the scene is in this mountain field, you wait and stay outside, I go in first, and the wishful king has allowed him to come out and call. You wait in there!"


   The little monsters nodded together, and stayed on the mountainside to wait.


   The deer demon folded and climbed to the top of the mountain along the ridge boundary monument, only to see that early in the morning, the three little demon guarding the border had their heads together, facing a wooden bowl, busy fighting crickets.


The demon guarding the world completely ignored him, and did not have the vigilance that he should have when he was on duty. He only took care of the bugs to divide the victory or defeat. Baibao waited for a while, and interrupted them helplessly: "Deer demon Ding Baibao, you Xishan has been recommended by the general and came to worship the mountain, so please tell everyone to Ruyi King!"


   Hearing the name of the old elm wood demon, the three little demon moved their gazes, one of them stood up with a bird's foot, and reluctantly dropped the hot grass that drove the insects: "Wait!"


   After he finished speaking, he took another look at the bug in the wooden bowl, and then he turned into the original appearance of the oriole, and the little bird fluttered its wings and flew away.


   flew back to report the letter, and the remaining two little monsters greeted him: "Chome, you are looking for a place to sit. Now the west wind is suffocating. Seeing that the winter is about to turn, the insects are getting harder and harder to find. Let's finish this fight first!"


   After speaking, the two little demons turned their heads to look at the insect fighting, and then the Baibao demon was by the side.


   Until the two insects were out of the game, the two little demon came to chat with him, and asked him how he had a relationship with the general, why he left a bald head and other topics.


   chatted without a word with the two little monsters, both of them were a little impatient. After a while, the Oriole flew back and changed into a human form: "Grandpa Wang is waiting for guests, tell me to lead you in!"


   Babao is overjoyed, don't pass the two little monsters, and hurriedly follow the Oriole into the mountain field.


  As soon as the deer deer Ding left, the two little demon on the border mountain turned to pay attention to the insect fight.


Like Jingping Mountain, from the border to the mountain where the Demon King is located, it is also about a hundred miles away. The deer demon transforms into the original white deer, and heads to the mountain field. The flying demon cannot move him, and becomes a little oriole. Stopped on his shoulders and pointed the way.


  The difference from Jingping Mountain is that there are a lot less little monsters in the mountain field here. The creatures you see along the way should be real beasts, and there is almost no patrol along the way.


   I didn't see some little monsters until I was approaching Ruyi Mountain, searching everywhere in the surrounding slopes and forests.


The deer demon asked him what he was looking for, and the oriole turned his head and said, "Since you have the favor of Tashi Mountain, if you can worship the mountain gate, I will tell you first, this Ruyi Mountain, there are trees on the top of the mountain. Ganoderma lucidum has not known how many years it has been. It has grown to a height of three feet. It can only be harvested five or six petals of fresh lucid meat in a hundred years. Yes. In autumn and winter, there will be some species of the mother mushroom floating in the surrounding mountains in the wind, and it will have to be good fortune to grow small ganoderma. The monsters are all counting on Ganoderma to survive. The little monsters must search for it every day and hand it in to the warehouse."


Listening to this red ganoderma, although there is no Lingtao Peak Lingtao has a short medicine time and a high output, there is actually a middle-level mysterious grade in a Demon King Mountain Farm, which is enough to make the deer deer speechless and can't help asking: "Other Demon King Greedy, won't you come to **** it?"


   "My princes respect each other year after year, and the ancestors do not speak, who dare to die?"


   Orioles dismissed it, and said, "Hurry up, you'll be at the gate of the mountain!"


After all, he hadn’t visited the gate of the mountain, so I didn’t want to ask too much, so the deer deer rushed to the foot of Ruyi Mountain and saw a road paved with bluestones. , There is a large yellowstone next to it, and the three characters "Ruyi Mountain" are carved obliquely.


   These three characters are extremely ugly, as they were written by monsters, it is difficult for them to get it together.


   At the gate of the mountain, those who worshipped the mountain for the first time would not be able to show their true identity again. The deer demon hurriedly transformed into a bald human form.


   This Ruyi Mountain is so huge that I only climbed one third of it in most of a day.


   Seeing the bald-headed white-robed monster climbing the mountain, a female demon who was also looking for ganoderma at the foot of the mountain glanced at her, dropped the empty basket, and hurried up the mountain first.


   There are very few battles in the Sacred Ape Mountain, and there are many female demons. There have been several deer demons along the way. If you don't care about the body of the beast, there are some handsome faces, and the appearance of the beast is too bad. People describe the appearance as heartbreaking.


   Fortunately, there is no need to climb to the top of the mountain, and Ruyi’s cave is only halfway up the mountain.


   When the deer deer climbed up, the female demon who ran up earlier was guarding at the entrance of the cave with a tall woman in black dress.


   Seeing the woman in the black dress, the Oriole hurriedly flew forward, turned into a human form and knelt down and shouted, "I have seen grandma!"


The woman in the black dress has an extremely beautiful appearance, and she still has a rare heroic spirit from the demon clan. But at this moment, there is fire in her eyes, and she ignores the kneeling oriole demon, and rushes to the white robe deer demon, screaming: "You Monk demon, what do you do in my mountain farm?"


