Deer Demon Race

Chapter 182: Jintsudo

   You don’t need to dig tea trees, you don’t need to pick tea leaves, and you don’t need to harvest purple golden potatoes. As the summer ends and the peach trees are grafted after busy schedules, the little monsters at Crane Twelve Peaks finally enter their free time.

   But Master Lu thinks that it’s not good to be idle. What can you do if you are idle and develop the habits of those little monsters in the Valley of Flowers?

   It's not just the little demon. Except for the body tempering method, in terms of supernatural powers, the deer demon's own antlers only used to "take off the robe and change positions" need a lot of effort to sense, and there is nothing else to do.

   After a few days of free time, either watching the King Kong Iron Gibbon fight and flying around, or listening to the sparrow demon and Peng demon screaming at each other.

   Whether it's the little demon or your own, you can't be too idle.

After   Master Lu thought about it carefully, he ordered the little monsters to build a thatched pavilion near the top of the Twelfth Crane Peak, next to the place of duty, with a thick wooden foundation and thatched roof.

When the rough and sturdy pavilion stood on the top of the mountain, he himself had been combing in the deer cave for a few days, so he took a wooden sign to climb to the top of the mountain, used yellowstone to mark the word "Shen Tong Tang" on the wooden sign, and used wooden nails. Nailed to the pavilion pillar.

   is named "Supernatural Power Hall", of course it is to teach supernatural powers, and can only learn supernatural powers at the little demon stage.

   The thatched pavilion was built on the top of the mountain to take care of the little monsters on duty and not to leave those few behind.

  The magical powers that the Jingpingshan demon have contributed to Deling Tea, the deer demon has learned six magical powers, except for "continuous shooting", the other five are of no use because of cumbersomeness, and have not been able to express before.

   "Strong remembering" originated from the human brain. It can remember certain things, such as a certain smell or a certain scene picture. As long as you don't actively forget it, you will never forget it, but currently only seven things can be remembered.

   "Airbag" originates from the abdominal cavity of the original phase, and forms a long-term airbag around the body to protect the skin from poisonous mist and water.

   "Provocative", originated from the real eyelashes, increasing the enemy's anger.

   "Fake death" originated from the true heart. This is a power that pretends to be death. It can pretend to be a heartbeat, stiff body and lose vital signs. Currently, it can maintain half a time of suspended animation. This supernatural power is embarrassing for the monsters, except for certain scenes, because most of the corpses have to be pulled to the table and will not be easily let go.

   "Positioning" originates from the temples on both sides of the humanoid. It can leave the aura of positioning in any place. As long as it is in the world, it can be sensed within 30 days.

   With these five items, the deer deer summed up the magical powers he has learned, and there are thirty-eight kinds.

   space category, there are pouches, universe belly.

  Self-healing category, there are decrees of regeneration, Wuyi, and "but".

  Physical attacks, there are arrows in the mouth, shit, head hammer, trampling, continuous shooting, continuous leaning, and savage collision.

   is not a physical attack type, with four words of the same feeling, low hissing, odor, shock and trampling.

  Special movement types, including light agility, leapfrogging, tiger jumping, earth escape, robe removal and transposition.

   Defense class, with unloading force, crusty, thick fat, air bag.

   Explosive type, with great power, boiling, and vitality.

   illusion category, there are afterimages, phantoms, and suspended animation.

   Temptation category, with charm and provocation.

   Auxiliary category, including listening, positioning, memorizing, "瑞" character decree.

   Summoning class, there is support.

The magical powers learned are varied, and the current situation, "replacement of the robe" does not have matching antlers; "Vitality" only began to seal the blood after reaching the Ten Thousand Flower Valley, which can last for a short period of time; "Raising You" has not found any ghosts; In addition, there is also the "universe belly" non-giant mouth-like magical powers that are temporarily unavailable. When in Jingping Mountain, although the deer demon had seen a "bite" from the demon king's protagonist and the leopard demon Fushan, it could enlarge the mouth, but the magical powers It is mainly biting, not swallowing, and it originates from the sharp canines of carnivorous beasts, and the deer demon cannot learn it either.

   I haven't learned but can learn "Steel Bone", "Wandering", and "Strong". In addition, there are even more magical powers that I have seen but failed to learn.

