Deer Demon Race

Chapter 200: 2 purposes

   The heart is getting bigger and bigger, Zixia is also anxious, just as desperately!

The White Deer Demon should have been promoted to the Demon General not long ago, but she really has a lot of physical strength and supernatural powers. Zixia has never encountered such a tricky gray robe on her body, which is not used in normal combat. Today, she has eliminated the crisis for her many times. , Is still inevitably injured. The Bailu Demon’s injury is ten times heavier than her, but she looks like nothing. After all, she is just a human body. Don't say that the White Deer Demon is rare among the demon generals.

   Injuries swapped, Zixia was at a disadvantage. The immortal ropes and the sword of the demon were no longer useful. The armor-piercing golden cone and many small magical instruments were broken one by one, and the family was completely wiped out!

With such a high-intensity continuous battle, there is no chance to breathe. In terms of continuous combat ability, the Bailu Demon is far incomparable. The demon energy that he has tempered through menstruation is far from the same as that of Zixia for more than a hundred years. After the essence, the amount of aura is compared, but the deer demon uses magical powers and consumes less monster energy. It also relies on the "lost trace" magical powers, unless the spell is fired very quickly, faster than the "lost trace" cooling breath time, Otherwise, the single directional spell is basically useless to him. Zixia has to use the range-based spells several times. Large-scale spells consume a lot of spiritual energy. After a long battle, even this advantage is gradually wiped out!

The sapphire lion borrowed by Qingyuan has already fallen a little bit in power, not to mention, and it is also related to the future of the head of the road. Although Zixia is mean, she is also stubborn enough. Until she is in danger of life and death, she will never Willing to use it.

   The effect of the magical powers hummed by the deer demon's nose has been invalidated, and the strength has dropped a lot. Now the only hope is that the deer demon's magical powers that stimulate the body's potential can also be used up!

But Zixia did not know that the deer deer’s "vitality" had been accumulated for 44 years, and it was only opened today. For more than forty years, there have been many supplements of essence and blood provided by Xi Jia, which is enough for the thirteen-fourth period. An hour, this is more than a day. If you don’t consider the demon factor, your "vitality" will be exhausted. In order to deal with her, the life-destructive "boiling" will not hesitate to re-invigorate, when the time comes, the "swarming" will definitely be over again. Cooling is available!

On the top of the hill, a demon general and a foundation were built, and the time went by. Time passed. The demon king and the golden core who knew by the gods in the distance could only know a general idea. The surrounding monsters witnessed all the monsters. It's astounding!

   Jinyu Wang Family Monster is stunned! The demon slaves are unbelievable! The demon of Joyriding Ridge was frightened!

From the grass and trees, the dead ghost's heart is fascinated, and the heart and liver are jumping wildly, and cried out: "If I meet this white deer again, I will only die, and I will go around a little later! Back then! Trick him, how can you know that it has been so hot after only forty years? If my tiger demon has his ability, he might be able to kill the beasts in the fairy cave and save his parents!"

   As time goes by, the three Jindans outside Lost Forest are getting more and more uneasy.

   King Jinyu felt from a distance, and he was so happy that he laughed "haha". If she didn't know that she was close, Zixia would run away. I really want to watch the game in person!

   The small mountain wrapped the two, fighting until dawn, the demon energy gradually became scarce, and the spiritual energy was no longer enough to release any large spells.

   The deer demon still has some strength, but Zixia's injuries have accumulated more and more serious, she is almost exhausted, her figure is crumbling!

There are many demon slaves around, afraid of changes, Bai Lu demon didn’t dare to drag it down. When he burst in again, the "after-shadow" shook, and the real body walked behind Zixia, transforming into a huge head on her head. The incomparable deer head opened its huge mouth and closed it to the gray robe.

It is "greedy mouth", which originated from the cultivation of the little demon with the blood of the snake in Doufengling. There is also a "universe belly" magical power in the belly that is derived from the half mystery of the demon. If he swallows his belly, he can capture this. Wicked lady!

