Deer Demon Race

Chapter 184: Weird peach pit

Hearing that the two peach trees have grown into spiritual roots, although the Banshee King meant it was probably a bad thing, but as long as you figure out the direction, you don’t have to worry at all in the future. The spiritual peach of the spiritual peach tree is a middle grade of profound level. Before I flee, I negotiated with the former mountain master for a few spiritual peach cores. Two plants, they often face the supernatural powers of the word'rui' when they have nothing to do. Last year they suspected that they produced fruit and were so sour that the little demon was asked to find wild peach branches for grafting!"

   Anyway, keep an eye on it, I didn't say that there are hundreds of spiritual peach nuclei brought by my family.

"Grafting?" After the Banshee King asked, he frowned deeply: "It is common for all things to transform into spiritual roots, but the spiritual roots of elixir, one spit and one swallow, are the two poles of things, how can any elixir turn into a spiritual root? What? What kind of peach fruit, so weird? So weird! So weird!"

She even said three "strange" characters, and before the deer deer could speak, she suddenly cursed: "Fools, spiritual roots are born in the heavens and the earth, all follow the rules of nature, and the first priority is the word'natural'. The Demon King... can be planted with a spiritual root? Can it be moved? Just because of the slight interference of external forces, you will lose the ability to breathe spiritual energy and return to the ordinary product!"

"Just tell you so, bees and flies picking flowers, apes picking branches, whatever they don’t intend to take, are still in nature, but if you want to plant, transplant, or prune, it’s against the original intent of nature, and the spiritual roots are It’s hard to be true. You want to plant and change trees by grafting cuttings. The most is against nature. It is even more unforgivable than sowing, transplanting, and pruning. The two spiritual roots that somehow grow into are born again. If it's destroyed, it won't be saved again!"

   "It's just your weird supernatural powers. I only thought about the spiritual roots. Why did the little demon really grow it? That was the method of the ancestors! Ah..."

Speaking of the back, Huang Huaniang was a little crazy, shaking her head frantically, shaking her head in a mess, and when she stopped her movements, she stared at him fiercely: "Even if these two peaches are stronger than the mountains and trees, send them to the ancestors. Those who are to be disliked are also spiritual roots and extraordinary qualities, and they may grow stronger and stronger!"

   Seeing her fierce eyes, Bai Bao was feeling a little frustrated, Huang Huaniang had already jumped up and hugged her, her eyes suddenly hot: "Good brother, how many peach cores are there?"

Being hugged by this banshee and exhaling heat on her face, the deer demon is extremely uncomfortable, but she looks weak, after all, she is the demon king, but she has great strength, and she can't escape, and said anxiously: "I only brought it when I escaped. Five, two plants were planted in front of the cave, and now there are three left!"

The Banshee King had already sensed his abnormality, and he gave a "chuckle" and didn't let go. He deliberately said, "Good brother, to be honest, the slave will close his eyes and endure the'current curse'. You may suffer several times. stop!"

   Being tempted by her, the deer deer's mouth became dry for a while, and hurriedly shouted: "After the flower, let go, let go, you can't hold it, I'm going to show the truth!"

   Huang Huaniang let go of the letter suspiciously, took a step back, staring at him, and said: "How many of them are there?"

   "I only got five peach pits..."

   Huang Huaniang obviously didn't believe it, and the two willow-like crooked eyebrows were compressed in the middle.

   This Banshee King is really good to her family. She was staring at her, and the Deer Demon was inexplicably guilty, so she had to change her words: "Seven!"

   He changed his mouth, and was suddenly seen through the truth, Huang Huaniang snorted angrily: "Let the queen look at your pouch!"

The deer deer was taken aback, and hurriedly shouted, "It's the little demon. I still want to grow a few of my own! After the flower, the peach has been ripened in 60 years, and it turned out to be more than 20 pieces. Here, it’s just that you take it all if it’s not good, you have to keep some for me!"

   Mysterious-level middle-grade elixir, the output can't be high, Huang Huaniang only believed, and asked: "Is it over twenty?"

   "Twenty-three!" Afraid of being suspected again, the deer deer didn't dare to hesitate, so he blurted out and said: "Two of them have been planted, and 21 are left!"

This number is indistinguishable. It is the output of a single result. Seeing that the deer's bone age is small, and the credibility suddenly increased, Huang Huaniang smiled and said: "You deer deer are also weird and tight. It’s up to you to plant miles, you give ten...sixteen peach pits, and the rest will not be inquired again!"

   I can leave five of the numbers reported by myself. The Banshee King is not too cruel. The Demon Deer settles down and tentatively asks: "They are all planted in the Twelfth Crane Peak?"

Huang Huaniang said "Bah" and said: "You are going to set up a household, and what do you do with the Twelve Peaks? Planted on this border, the aura will spread out, and the benefits will not all fall in the Valley of Ten Thousand Flowers. As soon as someone else's demon king sees it through and acts as a thief in the dark, I will realize that there is no time to save it? I will plant a drunk flower by myself!"

Last year the peach tree blossomed for the first time, and Huang Huaniang didn't notice it. It was obvious that it was not at the beginning. To become a spiritual root, it must be inseparable from the release of the magical powers of the word "Rui". Zhu Lingtao, I often use supernatural powers to water it to achieve success. I go all the way to the valley. Don't I want to run drunk in the garden every day?"

   Huang Huaniang said: "If you find it hard, move back to Drunken Flower House and live there, I will thank you later!"

