Deer Demon Race

Chapter 201: Love to fight

  Of course, this action is a bit risky, but my own driving range has only seen a profit this year. There are hundreds of monsters to eat, and there is a risk of losing their roots and growing almond trees. How can the deer be in a hurry?

   That evil lady only relies on her teacher's many magic weapons, she is really not good at her own skills, she can't do it today, and come again next time, I will be with you!

Thinking like this, King Jinyu had already flown in front of him. Although the Deer Demon had not succeeded in killing that Zixia, he also felt happy, and patted the Deer Demon's shoulder vigorously: "Haha! Good monster! Even though he has not killed that little boy today The wicked woman also ruined her power and prestige, and she didn't qualify for the Golden Core. She thought she would come to my house again to make trouble!"

  'S open mouth has healed, and the deer deer is licking his missing teeth, trying to keep his screaming intact: "Majesty, lighter, I see no air leaks outside, and the inside is hurt!"

Seeing his solidified black blood, King Jinyu laughed "hehe" and said loudly: "My demon in the Sacred Ape Mountain, there have been few things in the past thousand years, and the blood is almost worn out. It's still you. I use some of those who have fled, and would you like to worship me instead? I have to split the family and take care of the duties. It is up to you to choose! The female Bodhisattva Huanghuaniang, I will decide on my own!"

It’s much easier to get revenge if you can move to King Jinyu’s house, but unfortunately, your family is also shining. The five hatreds are the most popular. If you really move to the border, one of the demon ancestors will not pay attention, and a few golden pills will come in. How dare you answer him if you kill him?

   lack of these teeth, it is estimated that it will take a few days to grow back, the deer deer shook his head and replied: "After the flower has always treated me kindly, I dare not respond to the king, please forgive me!"

   The deer demon disagrees. King Jinyu repeatedly said "It's a pity" without reluctance, and then laughed again: "Then go back to the king's mountain field to have a drink, so I can play for a few days before leaving!"

   Deer Demon hurriedly said: "Take the Dawang Mountain Farm to take care of the injury and leave. The ancestor also asked me to go to Pingdingshan to see him, so I dare not delay!"

   This is to use King Jinyu to preach the words first, so that the surrounding monsters will gradually learn that the 21st Ancestor treats them differently. Afterwards, the Demon King should not come and go for a ride.

   I heard that the ancestor summoned that King Jinyu was not good at staying, and the deer demon washed away his blood in the mountain stream of his house, and left as a guest for one day.

   When he left, King Jinyu patted his chest and shouted. In the future, he would just talk about things. Although the deer demon was still low in realm, he was more **** than some demon kings. He was willing to make this friend.

   Leaving Jinyuwang Mountain Field, the deer led a few of them and flew straight to Pingdingshan.

  At the foot of Pingding Mountain, after reporting his roots, the demon watching the mountain gate said: "The ancestor has ordered to come down. If the General Bailu arrives, you don't need to pass it through, just lead him to see him!"

He personally led up the mountain and walked into the gate of his house. The goat demon opened up and laughed first: "Tsk tsk, have a fierce fight with the foundation-building female Bodhisattva, and my master will have a great face. The demon king is willing to make friends, old The ancestor is called Zhijian, and this experience is enough for me to brag for ten years!"

   Yaoyao nodded, then said: "I have come to Pingdingshan dozens of times, this is the first time like this!"

   Ape demon black face replied: "You can see the benefits of fighting. Our little demon and demon in Fenglingling all know how to fight in their own way, but unfortunately they haven't seen the master's ability!"

   Steel Bone snorted coldly: "Go back and praise the benefits of fighting, the sparrow demon will have to linger, go back and relax, otherwise I won't hear you, and I will teach you to be a demon!"

   Hei Mian is far from the opponent of Peng Yao, but he will not admit defeat: "If you want to fight, I won't persuade you at all!"

   Peng Yao looked at him, a little bit wanting to go crazy.

   The golden striker was a little restrained, and he persuaded him: "Brothers stay back down, the old ancestors are in the mountains, don't cause trouble to my lords!"

  A few monsters looked at him together, and the monkey monster black face asked: "You mouse, don't you have the courage to cover the sky? How can you be imaginary today?"

  The golden striker cried: "Our ancestors are all in the ancestor's courtyard, and Pingdingshan is the inner house. Do you think you provoke the King Kong Iron Gibbon?"

   Climbing the mountain road, he had something to say along the way, the deer demon is okay, quietly walking with the demon.

   Twenty-one ancestors did not live in the cave, but a few rows of houses built on the mountainside, looking at the residences that looked like human monks, all kinds of vegetation beside the houses are lush, I just don’t know which ones are the spiritual roots.

   Hearing the arrival of the Bailu Demon, Twenty-One met in a hall, and the rest of the miscellaneous monsters called for avoidance.

   Waiting for the deer demon to behave in a proper manner, Twenty-one asked: "Uneasy living in the Ten Thousand Flower Valley, why do you provoke the monks?"

The deer deer hurriedly replied: "Back to the ancestor, the little demon fled on the way, the best friend was killed by the wicked lady, and she was afraid that it would be more difficult for her to get revenge if she was promoted to the golden core! If you want to reward the meritorious demon general in the mountain field, I just want to earn some credit back, so that the ancestor's reward, protect... the spiritual root of Baoshan field!"

Listening to the deer demon spit out the word "Linggen", twenty-one eyes condensed slightly, and then he laughed: "I'm only promoted to the demon general, do you even know the spiritual root? It doesn't matter, you can keep the spiritual root, and then have the chance. Jin Demon King, added his own lifespan, which made the third child sleepless for thousands of years. It is indeed a good deal!"

