Deer Demon Race

Chapter 177: Pingdingshan

   September 19th, the 21st Ancestor Day of Kuli Patriarch.

   confessed that Goubao led the little monsters to act as usual. While taking care of the house, before dawn, the deer deer and Qiu demon rushed to Pingdingshan on the steel skeleton of the Peng Demon.

   He is such a demon who goes to Pingdingshan only as an individual. He can't even enter the noodles, so he doesn't need to go the same way with Huang Huaniang.

Most of the demon kings fly away by themselves. The demon generals and demon diners often ride on the flying little demon on the road. The 21st ancestor realm may not be any good to congratulate, but those who do not go may be remembered. No one dared to slack off at the hill farm, there were monsters who wanted to congratulate and join in the fun, and they encountered many in mid-air.

The Peng Demon is fast. If you really let go of the flight, it would take a thousand miles to get there in an hour and a half, but the Deer Deer was too conspicuous to cause trouble, and the two little demon couldn't hold it, and the black winged Peng flew slowly. some.

   The last time I rushed from Zhaxi Mountain to Wanhua Valley, I first arrived at the boundary, and I was stricken by Ruyi Mountain. I was fleeing like a disaster. I only had fear in my heart. How could I be in the mood to see the scenery? Today, on the back of Peng Yao, the scenery is completely different, and his mentality is relaxed. Instead, I have a good taste of the mountains and rivers along the way. When encountering peculiar geography and mountain fields, they all open their mouths to ask Yao Yao.

   I went on the road before dawn, and flew to Yunxia crimson, the sun rises in the east, two hours before and after, I saw Pingding Mountain in the distance, and Zhaxi Mountain to the southeast can also be seen.

When I was in Zhaxi Mountain, the deer demon had seen the Pingding Mountain where the demon ancestor lived from a distance. At that time, I only felt that it was not very tall. Looking at it from a distance in mid-air, it was still like this. The mountain was not high, but it occupies a large area. More than 20 acres of flat land, the size of two or three football fields, today there are tables and seats on the flat roof, and there are many people shaking.

   did not dare to descend directly to the top of the mountain, Yao Yao pointed and let the steel frame fall in front of the mountain gate.

   fell in front of the mountain gate, and the foreign little demon was not allowed to enter the class. However, on the ground that was flattened in front of the mountain gate, there were a number of wooden tables and wooden benches, and some fruit spots were placed on the wooden tables. A large number of flying little monsters gathered around the table and played gambling. Only a few people who don't like the excitement just sit around and chat and eat fruit. There is a demon general who leads more than a dozen demon to maintain order, so that these little demon dare not to mess around.

   The steel frame will stay here, and he will go down the mountain after the game is over.

   Today, guests from all over the world visit the mountain, and there is a demon king at the gate of the mountain. After being introduced by the demon, I learned that it is one of the nine demon kings directly under the ancestor of Kuli.

   Yao Yao is usually unreliable, but at the foot of Pingding Mountain, he is also very cautious. In the introduction, he only called "Ku Li Patriarch".

   The king of the house, who spoke softly, kept explaining to the visitors who stopped him: "There are many evildoers. Don't make mistakes in the good old days of the ancestors. They are familiar with the past and need to be the same. You should bear more!"

   It turned out that there are several demon generals around him who are dedicated to inspecting the souls of the visitors. If the visitors are of the level of the demon king, they can be checked by the king of the room.

   Among those demon generals, there is a familiar face, which is the old elm wood of Mount Tashi.

   Today, most of the people who came to worship at the gate of the mountain were living in the 21st realm. Even the Demon King, no one dared to stab them. They were honestly the gatekeepers who had watched the spirits before putting them in the gates.

   The demon generals brought the joyful gifts, and they were handed over to the gate of the mountain. Each leaf was pasted with the name of the mountain field crookedly written on the leaf. The demon took over and piled it up.

   The gift of the Demon King can only be taken up the mountain and presented to the ancestor in person.

