Deer Demon Race

Chapter 164: On the road

After speaking, the deer deer took out the impervious purple golden potato and handed it to the big gray sparrow's mouth. It took a few mouthfuls, and as expected, it had accumulated enough before. When he got this elixir, he suddenly turned into a head. Before he finished sensing his own situation, he first screamed: "Thank you for your reward, I will be loyal and loyal in the future, and I will be sent by the master. The master tells me to go east and never go to the west. I, I just don’t have a good name, please give me a name!"

Don’t want the sparrow to be too talkative, Fang Huaxing keeps twittering, thinking about the little demons like Langlang, Boeing, etc., who have been named before, either life or death. Now there is no one left by his side, and Caikou is not good. The deer deer was a little taboo, and shook his head and said, "Master, if I can still do other things, it's not good to have a name. You should think of one yourself!"

"The name I thought of myself, there is no allusion. I will say it later, and my face will be dull!" The sparrow demon grinned, and suddenly turned to the crane demon general: "The general is the master of my master. What a demon?"

   Crane Demon General snorted coldly and refused: "I don't want to lose the ash, it's not pleasing at all, let someone else take it away!"

   The sparrow demon happily bowed down and bowed: "Thanks to the general for the name!"

   Jiugao clearly said that he asked him not to take it, is this sparrow still thankful?

   Deer Deer was puzzled, Sparrow demon cried, "I will call it a little later. General Crane, who is in charge of the Seventeen Peaks in the east of Wanhua Valley, personally named it. Tell me, how many little demon should I envy!"

  Perhaps it was a long time waiting for the transformation of the demon. This sparrow has been holding back for a long time, and once he had to speak, it was really silly. The deer interrupted him and asked: "You are transforming the demon today, do you have magical powers?"

The newly named Sparrow Demon looked frustrated, and replied: "Master, I'm not conspicuous when I look at it like this. How can I invite good fortune when transforming a demon? I didn't expect it at all. Pleasant little demon, beg Master Mok to deduct my elixir!"

This is a tuberculosis sparrow, if you have poor patience, you can’t stand it. It is really unpleasant. The crane demon will shook his head and blasted the other birds and beasts, and said to the deer demon: "You still have the little demon waiting outside the mountain field. , Even with this sparrow demon, after the ten-day rotation is over, we will see the flower queen together again. I'm not in a hurry today!"

   The deer demon responded: "Babao obey orders!"

"If you don't accept the riding demon today, we will walk to the Twelfth Peak of Crane. It is serious if we walk faster. I haven't been on a parade for many days. I will take you to the ground. I will nod to the surrounding peaks by the way! "

  The deer demon asked in doubt, "More than a hundred miles, can the general fly?"

   Crane Demon General sneered and asked him: "There has always been a little demon carrying a demon. Have you ever seen a demon carrying a little demon?"

   Sparrow demon laughed "hehe" beside him, only to be aware that the laughter was disrespectful to the master, and hurriedly said: "Although I am a little younger, but after a few years of cultivation, I will definitely be able to move the master, the master is not anxious..."

   It turns out that Crane Demon General is self-reliant, and he refuses to carry him, regardless of the nonsense of Bird Demon, Baibao is also busy remedying: "It's my fault. If you think badly, don't worry the general!"

After    Deer Demon apologized, Crane Demon took the lead and walked towards the eastern border.

  Obviously, he is good at flying, and he is also the cultivation base of the demon general, so he has to walk. The road is not close. The deer demon has no choice but to bring the sparrow demon to keep up.

   Demon General, Demon Ding, and Little Demon, three monsters, only one hundred treasure can not fly, and the other two are all generals.

The sparrow demon has to turn into a demon today. From then on, he can lead the Ten Thousand Flower Valley. You have to cross how many hot birds in Tuomenlu to avoid excitement. He talks all the way and talks a lot. Before half an hour, he can do it. Jiugao and Baibao were both annoying, and felt that this little demon didn't take the wrong name, so he was not pleased at all.

   Crane Demon General has not seen the scenery on the ground for a long time, leading the deer demon on his way, walking vigorously at first, and when he ran out of the Pingba area, he took a close look at the flowers and plants.

   Seeing that he was looking for something along the way, while rushing along the way, the deer demon interrupted the deer who said to himself, and asked: "What is the general looking for? We may be able to help find it!"

Crane Demon turned his head and glanced at him. There was something he didn't want to say. After seeing the ugly face, he felt inexplicably relieved before he said: "The things that we manage in the mountain farms need to be filled with strange flowers. With such a handsome face, you can find one, move it back to this mountain, after the flower looks like it, you may come to get close!"

Seeing that he is proud to say, there is another kind of strange flower that you get. With this ugly face, it is impossible to have a sense of contempt, which makes the deer be stunned. After a long rest, he continues to ask: "Our mountain field , What kind of business do you have?"

The sparrow demon has changed back to its original form and minimized its size. The little sparrow did not dare to stand on the master, so he stopped flying all the way. Hearing the master’s question, it was just after the master’s spirit was enlightened. As soon as I knew it, the demon general replied in a hurry: "Master, my monsters and monsters in this mountain live on the crystal jade bee raised by the grandmother after the flower. This bee gathers flowers and makes nectar. Each bee only gathers one kind of flower, which is absolutely not the same. , The honey brewed by picking the flowers can produce the three grades of non-flowing and yellow grade. If you have to gather thousands of exotic flowers to produce Qianqi Royal Jelly, although you only get one or two servings in ten years, there is a Xuan-level inferior grade. Effective, but the hottest day!"

