Deer Demon Race

Chapter 175: Heterogeneous

   After two velvet antlers fell for the first time, new velvet antlers were born, and when they matured, they were cut off.

   Four antlers were cut off twice, and a new itch was born on the top of the head.

   The last time he caught a small slender in the Crazy Bull King’s home, he suppressed the medicine and increased his evil spirit. Even so, he cut off the antler twice!

   The antler grows for the third time, then cut! Grow again for the fourth time and cut again!

   has been cutting off the antler four times. This yellow-level medium-grade elixir has been transformed into eight non-flowing velvet antlers, and the newly added essence and blood and evil spirits are basically consumed.

   The elixir he ate this time didn't increase the demon energy, but he had to practice "regeneration" four times.

The newly added demon qi has been worn away, and I am not afraid of excessive tonic, and feel the strength of the "regeneration" magical power. The deer demon laughed and shouted: "Dogbao, blue eyes, yuanxiang, steel bone, find firewood and cook again! "

The fire at the foot of the mountain was always bright, and there was a vague white mist flying, and the dragon screamed softly. The little demon Zipanding who was on duty in the peak world saw it, and one slipped down to check it. He was broken by Ban Xuan's detection, and Yuanxiang sent him back to the peak. Go ahead.

   The same value is the same peak, it must not be prevented. What happened in front of Drunk Flower House yesterday, Zi Pan has sent the flying little demon to inform, and the three who knew the ferocity of the deer deer underneath took turns and did not dare to get angry when they were driven back.

   The third two-two slender chicks were put into the pot, and the horned slugs ran out. The deer demon pulled the black and white worms and didn't let go, and shouted: "Small spirit, go and do things quickly and blue eyes, I'm still waiting to make up!"

   was pulled by the deer demon, and made it clear that he wouldn't let you see how the slugs who were left inside were turned into horns. The deer had magical powers, so he didn't dare to come out and take a peek.

   Boil the chiffon six times a night, all the belly of the deer demon was cut off, and only the last portion was cut twice to increase the spirit of evil and blood.

Seeing six yellow middle grades, it turned into a non-influenced velvet antler, and they couldn't get back four yellow lower grades. Banxuan tentatively said: "My brother can make up for a night, cut smoothly, without blinking his eyes, he is so proud. , This kind of incompetent flow will not look good, it is better to send me!"

"Rebirth" has made significant progress. The deer deer is in a very good mood and waved his hand: "Perhaps you have thirteen plants that do not enter the stream, and you will be regarded as your own body this year. !"

   The deer demon’s own pouch, there are not a few immeasurable plants, and I called the small mountain spirit to come over and exchange out 13 immeasurable elixir.

  During the change of medicine, the deer demon gave three more antlers to the little spirits, which is really rich.

   Following the white deer demon, when he can scrape out a lot of oil and water, he has more body than after the flower, half-xuan clinging to the elixir, excited and happy.

   At daybreak, the white deer demon drove the little demon out to dig wild tea trees, the demon thought for a while, and then left.

   It took him more than ten days to go.

  Ludong Little Demon is arranged by the deer demon. As long as they are not on duty, they will dig wild tea trees in the morning, and at noon they will feel nature. When the sun is westward, they will come back to quench their body.

   Xu was thinking about leaving soon, and since he settled under the Twelfth Peak of Crane, Lao Wen worked very hard to dig up the tea tree, and he was no longer lazy.

   The little demon, who is new to Master Lu, has their own feelings.

Yuanxiang is still the first to hear about nature, but he ran the most in the mountains before. After hearing about the reasons, he expected to be good fortune, and grasped the feelings of the mountain breeze every day; the deer master taught the Wanzhong body tempering method, the stone cave After being exposed to the air pressure several times, the improvement of the physical body is obvious. With these two benefits, I realized that I really didn't escape from the wrong side. Where did the wild little demon know about these legal principles?

