Deer Demon Race

Chapter 170: Steel bone

At that time in the Fox Demon General's Cave, Biyan and Deer Demon whispered: "There are many Peng Demon in this house. I see that they are all different species. One type of strong bones, one type of change, and another type of attack."

  To this day, the deer demon has seen many supernatural powers, but the strong bones are still first heard. After all, the tempering of bones is the only skill of the demon, and the little demon stage is really rare.

He asked for this little demon, but he had his own consent. On that mountain, he had already asked in front of the fox demon. The name of this demon was Steel Bone. The single demon who walked in the holy ape mountain would be angry. He was a little demon. , Even if the demon will follow, how respectable is it around? He was born on the Sacred Ape Mountain, not the old years who followed out of the desert. He could have the opportunity to enter the Wanhua Valley Mountain Field. Later, he changed to another flattery, and naturally he would like to worship the Deer Demon.

The Peng Demon's steel skeleton is maximized, with its wings spread out close to three feet, and its wings are hardened. There is nothing wrong with carrying Baibao, Half Profound, and Blue Eyes. The Black Wing Peng is a naturally large alien species, just like his predecessors. , When escaping from the desert, each carried several monsters.

Black-winged Peng flew extremely fast, stepping on his back, feeling the speed of the galloping speed, faster than ever before being carried. The deer deer was very happy, and thought that three yellow top grades were very cost-effective, "haha" laughed for a while, Then he turned his head and said to Yao Yao: "Brother, it's been a long time since I've been out, so I won't go to another house. Shall we go back to He Twelve Peaks?"

  Pumpty Dumpty didn’t pay attention to the Little Demon Steel Skeleton at all. He had been in a daze before, listening to the deer deer’s words before he came back to his senses, and asked loudly, “You really have Huang Shangpin?”

  Pengniao had a strong wind on his back, Baibao grinned and did not answer, Yao Yao tugged at his throat and called: "You want to have Huang Shangpin, how can you go to another place to make it? I want a copy, and I ask your grandpa to do it!"

   "Grandpa Deer, you are talking, don't just laugh!"

   "Grandpa, Xu me a share!"

   "Grandpa Deer..."

   The deer demon ignored it, just pointed in the direction, and let Pengniao fly straight to the Twelfth Crane Peak.

   went out and circled the surrounding area for more than ten days, and it took less than two hours to go back.

   Now next to Ludong, a new hole has been opened, but the entrance is a bit small.

   After the steel frame was lowered, the deer demon said in a profound way: "Brother should also go back to Drunken Flower Ju, I won't give him away!"

   The deer demon didn’t care about him before, and the deer demon was already a scumbag: "Who said I would return to Zuihuaju? I will follow you, where do you go, where do I go!"

   There was no way for him. Seeing that the little monsters had already gathered, counting the days, the little monsters of the Zipan family had once again arrived at the top of the peak to change shifts, and they were all present at the door.

   Goubao, Yuanxiang and others each looked at the **** giant eagle that came back from the master pack deer, and saw that its stature gradually became smaller, and it turned into a human head and hands.

   Not busy to introduce, the deer deer asked: "Have you made the pump?"

Gou Bao smiled embarrassedly: "I don't have the craftsmanship of Brother Qupan. The inner wall of the wooden tube made is really uneven, or Yuanxiang is clever. I asked what it was for, and said that it is better to make a hole in the rock wall, please A demon who knows the earth and stone method will smooth it out!"

   The deer demon slapped his forehead hard, his own thinking is really rigid, and he hurriedly praised: "Yuanxiang is a good way!"

   Musk demon laughed twice, pointing to the newly opened cave next to the deer cave, and said: "It's a pity that you can't invite a demon helper. The work has not been completed yet, so the master has to invite one."

   Without waiting for the deer demon to speak, the demon cried next to him: "I am not a demon? What else can I ask? I know a little bit of the local law, it's not too much trouble, I will do it!"

   Babao bowed his hand to him: "Then there will be Brother Lao!"

   Banxuan akimbo his hands, and glances back obliquely: "It's just that I set the rules since I was a child, and I don't want to help others!"

   Deer Demon sighed and said, "Yes, I'm still Drunk Flower Curie and ask for another one!"

   Yao Yao hurriedly grabbed him: "After listening to me, I'm saying don't be a helper, you are my grandfather, how can you follow the rules?"

   The turning point was fast, and the deer deer was amused by him: "So, Brother Lao will work hard!"

  Being out for more than ten days, Biyan already knew the urinary **** of this monster, first jumped into the newly opened hole next to the deer cave to look at it, and came out and beckoned: "Half Xuan Dingmu, come and teach you how to do it!"

   "Come on! Little blue-eyed grandpa, just tell me!"

   Banxuan followed the blue eyes into the cave, and the deer demon beckoned and called the Peng Yao to come and introduce: "This is a new little demon under my family. The name is Steel Bone, the black winged Peng alien, and he will carry me when I go out later!"

Flew over, stood on the shoulders of Peng Yao, and spoke first: "I have a good body and wings. Ten thousand years ago, I was probably still a family! I call it a little bit. If you pay the door first, you have to call My brother, in terms of cultivation, your name is brother, which one do you choose?"

   Goubao has always talked less, after the sparrow talks, you can just introduce yourself: "My name is Goubao, I am a bull demon."

   Yuanxiang followed: "My name is Yuanxiang, and I am a musk demon because I am intimate with the master."

   More than ten years ago, he said that he would leave after becoming a demon. Old Wen has been isolated a lot in the Twelve Crane Peaks. He didn't say a word, only the small mountain said: "My name is the small mountain spirit, I am a mountain monster!"

