Deer Demon Race

Chapter 186: Enclosure

   The temperament of the pig demon old fever is like the self in another world, completely unrelated to the word "motivated", but now, the road is different after all.

On the second day after Lao Wen left, it was the night of the full moon. On the top of the Twelve Crane Peaks, the tempering of the moon was completed, the sky was rising, and the red glow was gradually dyed. The deer demon said to the surrounding monsters: "No matter what you wish. No, starting today, you will be under my Baibao family. I am richer, but it’s not easy to get the elixir. I will set the rules for you. There is laziness, the demon will report once, and one plant will be deducted. If the fault is greater, you can’t choose the hot day, peeling cramps, and killing, but if the four seasons are loyal and diligent, the demon will be rewarded at the end of the year, and there will be additional rewards at the end of the year; Give two copies of porn, and the rest are just like the little demon!"

   Before, he was eager to transform monsters, transform humanoids, and advance to the ranks, and they were all given elixir. However, to manage these monsters, it is not easy to feed them all too much, and there needs to be a reward space before they can be mobilized. Every year, the demon’s body can only order two yellow products in public, otherwise it will be a big burden in the future, but Goubao, Biyan, and Yuanxiang, after all, after thousands of miles escape, they are all confidants, he thought Therefore, every year the body actually secretly distributes the Huang Zhongpin that was exchanged for the spirit tea, and the Yao Yao is not included in this list, as it is different from the public preaching.

It’s easy to change from frugality to luxury, and it is difficult to change from extravagance to frugality. The panacea that was originally issued throughout the year is half of the total. After that, it depends on their performance, just like the reform of state-owned enterprises. The little monsters were dissatisfied when they first heard about it, but he waited. The elixir was all provided by the deer master, and most of them were just private demons. Goubao, Biyan, Yuanxiang, half-xuan did not say anything, and there was no room for complaint.

   went out to inquire, and in the Valley of Ten Thousand Flowers, the little demon was only half of his body.

   Crane Twelve Peaks are busy in spring and summer, and leisurely in autumn and winter, and the days are dull year after year.

Take a trip to the valley next to Zuihuaju to take care of the peach trees and take the Peng Demon back and forth, but within half an hour, new demon will supervise the little demon when picking tea and harvesting purple golden potatoes. Baibao's free time gradually increases, only for tempering. The woodpecker demon king's beak, the induction of antlers, and the body tempering method are three things. Pingdingshan's Ancestor Festival will go around every year to see the items sold by various parties and listen to the rumors of the holy monkey mountain.

In the fourth year of    settle down, in the spring, the musk demon Yuanxiang finally promoted to be a demon.

Yuan Xiang was born as a wild little demon, and his skills were not bad. After asking Gou Bao and Lao Wen for advice, the last of the monsters who had escaped, resisted the pressure, and let him really bring out the magical powers. , Is the same "downwind" as the weasel demon Langjun of Jingping Mountain, and shocked Qiu Yao's panda eyes.

Blue eyes, Goubao, and Yuanxiang, if you talk about the amount of demonic energy tempered by the moon spirits, they are all above the deer demons. Learn spells with the seven generals of Wanhua Valley. Blue eyes specialize in water law, and Gouba specializes in earth and stone Method, Yuanxiang specializes in wind method.

In his spare time, Baibao discussed with the three of him, seeing that the blue-eyed water law is quite satisfactory; Goubao is “thick” and has amazing defenses, and his magical powers are only slightly less than his own, which is indeed rare to deal with; Yuanxiang is always cunning and fights small. There are so many methods that can't be prevented.

In addition to these three, I also tried the skills of the demon. This giant panda master used spells and magical powers to fight melee, and also played tricks with the grass-based spells recognized as the weakest, "bamboo thorn", "hanging", and "yin and yang". The connection is extremely fast, of course, there is too much practical experience, and it just happens to be more practice.

Last year, on the Cheng Ancestor Festival, Huang Huaniang bought a long-haired rabbit with slightly longer ears from a certain demon king. The whole was dark and there was no variegated color. He sent Jiugao to him. After seeing the blue eyes, there was a strange beast. Blood.

Yuan Xiang was promoted to a demon, Baibao gave him the black fur rabbit to transform it into a demon, and gave him the last one left in the black-winged penguin. Enter his Ding.

After this, the deer deer Bending only had three little monsters, namely Peng Yao’s steel bone, tiger demon’s dysfunction, and monkey demon black face. Since he promised to make him a pro-demon, the frog demon has treated Baibao as a general in advance. Accompany out and in.

   The deer demon simply transferred the remaining three into the blue-eyed dice, and became a polished demon.

   Yao Yao’s Black Wing Peng is also taken care of by the blue eyes.

   The little monsters and the alien beasts that have not yet transformed are all split, but the deer demon has kept his promise on the Twelfth Peak of Crane, and in fact has already enjoyed the treatment of the demon general in advance.

The strange beasts Huang Huaniang found are still being delivered. The deer demon will not be kept, but will be distributed to the three demon. She only controls the harvest and distribution of all the elixir. There shouldn't be many little demon that can really take away.

In the year that Yuanxiang was promoted, there have been small patches of wild peach trees in the valley next to Zuihuaju, with messy branches and many wormholes in the leaves. Pick one when the fruit is ripe and eat it. All are sour and toothache. Only diamond iron The gibbons often go to pick food, but they are not afraid of sourness.

