Deer Demon Race

Chapter 185: Law-loving soil and rock

After    purple golden potato was planted, Goubao and Laowen both advanced in the fall.

   On this day, it was the strongest shock that Yao Yao half-xuan stuck to the White Deer Yao.

   This shock is more than the deer demon's body tempering method, and more than the deer demon actually understands many supernatural powers and allows him to learn a lot of new supernatural powers.

   Last winter, Yao Yao still despised the frog with blue eyes, calling him a club, and asked: "Do you think pro-law and magical powers are so easy to grow?"

What    said is less than a year old. In this autumn, he has been "slapped" in the face.

   The shock this time was that Gou Bao and Lao Wen under the Bailu Demon were promoted together. Both actually gained pro-law magical powers. Gou Bao was "hard rock", and Lao Feng was "heavy soil", and the two parent methods of the earth and rock.

   When the two supported each other and came to Ludong to report the letter, Master Lu was overjoyed, and Yao Yao couldn't believe it, and it took a long time for him to recover.

   There is also a baby demon Ding Biyan, who wants to cry.

   Goubao grinned happily, while Old Pig Demon was a bit sad, but the two shouted in unison: "You called my brother many years ago, but now I finally catch up with you, you have to call you Baibao brother."

After    called a few times, Lao Wen asked out aloud: "Brother Baibao, the law is slack in one place, and it is very difficult to treat. If your brother is in charge, what should I do?"

   The deer deer listened. He asked about the current situation of Wanhua Valley. After thinking about it many times, he casually replied: "It's not difficult. First issue strict laws. If the monkeys are disobedient, kill a few more chickens to show them!"

Lao Wen nodded and said, "Brother Xie will teach me again. After the full moon, my legs are stabilized, so I moved to live in Drunk Flower and no longer say goodbye to a few older brothers! How much benefit I have benefited from Brother Baibao, it’s not that I’m not old Regarding love, I'm really lazy and can't bear too much hardship. Please don't blame my brother, I only hope that I can repay my brother's kindness in the future!"

   The deer demon nodded: "I will not stop you if it was agreed earlier!"

   This is the result already known, but Goubao and Blue-eyed are also sad, the atmosphere suddenly turned, and the frog demon couldn't help asking: "Since you only want to be happy, why do you ask your brother to cure laziness?"

The pig demon replied: "I used to be able to live well, but I thought about it. If I leave Brother Baibao, I will always try to mix some income. It may be fortune on a certain day, and just like that demon, the elixir will be detained for decades, and it will be helpless! I should be a lazy master, and I will never do that!"

   This is only to allow the state official to set fire to not allow the people to light the lamp. Hearing his misconceptions, Yao Yao couldn't help but roll his eyes, and Biyan asked, "You go to Drunk Huaju, don't you want to be an idle monster?"

The pig demon replied: "When Brother Baibao turned a demon, he persuaded me to work harder and become a demon master as soon as possible. With the help of my brother, I will be able to have today. I would like to accept some little demon introductory and enjoy the taste of being a master! "

   There is no question about the blue eyes, there is nothing to say, Lao Wen said again: "Today is also Goubao rejoicing, I am interested in defeating my brothers, so I went to sit on the mountainside."

  They all fled, and they all knew that the five-step snake head was buried on the mountainside, but the monster did not have the custom of worshipping the dead, and generally would not go. As Lao Wen said, he went to see the five-step before leaving.

   Gou Bao and Lao Wen were originally two Jin Yao Ding, all of which originated from the pro-law and supernatural powers, very happy scenes, thinking of the five steps, the pig demon really spoiled the atmosphere.

Soon after the pig demon left, Yuan Xiang got a letter and came again. When he was a wild little demon, it was not easy to make a living. He suffered several serious injuries. One of them was the hand of the deer master himself. He was injured by the bones, and he suffered a lot of damage. Some, the promotion is slower, but now the antler is supplied in time, and it is almost on the line.

