Deer Demon Race

Chapter 190: Parting

   That night, Huang Huaniang came back from Pingdingshan.

   Outside Drunk Flower’s door, a deer demon will be waiting for her.

  Looking at the Deer Demon, the Banshee King sent the accompanying Demon General to return first, and said in a bad mood: "Hmph, you don't want to delay at all!"

   The deer demon bowed and replied: "Excuse me after the flower, I have been waiting for a long time, I can't wait!"

Huang Huaniang stroked her forehead and said: "I always have to wait for the queen to pick out the other demon to take care of the tea garden and Crane Twelve Peaks before letting you out. Picking tea is hard. Where are these lazy demon in the valley suitable for? Urgent, you have to purge the pig demon under your original sect. There are already a few of the little demon. When he waits for the promotion, he will go out for you!"

   did not say that before, deer deer was startled, and hurriedly argued: "Hua Empress has promised before!"

   Huang Huaniang "pushed" and laughed out: "I'll call you anxiously roar, you can't be anxious!"

   Seeing her face of successful mischief, the deer deer put her heart back in her stomach: "It was originally from me, so scared to death!"

He had to be promoted to another place by the leader to take up his post. He was very willing and had to pretend that he was reluctant to bear the old leader. Otherwise, the old leader would have opinions in his heart. Ding has become a movie, and his performance is indeed a little anxious, but if it weren't for the spiritual roots and Huanghuaniang's acquaintance, knowing that she didn't care about these, she would never dare to do so.

   Fortunately, the monster has a temperament. Don’t go straight to you too much. It’s not the first time Huang Huaniang has seen a deer like this. After playing tricks on this deer, she feels relieved and said: "Talking inside!"

   Attracted the deer demon into the inner hall and dismissed the handsome demon. When only two of them were left, Huang Huaniang asked: "This queen is looking far away from the sky, you were a little unhappy before, what's the matter?"

   The deer deer smiled bitterly and vomited truthfully to the Banshee King: "I have been promoted to the demon general, but I have not been able to obtain magical powers. I can't use spells. I feel a little frustrated because I don't have enough good luck!"

After hearing this, Huang Huaniang scolded: "You are not satisfied, how many supernatural powers you have learned, what do you want? Although the supernatural powers of natural good fortune are better than those learned from outsiders, they are not as greedy as you. I don’t know how bad things are in the world? So the face that you have rested now is only slightly pleasing to the eye. You don’t have a handsome appearance in your life, so you don’t need to worry about it!"

   There are half mysteries in the front, and the old plagues in the back. There are also two demon generals who have been to the magical hall to listen to. The deer did not expect his magical powers to be hidden from the banshee king, but why did he get to the appearance again? At least my face is not ugly anymore!

My old deer didn’t rely on his face to eat. The deer deer smiled bitterly for a while, and then turned to the subject with a smile: “Is there a good magical power after the flower? I’m going to go out and set up a branch. It’s not easy to lose the face of Wanhuagu, if I have a good magical power. , Please give me a reward, the right to appease my heartbroken Lao Lu!"

"It's been a long time, but it's like that pig demon, with a thicker skin. It can be seen that she did escape thousands of miles in the same way!" Huang Huaniang said first, "There is also a magical power that suits you. It's what you got when you're a demon general, I don't know if you can learn it, but you can't show it in vain!"

   Hearing her talk about the old plague, her tone is close, has she hooked up already? Muttering in his heart, the deer deer asked: "I am under the back door of the flower. I go out to open the branch. I have to rely on the flower queen to support the mountain field. What do I want after the flower?"

Huang Huaniang hummed: "Under this back door, I used to go out to open the four branches, and the management is far less than you. So each year you can only give 30 or 50 copies of the yellow products. I will take care of you... I am going to take care of the mountain field. I wonder if the Japanese queen is also busy?"

