Deer Demon Race

Chapter 202: care

   "Just the little demon fighting? The demon didn't fight?"

   Yuanxiang cautiously said, "I played a few games too!"

   There are singles and gang fights. The little demon demon Ding Qi came up, really not to worry about the master, the deer demon sighed, and asked: "Why don't you fight with the owner of the mountain? Only pick him four?"

Gou Bao grinned, Yuan Xiang smiled bitterly: "As soon as my elder brother left the house, the old man would come to spread the word. Dao Benshan little demon is not very useful and can’t help but fight, wait until you practice again, if the little demon of Joyriding Ridge is with Regardless of the reason, he caught the fight in this mountain, and the two sides were caught three times together. He was the first to catch my subordinate Xiuye. This guy can't find a handle on weekdays, so he won't be afraid of the heat. I don’t want to be led by the old lady called the Bodhisattva for a while, but I came out the same, but it was different from the others. It had two handles. Let him rest for three days at a time and make up for three times. The little demons stopped and didn’t dare to provoke him. This mountain!"

   The Bear Demon General snorted coldly: "Yeah, I can't provoke this mountain, so I'll catch my guys who can bully me!"

   Lu Yao smiled and said: "Brother, the little monsters are fighting, and they hurt each other, so what is my family's bullying your family?"

   The demon bear blushed, and he asked in a bad voice, "You guy, are you laughing at the little demon who do you teach me without you?"

  The deer demon curiously said: "Where can I speak, brother?"

   Yuanxiang interjected softly: "Brother, my little demon went out to fight with his four families, so less will suffer!"

   Another pig demon general also gritted his teeth and said: "The most hateful thing, even your little demon dare to come out and yell, not to overthrow my little demon, but also to laugh at him as a lady!"

Since Lu Yao decided to fight each year on September 18th, the little demons competed with each other, and the last three days were hot. Soon thereafter, sparrow demons were used as a reference. It’s true to the other divisions of Wanhua Valley, no matter how much you suffer from single fights and gang fights, it’s just that the little monsters set by their own mountain rules have not violated. Deer monsters are not willing to change the rules to correct them. I would rather continue to behave crookedly. Fight more abundantly, even if you consume some extra elixir to heal your injuries, you don't want to develop into the original Ten Thousand Flower Valley Little Demon.

After thinking about it, the deer demon said to the four demon generals: "Brothers, monster fights are only normal. After fighting, they will be reconciled. How can it be worth when the four brothers come to the door? And I have only established a family account for two years. , The business stopped after a few days of work. It was really poor, and there was no soup and medicine to pay to a few brothers!"

   The demon bear was furious, and before he choked out, the demon pig will preemptively say: "There is no decoction supplement, fine your little demon, so that we can confess the past under the door!"

   The pig demon will go down the steps, but the deer deer still shook his head: "He hasn't violated the rules of the driving range, and I won't be fine!"

  The Demon Bear finally roared out: "The little demon doesn't know anything, and you, the white deer demon, don't know anything? Do you want to practice your fists with your grandpas!"

Hearing his clamor, he wanted to lose his face, look for some face and go back. Baibao moved his neck and smiled: "Brothers are used to being masters of the house. Now they are detained in the Valley of Ten Thousand Flowers. If I want to relax my muscles and bones, I will play with my brothers!"

  The new branch's Bai Lu'er was so stunned, the Demon Xiong screamed, trying to teach him something.

Here the demon general was about to start a fight. Jiugao and Lao Wen accompanied a demon general and drove up on flying mounts together. They saw a hundred treasures in a white robe from a distance. The demon general called: "General Bailu, Patriarch I just remembered that there have been many things recently, it is not easy to delay for a long time, saying that choosing a day is worse than hitting the sun, so I set off to your driving mountain, he has already gone first, and told you to rush there too!"

Calling that demon general, several branched mountain owners have seen it on Pingdingshan, knowing that it is under the ancestor of the twenty-one, the demon general Xiong asked in a strange voice: "General Ye Xiao, two...Why is the ancestor Kuli? Go for a drive at Fengling Ridge?"

Ye Xiao was an owl into a demon, staring fiercely at the Demon Bear who almost called out his ancestor’s real name, but the Demon Bear changed his mouth quickly. He didn’t call out his full name, and he was not very angry. He only said solemnly: "General Bailu The big disciple of Yong Dou Luoxia Guan, promoted the power of my holy monkey mountain demon clan, and helped the ancestor win a monk's top magical instrument. After this great achievement, the ancestor went to the Doufengling to give the award and told the demons in the territory. King!"

   is not on the border, the bear demon general does not know the notoriety of the master Luo Xiaguan, but the words "help the ancestor seize the monk's top magical weapon" are powerful enough, and his jaw is about to fall when he hears it.

real or fake? Will the newly promoted demon help the demon ancestor? Could it be a partnership for my old bear?

  The four branch demon generals are still unbelievable. Bai Lu demon has already laughed and said: "Brother wait a moment, I will leave here loose!"

The bear demon will respond and hug him: "Brother Deer, where can the ancestors wait for a long time? I have a few jokes, don’t take it for real, and I will go to Dufengling to congratulate him. go!"

The other three also changed their faces and smiled. Seeing that the White Deer will be noncommittal, the Pig will be more alive, and said: "My brother has to be praised by the ancestors, and I also allow us to get some light on the spot, and come out of Ten Thousand Flower Valley. My brother, anyhow, I'm also supporting me!"

   The bear demon will react to a few, and will accompany it every time they change their words.

  Since the turn came back, there is no need to be really stunned, the deer deer smiled, nodded in agreement, and called some demon to accompany him, and flew to the Joyride Ridge with Ye Xiao.