The musk came in and asked that Goubao and Old Plague both originated from pro-law magical powers. They were greatly envied and fled in the same way. As the last to be promoted, they felt pressured, so they pulled Goubao and asked: "Good Cingmu, pro-law. How did the supernatural powers be born?"

   Goubao scratched his head and said: "I also listened to Lao Wen. Don't think that I am a demon. I just want to be a piece of mud and a strange stone. If it might be useful, just listen to him. Give it a try, I don't want to be successful!"

   Yuanxiang asked for the details, his blue eyes resented: "I just want to go back to the little demon and get promoted again!"

   The musk demon asked Gou Bao again, and wanted to wait for the old Wen to come down the mountain, and then look for him again, to find out more, the last one of his own promotion, must not let his two special beauty.

   Waiting for the other little monsters to make an appointment to congratulate him, but the deer deer thought again that he should divide a few little monsters into Goubao.

Nowadays, the little bi-eyed demon, the macaque with the blood of his father, has turned a demon. Because of the natural markings on his arms and the word "father" in his blood, Biyan named him Laoban; the same goes for the old mountain carving. The demon is named White Shoulder because of the white front of its wings. Although there is a new black-winged peng alien from the Queen of Flowers, Biyan and the Eagle Demon are already very close, so he decided not to change the little demon who carried him, but White Shoulder.

Laoban is a monkey that turns into a demon. This primate has a natural advantage. Its limbs are human-like without being transformed. When he transformed into a demon, he was fortunate to have a rare magical power called "Shishi", which originated from Humanoid with the palm of his right hand, but he can use it before he can dissolve his hand. The mass thrown out by this magical power is strong and fast, and it flies far and far above the "arrow in the mouth". After seeing the deer deer, it took three days to bring it out.

The Banshee King personally came forward and slightly compensated for the three parts of the spiritual tea. Firefox honestly took out three black-winged penguins. The bad-tempered General Powan couldn’t resist the pillow wind blowing by Huang Huaniang in the ears of King Dan, and got ten shares. After Huang Shangpin, send the two-tailed little red leopard to the Twelfth Peak of Crane.

It’s just that these four alien beasts still have untransformed monsters in those two mountain farms because they grow very slowly, and they are all just cubs. The black winged peng will be able to reach adulthood in another three or four years, and the two-tailed red leopard will be able to grow up. It will take longer. Because of the strong blood, the growth will be slow. It is estimated that it will take more than ten years to grow.

  After the flower, only four alien beasts were sent, all of which were not demonized. At present, Gou Baoding could only choose among the original little demon.

  The deer deer looked at it himself, but did not make up his mind, and asked: "You wait for the little demon, are you willing to switch to Goubao?"

  Master Lu asked, the other little monsters are optional, and they are still looking at each other. The bat monster Yuwei stepped forward and said: "Master, I would like to change to Gou Baoding's door!"

   The name of this bat monster was taken by Goubao. It is not strange to get close to Goubao when he takes blessing to be born in the last minute.

Just looking at her, the deer deer remembered again that the little demon inevitably had to encounter the problem of estrus. During that time, several of them had done some special actions in front of this good-looking female demon. No longer pay attention, it has been a long time. I'm afraid something will happen.

Normally, people like to choose strong bodies, but most beasts are dominated by males. Therefore, there are more male demons and fewer female demons. Of course, the first batch of "alien beasts" sent by Qian Yao is no longer This column.

   In order to be safe under the door, do you choose some female beasts to transform the demon?

   But when you choose a mother beast to transform into a demon, you don't see one in ten in the first time. You have to be promoted to the demon and refined to the bones to be able to have a facelift and a good appearance.

   I've only been to the Pingdingshan Chengzu Festival once, and I saw that there were people selling beautiful female demons. Would you like to buy a few to solve your own physical problems?

Forget it, it’s the start-up stage now. It’s not good to be too intoxicated with Gentle Township, repeating the mistakes of the drunk flowers and all the demons. At the moment, these little monsters have not faded away. Imagine that he is waiting for the banshee better. The pictures are all sins, so it's better not to buy them as an eyesore.

