Deer Demon Race

Chapter 187: character

   Huanghuaniang successively sent heterogeneous beasts, including the black-blooded black rabbit, the two-tailed red leopard, and the three black-winged penguins previously obtained, all gradually transformed into a demon.

Under Gou Baomen, the black-winged penguin's wings were a little curled at the ends, and Yu Wei named it Xiaoqu; the two-tailed red leopard was named after Gou Bao, and the name was not disputed. The rich alien species is born with two tails. When transforming the demon, he has not obtained a supernatural power. It is obvious that he is not good enough.

Under Biyan, he took charge of the semi-mysterious mount Peng Yao. He named him Xiao Shi by Black and White. When he transformed the monster, Yao Yao said to him, "Master, I can only take care of myself. I can't control you, you foster care." Don’t be under the family, you must know things better” so it got its name.

   Under the Yuanxiang gate, the Black Winged Peng Yao had to be named Yufeng, and the Black Haired Rabbit had to "roar" because of the magical powers when transforming the monster, and was named Roar.

   When Baibao Yao was thirty-nine years old, he had consumed a large number of small chicks before and after. According to Qiu Yao, it was extravagant to the limit and prodigal.

   Relying on the consumption of a large number of worms, the deer demon’s "rebirth" magical powers have improved considerably, but in the fall of the ninth year after moving to the Sacred Monkey Mountain, things changed.

   At that time, the deer antler was cut off as usual, and the deer demon's demon energy was suddenly increased, which was about four times that of the previous velvet cut.

   The deer demon was shocked, and after careful inspection, he discovered that the antler had been promoted, and what was cut off was the yellow lower-grade elixir, which was no longer insidious.

I think so many years have passed, the monster energy tempered by the moon essence is much, the deer monster itself is "old and strong", the medicine power has improved, or it has been cut too much, and its own evolution, in short, the deer antler medicine power has increased, suddenly Up a step.

As an elixir and a material for antlers, it is a good thing to get antler into the product, but for the deer deer, the lower-grade yellow antler consumes too much demon energy. If you consume the same amount of the middle-grade yellow antler, the frequency of cutting the antler must be reduced to In a quarter of the original, the speed of "regeneration" has been greatly reduced.

   Deer antler becomes a panacea. It can advance and cannot retreat, and it will never become influential. If you want to cut yourself, it is just a yellow product.

   was originally enough to cut antler four times to produce eight inflows, but now it is only enough to cut once to produce two yellow inferiors.

It’s all losing a yellow-level middle-grade. In terms of cost, of course, the cost is to exchange for two yellow-grade lower-grades. The loss is smaller. The speed is greatly dragged down.

But there is no other way. I have to continue to eat. The purchase price for the kingfisher monster has been increased to 18 plants per catty. Now many monsters in the 21st Ancestral Realm are known. There is a very greedy monster in Huanghua's family mountain field. He loves to eat Chichi most, and the price has been raised by him. If you want to taste delicious, you must bid higher than him before the kingfisher monsters are willing to sell it.

After the deer antler was introduced into the product, the deer deer began to feel distressed about the inaccessible velvet antler that was previously issued to the little demon, and the antler that was given to the small mountain to refine the urine, because the antlers were turned into horns, and the antler and yellow deer antlers were not used. The effect is the same. Although there are still some non-influenced velvet antlers in my house, after the end of the use, I will use the horns again, and I can only use the yellow product. If the monster sees it, it will be even more scolded. Prodigal.

  Using non-influenced velvet antlers to promote the horns of the worms, generating a yellow-level middle-grade elixir, is definitely a profitable business. If it is leaked, the kingfisher demon will be very popular, and the worms may be eaten and extinct.

Sacred Ape Mountain has obviously fewer chinchillas than in the river section near Lingtao Peak. For fear that the monsters will eat the chinchillas so much that they can’t make up for them, they dare not expose the fact that the chinchillas are transformed into horns. The deer still thinks about it. , The "rebirth" supernatural powers are full, this kind of little creatures shouldn’t be extinct because of their own family. Housework, have a clear conscience, or do some remedies when conditions are available in the future?

Since then, antlers can no longer be used for the refined urine of the hills. In the past, it was only because the antlers were not well exposed, so I used small mountain essences to wash white into purple golden potatoes. If other inflows were used to supply small mountain essences, the profit of growing purple golden potatoes would actually be far less than that. In the tea garden, because of the purple golden potato planted, only one of the more than ten plants will enter the product, and the others are not inflowing. The little demon has worked hard for two seasons. Not to mention the rustic and difficult planting work. Using the supernatural power of the deer demon "Rui", the deer demon is precious nowadays. You should save the time to experiment with various plants and elixir to see if you can grow the spiritual roots. There is no time to grow peaches in the driving range in autumn and winter. .

   I wanted to replant a tea garden, and I asked Huang Huaniang. The Banshee King was thinking about seeking a Xuan level to earn a living, and wanted to save aura in the mountain field, but he didn't allow it.

   Tea is also picked in the summer. This is the season where the little monsters complain the most. After the deer antler is advanced, the deer deer simply stops letting the little mountain spirit use elixir to dissolve urine, as long as he draws natural aura from heaven and earth, and only soaks every day.

Zijin Potato does not earn much income. Ten bowls of spiritual tea are obtained every year in the tea garden. Half of them are exchanged for five yellow top grades, which is equivalent to 25 yellow middle grades or 125 yellow lower grades. Medicine, you must also buy a medicine from the kingfisher monster. Before I opened the mountain, there was no new source of financial resources. The distance between income and expenditure has been gradually narrowing. When the steel skeleton waits for the Jin monster, the cost will increase. After Huang Huaniang's sixteen alien beasts were given away, the deer deer didn't dare to make more little demon, and began to learn to plan carefully.

