Deer Demon Race

Chapter 165: King Kong Iron Gibbon and Full Moon Rhinoceros

   After the deer demon asked about the surrounding situation, he had already traveled dozens of miles. Under a shrubbery, Crane Demon Jiang Jiugao finally found a satisfying rare flower, which could be called an "odd flower", carefully planed the rhizome together, and then continued on his way with joy.

   Seeing his joyful appearance, the main reason why he walked with him to He Twelve Peaks was mainly because he was still with this "exotic flower".

  Think of the number of demon generals in Wanhua Valley, although several times that of Jingping Mountain, but according to normal accumulation, there are fewer demon generals. Where are the missing demon generals?

   The deer demon had to care, and asked again as he walked: "General, my mountain demon generals, the number seems to be less?"

   "Huh?" Crane Demon looked at him strangely: "Where is it missing?"

I don’t know if he will commit a taboo, the deer demon cautiously said: "We have nearly two hundred demon in the mountain field. If you don’t talk about it, it should be the lower half!"

   "Why are there so many?"

Jiugao immediately disregarded the immortal demeanor, staring wide-eyed and said: "Shanchang, these lazy goods, relies on their own self to make money, and how many are willing to make progress? Every year, the one who gets in hand, either loses or wins. Go to coax the female Bodhisattva, now there are two hundred monsters, and those who can become monsters before the end of their lives will surely exceed forty!"

   The overall environment is lax, and there are many people who love to play, so the success rate is so low?

The deer demon was unbelievable, and Jiugao sighed: "The demon is not very useful. Whether it is against a monk or helping the two ancestors, the two ancestors will not be called to wait. It was a good intention, but I didn’t want to raise all of these wastes! With nearly two hundred monsters in Ten Thousand Flower Valley, no more than forty will eventually become a monster. Those who fled, and those who died in battle, how many demon generals can be left behind?"

   "Foreign aid grinds teeth and the two ancestors of 虺虺?"

Jiugao nodded: "My Sacred Ape Mountain, with the 21st Ancestor Boundary to the southeast, it can only deal with human repairs and the desert, which is not too tight. There are two families in the west, and the ancestors of the 虺虺 are weird, but I depend on me. The rituals of the demon tribe, also known as the ancestors, are located at the northwest end of the holy ape. His family’s land boundary is connected to the sea to the north, and to the west is mostly barren mountains. Only to the southwest is the Holy Rhinoceros Valley. To the southwest of Sacred Ape Mountain, her family's land boundary extends to the desert in the south, and to the west there are more barren mountains, and only to the northwest is the Sacred Rhinoceros Valley."

   Crane Demon General said "she", then this squirrel demon grinning ancestor is a female demon?

"The Great Sage of the Holy Rhinoceros Valley Lanyue and our Grandpa Sacred Ape forged a death feud, but they couldn't fight. If he dared to kiss the Sacred Ape Mountain, Grandpa Sacred Ape must be awakened. He would not dare to kiss him easily. There are no more demon ancestors, and there are few demon kings. Only demon generals can raise the most. After two hundred years, they have to plant countless soul cords to force a large number of demon generals to come out desperately. Yes, only if you kill one of the same realm, you can go back. Otherwise, once a hundred days pass, the soul will be strangled directly by the soul, and it will be extremely cruel. Some demon generals will be drawn to help those two families defend the boundary."

  After the promotion to the demon general, there was still warfare. The deer was taken aback and asked hurriedly: "How to smoke? How much?"

Jiugao was not a temperament who likes long talks, but when he talked about these things, the little sparrow demon also listened attentively, no longer annoying, and was so happy, he replied: "Draw! Pingdingshan first draws out twenty demon. Wang, the twenty families will draw lots again, and each will draw five monsters to help. It's not just our twenty-one ancestor realm. If the holy rhinoceros valley monsters invade, the other three will also send assistance!"