   Haven't seen the Demon King yet, listening to the name of the Oriole Demon, seems to be the Shura wife of the Ruyi King? When she screamed and asked, the deer deer was taken aback and hurriedly said, "Bodhisattva, Tashi Mountain has been recommended by the general!"


   Hearing his excuse, the Oriole and the banshee who ran up earlier opened their mouths wide, with an unbelievable appearance. There were a few playing beside the hole, and one of them was so scared that they sat down on the ground.


  , including the little demon sitting on the ground, all those present cast their sights over.


  The woman in the black dress gritted her teeth and asked every word: "What do you call me?"


   Is it possible that when I watched the moon before, I called you Xiao Tiantian? The atmosphere was weird. When I came to worship the mountain gate, I first met the lady of the demon king, and then somehow got angry at herself. The deer deer felt so innocent: "I am here for the first time, but did the female bodhisattva admit the demon by mistake?"


  The black-dressed female monster was sluggish for a while, then her eyes burst into flames, her right hand shook, and a black-bone lancet appeared in her palm and slashed on the head of the deer-welcoming deer!


   It doesn’t count, how can you start?


   The speed of this Shura girl's sword is so fast that Baibao has never seen it on any monster. In the blink of an eye, the blade has reached its head.


   Fortunately, I have gone through a lot of life and death, and found that something is wrong. "Tiger Jump" was launched for the first time, and then jumped out instantly, avoiding danger.


   But that black-bone lancet was very good. Although it hadn't been cut, there was a gas leak on the blade, and it instantly cut a blood hole in the deer demon's bald head.


   The deer deer just jumped into the air, and the Shura girl kicked her feet and rushed to her in an instant, and then swiped up from the bottom, rushing straight into his yin!


   The leap speed of the demon king lady is a bit better than the "swiftness"!


  The deer deer was even more shocked by the viciousness of this sword. "Tiger Jump" started for the second time and turned around, shouting in midair: "Acknowledge the wrong demon! The Bodhisattva will not stop, my old deer will fight back!"


   The Shura girl was even more furious, wishing to chop the bald demon into two pieces with a single knife, but she didn't have the ability to turn in midair, and waited to land first before turning around.


   Seeing that Mrs. Ruyi Wang is not reasonable, if you offend her, where can Ruyi Mountain stay? The place where the deer deer landed was no longer a paved bluestone slab, and his hands rushed down, "Earth Escape" started, trying to escape!


   While breathing, a figure flew out from the cave, and landed where the deer demon disappeared, stomping on the ground: "Fossil!"


   With his voice, the surrounding muddy land within thirty or forty feet was all turned to stone.


   The figure was shorter and had big eyes. After fossilizing the surrounding soil, he shouted, "Get out!"


The deer deer had been solidified in the rocks. Hearing the shout, knowing that he could not escape, he had to hold the Musu given by the elm demon in his hand, arched the muddy stone slab on it, and came out to hold his head high. Shouted: "My lord, I was wronged!"


After the short figure, two more humanoid creatures walked out of the cave, one of them was so tall that it would not be about two and a half meters tall, the proportions of the figure were well-proportioned, and the face of the Chinese character was full of chill; the other was smiling and wearing a big nose. The nose ring, the figure is also burly, but it is half a head shorter than the cold-faced giant beside him, so it is not very obvious.


The short big-eyed demon king who made the "fossil technique" stopped the lady who was about to rush to slash, and asked in a cold voice: "The Demon Oriole reported before, knowing that you were recommended by Tashi Shan, but you came up to the mountain and molested his wife. , To disturb the distinguished guests, did the Elm Demon teach you?"


The deer deer was taken aback and realized that this was the King of Ruyi, and said anxiously: "I'm just a little demon. Fang escaped from Lingtao Peak. He didn't even have a place to stand. It was hard to move the general. When he was instructed to vote for the king, he was so courageous, and he never dared to molest his wife, and it was only unintentional to disturb the distinguished guests, the king Mingjian! The king Mingjian!"


  Wang Ruyi snorted, looked at his wife, and then at the giant man who had just come out of the cave, and asked: "Is Tashi's teacher who can teach you to call your madam "Female Bodhisattva"?"


   The deer deer stayed for a while, and shook her head quickly. The female Shura's hand holding a knife burst into blue veins, and she wanted to rush up and chop: "This is so boring, I called my grandmother... three times!"


   The little demons next to them all nodded, indicating that they had also heard them.


This is really a disaster. The deer deer wanted to cry without tears. He had already scolded the tiger demon who had suffered thousands of swords thousands of times. He hurriedly explained: "When I first fled to the Sacred Ape Mountain, I met a tiger demon. , He taught me, in the Sacred Ape Mountain, whenever I encounter a female monster, the Bodhisattva appears to respect her. I didn’t expect it to be the **** deceit! There are various customs, I really don’t know that this title is a taboo, the king is forgiving, Those who don't know are not guilty!"


   Listening to the deer demon's defense, the deer with a smile on his nose asked at the entrance of the cave: "What is the name of the tiger demon?"