Deer Demon’s supernatural powers of the word "Rui", through the small wild peach trees, Huang Huaniang and he understood a little bit. The matter of "planting spiritual roots" is only useful for the spiritual peach core from Lingtao Peak. It’s extraordinary. After planting, it is indeed a common product at the beginning of growth. It needs to be continuously watered by the deer demon with supernatural powers to gradually gain the spiritual axis and transform into the spiritual root. In the end, it can only reach the standard of giving gifts to Pingdingshan. Can't make progress, Huang Huaniang said, in the spiritual root, the effect is only mid-to-low.

   If it is said that the deer demon supernatural power is hot, but it is only effective for the spiritual peach core. Before planting the peach for the first time, Huang Huaniang found a lot of elixir types, and some common products, and planted them together with the peaches. Unfortunately, after a few years of growth, which elixir or elixir should be, should it be common product or Fanpin does not become a spiritual root.

   It can only be concluded that the deer demon's supernatural powers are special, and the spiritual peach core of Lingtao Peak is also special. Only when these two meet together, the spiritual root is achieved.

Except for the sixteen peach trees, Huang Huaniang has no more spiritual roots, but the number of sixteen trees is enough for her to be extremely happy. The Xuanxia rank, although it is difficult to find a profound level of life, the spiritual root nurturing aura has never been slow. It will take decades for the concentration of Wanhuagu's aura to reach the standard for survival of the mysterious level elixir. Every time it matures, it takes dozens of hundreds of years. , In no hurry.

The two grafted peach trees in front of the Deer Cave of Crane Twelve Peaks, the deer demon also added a lot of magical powers with the word "Rui" between them. It’s not a rare thing anymore.

   Crane Twelve Peaks is not its own mountain field after all, the deer demon will of course not plant a spiritual peach tree that can become a spiritual root.

  The days gradually cleared up. When there was nothing to do, the deer deer went to see it several times on the steel frame. The weeds and shrubs planted by the water pool before and after all survived, and their vitality was tenacious.

Deer deer herself couldn’t make up his mind. Relying on her good relationship with Huanghuaniang now, she asked the Banshee King to take a trip in person. After she came back, she said: "After these years, the aura that has spread from the surrounding area is not weak. With the help of the roots, the spiritual tea buds should also be able to grow, but you need to know that the spiritual energy of this mountain is still water without a source. If there is no spiritual root support, based on the amount of tea trees in your tea garden, the yield will be reduced due to the lack of spiritual energy until the last ten years. Exhausted!"

The deer demon made up his mind to plant spiritual roots by himself. Taking advantage of the leisurely autumn and winter seasons, the deer demon took turns to take a small demon over, filled the soil with animal skins, and prepared to plant trees. First, the greening must be brought back. According to Huang Huaniang, The wild vegetation will give birth to some spiritual energy and spit out. Although the amount is not large, it is better than being completely bare.

   Greening on such a big mountain, what if there are natural spiritual roots again? With some hope, the deer deer emphasizes the word "natural" first, and does not take saplings for transplanting, only sows tree seeds.

In the future, if you want to plant spiritual roots again, it’s best to make it difficult for others to notice. When choosing the seeds, the deer deer does not hesitate to choose only the peach cores. Take a check.

   During that time, if you talk to the black face of the monkey demon, you can smell a peach from far away.

   I am going to plant all peaches all over the mountains and plains, and plant the spirit roots of the peaches in the future to hide in them.

Huang Huaniang was able to detect that the Twelve Crane Peaks had more spiritual roots because of her own land boundary. She noticed that the concentration of spiritual energy had increased a bit compared with the previous year, but even if she had the ability to find spiritual roots, she was also looking for it on the Twelve Crane Peak Hill. It took a day to confirm that it was the two peach trees.

Doufengling Mountain is many times larger than Crane Twelve If the mountains and plains are full of peach trees, the demon king who has stolen in has noticed the spiritual roots, and if he has the ability to find spiritual roots, it will cost He worked hard for a few days.

  The deer demon planted peach trees in Dafengling. Banxuan knew that this was the future mountain field, so he begged: "Brother, I love bamboo shoots. You should not only plant peaches, but also plant some bamboo for me!"

   Thinking of a bamboo forest, more like a fairy residence, the deer deer listened to him, and he chose the bamboo species he liked to eat, and planted a few bamboos near the previous cave of the Hedgehog Demon King.

It’s just that if the bamboo grows extremely fast if you don’t restrict it, you can look at it after four or five years. Near the cave, all the places where the little monsters used their pouches to transport dirt and pile up will be taken up by the bamboo forest. The scorched black land formed is naturally isolated, and I am afraid that the boundaries of wild peach seedlings will be gradually squeezed out.

   Of course, plants also divide the land. When the wild peach trees become a forest, the bamboo forest will be difficult to invade.

The Drifting Ridge is very large and wide. At first I heard Master Deer say that peach trees should be planted throughout the Jiaohei mountain. The little demons are all stunned, but the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and the accumulation of sand can form a tower. Except for some discomfort when entering and exiting the soil, it is really convenient. It is still planted later. The peach trees planted in the first year near the water outlet have already been planted. .

Although it is both winter and autumn, watching the peach trees grow taller and become a forest, the fallen leaves accumulated underground are getting thicker and covering a lot of scorched earth. The demon gradually found some sense of building a family business.

I was afraid of hard work, and finally made a wedding gown for someone else, and a demon who didn’t know what to do would take it in the future. The deer demon specially asked the Banshee King for instructions. He painted Huanghua’s mother’s logo on the top and at the foot of Doufengling Mountain. Enclosed in advance.

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