The deer deer listened quietly, and the twenty-one ancestor said again: "It's not that some of my demon ancestors want to steal the luck of the demon generals. Sacred Ape Mountain’s spiritual roots are limited, and those demon generals are a waste! Look at the ancestor of the earth evil, when he was really promoted to the demon ancestor, who would embarrass him? Anyway, I was happy, and would like to cut some land for him to live! The same is true of Demon King Jin!"

Probably the knowledge of Linggen made the demon king complain about it, and the demon who knew it would hate it even more. Twenty-one actually explained a few words to him before saying: "A few of the Jinyu kings in the east, because they are stationed at the border, they don’t have to send it. Linggen’s rituals are fulfilled when they feel like it. Several of his demon generals are separated. The ancestors have also said hello, and no one is allowed to steal it. With your supernatural powers, it’s better to go to Lishanchang, but unfortunately it is a thorn in the eyes of the monks. I can't tolerate you, it won't make you stand by!"

"Never mind! Although you did not really kill the notorious female foundation building, but helped my ancestor seize a good magical weapon, and increased the power of my monster race, it is also considered a great achievement. After a few days, my ancestor will go to you. A walk in the mountain field, where is your mountain field?"

   The deer deer hurriedly replied: "The Little Demon Mountain Field is in Joyride Ridge!"

   "Doufengling?" Twenty-one groaned slightly, and then remembered: "But the mountain field of the original Hedgehog Demon King? Wasn't it destroyed by the sky?"

   Lu Yao explained: "The little demon has some tricks. He has been in business for a few years in advance, and now he is a little angry again!"

   The mountain field is only newly opened. The White Deer Demon is concerned about the spiritual roots. If not, I am afraid that the business will not grow. Twenty-one asks with some doubts: "Doufengling already has spiritual roots?"

   When this demon ancestor arrives at his mountain farm, he will naturally see clearly that the deer demon dare not hide it from him, and hastily explained his strange magical powers and the magical powers brought from Lingtao Peak in detail.

   Twenty-one frowned: "So weird? Do you still have peach pits?"

   The deer deer hurriedly took out one, the demon ancestor stared at it for a while, and said, "This one will be given to the ancestor!"

Put away the peach pits, take the deer demon out, point to a cluster of orchids on the mountain, and say to the deer demon: "It's not useless to take your peach pit, this wild orchid is also the root of the spirit. Will divide the plant, the life span of the whole cluster is longer than the average spiritual root, and the longer and stronger, the original ancestor only had one seedling when he succeeded, and now these dozens of seedlings are connected, although it is still only a spiritual root, the aura is already considerable!"

  According to Huang Huaniang, the spirit roots planted by her own spirit peach kernels actually barely meet the standard of giving gifts from the Demon King to Pingdingshan. The demon ancestor took a spirit peach kernel, but the gift was not light, and the deer demon was flattered.

   I don’t know whether to ask, the ancestors planted the peaches, but they need their own "rui" magical powers to help.

   Twenty-one thoughts, it would not be explained to a demon general.


   The deer deer returned to Wanhua Valley, and the sparrow demon was the most delighted, and shouted from afar: "I have seen the lord a little bit, lord Wanan! The big flat fur of the dog day, come and do a mile!"

   The steel frame is unexcitable, the Deer Demon waited behind him, and he rushed straight to the Sparrow Demon, and the two of them flew feathers flying in the midair of the resident.

   This is a common affair. The deer deer doesn't care about the two birds, and when Goubao and Yuanxiang appear, they have just asked if there are any troubles at the door in the past ten days. The other four branch demon generals of Huanghua's family have come together to visit.

  Occasionally a bird feather floats down from the sky, and the deer demon is surprised. The four demon generals and the bear demon in the mountain muttered: "Hundred treasures, you know, how many little demons have been injured by your house these days?"

   Without asking for details, Lu Yao hurriedly apologized: "I have been out for a few days because of something, brothers, don't worry, it's really my fault, I'll be more restrained in the future!"

  The bear demon doesn't exclaimed loudly: "It is for the future to control the future. We are here today to ask you for the soup and medicine!"

  The deer deer was startled by him, and said in doubt: "Brother, the little demon is just fighting. As long as you don't kill him, who has a claim to pay for the soup and medicine?"

The demon bear cursed: "If only a few little demon fights, which one will take care of? It's just that your family has been fighting too many in the past ten days. Now, there are few demon under my family who are still unharmed. How much more elixir do I have to spend to become a demon?"

   The other three demon generals also nodded, arguing: "The same is true of my family!"

The deer said in his heart, the little demon fights, as long as he hurts his bones, he will consume more elixir. The sky is excited while fighting and barking at the sparrow demon. There is a subsidy in his own house. The black faces are many years late, and seeing that the Jin Yao will be too late, does Lao Tzu know?

   The little demon was fighting. The four demon demon and their parents came to condemn. The deer felt a little weird and asked Yuanxiang: "Did you say that there was no violation of the rules when I was away?"

   Yuanxiang replied: "The master told me when he went out, and I watched it closely. There was no violation of family rules. It's just that the little demon fights are not included in this list!".

  The world monsters, there is really no one that lists the little monster fights as a violation, but seeing that the four monsters are all unbalanced, the deer monster has a bad feeling, and asked softly: "How many games did you fight?"

Let the four demon generals come to the door for follow-up questions. The master is embarrassed. In the end, it is his own failure to manage. Yuanxiang bit the bullet and replied: "Brother is not at home, the little demon are a little happy, more than 50 games a day, less than 20 games. There are both single fights and group fights. I don’t know exactly how many games I can count!"

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