Deer Demon Race

Chapter 162: Huang Hua Niang

   After a bit of grumbling, thinking of the sharp knife of the Shura girl, the deer demon asked the old wooden demon: "General, the realm of the wife of the wishful king, which level is comparable to that of our demons?"

   Yumu Demon replied: "The four types of Shura are different from those of demons. Her cultivation level should be comparable to my old Yumu!"

   is equivalent to the old wood demon, at the level of the demon general or foundation building. The sharp knife is indeed dangerous. If you change to a demon, it will be difficult to avoid. Most of it will be cut and killed on the spot, and there is no chance to argue.

   After being afraid for a while, the deer demon said again: "It's not that I have offended King Ruyi, but it makes it difficult for the general to do it!"

It’s a good idea to recommend that the deer go to worship the mountain, but it turns out that the deer deer offends the Ruyi Wang and his wife. So I left it alone, and shook his head and said, "Come on! The Red Ganoderma lucidum in the Ruyi Wangshan field is so greedy for the Demon King. He is also on guard. In addition to the wide-ranging support, I also want to use Lao Yumu. Helping to talk about Xiang in front of the ancestors won’t hurt me! But you, are you going to Huanghua’s house by the Chisha River? Or do you find another way?"

   The deer deer asked bitterly: "Since Huang Huaniang is a well-known female bodhisattva, she doesn't know how much she can do to the monsters under her sect?"

   "Huh?" The old wood demon couldn't help being surprised: "The Huanghuaniang has a good skin, and she is the demon king. She is willing to give, are you still not happy?"

   Hundred Treasures thought, the female bodhisattva is willing to give alms, and my old deer dare not want to be so corrupt in his private life.

   But he couldn't say this. The deer demon had to lie: "My old deer escaped on the way, and after listening to the Buddhist monk Miaode, I was a little tired of seeing the female bodhisattva!"

   Old Yumu laughed "hehe": "The monk is so hateful? You can make up for it by eating more whips!"

"Come on, no need to worry! I know that Huang Huaniang, she has to choose demon for charity. Outside, she will only be tempted by demon generals. If there is no realm, she will receive some demon noodles in her account. Handsome, you look like this, so she asks, I'm afraid she won't catch her eye!"

   was hit again because of his appearance, the deer demon sighed, and said: "Then let's try it!"

   This time, I carefully asked how to call it, whether Huang Huaniang and the important characters around her have any taboos. Only when things are in the Valley of Ten Thousand Flowers, did they resign from the Elm Demon General, go down to Zhaxi Mountain, and head northwest.

   The Wanhua Valley where Huang Huaniang lived was far away, a thousand miles away. He led the little demon for six days before reaching the ground.

   Ten Thousand Flower Valley, the terrain is much higher than that of Tashi Mountain, and the top of the peak is not so high.

   also left the little monsters outside, and he informed him to see him.

   I didn't dare to bald my head again this time. When the little demon came to lead the way, he was honestly dressed in a white figure and went into the Baishan Gate.

   Huanghua’s family is called Wanhua Valley. The mountain field is surrounded by large and small hills that are connected to each other. There are large flat areas in the middle. Such high mountain flat dams are rare in the Sacred Ape Mountain.

In the surrounding hills and in the central Daping Dam, whether woody or herbaceous vegetation grows, most of them will bloom. Although it is in the late autumn season, many flower species such as sweet-scented osmanthus, wild chrysanthemum and hibiscus are also blooming, and there are many others. Unknown varieties, blooming unseen flowers, decorate the monster mountain field into a sea of ​​flowers, and it should be called the Valley of Flowers.

In   Pingba, many little demons are planting flowers and picking flowers, watching a lot of female demons, regardless of male or female, their appearance is mostly upright, far better than the deer demons.

Huanghuaniang, the bee king, lives in the valley between two slightly higher hills. Unlike most demon kings, she does not live in a cave, but a huge building complex built with beeswax as a whole. Hanging a piece of old wooden board with three slanted characters "Drunk Flower Ju" carved on it.

   On the hills on both sides of the valley, there are all kinds of rare and rare flowers and trees growing, and the deer monsters are basically unknown.

  The drunk flowers constructed of beeswax live in various corners, and various bees fly out and fly in, and the "buzzing" sound becomes a piece. For the monster with good hearing, it will feel irritable after listening for a long time.

   After the little demon went in to report for a while, the deer deer had to go in and meet the Banshee King.

   A large building built with beeswax, there are countless rooms, and many flowers are inserted. Going in along the corridor, it is also decorated with many bright bead stones, glowing with dim light.

   In the dim light, Huang Huaniang lay lazily on the couch, surrounded by many handsome male monsters. Her face was extremely beautiful, her figure was graceful, and her skin was as delicate and white as a baby. She was indeed a fairy who could fascinate all creatures.

The deer deer entered the beeswax hall and presented the elm demon mustard. After a sneaky glance, he did not dare to look any more, lowered his head and reported his own name, and then fled from Lingtao Peak, begging for worship After entering the flower, the Shanmen settled down and said it again.

Huang Huaniang stared at the time he was talking and kept looking at it. After he finished speaking, she sighed softly: "It's troublesome. It's really an elm-headed head. I don't know what the queen likes? Such an ugly monster, wearing a suit. Bai, I don’t know how to set it up, and I feel awkward when I look at it. Why do I recommend coming here?"

  'S voice was soft and sweet, but when she heard what she said, the deer deer felt cold and thought it would be impossible.

