Deer Demon Race

Chapter 191: new home

From Crane Twelve Peak to Doufengling Mountain for more than four hundred miles, Huanghuaniang's influence is all along the way. Although it is a march of a hundred monsters, the deer deer is not too worried. They are called Goubao and Yuanxiang to take care of them all the way. The team, by the way, catch some beasts and bring them as rations, leave a hundred clever to report the letter, and stay in the walking team to raise the wing injury. The small mountain spirit is also called the team. He has blue eyes and half mystery. Flying monsters such as Yufeng and Xiaoshi rushed to Joyride Ridge first.

   Standing on the top of the majestic Doufengling Mountain, the foot of the mountain is not visible from all around, but the Chisha River can only see the distant section of the river, and the foot of the nearby mountain has been blocked by the mountain.

   In the future, I will use the moon to refine on the top of this mountain, and the effect must be good.

   Of course, there are dark rocks all around, and the same is true for the south side of the mountain. The scenery is not good.

  Only the north side of the mountain can see the peach forest halfway up the mountain. The peach leaves are all yellowish, swaying in the autumn wind.

   Those wild peach trees, the deer demon has used "earth escape" to see the rhizomes. After each peach tree grows up, the roots penetrate the lower scorched black soil layer and take root to the lower layer of soil.

   The originally charred soil, as the roots of the tree deepened, became less sticky and loosened a lot, and there were fungi, insect larvae, etc., and it became less black.

   The deer deer believes that one day, he will grow the scorched soil of this mountain into fertile soil, and the mountains and the north will be the same.

   When he reached the ground, the deer demon was no longer anxious, led the demon to find a feasible place, and walked down the mountain.

  The burnt black mud sticks together, and the steep places appear to be a bit slippery. The deer demon says all the way, it is convenient to build the road to the top of the mountain.

  Until Banxuan couldn't help it, he said, "Yes, the little demons have a new job!"

Lu Yaobai glanced at him, then glanced over the blue eyes, steel bones, white shoulders, etc., before he said: "This year, this autumn and winter, the little demon needs to quickly transplant tea trees and get the tea garden trays out, otherwise they will all wait to drink the West White Wind. ?"

Even if there is some stock in his pocket, he can only maintain a hundred monsters for two or three years. This year, he will have to pay tribute in two years. The urgent thing is to get the tea garden out first and make money. Consider the others later.

   Of course, the spiritual energy also needs to be supplemented by the source, and the spiritual root should be planted sooner rather than later.

In addition to the tea garden, there is also a small mountain spirit that is a personal inhaler, which automatically absorbs the surrounding spiritual energy to transform urine every day. He is consuming it faster. On this day, he was not allowed to fly over with him, just to save it. Two days of spiritual aura, let him come with a large group of walking, first **** the outside, it can be considered home.

  Why do you call Doufengling on the hill with limited aura? He thought about it well. In the first two years when there was no spiritual supplement, Xiaoshan needed to go out often to play, so that he would spend less time wandering at home.

   It took a little half an hour to finally get down to the edge of the planted wild peach tree. The deer demon stretched out his hand and said, "Yes, the tea garden will be planted in the col over there, which is not conspicuous."

   Specify the location of the tea garden, and then go down three miles through the wild tea trees, and see a large dense bamboo forest, which is the former Hedgehog Demon King Cave.

   There is also his new home in the future. The deer demon led the team through the peach grove for a long time, and finally found the road where the little demon were repaired, the dog treasure and a few demon stones turned into bluestone slabs.

  Follow the stone road, and it will be much more convenient to go any further, not as dense as in the wild peach forest that has not been pruned.

First, go to the waterhole at the water outlet. Because the peach forest has gradually risen in recent years, the water flow has become larger. The deer deer pointed and said: "It will be convenient to build a pavilion here. It is also elegant and good for entertainment. place!"

   Blue eyes nodded and replied: "Master said so!"

   Banxuan rolled his eyes madly, and said in his heart: "We are monsters, so what kind of elegance do you care about? Are you a god?"