Hearing what she said, the deer deer was taken aback again, and hurriedly said, "I am fleeing, even if I am afraid of hard work? There are Peng demon under the door, and they will go back and forth very quickly! If I move back to live, all the little demon under the door will have to Loosen the string, the habit is bad, and it is difficult to change it back! The'current curse' is not a son of man, how dare you let the flower queen go against his will? It's not good to grow a heart disease. I will plant peaches for the flower queen and ask for other rewards!"

   Deer deer said this, finally diverting the topic, and the Banshee King asked: "Which reward do you want?"

  The deer deer in white robe replied: "I don't have enough little demon under my family. After asking for flowers, I will find some alien beasts for me to transform the little demon."

   Hearing this request, the Banshee King frowned again: "Where can the alien beast be found? Which one do you want?"

The deer demon hurriedly said: "It doesn't need to be too good. I heard that there are still a few black winged penguins in the Firefox general's house. That's it!"

The Banshee King sighed: "It's okay to say that Firefox. The stubbornness of the Dani Wang family is extremely difficult to speak. It is really stubborn. The queen will go there, and I guess he will not give face to face. King Dani recounts his old feelings! Well, if you plant 16 spiritual roots for the latter, you will find 16 alien species to reward you. You just want alien beasts. I really can’t rush. I only need to wait slowly. Is there anything else I want? In the future, I don’t think I will be rewarded lightly!"

No matter how good the Banshee King is to the following, the last sentence is too sincere. The Deer Deer is a little puzzled and can't help asking: "I have seen a lot of spiritual roots and thoughts about it every year after the flower. Just treat it as a treasure?"

Huang Huaniang complained and answered: "It's not that the queen's eyelids are shallow. Although the queen is the demon king, she still has to envy you for such good fortune, not being able to plant spiritual roots. There are so many things you see outside, but you can't move to your own mountain. It can only be once a year, and all are secretly picked and sent to Pingdingshan. Has there ever been more than one in Wanhua Valley?"

The Banshee King meant that although he saw the spiritual roots year after year, they did not belong to her. No matter how much he found, without the demon ancestor's means, the transplantation would degenerate back to mortal things. Only the ones that grew in the Valley of Ten Thousand Flowers were considered their own. It's a pity that in a Demon King Mountain Farm, if there is little change in luck, there will not be a few plants.

If the spiritual peach cores brought can be planted into spiritual roots, the scorched driving ridge may be usable, and it can be completely transformed back, but the number of spiritual peach cores has been reported in front of the Banshee King, and the five spiritual peaches she left behind Apart from the nucleus, there are at most one or two plants, and the other bad ones will be revealed, and the revealing will not be preserved. I heard her say that the lifespan of the spiritual root is limited.

The deer deer pondered for a while, and said: "The queen of flowers should feel less rewarded. After I go out to establish a branch mountain field, if the demon king covets the roots of the mountain field, I will support you after asking for flowers, especially on September 18th. Take a guest on the mountain field."

The Banshee King pulled away the messy hair that had been thrown away before, and said: "You have this ability, what else do you have to go out to open a mountain field? It is better to recruit you as a son-in-law. It must be wealthy, and hopeful of the realm of the demon ancestor!"

   Deer Deer was taken aback again.

   What Huang Huaniang said is indeed a shortcut to the south, but when she thinks of marrying her, her white deer will turn into a green deer. From green head to four hooves, it will be unbelievable.

It’s just that it’s not easy to answer. After he recovered, the deer deer said carefully: "Babao thanked the flowers and loved him, but he was only born as a boy. Who would lie down and eat soft rice without having to go out. Guang Miles! I went out to open a branch, and I didn't leave the order after flowering, but always looked after the Valley of Flowers!"

Hearing his refusal, Huang Huaniang sighed again: "You Bai Lu'er, you never think you are ugly, and you have been cursed by a monk again, and you are so hypocritical! It's such a How many of the demons can there be in the world? I don’t want to be a husband and wife with the queen. I just feel disappointed, so Mo Lien also forgot!"

   When did I have love with you? The deer deer belly slandered, and hurriedly bowed to respond: "The kindness of the queen of flowers, the little demon will never forget the slightest!"

   It was so agreed, Huang Huaniang spread her hands: "Sixteen peach pits, get it!"

The deer demon carefully counted sixteen peach pits, and Huang Huaniang took it carefully, and put fifteen in her pouch, leaving only one in her hand, staring at it for a long time, she couldn’t see any abnormality at all, it’s just that the spiritual roots have always been like this. , It is normal that no abnormality can be seen.

She looked at it for a long time, then put it away, and asked, "Is that Lingtao Peak Lingtao planted by Mrs. Holy Ape? How can it be so weird? I heard that several demon kings over there will have to Fighting desperately, I don't even know that this peach core can have spiritual roots?"

   Regardless of her question, the deer deer only asked strangely: "Madam Holy Ape?"

Huang Huaniang asked again: "Don't you know? The holy ape lady is famous, the demon ancestor is cultivated, and the old demon king preached'the holy ape's fifth ancestor, the hardest lady is one', think it is extremely hot, it was a thousand years ago , I don’t really like showing up. Over the past thousand years, it’s better to think that there are only five old demon ancestors on the Holy Ape Mountain. She killed a Yuan Ying over there more than 600 years ago. After a long time of praise, the queen happened to hear that Mrs. Holy Ape was in Lingtao Peak.".

It was the first time Baibao heard that Mrs. Xiwang was Mrs. Ape. After a while, he said: "I only know the ancestor of the demon ancestor of Lingtao Peak. I don’t know that she is Mrs. Why didn’t you go to Lingtao Peak instead of in the Sacred Ape Mountain?"

   Huang Huaniang shook her head: "How can the matter between the holy monkey and the ancestors be clear from now on?"

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