Deer Demon Race

Chapter 193: Raw apricot

   The deer deer looked on coldly, knowing that every demon king present knew that King Guangmang was going to steal the spiritual root, and the spiritual root must have been sent to Pingdingshan now.

   It's just that the king of Guangmang steals not to go to a single mountain field, but to split the demon king, and this demon will be ordered to assist the molar ancestor, who should have gone out to fight.

   This is a bit unnatural.

   It’s just that, for the gift that has been received, how can the 21st Patriarch blame King Guangmang? If you blame the Dani Wang Family Monster, you shouldn't kill indiscriminately. Wouldn't all those who were ordered to go out to fight for help be chilled?

The festival was messed up, and the demon generals and demon men were all gloating and whispering. Seeing that twenty-one had a blue face, but they did not get angry, they had to persuade the two demon kings to look like the two demon kings. The deer also felt that This matter is thorny, waiting to see Huang Huaniang standing beside King Da Ni, glaring at King Guangmang, her heart heavy.

   Pingdingshan finally broke up in an uproar, and King Dani was the first to leave, and he had to rush to save Powan.

  Dani Wang’s Mountain Farm is not far away. For fear of spreading to the Drifting Ridge, the deer demon is also busy retiring. The stalls this year will not have time to visit in the future, and it is estimated that there will be few stalls.

   The monsters under his house were not allowed to leave the mountain privately. The monster deer went back to Joyriding Ridge, and even closed the house. He was not allowed to go out even if he had to collect food. For the time being, he only lived on the beasts he raised.

After waiting for a few days without movement, the deer deer ran to the Wanhua Valley to inquire. Huang Huaniang had a lot less beautiful demon beside her. After all she was thrown out, she heard him ask, and said in an angry manner: "What can I do? On the side of King Ni, Powan is the same as you. He knows the roots of spirits. He has a bad temper. He is afraid of making trouble when he asks the two-tailed red leopards for you. He is not far from the Demon King Jin, Linggen. After being secretly picked, the ancestors moved two spiritual roots and planted them and gave them back to his mountain farm. On the side of King Guangmang, I heard that they chose some beautiful beauties to send, and both of them died. Get angry, that's it!"

  The disaster is eliminated, the deer demon breathed a sigh of relief. Because of this, Huang Huaniang asked again: "Your'rui' magical powers, is it possible to transplant spiritual roots? Should we try?"

   Deer demon replied: "Yes! It's just that I don't know the roots of the spirit. I will steal one or two plants someday after the flower. I will try it in Joyride Ridge!"

   The Banshee King rolled his eyes again: "If you want to be beautiful, try it in the Valley of Flowers! When you find a new job in the future, you can try it!"

  Doufengling is a few hundred miles away from Wanhua Valley. Try transplanting here. Is it possible that your family flies here every day? Bai Lu Yao smiled bitterly, and asked, "Has Empress Hua haven't found a new job yet?"

   Huang Huaniang waved her hand: "Mysterious-level livelihood, everyone who knows has a master, which is better?"

The deer demon nodded, already about to retire, thinking about it and asking again: "Why don't the demon kings look for the spiritual roots in the wild? There are many mountains in the holy ape mountain, and there are more land without a master. Why do you have to steal from another family? "

Huang Huaniang frowned and said: "How do you know that you haven't found it in the wild? It's around Ten Thousand Flower Valley, I don't know how many times I have stolen it out! It's just those landless land, there are few fixed-length elixir, and the harvest is not visible. Except for the surrounding areas that I am familiar with, the spiritual energy is changing at four o'clock, how can I know the clues? I don’t know whether there is spiritual roots, and the mountains are full of woods. Is it possible to use Ruiyu to try it? You know that the test is full A hundred times, a piece of Ruiyu will be destroyed. How many demon kings can afford it? It's like this, some ability to sense spiritual roots, and can't stand an inch of search, or the scope of the mountain field of another family is smaller. A little more, there must be spiritual roots!"