   Slanting along the water pool to the west, there are bamboo forests on both sides of the road. The monster has been in the future for a long time, but there are some greedy bamboo shoots, but it is the end of August, the season is wrong, and there are almost no bamboo shoots. As I walked in, I looked at the large tracts of green bamboo, and I felt inexplicably refreshed. I saw a small white fungus growing under the bamboo forest. Half Xuan cheered, pointing and shouting: "Master, the bamboo fungus is all in pieces. , The soup is best!"

  Anything produced in bamboo forests, this demon is familiar, and deer demon laughs, of course, knowing that bamboo fungus is good for cooking soup.

   "You go first, I will pick some bamboo fungus and come back later!"

Thinking of becoming a demon queen, these mountain treasures have eaten less. Seeing that the demon is already unable to move, he only picks up bamboo sun, the deer demon ignores him, and continues along the stone road with blue eyes and steel bones. forward.

The flat platform in front of the cave is the size of two or three basketball courts, and it has now hardened into stone, which can temporarily prevent bamboo roots from escaping from the ground.

   There were two chubby creatures moving beside the platform. When the monsters arrived, they were frightened and rushed into the hole in the ground.

   didn't know each other when he looked at it, and the deer demon asked, "Is it a rabbit?"

   The demon is not there, but there is someone else who knows the previous creature, and the steel bone replied: "It's a bamboo rat, the meat is delicious!"

  His father was a sand demon, but he has lived in the Sacred Ape Mountain since he was a child and recognized that creature.

   This is the first time that the deer deer has seen bamboo rat, but I have also heard of its deliciousness and know that it is farmed on a large scale in some areas.

   There are two kinds of ingredients if the restaurant is going to be opened today.

   After the news that the holy rhinoceros valley monsters invaded the holy ape mountain, Yuwei Battalion had brought some female monsters to clean it, and the cave was very clean now.

The only flaw in this cave is that there is no water source in the cave like Jingping Mountain Drilling Cave. Of course, it is not difficult to get water. In previous years, I knew it when I planted peaches. The water outlet, the water volume is not large, only the bowl mouth is thick, so you have to put up bamboo slices in your leisure time, and it is not difficult to pull it to the side of the hole. It is also enough for a hundred monsters. It's okay to carry water on the side.

   is just the old cave of the Hedgehog Demon King. It must be named so that it can be called later. The inscription at the gate was robbed by Huang Huaniang. Why do you have to come here by yourself!

   Flew up to the top of the cave and on the stone wall, with a touch of demonic energy, the rubble flew away, and a flat stone wall was transformed into it.

   has practiced characters for many years, and today there are other uses, using the monster's spirit as a pen to write "Fu Taodong" in three correct fonts on the stone wall.

   Grab the cinnabar, and the deer demon stepped back and looked at it. Although he dare not compare the calligraphy, but I don’t know where it is better than the monster writing. I am very satisfied.

In addition to the widest hall in the cave, which can be used for meetings, hospitality, and the little demon’s evening break, there are also several small caverns. The deer demon decides that the largest one in the cave is used as a storeroom, and the second largest is Biyan and Nv. The demons set it out and put the curtain on, which is the home room.

   The other small caverns are chosen by the demon. If the number is not enough, they can open some more by themselves.

   On the first day of moving to a new house, I always start a gang to cook, called a house warmer. When the demon came back from picking up enough bamboo fungus, he asked Biyan to take out the cooking utensils and wash them, and to pick up the dry bamboo and peach branches, wait for the steel bone to catch the two fat bamboo rats back, slaughter them to the pool, wash them, and cook them on the cave platform. A pot of bamboo fungus stewed with bamboo rats, the monsters have a share, eaten with a bright face, all praise the good meat taste and the fresh bamboo fungus.

   In the future, this group of houses must be picked up more during the season when the bamboo fungus is produced, and dried for later use.

   This night, I rested in the newly named Futao Cave.

   In the middle of the night, the deer demon made a big excuse, ran out of the cave, sneaked to the edge of the pool, and planted a peach pit on the edge of the peach forest.

