Deer Demon Race

Chapter 210: Turning point

   At dawn, the demon and the little demon of the two sides formed a demon formation under the demon general's scolding, preparing for a new day of fighting.

  The Shura family was originally dominated by monsters. When fighting, the monsters often jumped into the opponent's formation to conflict. There were not many monsters, and they could only form a monster formation to support a monster who took refuge in Mengluo Mountain.

   King Shura was waiting for the demon formation to gradually take shape. Suddenly I heard the voice of Huang Huaniang from the opposite houses: "King Shura, come out and speak!"

  What the **** is this famous female bodhisattva doing? What do you call your own work? There is no friendship!

   King Guangmang and others over there looked at him, King Shura was puzzled, frowned, and looked at the opposite side from a distance.

   Looking at him from a distance, Huang Huaniang said: "It's your girl, I will say a few words to you after Torben!"

   My sister is already married. If you have something to do, I should go to the King Ruyi. I didn’t look for the reason why the King Asura wants a panacea.

   Suspiciously, Shura King Suro still flew over slowly.

  When he flew close, Huang Huaniang reached out her hand and pointed back, saying, "You bow your head and look at the door of Drunken Flower Jus!"

   Followed her finger, King Shura looked over, her sister was standing in front of the big beehive door, she was looking up, and when she saw him, she hung her head in shame to avoid her sight.

   Next to the girl, the white monk demon who had seen hot weather many years ago was performing martial arts.

   Well, it's...playing martial arts!

   Straightforward, chopping, picking, stab, smashing, pulling, cutting, plundering, nai, and bumping, turning around, coming and going, are just the most basic ways.

   But, his mother is the basis of Shura's combat skills!

   Su Luo blinked and looked again. There was nothing wrong with it. It was indeed the basis of Shura's combat skills.

  Meer, the two sides are fighting! What are you going to do?

   Apart from his own sisters, where did the white monk demon learn the Shura warfare?

   For a time, Su Luo’s temples jumped "suddenly"!

   "Can this king go in?"

  Yi Gao Shura was bold, and after confirming that he was correct, King Shura asked Huang Huaniang through gritted teeth.

   Huang Huaniang smiled and walked away: "Please!"

   turned his head and glanced at King Ruyi with a guilty conscience. King Shura flew past Huang Huaniang with his head down, and went straight to the top of the enemy demon formation, without stopping him.

   The war hasn't started yet, what is King Shura doing? King Guangmang and King Dangkang were all surprised and inexplicable, while King Ruyi asked loudly, "Big Brother, what's the matter?"

   I can't think of how to explain it, so I won't say anything. King Shura turned a deaf ear to it and landed in front of the Drunken Flower House.

   No longer being stared at by King Ruyi, King Shura felt more at ease, and asked his sister first: "Qingluo, why do you pass on his Shura combat skills? My sister... brother-in-law hasn't learned it!"

   Looking at her expression earlier, I had already determined that it was passed down by the sister. The key point is that if King Ruyi can learn combat skills first, he doesn't need to hesitate, just hacking to death the two adulterers in front of him with a few slashes!

   At this moment, I don’t know if King Shura will draw a knife and slash. The deer deer temporarily decided to pretend to be dumb, but after two days of capture and abduction, he learned from King Shura that the female monster’s name was Qingluo.

  The female monster's pretty face flushed red. At this moment, I don't know how to answer her brother. Fortunately, Huang Huaniang has returned and helped both of them: "King Shura, he two are in agreement, and they have made a pair by themselves. You and King Ruyi's in-laws cannot be formed!"

   Take a deep breath, King Shura ignores the others, just stares at the girl and asks: "You have to change to another one, usually as well! It is known that a few of our people have died because of this battle!"

The female monster finally couldn't hold back her tears, and stomped her feet and said: "Brother, I really didn't mean it. The King Ruyi finds it difficult to practice. After marrying him for many years, I haven't touched the side. It's the monk demon who cheated me. Get started if you are confused!"

   "As Shura, just do what you do, no need to complain or regret! As a descendant of monsters, how can you cry?"

   King Shura made a very stiff voice, and when Qing Luo wiped away her tears, she turned to the deer demon and asked, "You demon general, but you want to ask my sister to be a gangster?"

