Deer Demon Race

Chapter 192: Wind blows

Huanghua’s mother deer deer started operating the Joyride Ridge decades ago. Now she moved here as a matter of course. She did not attract much attention among the surrounding monsters. At most, she said that the deer deer will turn waste into treasure and operate it decades in advance. , It's a patient.

   The King’s family was drawn to aid the molars of the ancestors. The family draws a lottery. The deer demon indirectly fought with General Powan, who has dealt twice indirectly, and was drawn.

Moving to Doufengling, the deer demon is the master of the house. He is a toss, building, raising, planting tea, building roads, and diverting water all the time. In the first two years, there is no free time. Not to mention the little demon complaining. , Even the demon can't bear it.

   In these two years, the first year was actually less than half a year, because the first year was only autumn.

   Fortunately, on the first year of the Ancestral Festival, Master Lu took four black-winged Peng Yao together to Pingding Mountain, and gritted his teeth to buy 20 beautiful female demons, all of which were brought back by the Peng Yao.

   Looking at these female demons, the demons felt hopeful.

   It's just that before the female demon was promoted to the demon, Master Lu did not let go, nor was she allowed to use all elixir to develop a trash demon like Jingpingshan, and asked to be promoted on time.

   was determined to die by the deer master, and there is still a good time to wait. The male demon are impatient, and each of them delineated the object in advance, and quarreled a few times for this.

At this year's festival, because the deer is closing the door for himself, the deer deer will have to fight against each other to decide the winner. The winner has the right to choose first and chooses on the spot. However, if the selected female demon is unwilling, You have to pick another one.

The bat demon Yuwei's temperament is a bit withdrawn, and male demon is not allowed to be close. After listening to Master Lu’s arrangement, he got up and said: "I...the slave likes Brother Goubao for a long time. If the master allows me, I will move tonight. Go to the cave of Brother Goubao!"

The male monsters suddenly booed and booed. This meant that Goubao was not allowed to participate in the selection, and finally stopped. Baibao also laughed and said, "Maybe you are not allowed to move in. Master I said what counts, ask Goubao is his own!"

   Yu Wei glanced at Goubao, and the bull demon only caressed his head silly and didn't know what to say.

   The bat demon walked over and sat down directly beside Gou Bao.

  Master Lu said: "Yes, Goubao has it, no need to participate in the fight this time!"

The hottest Goubao doesn’t play, and the other monsters can’t beat his own. Thinking about it, he will be able to hold the top spot and pick one who is satisfied. Yuan Xiang laughed and asked out loudly: “Then you master? , But there is no reason to leave the master alone."

The deer deer sighed: "Looking at their animal bodies, I can't boost my energy! The camphor-like banshee in Pingdingshan is born with a body scent, which is really good, but the asking price is too high. I can’t buy the elixir if you don’t want to buy it! Wait for the tea garden to be produced, and we won’t talk about it in a few years. Have a blessing!"

Trees are even more rare to become demon chances. If they can’t use the technique of transformation, it’s difficult for the mountain owner to transform the wood demon. The deer deer really wants to find a female wood demon to live, but it’s a pity that the female wood demon is a favorite demon general. There are a lot of demon kings, and the camphor wood demon is born with a unique fragrance.

In this competition on the New Year’s Day, the monsters all worked hard, picking up the steel frame at the slightest, and doing another one under the eyes of everyone. Unfortunately, they still lost. Almost all the intestines were caught. Master Lu’s "recovery" I was shocked when I was not proficient in the technique. Fortunately, the "Rejuvenation technique" took care of the injury before it was used.

At the slightest moment, this sparrow demon didn't show up much at the Twelfth Peak of Crane, but now it is getting worse. He almost picked up the Peng demon when he was injured, and screamed all the little demon irritations. His atmosphere was broken by him, and he loved to fight at any time. If you don't want to be lazy like Wanhuagu, the deer demon doesn't care.

In the end, the demon Ding Zhongyuanxiang first, the steel bone second, the semi-mysterious third, the fourth roar, the blue eye fifth, the sparrow demon also has the strength of the top five, but due to his injuries, he did not participate in the subsequent gambling fights. , No ranking.

   Each chooses the female demon, there is still to be waited, some have to be simmered, of course, all have been allocated, I really can't help stealing food in advance, and the deer will not care.

   But since that New Year's Eve, every night, some strange noises have been made in Goubao's cave. Most of the monsters have excellent hearing and are so noisy that they can't sleep well.

After only three days of listening, the deer demon couldn’t stand it. He urged the deer to go to the outer mountain field and invite the monsters with good craftsmanship to provide doors for the various caves in which they lived. Wooden doors and stone doors are acceptable. Others are not important, but the sound insulation effect is certain. Be strong!

   In the past two years, there is also a monkey demon in Wanhua Valley who has also been promoted to the demon general. Like the deer demon, he deliberately suppressed his cultivation and waited for the result of the draw before he was promoted. After the promotion, the monkey demon did not stay in the valley, but recognized the next debt and asked Huang Huaniang to allow him to go out and walk the bills on credit, and then pay the bills every year until the loss is full.

   When the little demon and the demon are called to various busy schedules, they have their leisure time, and the deer demon is also paying attention to their own cultivation path.

The body of the demon general is completely different from the demon and the little demon. In addition to slowly absorbing the spiritual energy from the heavens and the earth to transform the monster energy, it can only be supplemented by taking the elixir of the upper grade of Huang and the lower grade of Xuan. The essential.