The deer demon knows that there are six demon ancestors in Sacred Ape Mountain. He has heard half of it today, and he simply asked to understand: "I just arrived here, and everything is unknown. Please also inform the army about the roots and feet of the other three ancestors. , Lest there be collisions in the future!"

"The other three? The Golden Mane ancestor is the real lion. It is said to be from Liliyuan. The boundary is in the northeast of Sacred Ape Mountain. It is connected to the home of the ancestor in the north, Liliyuan is connected to the east, and the land boundary of our 21st ancestor is connected to the south. The ancestor without injustice is the legacy of the ancients, and the blood of Hachi was originally the first place under the sacred ape. His family is in the middle of the boundary, and the original is also vast. Seven hundred years ago, half of the new ancestors were cut off. Today is the smallest; the last ancestor is the original scorpion, the demon king who escaped from the desert, got an opportunity in our holy ape mountain, and became the demon ancestor more than 700 years ago. In addition to the unjust ancestor, the molar ancestor and me Our 21st Ancestor also cut some land for him. The land boundary is also in the center of the Sacred Ape Mountain, but it is a bit southerly, bordering the desert."

After the introduction, Crane Demon will say again: "All ancestors have honorable titles. I heard that the great kings follow the temperaments of the holy ape masters. Name, you must not make mistakes face to face, you must remember the twenty-one ancestor’s name Kuli ancestor, if the wrong name is heard by the ancestor, it is the demon king. The bobcat calls ten days; the remaining molar ancestors are called the ancestors of the universe; the golden mane ancestors are called the ancestors of the wind; the ancestors of the 虺虺 ancestors are called the thunderbolt spirit monsters; "

   The honorable titles of the six demon ancestors, if you read it wrong in person, you might die, but the deer demon is busy remembering.

After confidently remembering, the deer deer asked: "General, as I know, the Sacred Ape Mountain runs north-south, it is 10,000 miles wide from east to west, and 30,000 miles long from north to south. It faces the sea in the north, and the Dahuang Mountain on the west side. Only the middle part is connected to the Holy Rhinoceros Valley. The Holy Rhinoceros Valley is surrounded by the Dahuang Mountain and our Holy Ape Mountain. Is there a mistake?"

   Jiugao nodded: "You know geography, you don't look like those dumb and stupid monsters!"

The Monkey Demon Mountain Chief who lives in Jingping Mountain, the surrounding area of ​​the Sacred Ape Mountain that has been introduced, misses the Great Barren Mountain and Liliyuan. I think it is due to lack of realm and limited knowledge. It is not surprising. After the crane demon will recognize it, Baibao asks again : "There are cultivators from the Xuantian Sect of the Terran Realm, the Great Sage of Flying in the Desert, the Great Sage of the Moon in the Holy Rhinoceros Valley, the Dragon Palace in the North Sea, and the two places of the Great Wilderness Mountain and Liliyuan, but there are also demon sages. How about the neighboring demon saints who have friendship with my holy monkey master?"

The Crane Demon General replied: "There is a great sage who stirs the sea in the wild mountains, and I heard that he is an osprey; the principle of Lili is a great sage who is really an elephant; in addition, the sea area is dozens of times larger than the land, the demon sage There are many, but not just the Dragon Palace family! The Great Desolate Mountain and the two demon sages in Liliyuan have never had any contact with our great sages; the North Sea Dragon Palace, the Southeastern Renxiu, and the Southern Desert have some grudges with the holy monkey, but they can still live together for the time being. The old rhinoceros in Saint Rhinoceros Valley is a deadly foe and needs to be guarded most!"

After listening to what Jiugao said, the deer deer sighed: "Six neighbors, my sacred monkey master is at odds with the four families, and the remaining two are still old and dead. There is no one close to each other. The neighbors are not in harmony. Our temperament, the Holy Ape Lord, I'm afraid..."