   Jiugao and Lao Wen also accompanied them.

   The demon generals left, and in the sky where the demons were stationed in Winding Ridge, the fight between two birds of very different sizes continued, and their feathers fell.

   I decided to go to the Luyao Mountain Field in a few days, but I didn't want 21 to suddenly wait, and I had already arrived at Doufengling.

When    Deer Demon waited, Twenty-One had just exited the peach blossom forest and sat on the edge of the pool, immersing her feet in the pool water, letting the running water wash away.

   There are more orchids beside the pond, and the soil is still new. It has just been planted.

When I saw the Bailu Demon again, the expression in Twenty-One’s eyes was a bit complicated, but nothing else was mentioned. After the arrival of the monsters, the big and small monsters gave the ceremony and declared the "credit" that Ye Xiao had said before in person, and then called Ye Ye. After the owl accompanied the deer demon for a few days, he soared into the sky and flew away.

   Although it was just a few words, it was enough to make the deer deer extremely happy, and the demon ancestor personally supported the field, and the driving range is open again!

   When I don’t want to be at night, Huang Huaniang flew again and looked at the deer for a long time before asking: "You really are the native wild deer of Lingtao Peak? Didn't the ancestor look for the illegitimate son of the doe over there?"

   Ye Xiao is still there, how dare you say nonsense, the deer deer is embarrassed, and then asked: "What does the queen of flowers mean?"

Huang Huaniang sighed slightly: "You really don't know? The ancestors went to the outside of the Wangjia Mountain in Dani and interrupted the fight, and asked the demon king present to pass, instead of persuading you to fight, just saying that you have done a great job and let the two sides fight together. , No Demon King is allowed to disturb Doufengling, otherwise he will take care of it himself!"

Hearing what Huang Huaniang said, Ye Xiao, who became a demon with an owl, also said: "I have followed my ancestor for more than three hundred years. I really haven't seen a demon general like this, so Tashi Mountain has won the general. !"

   This is really a special consideration, because of the disgusting Xuantian faction, are you willing to show up for yourself? The deer deer was surprised and delighted, unable to guess the real reason, looked at a few pairs of inquiring eyes, and only defended himself: "It is an accident to think that the magic weapon that I snatched is very satisfactory. I just got into the eyes of the ancestors. !"

   turned the subject again and asked Huang Huaniang: "How can the queen come here free? Didn't you fight over there?"

Huang Huaniang said unhappily: "I was confused by the ancestors, and I still slapped me today! On the side of the Dani Wang family, all the demon kings are asking about you with this queen; the three families of the Guangmang king. At this time, I heard them asking the monsters and monsters who had gone to Doufengling a few days ago, what they had robbed, they took out all of them, and they had to double it back!"

"Haha!" The deer deer was exasperated and called back: "Gou Bao will return to the Ten Thousand Flower Valley quickly and bring all the little monsters back. Before the season is over, pick tea and open a tea shop. With the love of our ancestors, we can do business again. That's a mile!"

   Goubao led his orders and asked Xiao Qu to fly back to the Ten Thousand Flower Valley. The four bear demon generals and pig demon generals were watching. They were envious and jealous, and they all hated their lack of such skills.

Huang Huaniang rested for a while, glanced at Jiugao and Laowen, and then asked the deer demon: "The queen is not at home, you are uneasy to stay in the Valley of Ten Thousand Flowers, but you dare to go out! The grand sister Luoxiaguan is born better than Ben. How about after?"

The front was serious. When hearing the latter, the deer deer was taken aback, and hurriedly replied: "That wicked lady looks like someone owes her hundreds of top grades. How can there be any color? Such a stunning ratio after the flower?"

Huang Huaniang nodded "Uh-huh" twice I am satisfied with the deer deer's answer. After thinking about it, she said: "With the care of the ancestors, when the little demon move back, you can make a living. It's also rare that Ye Xiao came down to Pingding Mountain, and you guys under the back door will entertain him for the empress, and there are still battles there. I will go back first, and I will not be welcome!"

   Ye Xiao didn't even dare.

  As the owner of the mountain, the deer demon sent her a ride, and only then softly told her on the way that if you were careful, Ganoderma lucidum might actually be transplanted to survive.

   Huang Huaniang went back to continue the battle. This is a difficult relationship between General Ye Xiaoniang, and Huang Huaniang confessed that Jiugao, Bear Demon General, Lao Wen, etc. all stayed in Doufengling and stayed with him for three days.

   In the evening of the next day, Gou Bao led the little demons hurriedly back to Joyride Ridge.

   The sparrow demon fell on another's back again, and was brought back.

   That night, many of the little monsters who hurried back had no time to rest, so they went into the tea garden to pick tea. After a busy night, they picked a bowl of tea. Huang Hua’s maiden demon generals let them all. Please Ye Xiao to drink it.

On the second day, the female demons cleaned up the tea shop and prepared to open again. Ye Xiao also said goodbye. Jiugao, Lao Wen, and the four demon generals did not stay much, and each said some good things to communicate with each other in the future. Congratulations and leave. .

   So, Doufengling had to return to what it was before.

A few days later, Ye Xiao returned to the driving range and told the deer demon: "The ancestor asked me to tell him that he is a demon from the grass and trees. He has some extra methods to sort out the apricot tree for you, so that it can absorb the spirituality of the mother tree. It's estimated that it won't be two hundred years, and you can become a Xuan lower grade. Mo Zhen is only a yellow lower grade. I don’t care! The pool is already full of treasures. Take care of it carefully. The little demons are stubborn and accidentally ruined one or two things. You have to cry!"

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