Deer Demon Race

Chapter 169: Beg

   The weird "rui" character in my family's magical powers, if it can regenerate the vegetation on the scorched earth, wouldn't it be a natural fate, a good mountain field reserved for my family in good fortune?

   Thinking of this festival, the deer demon suddenly did not want to continue northbound, and said to the half profoundly: "Brother, I cross the river and go back, I will look at the mountain again!"

   I have to look at the river at one time, and at the mountain at another time. Although I can see the Doufeng Ridge, I have to walk dozens of miles to cross the river from here to get there. A remote, burnt black mountain, what's so good to see?

   If it weren't for expecting him to accept the gift, Chunky Black and White would be a little bit eager to curse.

   Regardless of what Yao Yao thinks, stepping on his blue eyes, he crossed the river again and returned to the south bank, and Baibao went straight to the **** mountain.

   dashed past dozens of miles to the scorched ravine at the foot of the Drifting Ridge, where you can see the grass and trees growing on the side of the valley, mostly short shrubs and weeds, but also sparsely grown, and the roots are covered with scorched earth and stones.

   took a handful of scorched earth and carefully distinguished it. There was almost no mulch. The original mulch had solidified into hard plates or particles after being split by the sky thunder, and the newly formed was only a small amount.

Two hundred years ago, the catastrophe should have wiped out the fungus, microbes, and insects in the soil. No wonder the vegetation is difficult to grow. These at the foot of the mountain re-growth and slowly extend from the side. In two hundred years, shrubs and weeds spread and grow up. Forty to fifty feet high.

   dropped the black soil, the deer demon climbed up with his legs.

   The frog demon naturally followed the master up the mountain, not knowing what the white deer demon had to do, Ban Xuan sighed and followed far behind.

   went all the way up, checking the depth of the burnt black earth and rocks everywhere. When he climbed three or four miles, the deer demon suddenly turned his head: "Blue eyes, look for some grass and trees seeds, and dig some mud from other mountains!"

   Although the frog demon was also a little dazed, after observing his orders, he turned his head and went down the mountain again.

The majesty of the tribulation enveloped the entire Cycling Ridge. The black soil at the foot of the mountain was half a foot thick. The more you climb up, the heavier the damage caused by the tribulation, and the thicker the black soil. The earth and rock have a ruler.

This waterfall is seven or eight meters wide, and most of it is dry, with the same pitch-black stone slabs exposed, and the side with flowing water only submerged the ankles. It should be that after the extinction of vegetation, the water volume is slowly decreasing, but it has not been completely broken. flow.

   It is retrograde along the mountain stream of the waterfall. There are many ridges and ridges, and there are few gentle ones. It is a bit difficult to walk. Along the way, there are several small streams flowing in, but the water volume is pitiful.

   The more you go up, the smaller the water volume.

   Banxuan followed. Seeing the deer demon looking at the mountains and currents all the way, he was really boring and asked: "What on earth do you want to see Brother Deer? There are three other places in the north that are waiting for us to go!"

  The deer deer didn’t turn his head back, and replied: “If my brother finds it difficult to walk, I’ll be waiting at the foot of the mountain, don’t follow!”

   Before the end of the gift discussion, the Bailu Yao is the God of Wealth, and he needs a high confession to coax him. Don't offend him. Qian Yao sighed and honestly continued to follow.

   After a while, the frog demon also caught up.

   I climbed more than ten miles along this mountain stream, and found the source of this mountain stream. The terrain is much flatter, and there is a wide shallow pool of seven or eight feet below the water outlet.

   A mountain spring with a large basin gurgled out of the water outlet, sinks into a shallow pool, and then flows down the mountain.

   Looking up, the top of Doufengling Mountain is still completely invisible. Only the half way down, I have climbed more than ten miles.

   "Blue eyes, wood seeds, grass seeds, dirt!"

   "Okay, sir!"

   The frog demon took out two animal skin bags from the pouch, the larger one was filled with mud, and the smaller one was filled with seeds, and they were all placed on the ground.

   The deer demon opened, and a small soil pit was stamped beside the water outlet. Pour the new soil taken by Biyan first, and then sow the seeds, asking Biyan to take water for watering, and then use the supernatural power of the word "Rui" again.

The character flew out of the deer demon's white robe, then appeared and dissipated, and finally turned into stars and melted into the surroundings. It has been seen once at the Twelve Peaks of Crane before, and it is probably a little weird. The demon asked curiously: " What magical power is this brother?"

   Demon Deer smiled without answering, and then asked him: "This Cycling Ridge, has my brother been here before? Can you tell where the original Hedgehog Demon King Cave Mansion is?"

   Yao Yao shook his head: "I haven't been here, what did I do here?"

   "Then we will split up and look for it, and look for the Demon King Cave Mansion to take a look!"

   Doufeng Ridge is so big, how long will it take to find it separately? Yao Yao sighed: "Don't take any effort, brother will help you find it!"

   He closed his eyes, and a virtual eye appeared on the top of his head. It flew into the air, rotating and sweeping around.

After four or five breaths, the imaginary eyes turned light back from the Qiuyao Tianlinggai, Banxuan opened his eyes, and said on the right side of his finger: "There is a big cave two or three miles up here, there are a few elsewhere, but they are all small! "

   The demon ghost shadow is equally mysterious, what magical power is it?

   The deer deer looked at the blue eyes, and the frog demon hurriedly shook his head. This squat demon was a demon. The little demon would be disrespectful if he dared to peek at the roots and feet, and the "identification" of supernatural powers peeked higher and lower, and the success rate was also low.

   Hundred Treasures did not force it, and took the lead in the direction pointed by the demon.

