Deer Demon Race

Chapter 194: Teahouse

At the end of February, the peach blossoms are full of peach blossoms with buds and stamens. On the northward driving ridge, the pink is in one piece, which is the best time for the scenery.


   The spring breeze blowing in the beautiful scenery is the most pleasant.


   However, the scene under the mountain gate is uncomfortable.


   Under the big blue stone, three little monsters leaned against the blue stone, and while there were no visitors, they were bombarding the female little monsters in the new thatched cottage on the opposite side.


   Said this: "Peach red is just in time, tricky, blue-eyed, and you two, you are right, hiding in the peach forest and kissing, he has a long tongue, don't bite it!"


   That said: "What's this? Thinking about Duo Duo and wishing to follow a stupid one, I'm so sad to death!"


The third said: "The demon general who was plagued yesterday was actually going to take the female maiden away. The blue eyes and the eyes were all overturned! If it weren't for our smoke cannons to be released quickly, the mountain lord and the Peng demon were in time, roaring. Chome is not crying red eyes? Why don't you thank me when you come back?"


   retorted for the first time: "Their rabbit demon, their eyes are already red!"


In front of the thatched cottage opposite   , a wooden sign was hung with the correct black "tea" written on it.


Let the three little demons whisper, the other two banshees ignored them, and they squatted by the fire looking at the steaming clay pot in a daze. The shortest female demon replied with her arms folded and said, "I know you three. The mouth is itchy, and the birds are also itchy. Only when your master is not learning how to bark cats and dogs and lacks the hotness of the sun, the tiger demon will come down after a while and wait!"


Among the three little monsters under the mountain gate stone, the bird on the tip of the mouth exclaimed: "We have not crossed the boundary, and our backs are leaning on the mountain gate stone. It is not comparable, so the master can't pick out the mistakes. It won’t make me hot!"


The little banshee sneered twice, and a tall, strong and long-necked female witch persuaded: "He is so mad, why not use his tongue? How about calling a girl and shouting at Tingmu, ask him to be a little demon. When changing the value, help out!"


After the female demon talked about this, the little demon transformed by Asuka suddenly laughed: "Haha, you came from a long distance, and I don’t know if we are going for a ride in the mountains? How can the little demon be afraid of fighting? Don’t say yelling. , Bian Shanzhu followed Ding and Qi Niu to create Ding Xiaoyao all to pull, and fight over one by one, I am not afraid of it at all!"


  Another little demon said, "I'm not bad at all!"


   said again: "I'm not worried!"


After    screamed, the three little demons shouted again in unison: "I'm the same as Grandpa Sage Ape, so I love to fight!"


The banshee with long ears that hadn't said a word finally couldn't help it. "Puff" laughed and pulled the long-necked female demon and said: "It's been a long time since you have been on the mountain. The little bit of the eye, and the two sage masters who came to fight on the mountain again, do many little demons in this mountain have this style?"


   The long-necked banshee replied: "Knowing is knowing, but it is not always remembering!"


   Hearing the long-necked female demon said so, a little demon over there laughed unscrupulously: "It can be seen that you are also stupid, and you are right against the stupid demon Ding Deng!"


  The short child demon stared even more anger, but the long-necked female demon didn't care, and turned to her and asked, "Speaking of Grandpa Holy Ape's home, have you seen Ding Xiao Yao go to He Twelve Peaks?"


The short female demon turned her head and replied: "I came back yesterday. I heard the master say that the newcomers on this side of the mountain, and the people who came to fight with it later, are not from the original crane twelve peaks. Both ends are still there, and the one behind the drunk flower is still there!"


   The female demon who can come to this newly-built tea house on duty are all Hun family delineated by each family. Each demon is enthusiastic, eager to let the delineated female demon be promoted as soon as possible, so that they have to roll together, so their own elixir also comes out to replace the inflow subsidy, listen to the mountain master deer's new decision, and go to the tea shop to receive The female demon, who can get a piece of fluid self in a full season, squeezed her head for all three positions.