   Years in the mountains, the beak of the woodpecker used to "arrow in the mouth", the deer demon chose to temper it into a long nail shape, which is gradually taking shape.

The deer's antlers that were re-sensed by "Take off the robe and change position" did not move at all. The deer deer had thought that his spiritual consciousness had been embodied, and it should be easier. Now it seems that the object induction corresponding to this magical power is only likely to be more than once. It was difficult. After the original snake skin of Five Steps was snatched and torn by the wild eagle, he couldn't sense the second one, and deceived himself to entertain himself. If this is the case, the antlers of the second induction are only slightly stronger than Fanpin. What should I do after it is broken?

   After the "regeneration" supernatural powers are full, it is time for the family to temper a pair of antlers, which can be used as a weapon that can be grown without being easily destroyed.

In the tenth year, the sparrow demon took the initiative to provoke the steel frame. The two birds went from bickering to the full martial arts. All day long, they flew around the peak and their feathers were not overcome at all. The bird's feathers were plucked several times. However, he was not discouraged after repeated defeats and battles.

   In the thirteenth year of staying at Pingding Mountain during the Ancestor Day, the deer deer finally found a useful item on Pingding Mountain.

   This item is a booklet with only a few pages, and you can see that it came from the human side.

   The stall owner is a demon who is used to selling inheritance, and the booklet is spread among the "inheritance" of several animal skins, and it is not very conspicuous.

Other paper books are also seen at the Chengzu Festival trading booths. Most of them are passed on through evil spirits. The **** pictures are the main ones. A few are left after the death of monks. There are also some practice methods, but they are not very suitable. For the demon type cultivation, the deer deer originally got the "Splitting Mountain Boxing Technique", but he hasn't been able to get started yet, so he won't buy it later.

   The booklet he liked was not a practice method. On the two pages of paper, there was only one picture on each, which should be characters, with small notes beside it.

The twisted and twisted characters of these two strokes have a mysterious feeling at first glance. The small note in the picture on the left is: "'heavy' character, with this system, three stacks of characters, get'slow character' , But it's only a small road."

   Annotation in the small print on the right side of the picture: "'Wind' character, using this to make a symbol, three stacks into a spell, get the "Wind Blade Talisman", but only a trail."

The deer deer doesn’t look like a fake, but there are rules for these “inheritance” stalls. If you want to see the follow-up content, you need to pay the elixir first. Withdrawal of the drug, those who do not pay the elixir are not allowed to look through it.

   Lu Yao pointed to the booklet and asked the stall owner: "How much does this book sell for?"

The stall owner looked at him. There were several words on the white robe. He thought he was literate. He replied happily, "Is this one? I received it from the Ding Jia Wang Jia Yao general, saying that he killed Lianzhen. Brother Ge Zhuji, a relic that I just grabbed, ask for a price..."

Seeing his mouth groaning, but his eyes rolling, the deer deer smiled and said: "I am used to it, and I know how to sell it. If it is a book, it is generally called from King Dingjia, King Yaoshan, and Jinyu. The kings received them, because they were close to the monks, and they didn't dare to arbitrarily climb the relationship with the demon king, so they all received them from the demon generals."

The stall owner also laughed at him and replied: "Brother Men Qing, but this book is really collected by the Ding Jia Wang family. Although it is all ghost symbols, it may be of magical use. Somehow it will let me earn some hard medicine. "

   The deer demon asked again: "How many elixir do you want?"

   The white robe child demon is not easy to The stall owner’s price had to be lowered: "Three copies of the yellow product, no less!"

The deer deer shook his head: "You also know that there are ghost symbols in this book. How many monsters can understand? If you don't meet me, just rot on your stall. I guess there are at most three uninfluenced ones, how can they sell so well? High price? Just looking at the weird ghost painting talisman, I want to buy it back on the descriptive monument, which will make it difficult for others to imitate. It is also three times the profit if you don’t sell it!"

   The stall owner was helpless by his remarks, and insisted for a while, so that the deer demon would add one more uninfluenced tree. He put up a small stack of blank talisman paper that he had collected with this booklet.

After paying the elixir, only ten breaths of time to look back and regret it, the deer demon quickly glanced at the cover, inscribed with the four characters "Seven Symbols and Illustrated Fans", and a line of small characters along the left side of the corner "Lianzhen Pavilion Zhuji Senior Handwritten Handbook, a gift for beginners Respect and learn from".

After opening   , there are a total of eight pages in it. The first page is the text in the total sequence. Before I can read it carefully, I turn over the next seven pages. Each page is a character, and there are seven in total.

   is not to use white paper to charge the number. Seeing that the strokes of these characters are complete, the small notes are correct, and there should be no fakes. The deer demon turns around and leaves without waiting for the ten breath time. .

  When I bought Langhao pen and cinnabar from other stalls, I went straight down to Pingdingshan and asked the upper steel frame to fly back to the Twelfth Crane Peak.

   Monster crafting all took a long time, and the white robe on his body hadn't been improved for so many years, so he could only rely on grinding, and it was far inferior to monk craftsmanship. Wouldn't you be envious of such a strong treasure? Before he escaped, he asked the monk Ziyunguan that he waited for amulets and refining tools to be different from monsters relying only on divine consciousness and evil spirits. Almighty borrowed the power of foreign objects. On each character.

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