   There are so many magical powers, there is no need to hide them in your own body. First, to prevent the little monsters from being lazy, and second, to get more support in the future, the deer will build a pavilion dedicated to teaching the magical powers.

   From this day on, He Twelve Peaks Ludong no longer cooks breakfast, and instead eat lunch every day.

Master Lu actually does not need ordinary meat, mainly for the pig demon old fever, Peng demon steel bone, tiger demon disease, Ape demon black face, bat demon Yuwei few demon cooking meat, every few days, no fresh bamboo shoots can be found. During the season, Qiu Yao occasionally eats some meat along with it.

  Boiled meat belongs to Xiaoshan Jing and Biyan, while catching beasts is the job of steel bones and disease.

Dawn, led by the half-point of his hands, except for those on the peak, the newly promoted little monsters ran up and down the hillside five times. After a few days, the new little monsters who are not in a hurry to feel the nature will pick up enough. To increase the weight of the Black Stone, it is necessary to make a beast bag to increase the weight.

Lao Wen, Gou Bao, Yuan Xiang, Steel Bone, and Biyan, the effect of exercise is not necessarily very effective, and has developed a habit, Master Lu does not force it, you can sleep for a while, and wait for the little monsters to finally After climbing a mountain, I shouted at the slightest point, and then climbed to the top of the mountain together.

Supernatural powers originate from monsters, and there are two kinds of human forms. According to the memory that does not belong to this world, most of them have traces to follow. Comprehensive logic can understand them. After carefully sorting them out, wait for the little monsters to sit in the pavilion. The demon first described a single magical power as an example, explained the principle in superficial words, and then asked the little demon to come up to see the demon qi in turn.

   Then, I will talk about the principles of being a demon, such as "God pays for work", "An inch of time and one inch of gold", "Diligence is more important than talent" and so on.

   It was noon until noon, and then I would go down the mountain for lunch. In the hot sun noon, I went to feel the nature, and I came back in the evening to quench my body with the demon general who rushed to it.

The first day passed, and the next morning, there was an eavesdropping monster outside the cottage, and soon he entered the cottage in a majestic manner, his fat **** squeezed the rat monster golden hammer, sat down on the stone slab, and saw Master Bailu Without speaking, the golden slapper didn't get angry, and ran out of the cottage, and went to sit with a stone.

   When the little monsters stepped forward to check the magical powers explained by the deer demon, the deer also followed behind, not missing him, and the deer demon let him watch.

   Since then, next to the deer cave at the foot of the mountain, there is only one small mountain spirit left every morning. Without him, the little man had to run wildly across the mountains and plains, and only came back to cook meat at noon.

The Little Demon Baibaoding is the old pig demon that has accumulated for many years, and is lazy. Everyone knows that they will leave sooner or later, but before being promoted to the Demon Ding, they will not violate the intentions of the deer master. The deer master does not secretly teach magical powers. Always a great kindness, the eighteen new little monsters are even more courageous, and they listen patiently when they talk about reasoning.

Although they are all present, listening to the magical powers is not much fun. The main principles behind are more empty and boring. It takes a long time to stay until 10 noon with the mountain breeze. After a long time, many of them are absent. This is the normality of the monster race, stubbornness. However, there are a few outstanding ones. The deer demon secretly pays attention. The most careful and serious of the little demon is Gou Bao and a little bit. If you have not figured out a few words, you have to ask in private. From this point of view, when the demon was transformed The talented people work hard instead.

Others, when listening to magical powers for a long time, even Yuanxiang and Biyan would be distracted from time to time. When they zoomed in on the truth, they looked around for a while. On the contrary, the unfocused demon persisted for a long time, and the toughness far exceeded that of the deer demon. As expected, he was still making up for the first day's disparity.

Among the new little monsters, Tiger Demon Suji didn’t take the wrong name. He usually looks sluggish and can’t beat up his spirits; Niu Yao Qi Niu is a bit stupid, different from the muffled dog Bao, Lu Yao looks at it. He is really stupid; the ape demon black-faced temper is irritable, and some follow the vajra iron gibbon; the rat demon golden hitter, a little courageous, bet with Su Ji a few days ago, really ran away at night and stole a vajra iron arm The hair of the ape is back; the bat monster is very lonely and not very gregarious; the shale monster loves to brag and lie too; although the thrush monster Hundred Qiao can call seven kinds of beasts, it is not easy to speak...