   The deer demon was taught and returned home.

  The two families have calmed down and went for a ride on the ridge, but there was another weird thing.

   Ask for the details. On the third day after Wanhuagu returned home, the deer deer was free to temper his spiritual knowledge in the room, and he followed Ding Xiaoyao, and Qi Niu demon Ding asked to see him.

   The silly cow demon usually doesn't like to come to his house very much. When he calls in, the deer demon asks, "What's the matter with the cow?"

The silly cow knelt down, bowed his head properly, and then raised his head and said, "Master, the little demon asked me to come and ask, you are called the place of pavilion, and there is an apricot tree that grows aura, but you have to pull it out. Plant elsewhere? Or change the path?"

   This bull demon is stupid, and he can’t do anything else, so he and Yang Demon Kaitai are in charge of the construction together. But after hearing this, there have only been three trees of peach, bamboo, and tea planted on the mountain. How can there be any almond trees?

   And actually said that he looks alive, the deer deer felt strange, so he went out of the cave and went to see with the bull demon.

   Qiniu brought the deer demon to the water pool. He confessed that Qiniu and Kaitai would build pavilions and small bridges here in his free time. It was arty.

   The peach tree planted in the peach forest next to it that can become a spiritual root is now half a person tall, but it is competed for nutrients by other wild peaches.

  I was afraid that it would affect Linggen. The pavilion was built on the opposite side of the pool. However, if a wooden bridge is to be built here, it is necessary to pave the way to connect it.

   The place surrounded by the little monsters was originally to pave the way. The deer demon followed the bull demon, but saw that there was an apricot tree sapling, which should have sprouted only this spring.

   Without reminding the little monsters, the deer monster can feel it. The apricot tree seedling is full of aura, and it is definitely not a common product.

  The wild tea tree is an elixir born from mortal things, but there are more elixir by nature, and the plant can sense aura.

When Yao Yao introduced Doufengling, he once said that the Hedgehog Demon King lives on a mid-level Profound-level Ling Xing Tree, and was later stolen by a thief. He chased and killed the little demon, only to steal it. When the Lingxingshu came back, he was robbed by heaven.

The original apricot tree must have been robbed and scrapped along with the Demon King Hedgehog, but this apricot tree grew in this area. Could it be that it was also affected when the spirit root of the peach tree was brushed with the magical power of "Rui". it?

   The aura on the apricot tree is not strong or weak, and it looks like some of the yellow lower-grade Lingzhi that I have seen before, is it the original mid-level profound level is rejuvenated, or the apricot kernel that has accidentally fallen into the ground sprouts?

   The deer demon was uncertain for a while, and his heartbeat inevitably accelerated a little.

Looking down from the soil, the roots of this apricot seedling really grew deep, and the roots passed directly through the scorched earth formed by the tribulation, and sprouted from below, but the dead old stump was not seen.

If the apricot kernels left at will germinate, the grade will die, but if the original middle-rank Ling apricots are really rejuvenated, this demon will not be able to keep it. The first root of the spirit root in the driving range has not yet been established. Type, aura is not enough to supply it!

   There is already a tea garden that consumes spiritual energy, and it is true that the gas luck is against the sky, and a mysterious mid-level elixir is born, and it is not to drain all the aura in Doufengling?

   helped Huang Huaniang plant sixteen spiritual roots. She said that she would have to accumulate aura for decades before she started to engage in a mysterious life. Is this driving range sustainable?

   It just so happened that the Banshee King was looking for a mysterious-level livelihood, and she could still be allowed to grow her own crop. In hopes of any chance, the Deer Demon asked the Thrush Demon Baiqiao to fly to Ten Thousand Flower Valley, and asked the Banshee King to come and see in person.

   The monsters of Yishan who have nothing to do have also come to the pool to see the strangeness.