   The big deer's mouth opened to bite, and there was a huge suction power. Zixia was no longer able to dodge, and was closed by the big deer's mouth.

   Before I can swallow it down, a phantom green lion rises into the sky!

On this artifact, the eighty-one stacks of "solid" characters stood up first, forcibly opened the big deer's mouth, and spit out purple clouds. The green lion's mouth was bigger than the deer's mouth, and five or six teeth were directly collapsed, not to mention the muscles on both sides of the deer's mouth. It was also torn apart.

   Amidst the roar of the deer demon, the green lion flew into the air, under the blue light hood, the second character "town"!

   Before the blue light fell, the deer demon knew that it was not good, and his heart moved.

   It is this nasty escape magical power again, Zixia hates her. She has tasted the blood of deer demon before, and can sense that deer demon has moved beyond a hundred meters away by secret method, but she is really unable to catch up.

  The future of the avenue of the head was finally narrowed because of his own home!

   She walked towards the antler with hatred, ready to smash it with one foot.

   Not far from the deer demon, there is a demon general who is a demon slave who jumps out to pick up the bargain: "White deer demon, see where you go..."

   The words were still not over, a big illusory hand suddenly stretched out in the void, pinching the green lion phantom.

  Beside the green lion, a man with a green robe and a long beard appeared. He clearly saw his appearance. The demon who jumped out before was pinched by his neck, and he couldn't utter a word afterwards.

  The green lion was pinched by his palm, gradually shrinking, and finally retracted into the sapphire lion impression.

   Zixia stopped, her face pale, but she gritted her teeth, and her consciousness poured into the newly acquired sapphire lion.

  The man with green robe and beard is twenty-one. He sensed that Zixia was about to detonate this top magic weapon, frowned and said: "Withdraw the divine consciousness, my ancestor will let you live!"

   Zixia didn’t answer, she had to choose to burn both jade and stone. A clear source sounded in the nearby mountains and forests: “Thank you ancestor, the jade lion will lead you to your ancestor, and I beg your ancestor not to care about the younger generation!”

   The green-robed demon ancestor frowned slightly: "Sound-transmitting artifact?"

A demon general flew out of the mountain forest, holding a large clam shell in his hand, and Qingyuan's voice came from the large clam shell: "Zixia, a magic weapon is not a dead thing, how can it be important to win someone? Luoxia Guan Ningshe Thing, don’t give up, come back!"

   Zixia stopped the thought of making the magical weapon explode, raised her head to make a whistle, and summoned Miscellaneous Hairy Luan Bird.

   After the end of the night, the Miscellaneous Luanniao cursed in the sky: "The demon ancestor of the dog day, why don't you pinch this wicked woman to death, so I can take the opportunity to escape! The Bailu Demon is also unbelievable!"

   all kinds of curses in her heart, but she flew low, Ren Zixia picked her back, and then fluttered her wings and took off.

   The bird will fly, and Zixia, with a slight madness, yells towards Baibao: "Bai Lu Yao, when I look back, my grandma will retreat to Jin Dan, and see how many years you will come back to seek revenge!"

   Within two or three miles, Zixia can make the sapphire lion blew himself up. Twenty-one is reluctant to part with this top magic weapon and let her go.

I glanced at the demon slaves lurking around, and remembered the one who had said to him, "They were all caught to plant the curse, most of them are pitiful, can forgive and forgive", but now she has become too much, Holy Ape Mountain Zhongshi will not care anymore.

  Thinking about the old things, at 21, he didn't have the mood to kill, and said: "All the evil spirits get out, next time I enter the country, I will kill myself!"

   All the demon slaves in the dark, all crept away.

   Twenty-one demon ancestor turned his head. It was the trembling Bai Lu demon who climbed back to the mountain and bowed to salute: "The demon general of Wanhua Valley, Baibao, has seen Kuli ancestor!"

