Deer Demon Race

Chapter 183: easy

Although    Shentong Hall has only been active for more than a month, the newly promoted little demon's daily morning exercises have not stopped, and the little demon is free for the rest of the time.

   Maybe it's a bit of a bitter truth. Although the little demon is free to play tricks, his supernatural powers have more or less originated.

There are not many magical powers that Goubao can still originate. The most diligent one of the little demons is the slightest. In order to defeat the enemy Peng Yao, this sparrow demon borrowed from the deer master magic power hall Dongfeng, in addition to practicing the body tempering method desperately, it also saves time. In the origin of all kinds of magical powers, you can't even find the time to break your mouth.

   One morning covered with ice and snow, the deer deer once again distributed velvet antler to all the little demon.

   It’s good to lie down in winter, and the magic hall is gradually decommissioned. Now even the deer demon can’t find anything to do. After distributing the antlers, just like the demon deer, they lie down in the deer cave and raise antlers in secret.

   At noon, the frog demon walked into the deer cave slantingly with blue eyes, and the expression on his face couldn't tell whether it was crying or laughing.

   "I... I have to be called the old man too! I just don't know how many years can I be called?"

   Deer Demon opened his eyes and saw that his legs were not stable yet. Knowing that he needed to be tempered by the moon, Deer Demon smiled and said: "Promoted to the Demon Ding, that's a good thing, why are you crying?"

"Master, ah, elder brother, after knowing the magical powers, I have felt under the waterfall for many years. I also deliberately chose to advance in this weather. Good luck!"

   The demon shrank her mouth and cursed: "Are you a club, are you so prone to be born with magical powers? My Wanhua Valley demon, I have never heard of anyone with this kind of good fortune!"

In Jingping Mountain, the frog demon was originally a confidant of the squirrel demon two or three money, and then joined the demon king's pros, and worked in the house for a few years, and then changed to Baibao. You can get some benefits in all three places. , So among the few little monsters of Baibaoding, the first promotion, seeing him look depressed, the deer deer also sighed in his heart, and comforted: "Each has its own fate, it is impossible to get it, and there are others. Good luck, don’t care!"

   Blue eyes nodded with tears, and then said: "Just my eyes, there are always some usefulness. After my brother becomes the demon general, I will be a demon demon for you, and it will be cheaper as you go out!"

The deer deer smiled and said: "Then, when I am promoted to the demon general, you will follow the demon and go to see the queen of flowers after the full moon! You are not like me, take advantage of the new promotion, when the demon generals come to refining body, tell him Wait for more advice, wait for the beginning of the spring, the mongoose general will come to the tea garden to stay permanently, let alone miss the opportunity!"

To live in the deer cave with the idle demon, and not to worship under a certain demon general. Fortunately, under the crane twelve peaks, now the seven demon generals will occasionally come to refine the body. Anyone can ask for advice.

   Blue eyes nodded with tears, and after a while, the little demons could smell it, and they all came to congratulate again.

The frog demon was promoted. Among the old little demon who had escaped, Goubao just smiled without making a sound, while the old plague said congratulations and stepped back. Du Yuanxiang asked in a funny way: "Chome, can the younger ones look for a few beasts for you." Come on, Xinhua Little Demon is calling?"

Biyan shook his head quickly: "We all depend on Brother Deer for a living, so how can we help ourselves? The mountain sentiment here is very different from that of Jingping Mountain. I have said that we are all idle demon, don't attract any naughty people. be bullied!"

This is an old saying, but after thinking about it, the deer deer still shook his head and said: "We have fled all the way. You have friendship, and you are waiting to be my relatives and demon. How can there be no demon's command, it is better to be a little demon? If one comes out, I will pick two more old ones in the past, and then I will come out of the body!"

Biyan was promoted to a demon, and he was still short. He had to temper some bones to make his human figure taller. He thought about it and replied: "I look at my brother's mind, the little demon is always looking for a real alien. If you can get some magical powers, you might have a better ability, why don't you make it up slowly? Relying on Banxuan to find, most of them fooled my brother!"

   The blue-eyed boy called his name directly when he mentioned his home, and refused to even call his elder brother. Yao Yao was by his side, with a simple face.

   Thinking of the introduction of the new little demon, the magic hall may be able to open again, the deer demon glared at the panda demon and exclaimed: "I take advantage of this so much, but I still lie down in the deer cave? Quickly and I find alien species!"

Hearing that he was about to drive himself out to do coolies, Ban Xuan cried out: "Brother, it's really not that I've been indifferent and got a different species. Which mountain field doesn't keep the self-retaining demon? I can tell the flower, it's just a little demon. It’s only because of Huahou’s name that I have a thin face, walking around each house and scraping some oily water. In fact, which one really looks at it? It’s really anxious, I am killed in the ravine, where else will my brother look for me? My magical powers have not been fully developed yet, so I will go out if it’s not good!"

The deer deer gritted his teeth and said: "The last time I was poor, I asked you to go empty-handed. This time, you don’t need to force it. I just say to the surrounding mountain farms, if you send a real alien, I will give him a Huang Zhongpin! You always It’s not good to drink my spiritual tea for nothing, go out to spread the letter, and then come back to develop magical powers!"

   Yao Yao reluctantly got up, pointed to the steel frame and said: "Then borrow him!"

   In this cold weather, Peng Yao didn't want to go out to suffer. Seeing Master Lu nodded, he couldn't help but sigh, but he didn't dare to violate it.