   Steel Bone first waited for Gou Bao: "I have seen Brother Gou Bao, Brother Yuanxiang, Xiaoshan Jing, and this is... Brother Pig?"

   turned his head to the sparrow demon again: "The same realm, the previous demon still called the master grandfather! You little gadget, when my grandson is too young, forgive you, you can call me like this!"

   The two flying little monsters think that the horoscope is incompatible.

Just when I met, I was stunned. The fighting power of the sparrow monster suddenly increased and he was about to open his mouth to return. The deer deer hurriedly interrupted: "You are waiting for the new entry to the mountain. After you have not seen the flowers, I still have something to do after looking for the flowers. After Yao Yao finishes the stone cave, let's go out together!"

   said again: "Steel bones come to my door, let the master see your supernatural powers!"

   The introductory little demon is often seen by the master with supernatural powers and feet, and the steel bones cannot be pushed off. He walked up and let the new master enter the body to check.

   The supernatural power of steel bones is called "Steel Bone". After Peng Yao became a demon, she heard that there were no other people of the same kind. She was immediately proud, and named herself based on this supernatural power. The supernatural powers originated in the skull membrane.

The second magical power is called "bulging body". It originated from the original wings. The monster body can grow bigger again, but it is not as good as the "giant transformation" of the bear demon Ding's giant palm under the king of the wind, which can increase the body at the same time. With the corresponding weight, "bulging" can't do it.

   The heterogeneous black-winged penguin body is very large, and "bulging body" is a more common magical power. When the fox demon will escape from the desert, the monsters and little demon under the door have to come with them. They really rely on these heterogeneous peng monsters too much.

The third magical power of    is "Wonderful Claws", which is somewhat similar to "Scary Claws". It can be condensed into a big eagle claw with a demon energy to sneak attack. It originated from the essence of Peng Claw.

   The deer demon retracted its demon energy, and smashed his mouth to think about these three magical power structures. When his own skull is quenched, the "steel bone" may be able to learn, without wings and claws, neither "bulging body" nor "miaoclaw" can be learned.

Under the guidance of the blue eyes, the demon came out after building the cave wall, wiping the sweat that was forced out of his head, and exclaimed: "I haven't done any work for a long time, it's really exhausting!"

   The deer deer ignored him and walked into the cave to see that the stone wall was smooth, the width was the same inside and outside, much better than the hardwood tube.

   Then came out with satisfaction: "Come on, let's go to see the flowers first!"

   Yao Yao heard it, and trot to the steel frame: "Don't hurry up and transform yourself, let me go first!"

   Deer deer has only seen his magical powers, and knows that if "Bulge" is activated, he can stand on his back, and asks: "Steel bone, Goubao and the others are together, can you carry it?"

   Peng Demon Eagle has sharp eyes, and his body is proud: "I will come here a few more, I can even move my back, but I don’t want a broken mouth!"

   reluctantly flapped his wings: "I want you to carry it? I can't fly myself?"

   Deer demon smiled and said, "That's good, all go on the back of the steel frame!"

The steel skeleton turned into its original form, and the "bulge" was launched, and the body and wings were suddenly more than doubled. Except for Baibao and Banxuan, the three body types of Goubao, Yuanxiang, and Laowen took up a lot of space. There is still a gap left.

   After the frog demon becomes small, the two small spirits are completely negligible, just stand on the shoulders of Gou Bao.

   The two huge black wings flapped, and the steel frame rose up into the sky. The little sparrow flying behind was swept up and down by the wind, and fell straight behind forty to fifty feet, so that he could stabilize his body and fly normally.

The supernatural power is not as good, the cultivation base is not as good, the body is not as good, and even the speed is not as good. Seeing the huge black-winged peng carrying a few large pieces flying farther and farther, he can't catch up with his own desperateness. The little sparrow screams behind. Said: "The big silly bird with eyes on the ass, I'm never finished with you!"

Deliberately angry with that sparrow Hei Wing Peng flew so fast, only a quarter of an hour before landing in front of Drunken Flower House, Ban Xuan jumped down first, and shouted: "There is so much fun inside. , I take my brother to get acquainted with one or two?"

   Deer Demon shook his head: "After we come to see flowers, we will leave as soon as we see them. Brother Ke will just play it on her own, don't worry about me!"

   Banxuan nodded and said, "Yes, my brother is right. Actually, it's not very fun. It's not as interesting as Crane Twelve Peaks!"

   Hearing that he was going to rely on Master Lu, he blinked his eyes and asked curiously: "Chome, why don't you call my Master Grandpa?"

   The demon strangled the frog demon's neck and shook and laughed: "Grandpa Little Frog, somehow I will leave some face in front of Drunken Flower House, you know!"

   screamed in his mouth, with his hands hard, the frog monster was strangled so that his face was purple, and his tongue was spit out.

The little demon in front of Drunk Flower’s Gate was not the one of Baibaobai Mountain Gate. They didn’t recognize all the deer demon, but when he saw the black and white monsters playing and laughing with him, he realized that it was from his own mountain farm. One of the senior little demon asked: " What kind of face does Banxuan Dingmu have? Let me hear you, little demon!"

   Banxuan loosened the frog demon, rolled his eyes and returned him: "You want to hear everything, I thought it was your father and mother who drafted it?"

   The little demon is also grinning, there is no angry color on his face.

   After a while, the sparrow demon arrived, and the little monsters led by Banxuan and Baibao were about to enter.

   The little demon stretched out his hand to stop him: "Half Xuan Dingmu, I only recognize you, Drunken Flower Residence does not allow foreign monsters to enter!".

   Banxuan frowned and said, "He is the deer demon from the newly worshipped mountain gate a few days ago, and his name is Baibao!"

   The little demon said: "I don't recognize him, please take a look at your waist card!"

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