The three female demon in the tea shop, the short and tricky one is a sable demon, who turned into a demon at the Twelfth Peak of Crane, and was circled by blue eyes; the well-named long-necked and tall one is an ostrich demon, ostrich original It's a creature in the desert. Because some mountain owners are so curious, there are specialized monsters to sell. After the mountain owner bought it back, she was distracted by the bulls. She was actually willing, and the mountain owner pityed the bull demon stupid. Maybe the tea shop She gave her a position; the one with long ears was called Mao Nu. She was a bunny demon, and was also bought, and was yelled at by the same kind of bunny demon.


Today, I don’t know what’s going on in the mountain field. Even Biyan, who is also in charge of the tea house, was called up the mountain to discuss matters. The disease did not come down. The three little monsters guarding the mountain gate dared to choose something. The demon has a consensus. The mountain lord is talkative when he talks about great principles, like an old woman, but if the rules set are violated, the punishment is hard and unsympathetic, afraid of being called to the hot day, so he dare not cross it. The "boundary" drawn by Su Ji did not dare to make special gestures at will.


   Seeing Diaozuan with an angry face, Mao Nu pulled her again and said: "In my monster pile, such words are just waiting, do you still hear less? You lose your temper?"


Looking back, he collapsed his face and said in frustration: "Hundreds of catties of black sandbags are tied to Changpaoshan. When the mountain master talks about supernatural powers, I don’t bother to listen to it with my heart, and I don’t feel lazy. Can't beat the male demon? Is it possible that my banshees are really weak?"


"Isn't she a silly dog?" The rabbit demon touched her head and smiled: "The little demon is only physically fit and supernatural. It's just common for me to fight against banshees. You are so small and you specialize in hot days. It is naturally a disadvantage to fight, wait until the demon, learn more spells, so that he can wait to look good!"


   nodded slyly, expecting: "If you can invite the good fortune, get a pro-law and supernatural powers, you must beat those male monsters howl!"


Duo Duo, Maunv laughed out, and the rabbit demon Maunv asked: "I'm afraid that I heard the little demon's rumor, saying that in the old demon who fled with the mountain lord, your master is not born with magical powers. Give your breath for him?"


Diao Zhuan blushed, did not answer, and ignored the three little monsters who were clamoring on the opposite side. He stretched his head out, looked in the air on both sides, retracted and said to Mao Nu: "Sister, the monster who captured you yesterday will be captured by the mountain. The lord overturned and seized him a lot of things, and saved a bowl of spiritual tea. I picked enough last night. Why haven't you seen the demon general and demon come to drink tea?"


  卯女卯女 smiled bitterly: "Where do I know? Don't worry, if you don't change it out in the evening, the mountain owner will order the bit to drink it, and it won't be in vain!"


   slyly muttered: "Which one is the truth? If you can't change back to Huang Shangpin, you will only be cheap for nothing, sir?"


   duly said: "Your master is away, so there are guests who come to drink tea. We can't get the tea, let alone know the authenticity of Huang Shangpin. How can we make a living?"


   As soon as she finished speaking, the three little monsters under the stone of the mountain gate opposite stood up, and one called: "Hush! Some flying monsters are here!"


  The three female demons all had a bitter face. The female demons were almost taken away yesterday, and she was even more worried: "The demons are not here, so lucky? Are you waiting to invite Biyan Dingmu down the mountain?"


   all stood up again, watching the water watching the water, wiping the table, and welcoming the guests by the door.


   After only a short while, one of the little monsters on the opposite side called again: "Don't be busy, it's your own monster! Baiqiao and Xiaoshi who gave gifts to Zhaxi Mountain are back!"


After a while, two birds flew over their heads and went straight to Futao Cave on the mountainside. Look at the shape, the thrush bird is in front, and the black-winged peng is in the back. Are they just the two who sent a thank-you gift for the master to Zhaxi Mountain at the front door? Demon?