Steel Bone is a heterogeneous beast monster. Since the Huohu Mountain Farm was ordered to come, I still wanted to wait until I was promoted to the monsters and generals. My own ability must surprise the Ten Thousand Flower Valley Monster Sect. I also have to teach the nature and tempering method. , I realized that he was far worse than Goubao, Biyan, and Lao Wen, and his arrogance had been put away a bit.

The broken mouth sparrow demon has a bit of a bad foundation. After being bullied several times by the Peng Yao, it still has a broken mouth, but it is already the most desperate of all the little demons. It wants to be shameful. After it has opened up its wisdom, it has spent a long time in the Wanhua Valley. The little demon’s perception of nature was known a long time ago, but he also knew the rare inheritance. The demon master taught the body tempering method. He was so grateful that he was completely desperate and brutal after practicing. In just ten days, there were two fainting deaths. In the quenched stone cave, there is nothing like the lazy little demon who came from the Valley of Ten Thousand Flowers.

When the demon returned, it was the setting sun, and I was surprised to see the sweaty little demon inside and outside the cave.

   The demon brought back a group of alien beasts, and Bai Bao was also surprised.

   asked the demon to go out to recruit alien beasts. He thought it was a long-term job. Unexpectedly, it only took more than ten days to bring back nearly twenty birds and beasts.

Watching the Bailu demon wiping his sweat and looking at the alien beast he brought back, Yao Yao hurriedly shouted: "Brother, you don't know the difficulties of going to the mountain field. How much benefit I promised, and promised not to visit again for a hundred years. , I went into a lot of losses, and traveled all over the mountain field to the east to get these guys!"

  "I said to my brother, look at the yellow tiger, don't look at the sick and lack of energy, it's a natural alien, a bit of a stubborn bloodline. If you don't believe it, let Biyan come and see!"

   He is shrewd, knowing that frogs and monsters can check the roots and feet of monsters and beasts.

   No need to call the deer master, the frog demon jumped over, and the green light swept across the sick yellow tiger in his eyes, and nodded to prove that the tiger demon was true: "The tiger's bloodline has changed, but the aura is too weak."

No matter how big or small, Yao Yao pointed to the hornless green bull and introduced: "This bull is born without horns. It is a good thing, but it is bad because it has four legs. Now I have no choice but to call it Qingkui, which is also a different species!"

  The frog demon didn't give him face this time: "It's far worse than the yellow tiger, it's a big green bull!"

"Look carefully again, there must be some blood of oxen blood!" Pick the best two introductions first, and Yao Yao's speech speed becomes faster: "That thrush bird can imitate seven kinds of beasts; the mountain ape , The buttocks have mutated into black; the mouse under Qingkui's feet has a golden bag on his forehead; the rock sheep has only one horn; the bat hangs upside down under the sheep's belly, and the wings are pierced..."

   In fact, there are large and small hill farms outside, and if you really encounter a different species of beast, which one does not turn to the demon, and leaves it to the demon to ask for it? On the way out this time, Banxuan wanted to understand that the deer demon is a manageable person. He and the little demon under his sect weren’t very profitable, and shouldn’t go to each house to catch the autumn breeze. Every time he went to a single mountain field, he vigorously promoted the white deer. There are four little monsters under the demon sect who are about to be promoted to the demon, and they will have to come to ask for benefits. He can slap his chest to guarantee that each family will find three alien species, he and the white deer demon and the few new demon who are about to be promoted. , Will never come back for a hundred years.

For each newly promoted demon, the gift must not be a double. The demon is both a threat and a temptation. He has forced several mountain farms to the east and mobilized all the little demon to search the mountains and wilds. After picking it up again, the white deer demon with long moles and long tails will definitely not be accepted. The sick tiger and the hornless green cow, although the mutated ancient bloodline is weak, it is a surprise.

   The beasts counted in the back are really hard to say that they are not different species. The green light in the eyes of the frog demon keeps on seeing it all, but after seeing it all, his mouth is silent.

