Deer Demon Race

Chapter 176: The Wealthy Sacred Monkey Mountain

Yao Yao said a lot of benefits, Baibao had already thought about it, and then smiled: "You also know that inheritance is rare. After learning this body tempering method, without my permission, I passed it privately to someone else, and I found opportunities to kill him. Don't blame it!"

  貊妖 anxiously nodded: "That's what I should, even when I face the flower queen, I will never say it! Just find out, don't sell anything that has nothing to do with me, I really let it out, my brother just kills!"

  Lao Wen will leave sooner or later, Huang Huaniang can't keep it from her, but the demon and little demon in Wanhuagu have inherited their temperament, how many are willing to work hard?

   This world secret method and inheritance are mostly secretly kept secretly, but the deer demon doesn't think so much. The body tempering method from the Dragon Palace is leaked out. What about the benefits of a few more monsters? He just wanted to put some bridles on the demon, and then said: "Besides, your supernatural powers have been shown to me. It's a thank you for learning the body tempering method. The two-tailed little red leopard has a strong blood in ancient times. , I’m not just so rare, I just do what I can, I can really ask for it, and at most I will reward you with a top grade."

Yao Yao grinned: "I can rest assured when my brother says this way! My brother doesn't know that General Powan has a bad temper, and he is leaning against King Da An. Where can I get off? Come and ask for it! The supernatural powers are as you see them, what are they worth? But I can't blame them for learning!"

   Hearing what Yao Yao said, it turns out that the little red leopard with two tails was just to learn the body tempering method. The Deer monster was a little bit dumbfounded, and it took a long time to reach out to see his magical powers.

   The character of this black and white is worrying, but there are five supernatural powers, and he deserves to be a national treasure.

   "Thick fat" and "Lian Kao" are two things that the deer demon has learned, so there is no need to mention it.

  The other three items are still first sighted and rarely seen.

"Phantom", originated from the original black and white skin of the giant panda, can transform into several phantoms that are exactly the same as the body. This supernatural power is different from the "after-image". Within the range of mind and feeling, every phantom can control actions according to the mind. Although they don't have the real attacking ability, they can do all the fake moves, and they can exist for a long time. The stronger the supernatural power, the greater the number of phantoms that can be transformed, and the longer it can exist. Yao Yao himself said that he can now release seven illusions, and if he is not attacked, each illusion can exist for a maximum of one quarter of an hour.

"Universal belly" originated from the stomach pouch, similar to a pouch, but it can swallow other creatures and trap them, which is equivalent to a prison cell. Then secrete gastric acid, and directly digest the creatures inside. Having fought with the deer demon, the viper demon of the tiger king clan used the poisonous fork actually had this magical power.

The "Eye of Reality", a demon-level supernatural power, originated from around the panda's eyes and divine consciousness. It is very magical. It can truly see through the situation within a certain range. It is also the nemesis of supernatural powers such as "phantoms" and "after-shadows", which are hidden in the soil. Moving creatures can also see that they can overcome "earth escape". Of course, the rhizomes of plants like purple golden potato can't be seen clearly. This magical power is equivalent to obtaining a full range of true vision, but it does not benefit the search for elixir. Otherwise, it is extremely useful. The stronger the magical power, the wider the range, and Banxuan can now see more than ten miles away.

   After seeing all the deer monsters, he admired the "Eye of Reality" most. Unfortunately, he couldn't learn the only one, but the other two can be learned.

   The deer deer thought, "Universal belly" had to be equipped with a big mouth, otherwise the Viper demon back then was an example.

   After seeing the semi-mysterious supernatural powers, the deer demon passed the "Ten Thousand Heavy Body Tempering Method" to him, and explained the usage of the stone cave.

After   貊 demon remembered, he was no longer ashamed, and immediately ran into the cave with his fat buttocks, and shouted inside: "Little demon, push, push! Wait until I come out and call your brother!"

   is also a demon at any rate. He doesn't even mention his identity. Gou Bao, Lao Wen, Gang Bone, Yuan Xiang laughed, and they worked together to push him with the putter.

In the following days, the deer deer mixed around in the Twelve Peaks of Crane. Except for borrowing steel bones to fly back to Drunken Flower House to ask for drinks or miscellaneous items, he almost never left. After the previous blow, the deer demon did not urge him to search for alien species. beast.

   The first two years of settled down will be the hardest time for the little demons. In autumn, winter and spring, they will be looking for tea trees to transplant back, and in summer, they will be ordered to dig wild purple golden potatoes.

Every day at noon, I naturally have to take a rest, but I have to practice the tempering method in the evening. It is not as good as the night at night. He has to ponder the origin of the deer. The daily schedule is full, not to mention the old plague. Under such high strength, the steel frame Yuanxiang was secretly crying out that he couldn't eat it, so he had to rest when he took turns at the peak of the mountain.

   Fortunately, the supply of velvet antler from the master deer is continuous, and rewards are given according to the seasons throughout the year.

According to Huang Huaniang, the elixir is not suitable for growing too densely, but the cultivation of purple golden potato relies on the magical powers of the word "Rui" and the small mountain sperm urine. The aura that is not much underground will not consume too much. In summer, The wild purple golden potatoes are still planted in pieces.

The antlers were fed three times, and it took half a year. Seventeen new little monsters emerged. They were a little bit like the sparrow monsters. They had no hands yet, and could not dig up purple golden potatoes and tea trees. In the class, the flying thrush, bat and sparrow flies first to find tea trees or purple golden potatoes, and then call those who can work hard to dig.