Because they don’t have the ability to transplant and live, most of the demon kings steal the spiritual roots the day before Chengzu Festival, so that they can be sent to Pingdingshan on September 19th. Hearing what the Banshee King said, the deer deer remembered that she was going out to steal that day. Picked.

After thinking about it for a while, the deer deer said: "If I don’t notice that there is a thief, I won’t invite the flowers every year. On the Pingding Mountain, I don’t think I only receive gifts on September 19. Go out early, pick it up first, and send it away. As long as the courtesy arrives, the ancestor will definitely not blame it!"

   Huang Huaniang stared: "Yes, you have made arrangements for the queen clearly, as you said, it's just the body of the demon king, it's not easy to call it for nothing!"

  You still took away sixteen spiritual peach cores. How many days did I work hard to grow a spiritual peach. I said a good thing, so I forgot?

   The deer demon slandered, bowed and asked, "What do you want after the flower?"

   "Increase the tribute!" Huang Huaniang replied categorically, "On the day you first arrived in Wanhua Valley, you boasted that you could offer three yellow top grades every year. Now it seems that this number is still low!"

   Three copies of Huang Shangpin are already more than twice as many as the Yaojiang Mountain Farm with the least tribute. Hearing that Huanghuaniang has to increase the tribute, the Lu Yao hurriedly argued: "I have many families now, and I want to feed everyone!"

   Huang Huaniang ignored him, and said: "If you want to guard against thieves for you, and also want to have magical powers, you must get ten top grades every year!"

   Deer Deer was about to speak with a bitter face, Huang Huaniang said again: "Don't keep the tea!"

   Then it would take twenty shares of spiritual tea to get it back, and the deer demon cried out: "After the flower, they are divided into families and pay tribute. There is no reason why my family is more than the total of his four!"

   Huang Huaniang hummed softly: "The four of his families add up, and there is no trouble in your mountain field!"

   The deer deer was choked, and it was a long time before he said, "After the flower, it's just that the first two years of growing tea didn't produce it, please forgive me!"

   When the deer demon agreed, Huang Huaniang's eyes narrowed: "According to you! I will send the demon tomorrow to pick up the Twelfth Crane Peak and the tea garden, and I will go to Doufengling in four days and give you the mountain gate stone!"

   In the Fenjia Mountain Field in the Sacred Ape Mountain, the large rocks standing outside the gate are usually picked and sent by the Demon King himself, and then engraved with words to indicate sovereignty.

The deer deer has been inquiring about it all these years. Even the newly opened mountain field actually saves the first three years of tribute, and it deliberately only took two years. It really made the Banshee King happy, thinking that she was self-investing in the net, and she made an extra year. Miles.

   I just thought that the Banshee King would leave a word on the mountain gate stone, the deer deer hesitated for a while, or said: "The mountain gate stone sent by the flower queen, can I not engrave it? I make it myself!"

   "Get off!" Huang Huaniang became angry at once: "No matter how well you write your characters, it is the branch of my old mother. Of course, the old mother has to engrave the characters. Which round will I get you to come out?"

   "I'll get out of here, it's just a supernatural power after the flower, I haven't yet appreciated it!"

When    put his hand on Huang Huaniang's shoulder, both of them were a little uncomfortable.

   Huang Huaniang is a real demon king besides being too fraternity. She also showed him a real magical power by raising the tribute of the deer demon mountain field.

Supernatural powers "swarm", which is very beneficial for group battles. It originated from the human-shaped nose bridge. This supernatural power can be used in group battles with the smell of your own monsters that you remember first. If your own monsters within a certain range are equivalent to obtaining a weakened version of " "Boiling" increases the vigor by 30% without losing life.

   After the source comes out, the deer demon will definitely try, whether this supernatural power can be superimposed with "boiling".

   I thanked him sincerely, and came out of Huang Huaniang and bumped into Crane Demon Jiugao, the one who had worshipped the door, Deer Demon was busy and respectfully saluting, and asked him to go to Doufengling to be a guest when he had time.