   The deer demon carefully counted them, including the rat with a long golden forehead and a bat with transparent wings, and a total of seventeen "alien species", if you really recognize it, you will have to pay 17 copies of Huangxiapin to the demon.

   sighed, the deer demon said to half of the profound way: "I didn't understand it and let you get into the loop. This time, forget it, but if you continue to do so in the future. Don't think I will give medicine!"

   The demon replied: "Brother, they are all those demon generals, just send them indiscriminately to make up the number. It really doesn't matter to me."

   Hundred Treasures nodded: "This year and next two years, I have no cures here, and I will receive them in the next year."

   Yao Yao smiled on his face: "My brother eats 30 servings in one night. Why is it really difficult?"

   The deer demon has ignored him. It just so happened that there were a lot of antlers left before, so he invited the animals to come and feed one antler for each.

   This time, I don’t have to rush to transform the monsters. I don't want to raise the waste little monsters. I have to insist on feeding only once in the first quarter. It takes nine months to transform 17 little monsters.

After feeding deer antler by hand, these beasts will gradually turn on their wits. Regardless of whether they can understand or not at the moment, the deer demon commanded: "Don't go far when you wait. You can only make your home near this mountain. No meat eaters are allowed. If I hurt my companion, I will ask the little demon to send the meat and go away!"

Asked Yao Yao to remove the demon pressure control. After listening to his words, the ignorant beasts slowly dispersed, and the deer demon said: "Half a minute, you can't dig the tea tree, just take care of these beasts of wisdom, every two or three. The sun attracts the beasts to feed the carnivores!"

   After taking the order, seeing that the deer demon has finished the arrangement, Black and White Qun pointed to the putter in front of the stone cave and asked: "Brother, what is this for?"

  I have to practice every day. With this black and white temperament, I really want to inquire, it is difficult to hide from him, the deer demon said truthfully: "Cultivating the body tempering method!"

   Yao Yao's eyes widened, a little Ai Ai asked, "Brother still knows how to temper...Physique? Where...where does the inheritance come from?"

   Deer demon replied: "The Beihai Dragon Palace offended my original mountain field, and couldn't provoke the demon ancestor of Lingtao Peak, so I paid the demon king over there, and we only got it!"

   The demon took him by the arm last time: "Has it been solved?"

  Looking at the deer monster's doubts, Kun Yao hurriedly explained: "My monsters, good luck is good for good fortune, the only words and fragments of the inheritance, if it is written in words, I don't know how long it will take to roughly understand the meaning!"

   Deer demon said: "It's not Can Jue, the whole story is solved!"

   is the whole story again, and the interpretation is finished. Where can I find this heritage? The demon cried, "I heard that the borrowers from other families have to pay the interest. My brother owes the elixir for three years, and I don’t tell me about nine out of thirteen. Since the little demon is willing to teach this body tempering method, he also teaches me. , Just as interest!"

   Lu Yao looked at him speechlessly, Black and White waited for a while, and then cried: "My brother has a dark heart. Those who owe me pornographic products will be deducted by seven and go back. Just ask me for advice!".

The deer deer still did not answer, and Yao demon gritted his teeth and said: "The elixir really can't be less. I still know that the king of cruel a few hundred years ago, although the demon ancestor of Jin was not dead, he was robbed of the mountain field again. However, I have accepted more than a dozen leopard demon girls, and many of their descendants have scattered blood. There is a head and two-tailed little red leopard in the hill field of General Powan. Come on? Just want to teach the Fa!"

Only those who know the goods know that the body tempering method is precious. The old pig monster looked at the stone cave, and he was a little pitiful. He couldn't help but sigh: "You and the sparrow monster, the monster born in a stable world, seem to be fleeing. My temperament; I am so fit to be a master, but unfortunately, I was born in a vicious place. It's really impermanent!"

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