At dusk, Huang Huaniang really flew over, leaving the thrush bird far behind. This time she didn't say any manners, she fell directly to the water pool, and after she fixed her eyes on the apricot tree, she stroked her chest and said: " I scared my old lady to death, thinking that you, Bai Luer, are really auspicious in the world, and you will find treasures everywhere!"

   Hearing what she said, the deer deer knew it was a delusion, and asked with a wry smile: "Is it really a pornographic product?"

   "It can't be true, Huang Xiapin! I think it is the core of that mysterious-level Lingxing, somehow, I dropped one here, I think it was buried deep, fortunately to escape the catastrophe, and now it has grown!"

   glanced over the peach forest next to him, and then looked at the monsters that had gathered together, Huang Huaniang said again: "After harming the book, run for nothing, you must give it a ride!"

   The deer demon stayed a guest, she just shook her head: "There is nothing at home, but you can't sleep well here!"

   I didn’t dare to answer these words. I should give her a ride. The Deer Deer wanted to call the Flying Monster. The Banshee King stopped and said: "You don’t need to call a mount, you can send her a ride!"

   The deer deer only realized it, and he started from Yukong and accompany her to fly out.

The white deer demon flew very slowly, and the Huanghuaniang slowed down, and the two flew out ten miles in front of each other, looking at the openness of the four fields. Is it weird?"

Huang Huaniang stopped, turned her head and replied: "Why is it weird? It's just that the original apricot tree was smashed to pieces along with the Demon King Hedgehog, and its spirituality should be scattered on this Cycling Ridge. Now it can have a core to survive in Cyclops. You have weird supernatural powers. Raise it well. Maybe it can slowly absorb the spirituality of the mother tree, and if the surrounding spiritual energy is sufficient, it is expected to gradually advance to the highest level of the mysterious middle grade, but it will take a long time!"

   Hearing what she said, the deer deer was overjoyed and hurriedly asked, "How long will it take?"

   Huang Huaniang shook her head: "Who is right? But for thousands of years, I will only say less!"

   I heard that it will take more than a thousand The deer deer's mind only fades.

"If you suspect that Xuanzhong grade is present, you will be called Ben Empress. Although it is a trip for nothing, Ben Empress feels comfortable, so I will say a few more words to you." By the side of your pool, only one spiritual root is planted. Is it to prevent it from being stolen? The rest has not been planted yet?"

The deer demon nodded lightly, and the Huang Huaniang whispered: "Now that this apricot tree is born, the Three Caves of the Cunning Rabbit will not be able to make it! It must be close enough to be able to advance, and the rest will be planted by the water pool! "

   The deer demon smiled and said, "Medium-level mysterious, I am afraid that the five spiritual roots are not enough!"

Huang Huaniang glared at him immediately: "Now it's just a pornographic product! There are more than a thousand years away, and I won't find it slowly? I don't believe it. You really didn't have a few spiritual peach cores! It's really impossible, it's true. If you secretly harvest the roots of the plant, it will be cheaper for you. First try planting by the water pool and see if it is possible to move! But if it happens, you will have to transplant it for the future. After the apricot tree is upgraded to the mysterious level, the annual tribute will also be paid. Going up again!"

   The deer deer smiled bitterly, "Do you have to worry about things for hundreds of thousands of years?"

Huang Huaniang's hair was chaotically blown by the wind, and her whispers were a little arrogant: "With her longevity, she can live on her own for several hundred years, and there are more than 16 peach trees. If you can increase this number, I am confident that you will be promoted to the Demon Ancestor. There are old and dead Demon Kings in the world. How can there be an old and dead Demon Ancestor? Just fight with the heavens!".

  When the Banshee King left, the Deer Deer felt a little ashamed. If it weren’t for her own weakness, she wanted to give her a dozen more for fear of unstoppable changes.

   Let’s wait to see if the magical powers of the word "瑞" can transplant the spiritual roots.

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