I don’t want Huanghuaniang to sigh twice, and then said softly: "The old elm skin is not good at all! No matter, I will take it down and go to the border first. Just remember it, nothing is allowed. Come to the empress! You came from a long distance, do you know how to make a living?"

   The deer deer hurriedly nodded and said, "After giving the flowers, the little demon understands a little bit!"

This famous female demon king called herself "Queen of the Empress" in her own mountain farm. Every monster in her family called her "Queen of Flowers". The less popular little demon was called "Grandma of Queen of Flowers". After all I found out, I left.

   What kind of livelihood monsters will make is related to their respective roots and feet. Not only are there worshipers in the Sacred Ape Mountain, but if the mountain master is mean, it is common for the mountain master to escape on their own.

   I don’t ask for the details, but when he hears that he can make a living, Huang Huaniang breathed out a little relaxed look: "It's okay! It's okay! Then when you get promoted to the demon general, you will be sent out to start another mountain field!"

She disliked the ugliness of the deer demon, and did not want to stay in front of her eyes. The deer demon couldn’t wait. She just wanted to borrow her sign to stand on her own. Hearing this, she tentatively asked: "After the flower, the demon has been taken care of by the general. In love, since I think the little demon looks ugly, why don't I send me out to Xinlishanchang? Those who walk alone in the outside also have the demon who occupy the mountain by themselves. If I can go to open the mountain, I would like to pay three copies of the top-grade elixir every year!"

In the Sacred Ape Mountain, the exchange of the one-grade difference between the elixir is one to five. The demon generals assigned to Lishan Farm can provide 30 low-grade yellow grades, or six medium-grade ones. I heard that the deer demon The tribute was more than doubled, and she was able to produce a top-grade elixir. Huang Huaniang couldn't help but sit up gently. After thinking about it, she shook her head and said softly: Some of your expenses, the demon sent out, and were overturned by those accustomed to thieves in twos or twos, robbed of the production, not to mention, it may be difficult to save your life, and you will become a laughingstock of Sakon, so you don’t have to lose your money. s face!"

   The deer deer was startled: "In the holy monkey mountain, there are still thieves?"

The bee demon king rolled his eyes and said, "Where is there no thief in the world? There are some people who can't manage this holy ape mountain. If you increase the sand demon who escaped from the desert, they will often go through **** things and be courageous. On weekdays, pretending to be serious, walking alone and occupying the mountain on the bright side, and the demon king swallows his anger in front of the mountain, but if you find out which division is false and solid, the group will pretend to take off the output and kill the flesh, it is also normal! In the latter mountain farm, if you assign a demon to help the demon generals of the division, you will be unwilling, because the danger of going to the division is fatal and injured, you really have the ability to manage Huang Shangpin, and you are too young to assign it rashly. Going out, I was really killed. Isn't it a loss? The queen is waiting for you Huang Shangpin to pay tribute. Don't be anxious for a while, if you have the intention, help the queen to start the business in this mountain first, and there will be no reward!"

Most demon kings dare to stand down the mountain with the consent of the demon ancestors. Therefore, the monsters in the holy monkey mountain are the most demon generals. There are really habitual robbers, and they must also be the main demon generals. There will be a few more gangs, no wonder the monsters do not send. Going out, it is really not enough cultivation base, just relying on the name of the demon king can not hold the scene.

   After I understood, the deer demon had to rest his mind and honestly waited for the promotion demon general to speak.

The White Deer was not alone to vote. Huang Huaniang asked about the number of little monsters waiting outside the mountain field and their respective origins, and then lightly breathed: "Fortunately, the little monsters are not counted. All four little monsters will be promoted to the demon, Ben I can still afford it later."

"Listen well, you will not treat you badly when you enter the mountain field. Just be loyal! The demon receives a copy of the elixir of the lower grade every year, and the little demon does not enter the market. , Every year they have but when I use it, I dare to hesitate, peel my skin cramps, chop my head and serve noodles, and I am familiar with it later!"

This side scenery is really different from Lingtao Peak. No wonder the Monkey Demon Mountain Chief looked in memory when he talked about it. He gave up a piece of pangolin scales and had to worship this Demon King Mountain Field. Instead of paying tribute, he still had a salary. Issuing is a great deal!

  The one who opened the mountain field was supposed to feed the monster below, not the one below!

   Hearing Huang Huaniang talked about skinning cramps and chopping her head to prepare noodles, her voice was soft, but the deer deer believes that by then, the famous Banshee King will never be soft, after all, she is a monster.

"In this mountain field, there are not many idle demon who are called by the little demon, but they are sent to guard the border, and it is not possible without the little demon. It can fly, it's better to have a message and a ride!"

After speaking, Huang Huaniang threw out a wooden sign again, and when the deer deer caught it, she said again: "This sign is your identity, but you should be safer. If you borrow your book less and cause trouble, if When asked to come to the door, the queen must listen to the truth. The fault lies with you. You will be punished severely. It is not like some demon kings who just cover up the door!"

  The deer demon carefully looked at the wooden sign in his hand. I don't know what kind of wood it was made of. It was spiritual and heavy. On one side, it was painted with a delicate yellow flower, and the other side was engraved with a slanted "D". .

  The yellow flower naturally represents the Banshee King. I don’t want the monsters to be difficult to read, but painting is not bad.

   Deer demon still wants to ask what kind of behavior is considered her own "mistake". Huang Huaniang talked to an ugly monster for a long time and was already impatient. After finishing her confession, she asked a handsome demon to ask General Crane to lead him.

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