   Baibao hurriedly replied: "He claims to be a dead ghost, but he still doesn't know the true or false!"


   Now, even the King Ruyi cursed: "It's the wicked traitor of this dog day again!"


Even King Ruyi knows the notoriety of Tiger Demon Rape. He believes that he hasn't lied anymore. Deer Demon kowtows again: "Everyone has their own customs, I really don’t know! If you really know, how can you have the courage to offend? Forgive me!"


  Wang Ruyi groaned, and slowly said, "Madam, brother, recommended by the Elm Demon, I might not look good if you kill it!"


The cold-faced giant said: "Brother-in-law, you don’t know. I wait for the Asura and Asura tribes. I don’t have many clan populations. I also hope to reproduce more. I don’t want monks to be hateful. To be a guardian of the Dharma and King Kong, my girl has heard a lot since she was young, and she hates the monk deeply. I think this white deer demon came to worship the mountain with her bald head and angered her. She is not usually such a hot temper!"


Hearing that Shura hates the monk, the deer deer can't help but want to slap his family. He only blames his troublesome family. He is so busy that the little demon under the door is captured by the monk Miaode. He has to save thousands of people and teach the Dharma to get back to the little demon. Everything was confessed, and he repeatedly swears that he is not a real monk.


   "Rebirth" magic power is activated, and sparse white hair grows busy again.


"Bah! Monks are not good things. You are not good at it, so you want to get a bald?" The Shura woman put away the knife and said bitterly: "Please check it out, the king, he is really a new monster from outside, I don't know. Customs, just look at the face of the elm wood demon, spare his life, but also to drive out, not to stay in the mountain farm!"


  Wang Ruyi nodded: "Madam, don't worry, it is true after investigation, the death penalty is forgiven, and the living sin will not be spared!"


   I first stretched out my hand to see the Deer Demon Spirit, it is indeed innocent, and then asked about the situation around Lingtao Peak and what he saw along the way to the west, the Deer Demon answered honestly.


King Ruyi picked what was wrong, and after tolerating it for a while, he pronounced the sentence to the deer demon: "These two distinguished guests, one is the king's elder brother, King Shura, and the other is the king's best friend, Guangmang, although you are unintentional. , But angered Madam, and rushed into the distinguished guest again, looking at the face of Mount Zhaxi, forgive you the death penalty! Live crime..."


After a pause, he said: "Everyone has different customs. The source of the hotness of the Sacred Ape Mountain has been lost for many years. Since you came from Lingtao Peak, the little demon will have to go through a lot, so you will be punished to perform it again, let My two distinguished guests have fun!"


   It's hard to escape the death penalty, how can this living sin be tolerated?


   When my old deer was a little demon around Na Lingtao Peak, he never stopped performing this show. Fortunately, he didn’t want to escape to the Sacred Ape Mountain, so he would suffer this crime instead?


After hearing the result of Wang Ruyi’s punishment, the deer deer wanted to beg for mercy again. He just opened his mouth and yelled, so he was knocked over by Ruyi Wang, stepped on his mouth, and asked in a cold voice, "Mrs. Is it?"


   Ruyi Wang had a murderous tone in his tone, and his mouth was stepped on again.


   When the King of Ruyi told the little demon to go to the room to get the spicy food, the Shura girl took a sip, pulled the banshee who had previously reported, and hid in the cave together.


   The three demon king-level existences looked around, and looked at the big-handed chili peppers they had taken, the deer demon really wanted to cry without tears.


   There are so many shame and pain, there is no life that matters. As the Ruyi Wang sternly scolded, the deer deer shivered and pulled away the Taoist robe.


   The little demon grinned and squeezed the Chaotian pepper into juice, and came over and smeared it.


   It’s hot and Forever, life, hard, forget!


   The existence of the three Demon Kings really made them laugh.


   Goubao and other little monsters waited outside Ruyi Wangshan until the next day. They were very anxious. They only asked the little monster on the peak but refused to answer.


   In a panic, I saw Master Bailu swaying down the mountain with all four hoofs. He surrounded him one by one and asked the result. Master Lu sighed: "I think this place is in conflict with my fate and is not suitable for living. Let us change the house!"


   gritted his teeth and looked up to the sky again: "The tiger demon of the dog day, if the lord catches you, he must first make the sun hot for ten days, and then peel the skin and cramp, before he thwarts his bones and ash!"


   All the way back to Tashi Mountain, Master Lu walked slowly.


   When I saw the elm demon again, Baibao asked the "female bodhisattva" in his astonishment.


   was surprised and said: "Are you still unknown? A female Bodhisattva who is called a woman naturally asks her to donate her body!"


   Baibao asked unconvincedly: "Then you still boast that Huang Huaniang is a famous female bodhisattva for thousands of miles?"


   The old wood demon nodded fiercely and said, "She is really a good female bodhisattva. I don't know that many demon kings and demon generals have been donated. It is my old elm, and she has a few dewy loves with her!"


   The deer deer gaped, and cursed again in his heart: "How do I know about your holy monkey mountain, the secret words about opening a room are so high-end!"


   (End of this chapter)



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