Deer Demon Race

Chapter 171: 3 things

   Today, the little demon who is in front of Drunken Flower is taking turns. I just wanted to get a little bit of the White Deer Demon. Even if I gave some expressions, it was really embarrassing that I didn't expect it.

   But unfortunately, the Lu Yao waist card has just been pledged.

   On the boundary of the mountain field, the deer demon is on duty at his own house, so he can come and go at will, but in front of the drunk flower house, he is really stuck by the little demon.

   The deer demon said to Black and White: "Brother Banxuan will give me a notification?"

   Yao Yao blinked his two big eyes: "I have been in order since I was a child..."

Seeing that the white deer demon couldn't show his waist card, the little demon jumped up and waved and drove: "Fly away, go away! Are all the bitch's blindfolds on the border? What wild deer, wild boar? , Put it all into our mountain field to eat, and wait until my grandmother after Huahou is caught and killed!"

   In fact, he really knew the identity of Deer Demon Ding, so he just expelled it out loud, and didn't go back to report Demon Ding and Demon Commander.

Previously, it was Banxuan and not his own. He came to lose face at this time. It would not be unreasonable. I only visited the mountain field before. I didn't have any grievances. Most of them opened the door more than ten days ago. The deer deer was not in a hurry, stood still and smiled and asked: "Are you a jackal or a wolfish little demon? Seeing strong enough, what's your name?"

His own temperament was touched by the deer demon, but the deer demon’s temperament, black and white, had not been fully understood. Seeing him staring at the question, the little demon only sneered without answering, so he screamed: "The wolf demon’s blood nephew , His name is Bu Xiang!"

   The deer demon nodded, and then asked the deer demon: "Do you really pass the message for me?"

   Yao Yao smiled bitterly: "Yes, my rules, brother, you don't have to keep it, just pass it on for you!"

   Banxuan waved his hand into the house, and while still playing awe-inspiring, the little demon Bu Xiang came back and blasted: "Get out of the way, get out of the way, don't ask the grandpas to do it!"

   Babao embraced his hands and stood still and looked at him coldly.

  Master Lu did not speak, and it was the first time he came. Although Goubao, Yuanxiang, and Biyan all had fire in their eyes, they only kept silent from behind.

   The steel-boned heart is shouting: "Tian Bodhisattva! I have eaten enough for countless sorrows at the Firefox General Mountain Farm. Is this still the case when I go to Wanhua Valley?"

   The Bailu Demon didn't move his chest, and Bu Xiang didn't dare to push it, but he sneered to show that he was not afraid.

After waiting for a while, Crane Demon walked Jiugao out of Drunken Flower House, frowning and asked: "After the flower, I exchanged a piece of yellow mid-grade honey for a plant of Phoebe nanmu, made into hundreds of tiles, and each piece has the effect of reducing swelling. You have only had a few days, why did you lose it?"

   Baibao smiled and leaned forward: "It's my fault, the general forgive me!"

   Jiugao arrived at the scene, and Bu Xiang smiled and said: "It is really the deer deer of the new mountain worshipping the mountain. Forgive my little monsters for their clumsy eyes. They can't see it, and they are doing errands. It's more real, no wonder!"

   The deer deer smiled back and nodded, and went inside with Jiugao to pay respect to the queen bee.

   Huang Huaniang was still lying on the couch, and when she saw him come in to give salutes, she frowned and rebuked: "You ugly demon, didn't you confess that you can't bother your queen? Why did you lose your waist card?"

   Yao Yao was standing next to him, with a melancholy expression on his face.

   The deer demon straightened up and replied: "After the flower, my little monster is full, and I only received the gift today. In addition to giving the waist card to Firefox, there is one more thing to ask after the flower!"

   "The little monster asked to come in and see the ceremony! As for you, don't think that the elm monster still has a lot of affection, you should first think about it, let's talk about it, don't think it is fun to entertain the book."