It’s not that Baibao loves Aunt Zhang Mei. At the beginning, Aunt Mei persuaded him to ask the monsters of the Hun family. The two are already in the world, and there are some who are different. It is hard to say whether they will meet in the future. It is really a little bit in the spirit of the deer. Mental cleanliness, for the time being, most of the female bodhisattvas I have seen have a bad life, and they are not as clean as their own five fingers. At present, five girls are enough!

The deer deer thought, nodded and agreed that the bat demon enters the dog Baoding, but this female demon is also bored on weekdays. Two boring gourds are not good. It should have been balanced by the noisiest sparrow demon again. Fly, the least bit should be left to Yuanxiang to report his credit, so he adjusted the brave and wild rat demon golden hitter and the bragging rock goat demon Kaitai. Choose three more from the other little demon, and the two-tailed little red leopard also has sex. Let the bat demon take care of it first, and then ask Gou Bao to choose one of the black wings to carry him in the future.

After arranging the dog Baoding, the deer deer said to the blue eye: "You are in charge of the house for the time being. From tomorrow, ask the little demon to find more spicy food to prepare. Then, if you wrestle and shrug your hips in front of the banshee, I will Let the customs of Jingping Mountain teach him to wait! If you wait for the demon, if you are in a panic, collect the elixir and go to the Drunken Flower Valley to coax the female Bodhisattva, but you are only allowed to go there for three days a month!"

  The hot customs near Lingtao Peak would be too cruel for the little demon if it was just a demon gambling, but as a means of punishment, it is really good in this monster world.

Hearing the deer deer's order, Biyan and Goubao laughed and said, "Since I escaped from Jingping Mountain, I haven't seen Ri La for a long time. When my brother talks about it, I really miss it. I will ask the little demon to find out tomorrow. , Look for more spicy ones and dry them for later use!"

   Such torture, all male demons shudder when they hear it, and they are busy, leaving hope to the five fingers, UU reading dare not to commit the original sin lightly.

   The deer demon had been in Ruyi Mountain by himself, but he didn't care. Goubao, Biyan, Yuanxiang, and Xiaoshanjing all wanted to see it, but unfortunately they never got it.

   After the first full moon, Lao Wen finally left.

Seeing Lao Wen gradually disappearing from his sight, Lu Yao asked Black and White, "Are you really going to worship my door? If you think about it, then you can answer it. Entering my door, there are many rules. Those who don't obey orders are lighter and hotter. There are peeling cramps in the middle, and the heavy ones will directly kill the open noodles, and there are various means to rectify them!"

Hearing the White Deer’s question formally, Yao Yao said in amazement: "I thought I was playing tricks? But hearing what you said, it’s really a little frustrating. I want to ask. I will follow my brother for so long, and use the method after getting started. , Did you have to suffer those third-class sins before?"

   The deer deer thinks about it, and replied: "I have received some fake alien species to fool me, and the hidden purple golden potato has been in the mud. I have suffered twice!"

  貊妖 asked: "If you enter your brother's door, how should you deal with these two incidents?"

   After thinking about it, the White Deer Demon replied: "The two were sentenced to be the same, the first time the Japanese was hot, the skinning cramps were committed again, and the three offenders killed them!"

   Black and White Nodded: "Then I can hold it, I must go to my brother's door!".

In fact, with only a "true eye", Baibao was reluctant to let this giant panda go. Hearing that he was willing to abide by the rules, the deer deer was also happy, so he would divide him into the little demon, and said half-xuan hurriedly: "My brother has strict rules. My temperament, it’s hard to manage my own family. Who can bring a little demon, don’t cause me to be crooked! Just leave me a footstep, other little demon don’t want it, just use the footsteps, usually please don’t take care of it. That's great."

   The deer demon also let him wait, let him wait first, and the black winged peng will be divided into one after it grows up, and it is usually taken care of by the blue eye.

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