Pingdingshan does not accept gifts from the demon. The two demon deers are empty-handed, but when it is their turn, the demon rushes to the old elm and salutes: "Thank you for the general recommendation. I just found a place to live. Why is the general here? ?"

Seeing him, the old elm laughed loudly: "It was originally you, the White Deer Demon. Send me to the mountain gate to suffer! You worship the mountain gate, but you still do it?"

   "Thanks to the general's blessing, it's okay!"

   It’s just that this place is not good for greetings today. It will block the monsters behind. After only a few words of conversation, I hurriedly bid farewell, and let the monsters check the spirits together with the monsters, and entered the mountain gate.

  The little demon who came for the first time was responsible for leading the way, and the demon knew the path, so he refused to drop the little demon and led the deer up to the mountain by himself.

   There are many paths paved with bluestone slabs on this flat-topped mountain. Some of them lead to places where outsiders are not allowed to go. Half Xuan remembers that they only lead the deer monsters up with the human monsters.

   was still halfway up the mountain, listening to the sudden sound of a cannon at the foot of the mountain caused Baibao and Banxuan to stop and look back.

   After a long while, there was a whispering sound from below, and a monster said: "Did the ancestor of the evil spirit arrive so early?"

   The deer demon thought for a while before remembering that the ancestor of the earth evil was the venerable name of the scorpion monster, and asked the half-xuan beside him: "The wedding festival of the ancestor Kuli, how many other demon ancestors will also kiss?"

   The demon hasn't answered yet. A demon general walking up the mountain happened to pass by. He turned his head and asked, "Did the desert escape?"

   I am not a Sand Demon, but I just escaped. There is no need to explain it to Lu Yu. The Deer Demon nodded and said yes.

I didn’t want this demon general to become enthusiastic, let the demon entourage go first, stay on the steps side by side with them, and asked: "What do you write on this white robe? What do you say about it? It’s hard to find a way to escape from the outside world. If you can really write well, would you like to worship the mountain and go to the Ishan Field to write the boundary monument?"

   Next to him, the demon laughed and replied: "His handwriting is beautiful, but he has found Tashi Mountain and got the general's road, and worshipped the mountain gate!"

   The demon general was a little disappointed, and asked, "Where are you?"

   "I can't write well, I grew up in the holy monkey mountain when I was young, under Huang Huaniang!"

   Hearing that the demon reported herself to his family, the demon general came to another interest: "Under Huang Huaniang, is there a way for me to see this female bodhisattva?"

  貊 demon smiled and said: "There are a few ways, but I have rules for playing Xiaoli, not for nothing!"

   The demon will look at him suspiciously for a while, and ask: "Pay after everything is done?"

   Black and White replied: "The broker's rule is to just take the lead and build the bridge. It's your own responsibility, I don't care!"

  The demon general asked again: "Is it possible to see Huang Huaniang in person?"

   Yaoyao replied: "It depends on how much you bid. If you are willing to get a yellow top grade, you can see the flowers in person! If it is a yellow top grade, you can only see the monk demon general who is in charge of the account.

   The demon general gritted his teeth for a while, and said slumpedly: "I heard that seeing Huang Huaniang asks for more body! Forget it, the harvest has not been good in the past few years. When I change my luck, I will look for her again!"

   Yaoyao didn’t want to miss it, so she encouraged her and persuaded, “I’m just about to meet the Queen of Flowers because I’m not lucky enough. I could transfer it by Chongxi?”

   The demon general may be really shy in his pocket, shaking his head, and quickly stepping forward, taking his entourage with him.

  Half Xuan stomped and said: "This plague student, why don't you want to spend it?"

   The deer demon asked curiously: "Can you still wait for the flower queen to pull... soliciting customers?"

Banxuan nodded: "After spending the past few years, I have a broad hand, and my temper is getting more and more twisted, and I gradually focus on looks. Those who look unsatisfactory and only want a night of joy, the bidding price is also higher. , Making it difficult for us to make business!"