   The deer deer hurriedly nodded: "The order of the queen of flowers, this is what I call the little monster!"

   Out of the Drunken Flower House, they called in six little monsters and one little monster, all bowed their heads to Huang Huaniang, nicknamed "grandma after the flower".

Huang Huaniang cried, and waited for her name to be reported, and then threw a wooden sign to the deer deer: "The little demon is not familiar with things, so she has to use this card to get into the valley. I will lend you a piece, only No next time, if you fall into Firefox, get it back soon so that you can return the borrowed piece!"

   The deer deer received the token, waved, and the little monsters withdrew again.

  Wait for the little monsters to withdraw, Bai Bao said: "After I have given the flowers, what I asked for, after I have considered it, I still have to say!"

   The deer demon got an inch, Huang Huaniang coldly spit out a word: "Say!"

"After the flower, I have a little ability to move trees. When I was around Lingtao Peak, I transplanted wild tea trees and planted tea gardens. In the spring and summer, I worked hard for the little demon. Seventy to eighty copies of Yunyan Eighteen Teas, to this Sacred Ape Mountain, there are also wild tea trees..."

If you are unwilling to make tea gardens for the mountain farms, the new deer deer will not spit out their roots. The crystal jade bees raised by themselves have gradually reached their limit. There are more tea gardens in the Ten Thousand Flower Valley that produce top-grade yellow tea gardens. With a lot of filling, Huang Huaniang showed some joy in her eyes, she propped up her waist from the couch, and showed her good figure: "Oh? Yunyan Eighteen Teas, the elixir born from the mortal tea tree, and those natural spiritual teas. It’s different. Sacred Ape Mountain is also called Wangfan Tea. It’s twenty-one ancestor realm. As I know later, there are seven or eight companies operating this thing. I don’t want your little demon, but I know how to make a living. It’s really rare to help Ben. How much do you want to get a tea garden on the back plate?"

   The half-xuan eyes of the Qun Yao who were in the audience were already shining. I don't know if it is the coveted Banshee King's figure or the yellow top-grade elixir.

The deer deer slowly said: "Playing in the new tea garden, Baibao asked for flowers and allowed three things. First, the new tea garden is completed, and there will be ten bowls of tea every year! In addition, I fled into the holy monkey mountain and was chased by the monks. In order to escape his life, I folded a spiritual object. The spiritual object was originally the thing from the Demon King's body, and there is still no substitute for it. Please find a thing from the Demon King's body and give it to Lao Lu after the flower!"

"Secondly, if the seven little monsters under my family only take turns in the peak realm, it is enough to call them, but if they have to plant tea gardens and transplant tea trees, they are too few. When I first arrived, the little monsters in the Ten Thousand Flower Valley only fancy one. The white-bellied wolf demon’s divination, the rest want new transformation, but the new little demon spends extra time, thinking about waiting for me to become a demon general, and will ask Xu to go out and open another branch, after all, I will also add a little demon. , It’s better to make some new ones now, every year I pay for myself, and after I ask for flowers, let these private little monsters go in and out of the Ten Thousand Flower Valley!"

"Third, I set up a tea garden for Huahou, but I also have to take care of my own affairs. Opening a tea garden in Wanhua Valley is my old deer's gratitude, sincere filial piety, and I also asked for permission after the flowers. Don't tell me Lao Lu to start a new tea garden again!"