   A few teeth broke, the corners of his mouth were torn again, and his speech was a little leaky, but his painstaking effort was excellent, and he barely kept his voice normal.

Looking at him, the corners of Twenty-one's mouth twitched twice, and asked, "You are the White Deer Demon who escaped from Lingtao Peak? You are not weak, and you are more courageous! Are you afraid that chills will come to take your life to please the Xuantian faction? ?"

Lu Yao replied: "I once heard in Lingtao Peak that the ancestors of Xiwang had a very good relationship with the ancestors, so I thought, if the Xuantian faction ordered to kill, if the ancestors of Xiwang knew that, with her temperament, I will surely send a letter to my ancestors, she would be most happy to fight against the monks!"

   The Twenty-One Demon Ancestor of the Three Seven Seventy-one continued to kill the spirit in the sapphire lion seal, slapped his long beard with the other hand, nodded and said: "Yes, I have been beaten by her since childhood, can friendship be good?"

   Hearing what the demon ancestor said, the deer demon didn’t know how to answer it, so he had to point to the antlers that fell over there, and ask for instructions: "Old ancestor, I will pick up the antlers first!"

   In Twenty-One Divine Mind, King Jin Yu flew over.

After the blue jade lion’s imprint of Zixia’s spirit was completely wiped out, and twenty-one fights could not hold the chill, it was because the body was unable to treasure, and now he has obtained a promising, but also joy, he took the seal back into his arms, and said, "Come on, chill. Since Jin Yuanying, if you haven't passed the lost forest step, you are lucky! But this place is not easy to talk, you pack it up, and come to Pingdingshan to see your ancestor! Now that you are a demon general, why don't you come to see you on September 19? After she sent the letter, my ancestor only knew that you were worshiping Huang Hua's family. If nothing happened, I thought you were just a demon!"

Hearing this question, the deer deer's face immediately flushed, and he stuttered: "I...I have arrived every year, but the mountain field is newly opened. It is really poor, faceless...nothing. Yan speak in front of the ancestor!"

   The Sanqi Demon Ancestor was stunned, and it took a long time before he said: "Yes, you are different from the Even if you send a non-influenced gift in the future, maybe come and talk!"

   After saying this, Twenty-One will greet King Jinyu from a distance, turning into a green light and flying away.

   The light is getting stronger and stronger, and the sky is getting brighter.

   The deer deer turned around and looked at the direction of Lost Forest, muttering: "It's almost, it's almost! Don't worry! Don't worry!"

  This trip failed to kill Zixia, but that was only one of the purposes. Successfully connecting with the demon ancestor was not in vain, and the deer was not so melancholy.

The reason for taking the risk is that apart from wanting to try, there is a chance for revenge, but also because I understand the temperament of the ancestor Xiwang and his indifference to monsters. As long as the monks of the Xuantian faction are involved, they will never give up. During the Lingtao Peak battle, Zhang Yifu designed a demon to die. Looking westward, the demon ancestor wanted to save it. When the star picker was dead, she didn't care at all.

His family was able to seize the foundation of Xuantian Sect's Nascent Soul Monk Dao and escape to Sacred Ape Mountain. It is obviously Zhang Yifu’s life and death enemy. Looking to the west, he can add hundreds of thousands of happy things to the other party. Heart?

   If Mrs. Xiwang really has a good relationship with the 21st Demon Ancestor, it is not too simple to pass a few words to ask for care.

As for how Mrs. Xiwang knew about the Xuantian School’s order to catch the deer, it was because when she taught Tianxiang to literate, she once said: "I only wait for the monk to catch the monster to come in. After all, I will be passive. I look at that Ziyun Guan. Monk, I'm all afraid of dying, if the ancestors also catch people to cultivate, and reward some souls to go out, it would be cheaper to know outside news!".

   Tian Xiang deeply agrees.

  Ps: The rat demon golden stunner with a golden bag on his head is here to wish the book friends the New Year, wishing everyone a wealth of money in the new year and a safe family!

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