   The previous demon commander did not look handsome enough, and the deer demon was speechless, only to realize that the opportunity given after the last flower was converted into a panacea. From this perspective, it was a bit of a loss for his family to refuse it.

Yao Yao complained about the loss of business for a while, and then asked the previous topic again. He replied: "Usually Xiaoqing, the demon ancestors will not come. At most, the demon king will be sent to give gifts. So, only the ancestor of the evil spirit is an exception. He has a short day in becoming a demon ancestor, and he feels the feelings of the three ancestors. As long as he has free time, he will personally come to congratulate!"

In the end is the demon ancestor, the deer demon and the others have these few words, there is a man with a green robe and a long beard on the top of the mountain, and after a while, he will be a yellow robe man with a small face and small eyes. Fly up hand in hand.

   Flying down from the green-robed and long-bearded man, there was no sound on the mountain road. When they were gone, Yao Yao whispered: "It's the two ancestors!"

   all the way up the steps, until the top of the mountain, I saw that there were many monsters that had arrived, I was afraid that there would not be two to three thousand.

A one-foot-high platform was built on the east side, with only two seats on it. On top of it were two ancestors who had just flew up above their heads, one green robe and one yellow robe, talking with a smile. He was interrupted by congratulations from time to time.

On both sides of the stage, there are more than 70 small case tables. This is the seat of the demon king. The demon kings who came to the top of the mountain all came to the front of the stage to congratulate the ancestor Kuli, say a few words, and offer gifts. , There will be a demon to accept the gift, and a few minutes after the informer leads a small case, he will sit down. This is a table occupied by each demon king. When sitting down, the banshee will offer wine and tea, and bring fruits, vegetables and meat.

   Yao Yao introduced that there were sixty-three demon kings in the realm of Kuli ancestors, plus several other ancestors sent to congratulate them, and there were only more than 70 demon kings.

Deer deer looked at him. The Demon King's seat has been seated for more than half of the time. The Ruyi, Shura, and Guangmang kings who have been seen once are all sitting on it. Think about the last catastrophe. The demon tooth socket is a little itchy.

  Huanghuaniang, the owner of the mountain, was also on the table, smiling and fighting fiercely with the neighbors.

Behind the little table of the Demon King, there are hundreds of tables. UU Reading each is bigger. The demon generals who rushed to the table also came to the front first. Most of the ancestors were not qualified for dialogue. They only said a few words of congratulation. The ancestor nodded slightly and was led to the big table behind, where ten demons assembled into a table.

  The demon will fight the table, the deer demon sees that there are three Wanhuagu demon coming, his boss Crane Yao Jiugao is sitting, not far away there is a lonely Firefox, the original owner of Peng Demon's steel skeleton.

   At the level of the demon, but he is not even qualified to go to the stage to congratulate him. The demon, holding the hundred treasures, acted behind the table and shouted: "The ancestors live with the heavens!"

   There are the most demon like them in the periphery, and I am afraid that there are already two thousand. There is an endless stream of congratulations, and the green robe demon ancestor on the high platform rarely nods in response.

   There are only a dozen long and short stools behind, and the demon who can’t sit on the noodles can barely have a seat, but there are also a few tabletops nearby that are piled up with food, and some little demon escorts drinks and shuttles among the demon groups.

   Look at the deer demon, the food prepared for the demon are just mortal things. If you want to come to Kuli, the old ancestor 21 will have a big family business, and he can't stand the many demon open their belly. .

The level is strict, and it’s not that you can’t get on the stage. There are a few demon generals who cling to the demon king’s seat to talk, and many of the demon soldiers come to the demon general’s seat to participate in the camp, but they are just wandering. It will take a long time to be bombarded again, and it is even more impossible to leapfrog. The demon general will not be able to reach the ancestor, and the demon Ding is not qualified to speak at the demon king's seat today.

Behind the long stool where the demon sits is a few tens of feet away, there is another long case, Qian Yao said, it is reserved for various stalls, but at this time it is still empty, because the time has not arrived, it is necessary to have lunch. The stall will be set up later.

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