Now he knows that the closer the spiritual roots are to nature, the better. He will no longer ask the little mountain spirits to soak in spiritual urine to fertilize them, but he is afraid that some demon king will get in the pot in the future, and the spiritual peach cores should be planted farther apart. Only he knew the location himself, and he sent his confidant little demon to keep an eye on it in secret.

It’s just that if he planted far away from each other, it would be difficult to take care of all his magical powers with the word "Rui" at one time. When his spiritual roots grow up, he needs to persist in using those magical powers. For fear that his spiritual energy surges, the demon king outside will be suspicious. , But come one by one, and plant another one after a few years.

   The first peach pit was buried by the water pool, except tonight, I won’t be able to brush the word “瑞” until the tea garden tray is ready.

There must be a new atmosphere in the new mountain field. When Goubao and Yuanxiang lead the walking monsters to arrive, the deer demon said to a group of monsters and little monsters: "The mountain field is first established, and I am my own home. Roar Er Ding is the mountain gate, the little demon wheel is stationed at the mountain gate, and is responsible for communication; the black face, the indisputable Er Ding is the resident in the mountain, and the small demon wheel is stationed in the open view under the water pool; the little demon wheel is stationed; , Xiaoqu, Yufeng Four Dings are Jing Shanding, all under the gate are replaced or Xinhua flying little monsters, and they are stationed on the mountain top of Joyriding Ridge, set up in Yantai, and control the alarm to drive the enemy; the rest are in the micro-tube house; the old spot tube wine; Baiqiao , Xiaoshi is in charge of levying food; Golden hammer tube feeds animals, especially bamboo rats, find more to live and breed; build cattle and black-face tubes; blue eyes are pro-accompanied; Yuanxiang manages the case; Goubao manages and teaches; half The unround deacons such as Xuan and Ganggu are all on standby as idle demon, and no demon under their control! The demon and the regulations are reported one by one, and I have a good decision!"

Some of the functions are known before they go on the road, and some are newly appointed today. The deer demon is famous. They step forward one by one according to their errands, or replace or renew certain demon, or ask about the rules of conduct. After the piles were dealt with, the deer deer really found the feeling of being the master on a piece of land. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

   "The location of the animal feeding should be under the bamboo forest, so as not to smoke us, or drown in the ground and come out of the water outlet!"

After saying the last sentence, there is no more question or request. The deer demon scans it again and raises her voice: "You are willing to follow my old deer to Dufengling to settle down. Although the first few years have been hard, I will not treat him badly. When I’m not at home, Goubao will act as my agent! They have been following me for many years. Everyone knows my old Lu’s rules. Only add one more today. Please keep in mind: If there is no errand, no permission, any demon Those who dare to leave the mountain privately are tantamount to defecting, and they will open the table when they are caught, except for the small mountain spirit!"

"Tomorrow, the master's mountain master will personally send the mountain gate stone, and the children will help the banquet and prepare food to entertain the guests. They have the right to be a day of relaxation. From the day after, they will be on duty, and those who are not on duty will look for wild tea trees! "

On the second day, Huang Huaniang sent a large bluestone to be used as the mountain gate stone. I don’t know where she found it. It really engraved the slanted character "Dour Fengling" on it, and a yellow flower was engraved on it as her home. Logo.

   There are five demons who came to congratulate the Banshee King. Jiugao, Shouling, and Mengge are all present, which is extremely face-to-face.

   The mountain gate stone was erected, Huang Huaniang and others were invited to enter his mountain gate as a guest. Huang Huaniang took the lead in climbing the mountain and respected him as the landlord.

I originally thought that the deer deer arrived for the first time, and all the preparations were insufficient. The demon king and the demon generals entered the Futao Cave. They were only going to sit and go, not wanting to eat all kinds of mortal things and put them on the table. The taste is actually good, but the drink is much lacking. . .

   Huang Huaniang told Brother Meng to bring some more good wine to his house tomorrow.

   In this year, the Deer Demon Hundred Treasure Demon has an entire age of 70.

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