   Crane demon discovered when he clicked on Mao, there were a lot of little demon from Baibao Family, so he removed Zippanding from the Thirteen Peaks of Crane. After that, the Twelve Crane Peaks were all taken care of by Baibao.

   The deer demon has a psychological shadow on naming. The seventeen little demon in Xinhua either picked it up on their own or were done by Banxuan, Goubao, Yuanxiang, etc., but they all got their names.

The sick tiger got the name Su Ji, and he contributed a "listening" magical power to Master Lu. It originated from the eardrum, which greatly increased his hearing. He also had a "tail whip" magical power; the green cow was named Qiniu, but he didn't have any magical powers. ; The other thrushes that can imitate the seven beasts are named Baiqiao; the black mountain ape with black **** is named Heimian; the rat demon with the gold bag on the head is named Jinpuzi; the one-horned rock sheep is named Kaitai; the wings are transparent The bat demon is named Yu Wei, she is a female demon...

   When the new little monsters turned into monsters, a few were fortunate enough to have magical powers, but in addition to the "listening" of the tiger monster's disease, the deer monster has no new magical powers.

On the day when the seventeen little demons transformed into form, Baibao specially called all the little demons under the door to the top of the peak, and invited the Yao Yao to listen. He said: "Under the master, there is no shortage of self-respect and rewards, but you If you are a prince's private demon, you are not allowed to learn from that lazy temperament from the Wanhuagu little demon. You must know that the prince is different from others, who violates the law and does not listen to orders. If you are to be punished, skin cramps are only light!"

   I was afraid of getting close, and my little demon was also infected with bad ailments. The atmosphere became the same as that of Hundred Flowers Valley.

The deer deer's own family insists on going to the Chisha River to catch the antlers once a season. He is not lacking in demon spirit now. When he comes back, most of the deer antlers are cut off by himself, and the "rebirth" magical powers are raised. To the little demon.

   I don’t know if it is too slow to reproduce, or because he has a strong sense of wisdom, he has a memory of the river section that he has caught once, and if he goes there for the second time in a few months, it is almost impossible to reap the rewards, so he had to find another place.

   In terms of magical powers, "listening to the sound", "raising", "universe belly", and "illusion" all have to originate in sequence, only the newly induced antlers will not move at all.

   After the beginning of spring, two peach seedlings grew in front of Ludongmen. In the first year, they were just a single seedling without branching or flowering.

The New Year's Day, the 30th Day of the King’s Day in April, and the First Day of June’s Yaoyuan Festival are all lively in Drunken Flower Curie. Due to his appearance, the deer deer can no longer talk to Huanghuaniang, and only hides outside with Qian Yao and drinks a few drinks. Just a glass of wine.

At the King's Day, there were indeed many guests from the Quartet. There were three demon kings, and dozens of demon generals. Some had been married couples, and some came admiringly. The generals from Zhaxi Mountain also sent flying demon gifts to them. Huang Huaniang tried her best to greet everything. Haoxuan didn't fight, and the deer demon did not send to the errand to greet the guests, so she hid far away.

   It was not until September 18 that Huang Huaniang sent the demon to call the deer to the Drunken Flower House, and said to him: "Listening to Jiugao's reply, your tea garden is almost taking shape?"

   Deer demon replied: "Yes, but there will be less production next year, and it will take the next year to stabilize production!"

   The Banshee King nodded and said: "This queen promised you to find something that the Demon King got out of body for you. Today I ask you to come and ask more carefully. I can buy it tomorrow on Pingdingshan."

   The White Deer Demon just listened quietly, and Huang Huaniang said again: "Although I haven't received tea yet, but I believe you have said the output of the tea garden, I would like to ask you, what kind of spiritual objects are needed?"

   The deer demon is a little said: "I do not know what it means after the flower, and I don’t know what it means after the flower. When I want to come, naturally the stronger the better!"

"It's the same thing that the Demon King's body is removed. Regardless of the size of the horns, bones, claws, and teeth, there are spiritual differences. It depends on how the Demon King was tempered before he was removed. The materials are also different. Hundreds of years ago. The demon ancestor of King Jin failed, and his life was exhausted. He is a legacy of the ancients. After his death, he left a single horn. He had been tempered to have the ability to crack the mountain, and he fell into the hands of the 21st ancestor. , The ancestor is not at home, once the demon king bid 800 copies of Huang Shangpin, the ancestor still thinks the price is too low, they have not yet sold! To tell you the truth, digging out the drunk flowers in the coffers, this year, I will only get one. There are more than one hundred and seventy yellow top grades. If you exceed this number, you will not be able to get it out later. If you want to be good, you need to add elixir, and you will deduct it from your future tea garden income!"

   The annual output of the tea garden is sixty to seventy yellow top grades. If the ownership is sold for only one hundred and seventy copies, it is really not a good price.

   Sacred Ape Mountain is indeed rich, not to mention that the demon king who can take out eight hundred top grades of Huang Hua Niang compares the warehouse with this Huang Hua Niang, and Jingping Mountain can only be regarded as extremely poor for three generations. .

Hearing the scary price, the deer deer also knows that the stronger the better, it’s not in line with reality. Thinking about it carefully, it’s not too good at the moment, so he changed his mouth: "Let’s act after the flower and change to the price. I’m just a demon. Ding Xiuwei, just use it first, and if you have a lot of money in the future, you can change it again!"

Hearing what he said, it’s as effortless as changing a good one in the future. Huang Huaniang couldn’t help rolling her eyes, and lazily said: "Tomorrow, you newcomer, you should go and join in the fun. Just be cautious and don't cause trouble! Remember again, the ancestor is called the ancestor Kuli, on Pingdingshan, don't call it wrong, no one can save it!"

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