   Jiugao sighed: "You haven't gotten a few years since you started, so you're going out to be your own home!"

Except for the fact that Crane Demon General did not give a good face on the day of worship, he is not difficult. He is good at style. He taught Yuan Xiang a few years ago with great care. Lu Yao said with a smile: "I have today, and the general taught well! "

Jiugao smiled bitterly: "Your strengths are magical powers. I didn't really teach you, so I learned a little bit from you! But now that you become a demon general, you can use the'Empire Art'. I will teach you this little magic once. Come to my door!"

   Looking for a secluded place, the Crane Demon taught practical small spells such as "Empty Art", "Concentration Art", "Confinement Art", "Recovery Art" and so on.

In the middle of the drunk flower and greeted Lao Wen again, they went to find the steel frame, and were about to leave together, the Banshee King's personal demon Ding Xiaocui came to stop again, handed Zhang Ye Zi to him, and said: "The general teaches me to write a'pocket'. 'Word stop!'

   It must have been the Banshee King who remembered afterwards, this word could not be written, she was sent to learn it, the deer deer smiled, not to mention breaking it, looking for a piece of yellow mud and writing it to her.

   Xiao Cui looked at it and said, "What a ghost character, it's so difficult to write!"

   The deer demon waved his hand and left Zuihuaju with the steel frame.

Promoted to the demon general, the bones can be light or heavier, and with the "aircraft", it can fly by itself, but the deer demon, who is accustomed to running on the ground, is really not flying fast, so he refined the three tail feathers of the wind chaser to On the robe, the effect is far inferior to riding a flying mount.

   However, the deer deer also understands that his own ability to fly is his own ability, and he cannot relax.

   Back to the Twelfth Crane Peak, the deer demon called the monsters under the door to be ready, and when the demon came to take over the tea garden tomorrow, he set off on the road.

Baibao was promoted to the demon general. The demon under the clowns should change their name to him as "General", but it was too troublesome to change. Biyan first replied to the old name and called him "Master". Anyway, he was also called "Master Deer". , And those demon who had been transformed by him since childhood also followed, feeling that it was easier to call "Master" in person.

The new little demon was relocated and it was renewed three or four years ago. It is difficult to find different species. This time, all beasts have been transformed, and more than 70 have been transformed, but in the future, it will be drunk Juyuan, the physical problems of the demons are not solved. These little demons have more than 20 banshees in them, and they have already inquired about the price in Pingdingshan. The banshees can't afford them, but the appearance is decent. Little demon, it's not that expensive, two copies of the lower grade, and plans to buy another ten or twenty after moving to Doufengling, and his family will be promoted slowly.

   The previous suppression of the promotion of the demon generals was not all for avoiding the battle. If the "regeneration" of the magical powers is not fully used, after the promotion, the role of the yellow middle-grade elixir will be lost. How can you be willing?

   It took decades of work, and only two years ago, he finally reached the level of "regeneration" proficiency. When facing the enemy, unless it is a serious injury to the internal organs, the self-healing speed can make the enemy dumbfounded.

   Today's deer demon is already raising their own antlers that are really usable.

However, when the antlers began to be tempered from the day when the antlers came to the fore, the evil spirits tempered by the essence of blood, spirit, and moon essence were constantly poured and nourished. It grows a finger long.

  The monsters under the door packed up and prepared to set off. The deer monster was so excited that he practiced the "Sky Technique" under the peak all night and stayed up all night.

  In the past style of the Ten Thousand Flower Valley Monster, the one who took over the tea garden would only arrive at night. .

But it was Meng Ge and Lao Wen who accompanied four demon and more than thirty little demon, found the Deer Demon Empress, and the Pig Demon saluted: "Knowing that the general is impatient, I asked the Queen for an errand and accompanied him. Wait, and send it off to the general by the way!"

   Mongoose demon general also congratulated a few words before leading the four demon to take over the tea garden.

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