The deer deer is astounding. The red ganoderma of Ruyi Mountain is a mysterious medium-level elixir. Listening to the introduction of the Oriole demon at the time, it seems like the world is self-reliant. It is not the skill of the Ruyi King. It is estimated that it is difficult to move and only survives in Ruyi Mountain; Although the Ten Thousand Flower Valley that you visited only produces the Xuan Xuan, it is made by the bees raised in the house, that is to say, no matter where the Huang Hua Niang is, she can successfully grow the flowers and make the nectar.

Compared with    elixir, although the red ganoderma is a higher grade, the demon king’s management method is even better than Huanghuaniang.

   Wanting to understand this, Baibao couldn't help but curiously asked: "Xuan-level low-grade elixir, is the Demon King's food effective?"

According to what the deer deer knows in Lingtao Peak, the demon food elixir increases demon aura. In addition to the new product that is eaten for the first time, under normal circumstances, the little demon does not correspond to the flow. , The demon will correspond to Huang Shang and Xuan Xia, the demon king corresponds to the Xuan Zhong Shang, the demon ancestor corresponds to the middle and the bottom of the earth, the demon saint corresponds to the earth and the world, and the sky demon that goes up again, since ancient times, has basically not reappeared in the world, the same, the sky The third-level elixir almost no longer appeared in the world.

At the level of the demon general, promotion does not entirely depend on the amount of demon energy. No matter how much elixir is eaten, it will not be promoted immediately. However, the demon energy tempered by the old demon accumulates a lot, and the ability is naturally greater. Opportunity, the success rate should be higher. Ruyi Wang's management skills are not as good as Huanghuaniang, but with this mountain red Ganoderma lucidum, the evil spirit can always be nourished. Huanghuaniang has not supplemented the income.

   Even though he wanted to talk a little bit, he couldn't answer this question. Fortunately, even if he blushed, he couldn't tell the truth.

Jiugao snorted, somewhat proud, and mixed with sour and sorrow, and said in a complex mood: "Other demon kings have obtained Qianqi royal jelly, and the subordinates of the Xuan-level can't nourish much demon energy. Hershey's medicine can only be effective, and that's why no demon king is willing to fight the Ten Thousand Flower Valley! Other mountain fields with mysterious elixir are very difficult to be at ease. In order to build strong support, they need to bring their spirits. You can keep the medicine if you let it out!"

   Hearing what the Crane Demon General said, Huang Hua Niang can nourish the evil spirit, but will not cherish her sins. For many years, the female bodhisattva has made many foreign aids. She worships the mountain in the Valley of Ten Thousand Flowers, and there will be a peaceful life in the future!

   thought happily, the deer demon humbly asked for advice again: "General, the queen ordered that you should not cause trouble when you go out. If you make a mistake, you will be punished. I just arrived here. I don’t know what to do as a mistake?"

Anyone who asks like this, I’m afraid I’m thinking about causing trouble, Jiugao glanced at him, sneered and said: “Let’s take a moment, don’t really think that with your back on the flowers, you will have nothing to worry about, and go out to provoke a lot of trouble. Yes, I was hated by someone else, hiding his head and grabbing his breath to attack the black hand, the mountain was really killed, and I couldn’t find it out, and I didn’t care about it. I have seen more than one or two such things!"

   Deer demon accompanied with a smile: "The general is right, my old deer is also a part of his duty, and will not provoke right and wrong, just inquire to understand it, so as not to commit the taboo of the mountain field!"

The Crane Demon General nodded and warned: "If you go to the surrounding mountains and fields, if you want to beat the autumn wind, play huddles, and see the female bodhisattva, you must wake up your ears and eyes. Don't settle your grudges with other demon kings, mountains, and families. Otherwise, the defendant will come to the after the flower, he will hit you on the board first, and then ask the reason, it is your fault, skin cramping is common, committing a murder case, hand it over!"

   means that the backstage can’t afford to provoke it, don’t provoke it? Deer Demon waited a while, and when he saw Crane Demon he would not speak any more, and asked, "Is there any more?"

   Jiugao gave him a glance: "That's it, where can I find it?"

   is so simple, the deer demon suddenly laughed: "I must remember to die!"

   The whole body was relaxed and happily drove the road. After a while, the deer demon asked again: "What are the other mountain fields around my mountain field? General Shangfan told me that it is cheaper to go out and walk!"


It was a monster, but the humanoid figure rushed along the road, but with long sleeves fluttering, a pair of immortal and rich Jiugao pondered for a moment, and said: "Just by the distance of the mountain field opened by the demon generals, I will leave the border five. Within Baili, in addition to the four separate mountain farms in Wanhua Valley, there are still two Demon Kings. King Zhu Wei lives in Xiaoci Mountain. These two demon kings have an unusual friendship with us after Hua Empress. If you meet the monsters of his two families, you must be polite!"

   Crane Demon General said that his friendship was unusual, and his tone was sour. Deer demon immediately understood, and then asked: "Demon General Mountain Field?".

"The Demon King Mountain Farm has only one or two hills, a few miles of river section, more than five hundred miles, there are more than 20, seven are separated by the demon king, and the rest are singles. There are two. Or the sand demon who escaped from the desert..."

   While talking while rushing, the deer deer is under his own family, and the crane demon general Jiugao had to tell him all the surrounding monsters and monsters, so as not to cause trouble in the future and cause his family to eat and die.

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