   There are many different species of beasts in the world, each of which is a little different, some are ancestral, some are bloodline mutations, but the number is scarce and hard to find, really not many.

Yao Yao went out this time, and there was a Peng Yao flying, but he did not reach the mountain field to the east. Within five hundred miles of Wanhua Valley, he flew all over the single mountain field. It would be fast to fly in the sky. The time was not short. Both of them came back more than ten days later, with icy ridges all over their hair.

  Looking at his appearance, Baibao didn't feel distressed, but felt that the hard work was given to this black and white dog, the most appropriate.

The demon is really not lazy, and he was notified when he walked a single mountain field within five hundred miles. It was just that the attractiveness of a yellow middle product was not enough. The demon generals did not care about it. It was not until the beginning of spring that there was a small mountain field headed by a demon. A macaque with a leopard tail was found in the deep mountains. There were some weird lines on both arms. It was certain that it was a different species. He was sent a long way to change the elixir.

After   biyan saw it, he said that it had the blood of the father, and the blood was much thicker than that of the old disease.

Baibao has never heard of this ancient animal name like his father. I think it is far worse than Qilin and Phoenix, but the blood is very strong, and there will always be some abnormalities. So I gave it more elixir called Biyan. Kai Lingzhi.

   Even if there is a new little demon under the frog demon, it is also a private demon. Like Su Ji and others, it is not counted as a place in the Valley of Ten Thousand Flowers, so Biyan is only a free demon.

   The deer demon was also called the thrush demon Baiqiao and the other three little demon changed to the Biyan sect and gathered five for him.

   made the demon and steel bone go to the Firefox general's house again, but unfortunately, the fox general did not want to change a black winged pennant anyway. The deer demon had no choice but to ask Biyan to turn into an old mountain eagle to be a mount for going out in the future.

The demon looked eagerly and shouted: "Brother, when you become a general, I will also worship, but it is not easy to favor one or the other, and also give me a self-supporting person who can go out, so as not to always borrow steel. Let him roll his eyes!"

  貊 demon tells her that she is stubborn and hates steel, but she is only one flying demon, and it is not a problem to be used by two demon in turn, so he also persuaded Lord Deer to raise more mountain eagles.

   To raise a little demon privately for the demon is the same as agreeing to accept the demon in the future. Think about his temperament, he doesn't push his nose and face after opening a mouth? The deer demon refused.

   After the spring, the peach blossoms in front of Ludong bloom again, the tea garden tea trees sprout, and the macaques and Laoshan eagles with the blood of their fathers are only beginning to have their wisdom, but the little monsters have all turned their hands, and picking the buds of spiritual tea this year will be a lot easier.

   On the first evening of the tea garden mining, Huang Huaniang and Mongoose General Meng Ge came together.

   After arriving at the Twelfth Peak of Crane this time, the Banshee King had some doubts in his eyes. After a long time, he left Meng Ge and Lu Yao and wandered around the top and bottom of the peak.

   After dark, the spirit tea buds began to sprout, and the little demons entered the tea garden together. Baibao, Biyan, and Banxuan stared everywhere, ignoring Huanghuaniang.

   In the middle of the night, the Banshee King suddenly flew over, entered the tea garden, grabbed the deer demon, and then flew back to the deer cave.

   Throwing away the deer demon, the banshee dynasty screamed from the deer cave: "The little monster inside, along with the wise beast, go farther away!"

The macaque with the blood of the father did not increase in size after opening the spirit, and refused to live in the mountains, so he stuck in the deer cave and did not go; the old mountain eagle only settled on the mountain for a month or two. Its size is a bit inconvenient in the deer cave.

  The little mountain spirit didn't know why the Banshee King was angry, and hurriedly said to the macaque: "The mountain lord is angry, let's go away."

   The kiwi ran away with a small mountain spirit, and the Huanghuaniang lowered her viciously asked the deer demon: "Who is this peach tree?"

  The deer demon is unknown, so he replied: "I inserted it, what happened?"


Suddenly, a heavy slap in the face caused the deer demon to fall down. Huang Huaniang withdrew her hand and said in a frustrated manner: "I just told you that Linggen is not two years old. Is it so bad?"

   Huang Huaniang usually looks like she has to take care of her beauty. She smiles and smiles all the time. This time she feels really annoyed, and she no longer calls herself "Queen", but directly calls her "Old Mother".

   The deer demon was dumbfounded. He stood up straight with his magical powers, fingered a few peach trees, and stammered and asked: "This...this is the spirit... the root of the spirit?"

   After I heard Huang Huaniang say that the spiritual root is the most important treasure that the demon king is close to, the deer deer should be very rare and hard to find, how can I know that the peach tree that I planted quietly becomes the spiritual root?

   If it were like this, it would be too easy! My own "Swiss" supernatural powers, really so hot?

Huang Huaniang pointed at the two spiritual peach cores, and said fiercely: "Only these two are! They are just new, slightly stronger than the mountains and plants, and they will be ruined by you before they can take shape. Go! Now that the spirituality has gone backwards, it is almost a common wood again!"

   After hearing Huang Huaniang say this, the deer deer was a little bit eager to cry without tears, and suddenly remembered that something was wrong, and said anxiously: "After the flowers, you came here in the spring last year. Why didn't you realize that the peach tree is the spiritual root?".

   After hearing this, Huang Huaniang frowned and said, "I was there last year?"

   After thinking for a while, Huang Huaniang gritted her silver teeth and said: "About these two peach trees, please tell me carefully, don't conceal the least!"

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