Huang Huaniang listened carefully, and waited for the demon white deer to finish speaking one by one, she smiled and answered from the last thing: "Listening to what you said, you are just an old man. I don’t even know if I don’t want it. The third thing is Don’t worry, you wait for the demon generals and demon princes to be unaware that the queen is also the demon queen, and she has practiced for a long time before she feels a little bit. If the medicine is successful, you have to absorb some spiritual energy. After you said that, you like to move the strange flowers and plants to the mountain farm, just to make honey? It is not such undeveloped strange flowers and plants that have grown more. There will be a spiritual energy to replenish the heaven and earth and make up for those consumed by the management of elixir. You don’t have to just go out and not in. Only those with shallow eyelids will blindly figure out more, but don’t know whether it’s drinking poison to quench thirst. In the year, you got the elixir, but the mountain field aura was taken out by the elixir, and you can’t live! The Yunyan tea buds come from mortals, but if you don’t pick them, when the tea buds unfold, the aura contained in them will be natural. Returning to the world again, as long as it is harvested, it is less lost. You want to plant ten tea gardens in Wanhua Valley. How dare you cope with it? If not, wouldn't it be enough for a mountain field that is two hundred miles long? Do you still need to send the demon generals to go out and set up a separate house? I brewed honey into an elixir, which has consumed a lot of spiritual energy, and borrowing countless strange flowers and weeds can benefit a little. Stay far away, it is better to be just behind the Twelve Peaks of Hehe Mountain, and to reduce the aura of the mountain field, and you have to take care of it nearby, each is cheaper!"

This is the first time that the deer deer has heard of it. If you think about it, unless the aura is really strong, the higher the level of elixir, the more difficult it is to grow together in piles. It is true that the aura of heaven and earth has its own definite number, and it can never be endless. You can pick it up.

The monsters and monsters can absorb the aura of heaven and earth, but they can't sense the increase or decrease of the aura equivalent within a certain range. They used to be crooked by the short-sighted filling B. Understand the truth, the deer is always wary of their own. Feel ashamed.

"Speaking of the second thing, you made medicine to transform the little demon, and naturally you agreed. It is not the queen who is stingy and reluctant to be unfamiliar. You don't know, the little demon is better to pass away, but he will always be promoted to the demon. This is a big business, and I really can’t afford to support too much. Which direction is he talking about, can you allow it?"

In the last sentence, he turned to a handsome demon next to the bed, UU reading, that demon shook his head and said: "It's my nephew. Today, I'm taking turns at the door of Drunk Huanshu. Xu Shi did not know. The new demon, if you hate him inadvertently, you have to receive the door and go to rectify it? Where would I allow it?"

It turns out that this handsome male demon is the wolf demon Ding Baiwei. Hearing what he said, even the little demon knew that he was embarrassed. Baibao grinned and asked: "The Queen of Flowers, there are many monsters in the Valley of Flowers. fight?"

   Huang Huaniang turned her head, rolled her eyes with great style, and said, "Where are the monsters in this world that don't fight? It's just that you don't rely on the cultivation of the demon. Is it good for you to bully a little demon?"

The deer deer laughed and replied: "I came from a long distance, and when I first arrived, I was afraid of being deceived. The little demon scolded me as a son of a bitch, so as to show that he is a wolf girl. If I can’t take care of him, I’ll take care of his uncle. It’s also a fault if I don’t raise him!"

When the wolf demon turned white-bellied into a demon, he looked strange and original. It was after the bones on the face were tempered and the handsome face was formed, before he got into the eyes of the Huanghuaniang. Hearing the deer demon's rude words, he stared, "You white deer. , But when you are new to the mountain gate, you won’t put my seniors in the eyes, so arrogant, do you really want Lao Tzu to teach you to be a demon?"

   The deer demon smiled and asked Huang Huaniang: "Can I beat the male pet of the queen of flowers? Can I pay for the damage?".

Huang Huaniang raised her eyebrows and said: "White-bellied people, there are also twenty or thirty people around me. You two have grievances. You can fight alone with your ability. You can only kill you. No matter who it is, you will pay for the death! Besides! Feel free, if you can beat him before, you will love it, or you may not think you are ugly, you may get close once!"

  Have been bored for too long, Huang Huaniang fears that the world will not be chaotic. After listening to her, the deer deer hurriedly bowed and replied: "Then I won't fight anymore, I will make amends for both the white-bellied father and son!"

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