Slanting upward three miles in the direction pointed by the demon, there really is a big cave. Although it is deeper than the Jingping Mountain drilled cave, it is also considered to be wider. The outside is also a flat land that is stepped out. Two or three hundred little monsters were gathered together, and there were many small caves in them, which were obviously the caves of the original Demon King Hedgehog.

   This cave is partly natural and partly transformed. However, regardless of the size of the cavern inside and out, the earth walls are all scorched and black, and it looks more serious than the mountain outside. The Thunder of Tribulation could have gotten into the cave that day.

   After checking the large and small caverns, when you come out of the cave, you can see the Chisha River flowing at the foot of the mountain on the flat ground.

   The deer demon is extremely satisfied and has made a decision. As long as the vegetation planted by the water pool can survive when he comes back next year, his future mountain field will be set in this driving range!

  There is no need to go to the top of the mountain. The deer demon finally took the lead down the mountain and laughed as he walked: "There is nothing bare, so I have to blow the air. Shouldn't it be called Doufengling? Who gave it the name, excellent!"

   Blue-eyed happily took the words: "The master said it is excellent, and that is naturally excellent! With the master's ability, after decades of business, he will be able to keep the wind in it, and it is not allowed to enter!"

   The demon followed down the mountain in confusion.

   Six days later, somewhere under the mountain gate, a lizard monster shouted loudly: "Where is the wild monster? Dare to break into me..."

   "Shut up to the lord! Every time I come to your house, I will scream and scare the root of the disease. Your Firefox general will take care of it?"

   The first short and chubby screamed and retired the little demon, leading a long-faced monster in a white robe with words on his feet, and followed by a short little demon with frog legs, who didn't jump much.

  When the host and guest met in the cave mansion, the fox demon's name was Firefox. Although his face was unsightly, he still offered two uninfluenced plants.

   The monster in a white robe cocked his legs, drank tea, and clashed with it until the little frog monster broke into the living room and whispered a few words to him.

The little demon doesn’t understand “secret speech”, and with the ear power of the demon general, if he has the heart, he can hear it clearly, but although the demon king in the mountain field will not come to the door one by one, but they are used to them one by one. The rogue has been able to play tricks, all sorts of reasons, touching porcelain is also common, if you are caught in the wrong place, you will have to be corrupted again, the fox demon will escape from the desert for nearly a hundred years, and has been deeply harmed. , To these rogue monsters, they really can't afford to provoke them on the face of it. They were afraid of being designed, so they didn't dare to eavesdrop, and automatically blocked the whispers.

  The demon in white robe finished listening, grinned, wiped out the two influential gifts previously received, held them in both hands, and sent them back: "I'm just a demon, how dare to accept the general's gifts? Please take it back!"

   took it back and returned it, that is too small!

   The fox demon general looked gloomy. Hearing that the white robe and long-faced demon said again: "Not only did I dare not accept gifts, but I have obtained the top-grade elixir of yellow in the past few years, and I will send some to honor the general!"

   Little Demon Ding, how can I afford the elixir of Huang Shangpin as a gift? This can only be heard from the opposite side. The newcomer is the lion's mouth wide open, dare to ask for anything! The fox demon jumped his temples "suddenly" with blue veins in his hands. He has secretly decided that no matter what moth this white robe bears the demon playing with, he can give something, but today he will pretend to be out. Kill all three of them!

Although Firefox is a fox demon, its scheming is not so deep. The murderous intentions leaked. The frequent monsters were panicked, and hurriedly pulled the ignorant white-robed demon. The white-robed demon fended off the pull, and then said, "I’m new. The gate of the Wanhua Valley is really short of the little demon. I heard that there are several little demon in the general mountain field, all of which are different species of black-winged pengs. But at the moment it is still poor, and the elixir has been paid in five years, okay?"

Hearing this, it really didn’t look like a blackmailer. Firefox was a little stunned. The white-robed demon continued: "My hundred treasures are nothing but the little demon. I owe three yellow top-grade elixir on credit. I don’t have any long objects. I only give a token after the flower. How about holding it with the general first? If I fail the account by that time, the general can hold the token and file a complaint with the Then the little demon enters my door. , You have to enter the Baihua Valley Mountain Field. If I leave without a word, I can also testify for the general in the future! But after I go back, I will report the token to the general. Do things with it, and put the blame on me!"

If you are a little demon of your own, you have to go into the Valley of Ten Thousand Flowers, and you can open a way. The Huanghuaniang's guest of the scene has only been once. With the internal response, or you can get close again. In front of my mother, the unscrupulous monsters took turns to blackmail the bitterness!

   It is a good thing to think so!

Although I don’t believe that the little demon Ding can take out the yellow top grade elixir, Firefox still took his token, and it looked like it was not fake. When the white robe demon Ding didn’t pay the bill, he would take it out and give it back to him. It’s not bad, so I thought about it and said: "I led the door to escape from the desert, and avoided the monks in the southeast. I just relied on a few Black Wing Peng little monsters to fly fast enough. I have been here for nearly a hundred years. The number of the black wings of wisdom and demon is only more than twenty mouths. Listening to you, it is really hard to let go, and I don't know if he waits for the demon master if he is willing to cut love, and wait for me to ask!"

   I took away the tokens, went out of the cave first, and then turned back after a long time. I told my family to persuade them for a long time. Eventually the demons agreed that the black winged demon had gathered, please bring the white robe demon to pick it up. .

   The white-robed demon didn't need to choose. When he came out of the hole, the frog demon fingered one, and the white-robed demon stepped forward and held it: "This little demon is tough and has a relationship with me, so let me go!"

Waiting for the three monsters who came to knock at the door to step on the black Peng-winged little demon, flying away for a long time, Firefox stomped and bitterly said: "More than 20 Peng demon, I just picked him away, really used to be a thief, eyes It all works!"

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