The questions and answers behind the demon demon demon are beyond the scope of knowledge. The demon sparrow can't speak at all, and can only listen to it as he is on the way. As long as the deer deer talks about this, an object flies out of the nearby forest at extremely high speed. Quickly, it is hitting his forehead.

   The deer demon covered his forehead and gasped for air-conditioning. He opened his eyes to see the hidden weapon that fell on the ground after hurting himself. It was just an unopened pine cone.

   looked up at the treetops over there, squatting a rare great black ape with unusually strong upper limbs. Seeing the deer demon looking over it, he still bared his teeth here.

   It doesn’t look like a demon!

   If it's just a beast, why don't you run away when you see a monster? And with the flesh of the old deer, even if he accidentally recruits on the way, what kind of beast can hit me with pine cones and hurt me?

   There is a meat bun on the forehead that    is touching!

   He was still wondering, Jiugao opened his mouth and smiled "haha", waved at the old black ape, and smiled: "It's the deer deer who has escaped from outside, he is not sensible yet, the old ape is not to blame for him!"

   The old black ape gritted his teeth and threatened for a while before returning to the forest.

This time I was able to finally grab something to say, and hurriedly said to the deer demon: "Master, this old ape is the same race of the holy ape grandfather, the King Kong Iron Gibbon, a natural alien, with a bronze body and iron arms. It is powerful and extremely vigorous, except Without magical powers and spells, the physical body can fight against the demon generals! I think it's because I heard the master say that the holy monkey is not the one, and I got angry!"

The old black ape has retreated, Jiugao glanced at the bird monster, and then explained to Baibao: "This King Kong Iron Gibbon is indeed of the same race of the Holy Ape Lord, and we are a unique alien species of the Holy Ape Mountain. Sheng sneaked in and collapsed the Holy Ape Cave. On the Ape Mountain, most of the relatives of the holy monkeys were killed by the holy rhinoceros. Eight hundred iron gibbon guards were killed, and the rest barely escaped. The King Kong Iron Gibbon is scattered in different places, not in groups, and I don’t know what kind of magic wounds it has suffered in Ape Mountain. Although the body is strong like a monster, it can’t be transformed into a monster. Only the animal’s body will die. I will find a King Kong Iron Gibbon to practice hands. It is really powerful and strong. Although it can't beat the demon general, it is very difficult to capture. I heard that there was a leopard demon king who wanted to eat the ape brain in the late game. Because the rest of the beasts didn't have enough flavor, they personally caught the King Kong Iron Gibbon and were all taken off!"

   Such a hot alien species, unfortunately, can no longer transform the demon, the deer demon sighed, and then curiously asked: "How much grievance do we have between the Holy Ape Lord and the Great Sage of the Moon?".

This is something the sparrow demon can’t answer again. The little demon shut up, and the demon general said, “Where is there any grudges? It’s the master of the moon that provokes us, the holy ape, you don’t know, the holy rhino is really worthy of it. It is the Mochizuki Rhinoceros, and it is also a natural alien species. It is born in the Rhinoceros Valley. If you have to cultivate to the realm of the Demon King, you will have a natural treasure, that is, the unicorn of the rhinoceros. With half the effort, the Holy Ape Master entered the Holy Rhinoceros Valley only after we heard about it, and took the moon to escape, but the wife and children were all killed. The Holy Ape Master cut off some rhino horns and returned to several people. The demon ancestors and guards used it, not wanting the holy rhinoceros to endure for more than a thousand years, and finally took advantage of our holy monkey master and the North Sea Dragon Palace, the mountain was empty, leading the demon king and the demon general to break into the monkey mountain, killing 800 iron Gibbon Wei didn't say anything, and collapsed the Yuanshan Mountain again, killing most of the relatives of the Holy Ape Lord."

   The deer deer didn't listen to the following words anymore, and only the words "that rhinoceros with a single horn can help the demon clan absorb moon spirits, and have a multiplier effect with half the effort" echoed in his mind.

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