   When the demon general's cultivation base is reached, the human-shaped skeleton has been tempered completely. The next step is to temper the upper, middle, and lower three pubic areas of the demon body. The upper pubic area contains the spiritual consciousness, the middle pubic area contains the demonic energy, and the lower pubic area contains the essence. All three pubic areas must meet the standard before they can be promoted.

  To be promoted to the Demon King, the upper dantian must have the spirit and consciousness, the amount of liquefaction of the demon gas in the middle dantian must reach half, and the spirit of the blood must be vigorous in the lower dantian.

   This standard is reached, and then there is the opportunity of the great road, the three dantians are pulling each other, and the demon fluid will draw the consciousness and essence into the middle dantian, turning into a perfect circle demon pill, even if it becomes the demon king.

   The standard is not too difficult. What is difficult is the opportunity of the great road. How many demon generals are grinding to the standard, but they are stuck at the end of their lives, and they have not made any further progress.

The strength of the demon qi is not directly related to the amount of demon fluid that is liquefied and whether or not it gets an opportunity. However, more demon fluid is more likely to be able to attract the spirit and spirit, and eventually become stronger than the demon princess. No one would dislike too much evil spirits.

Nowadays, the three dantians of the deer deer, the upper dantian divine consciousness has been initially embodied, but the spirituality is still lacking; the lower dantian is stronger, taking so many small dantians until now, even if the "vitality" has long-term harvested some essence and blood In the kidney, the rest can be said to be extremely vigorous, which is considered to be up to the standard; only the Zhongdantian Liquefied Demon Qi has just started, which requires water milling effort.

The deer demon divine consciousness embodies the sun, the moon, and the stars. Unfortunately, only the bright moon emits a gloomy light, which is slightly spiritual. The sun and the stars are just alike. At first glance, they are fake, and the sun, moon, and stars will not move. After the Jin Yao general, he must polish his spiritual consciousness more in order to give birth to spirituality.

The liquefaction of the demon qi in the middle dantian has just begun. There are many limbs and a hundred skeletons in the body, but only the demon qi that has been tempered by the moon essence can be liquefied. It can be refined and liquefied slowly, but the deer demon sees that it hasn't produced a drop in more than a year. The demon energy accumulated in the previous seventy years has been completely liquefied, and it is estimated that the middle dantian can only be placed on the bottom. The amount of demonic energy that needs to be tempered by the moon is at least twice as much.

   The spirit of essence and blood is strong, don't need to worry too much, see later, there is a tonic method, and Xia Dantian is completely ignored now.

After the whole body's bones are tempered, the "Ten Thousand Heavy Body Tempering Method" is no longer useful for him. He usually manages housework and spends his time on divine consciousness and evil spirits in his leisure time. Of course, tempering nails, white robe, and antler are also used. Can't leave it, this is actually a way to exercise spiritual consciousness.

   On the boundary of the two ancestors, the harassment of the Holy Rhinoceros Valley has not yet subsided, but in the autumn of the following year, because the demon will assist the two ancestors, a major event happened.

The deer deer was heard on the Chengzu Festival, and now he goes to Pingdingshan to congratulate him, and if he sends a gift, there will be a seat on the demon general's table somehow, and the twenty-first ancestor will nod and leave a reflection. It's a pity that the bag is really shy, and the decent gift will have to be a few top grades. It is gone, and because of the lack of recognition, it only pretends to be a demon and mixes in the back to avoid giving gifts.

   On the Grand Ancestor Day of this year, when the seats of the Demon King and Demon General of Hexi were not full, there were two demon kings making a lot of noise on the scene, and they almost fought in front of the two ancestors of the twenty-first and late games.

   One of the demon kings is Huang Huaniang’s neighbor, King Da Ni, and the other deer demon happens to know him, and he is the king of Guangmang.

The cause of    lies in the well-known General Powan.

This demon general, with high combat, was ordered to help the ancestor's home. He alone killed two demon generals who were strayed and harassed. There were several other demon generals who joined forces to kill. Not small, after the early harassment momentum of the holy rhinoceros valley demon generals was curbed, they were only chasing and fleeing and searching for chaos. There are no more storms and waves. The holy rhino's soul has a limit of a thousand days. Once the time comes, he will It would crush the monster souls that have not returned to the Holy Rhinoceros Valley. Therefore, the ancestors of the teeth let the high-strength go home first.

   Before the ancestral festival, General Powan returned home for more than ten days. For some reason, he did not say anything. Yesterday, a monster sneaked into his mountain field. He noticed him and handed over both sides.

After    fought, it was discovered that the opponent was the demon king's cultivation base.

  Powan This demon general is really good at it. Before he escaped, he actually left a mark on the demon king.

The demon king went back to the mountain to rest. He came to Pingdingshan to pray for birthdays early this morning. The general did not want to be punished and followed in secret. King Guangmang’s enchanting girls were all killed in the cave, and one of them was pregnant and was waiting to become his wife after giving birth.

  The three demon generals who stayed behind were alarmed, and they joined forces together to be able to beat him, but he escaped. The left-behind demon generals of the Guangman Wang family sent Shanfei to chase and rushed to Pingdingshan to report the letter. .

The monster who came to report the news brought a piece of stubborn flesh and blood. It only fought yesterday. King Guangmang knew it was him when he heard about him. He asked King Dan to hand over the stubborn bite. Wherever King Dan was willing, he yelled on the court. Get up, if it weren't for the demon kings around him to hold on, then the whole martial arts would be staged on the spot.

  The Chengzu Festival was turned upside down, and the ancestors were sent away at the end of the twenty-first period. It was not easy to get angry after turning back, but both sides tried to persuade him.

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