   A few days later, the demon generals Jiugao and Shouling Dewen Bailu demon, who only occasionally came to Crane Twelve Peaks to practice the tempering method by the pressure of the stone cave, have come to try in the morning, and will come day after day.

   In the treetops under the top of the mountain, there is a King Kong Iron Gibbon who often squats.

   This is called teaching without class, but after the two demon generals arrive, the deer demon’s principle can only be put away, and I dare not talk about it.

For his supernatural power hall, the seventeen peaks beginning with the word "Crane" in the eastern peak world, the rotating little monsters have recently known what is called "Wind Crane". In the past, the general would come only once in May or 7th. Sometimes I sent my relatives to follow the demon Ding to order. Since Jiugao began to temper the body, and then to the Shentong Hall to listen to the lectures, the clicks became more and more frequent. Both times, you can stop by the way back and forth. It used to be once every five or seven days, but now when luck is bad, it will come three times a day.

Other little demon suffers. In the magical power hall of Crane Twelve Peaks, the deer deer will first explain one of his own magical powers every day, let the interested monsters come forward and watch them in order, and then explain the magical powers that have not been learned but have been seen and can be understood. , Such as "tail whip", "tiger power", "bite", "sneak", he also explained his own understanding, and also explained in detail why he failed to learn, what kind of conditions can be learned or can be realized by himself .

Through systematic combing and explanation, it is also a kind of "revising the old and knowing the new" for the deer demon. The knowledge and understanding of magical powers will be raised to a higher level. I believe that if you can learn new magical powers, the speed of origin will be greatly shortened. , And altruistic new supernatural powers were born when he was promoted.

Although the teaching time is short, but the great principles are no longer suitable for teaching, the deer deer remembers the agreement of the Miao Virtue monk to teach the Dharma. The theory of good and evil should be based on the theory of good and evil. Each has the right to exist, and all beings are equal." If you have a clear conscience, there is a day when you can regain the wolf demon Langlang, and you will not be afraid of the "no liar curse." , How much the monsters here can understand has nothing to do with their own family affairs.

   only talked about this for three days. After listening to the dry goods in front of him, Jiugao withdrew from the hall halfway and clicked to go. Shou Ling said, "Something is wrong with Drunken Flower House," and returned.

Counting a lot, there is not much to talk about. The two texts of the "decree" can't be seen. After more than a month, the magical powers owned by the deer demon were read. There is no practical example. Hearing that there are magical powers in the little demon Yes, UU reading www. can also come forward if you like, and explain your supernatural powers in superficial language, let other monsters check it, Lord Deer will comment on it.

After all, there are only a few magical powers that are not covered by the deer demon. The “identification” of the frog demon’s blue eyes, the “swelling body” and “wonderful claws” of the Peng demon’s steel bones, the “tail whip” of the tiger demon’s chronic diseases, and the musk demon Yuanxiang "Cunxiang", Niu Yao Goubao only learned from the "nasal" and "horror" of the black cow, and the round was over in a few days.

This place is completely self-sufficient, and the four magical powers such as the "phantom" of its own have been sold out by the deer demon. One day after the little demon is not on the court, the semi-xuan consciously wants to mess with the white deer demon in the future, it is really bad. In the past, he snorted and walked forward to show the little demon his last remaining "Eye of Reality".

After the only demon was shown, he took a demonstrative look at the two demon generals. Only when Jiugao and Shouling realized that it was not good to hear, they had to borrow the stone cave to practice the body tempering method. I was really embarrassed to find it. Excuse me not to come back the next day, so I had to use one of his magical powers to protect his face and feel the love of the deer demon. These two magical powers can be learned.

"Stabilize", Crane Demon originated the magical powers of Jiugao from the human-shaped feet, which greatly enhances the balance ability, will not fall easily, and can exert force when the body is in any state. This magical power is fixed, as long as the source is successful , There is no need to reinforce it. .

"Hanging horns", the magical powers of the demon Ding class, the demon antelope demon command display, originated from the long horns of the prime minister, weapons such as their own horns, teeth, etc., can appear from any location within a certain range of the surrounding during a battle, the stronger the magical powers The wider the scope, it is a pity that the deer demon still keeps raising antlers for use.

   After the two demon generals were shown, the deer demon had no new magical powers to talk about, and the magical power hall was slowly abandoned.

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