   There was a false alarm, and the three little demons were relieved and sat back to their original positions.


   This business can only take business once a day. When there are no customers, it seems very boring. At this time, Biyan is not present, and the three female demons are a little expectant, but also full of tension. The contradiction is tight.


   Don't want to wait a while, the three little monsters all stood up and shouted: "Here, here comes!"


   stunned and stared: "You wait until you see clearly before calling!"


   The little demon over there called: "This time it's really amazing!"


  Again, he stretched out his head and looked at it. On the opposite side of the Chisha River, two monsters were flying towards this side, riding a bird.


   The female sable jumped up and turned back and called: "Two sisters, what a visitor!"


   So it was the same as last time.


   Waiting for the two monsters to fall down in front of the door, they cried out cleverly: "Dride Ridge Tea House, welcome the distinguished guests!"


   Of the two monsters that landed, one of them frowned: "How come all the little monsters make a living, is there no one to serve guests?"


   Another question: "Last winter, the black and white said that one part of the yellow top grade here can be exchanged for two copies of the same spirit tea, is it true?"


   Among the little demon guarding the gate of the mountain, Huifei, who had changed his appearance, hurriedly went to Futao Cave to find the blue eye to report.


"The distinguished guest enters the door, and our mountain lord asked to sue him first. The mountain is messy. He can't come to accompany the guest in person. It's no wonder that he is negligent!" Question: "There is something in the mountain field. The demon was called to go up the mountain by the mountain owner. The little demon has gone to invite him, so he will come down quickly. No wonder the distinguished guest!"


He paused for a while, and answered the second one: "Like Wanhua Valley Benshan Crane Twelve Peaks, I drink two bowls of Yunyan Eighteen Bud Tea for a Huangshangpin in this tea shop, and it’s not deceptive! The distinguished guests have finished drinking once today. Either wait until the summer to drink the second bowl of tea, or wait until next year, either! Just make it clear to the distinguished guests that the mountain spirit tea needs to be picked fresh, and you can get a bowl of tea in one or two days. Save that bowl. If there is any inconvenience, you may have to wait two or three days, please forgive me!"


The guest who asked the question later laughed: "My Sacred Ape Mountain, there are the most monsters, and some wealthy monsters will also come ~ If your family does a long time, you will not lack patrons, I'm afraid In a few years, it will be the same as the Wanhua Valley side, so I have to grab a seat early! We are here together. Today I invite him to have tea. In summer time, he invites me. Is it enough for two bowls?"


"My mountain lord is backed by the grandmother of Wanhuagu Huahou, how can I not do it for long?" Although I have been instructed by Biyan many times, I have to be polite to the visitors, but I can't help but rob him and say: "One serving Huangxia tastes two bowls of tea, whatever the distinguished guests can drink, it is enough for two bowls of tea today!"


   I heard that there is enough tea, and there is no need to wait until tomorrow. Another visitor asked urgently: "Tea miles?"


   Tricky raised his heart, and replied softly: "Take the demon, I'll be here later!"


   The anxious one frowned: "How can you run up the mountain without paying any attention to business?"


Another spoke out and persuaded: "Brother don’t be anxious, just wait a while, it’s also a matter of the King’s family, and I even neglected the management. After hearing about it this morning, I was also worried, not to mention it. Involving his family's backing, this mountain field is also anxious to get angry!"


   After being persuaded, he sighed and stopped talking.


   Fortunately, it didn’t take long. Blue-eyed rode down on the flying little demon, entered the door with tea in his hand, and apologized: "I’m sorry, two distinguished guests.


After the inspection came over, the Huang Shangpin brought by the guests was not fake. Sure enough, two tea bowls were placed, each filled with eighteen verdant tea buds, and they were placed in front of the guests. After the girl lifted boiling water into it, clouds and mist rose. Various evolutionary anomalies.



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