   Hearing this question, the Bailu Demon was shocked. The Shura girl officially came into contact with the female demon in less than two days. Although she is beautiful, she can still be a demon. How can she be a wife for a lifetime?

  Besides, my old deer hasn't taken much advantage, and the responsibility is not so negative!

   I was afraid that King Shura would slash him over, and the deer demon slowly shook his head on guard.

King Shura did not release the sword, but took another deep breath, frowning even more tightly, and turned to his sister: "If he follows the demon clan's practice, I will have a hard time waiting for Shura to give birth. In the past, she was the demon king's wife. Later, she will become a demon general and demon girl.

He didn’t wait for the answer to this sentence. He only said to the Shura woman: “Married to a Shura woman, only one outsider is allowed to pass on his combat skills in his lifetime, so that your offspring can learn it in the future. If you get bored in the future, He, remarry, don’t pass it on again, or he will be remarried, and he will be chased by the clan! You must also force him to take an oath, not pass it on to outsiders, as long as you are still alive, you must keep an eye on it. If he passes out, it will be the same as you. Endlessly!"

The female demon nodded sadly, and Su Luo sighed: "Teach you to be temperamental after marrying. If you want to be a gentleman, you have already said that the last time you marry. Besides, it’s just that starting today, you are not allowed to call me Su Luo your elder brother to the outside world!"

Turning to the deer demon again: "You guy, you learned combat skills. According to the custom of Shura, even if you are half of the Shura clan, this king only endured the evil spirit today and didn't chop you into eighteen to get the bones! But I, Su Luo, don’t. If you recognize this family member, you will not be allowed to claim to be the brother-in-law of King Shura! You two are not allowed to come to Mengluoshan!"

   Huang Huaniang kept smiling and watching. After he finished speaking and was about to leave, she said, "Oh, I will send it to King Shura!"

King Shura glared at her, and the Banshee King clapped his hands and said, "Although you don't recognize your relatives, you may hug your nephew one day, break the bones and connect the tendons, but will you slowly get closer? I will come and go, see. You are so pretty, you haven't gotten better with Shura..."

   Can't provoke this female bodhisattva, King Shura stomped off and fled out of the valley.

   Returned to his home base, and did not respond to the three demon kings' inquisitive gazes. King Shura only ordered his followers: "Children, let's go back to Mengluoshan!"

  Wang Ruyi jumped in shock, and rushed over to stop him: "Brother, what does this mean?"

   Looking at him, King Shura blushed a little: "Lord Ruyi, from now on our two families will not be relatives of marriage, please don't call me the eldest brother!"

   raised his head again, and shouted at King Guangmang and King Kang: "Asura acts, there is no regret in death, this king will not say sorry today, if you are dissatisfied with hatred, just come to Mengluoshan to find me, life and death will be accompanied!"

   After finishing speaking, he stopped paying attention to the stunned three demon kings, and only ordered his followers: "Boys, leave for Mengluoshan!"

   The faces under his door looked at each other for a while, and he really retreated slowly, leaving the battlefield aside.

Asura King’s monsters and monsters hadn’t gone far, Huang Huaniang shouted again in the formation: “Being King Kang, on my side, Zhu Wei’s gate has set off last night, and today I will arrive at the Valley of Ten Thousand Flowers at noon; Tonight will be here too! Are you still going to accompany his two families to the end?"

The five demon kings on the opposite side worked together to protect the red ganoderma. The Shura King’s family was withdrawn. No matter what, it was impossible to beat. I believe that Huang Huaniang did not tell lies, there is no benefit to gain money, and he is doomed to lose. Here, what is the picture of a beam that cannot be unraveled with the other side?

   After thinking about a few breaths, when King Kang asked aloud: "Huang Hua Niang, today my king is withdrawn, won't your five families come to seek revenge in the future?"

Huang Huaniang laughed triumphantly among King Guangmang and King Ruyi: "The enemy should be settled but not knotted. If you retreat today, you can come to Wanhua Valley in the future. When that guest is a guest, you will have good wine and tea in the future. Entertain, if you violate this, the heaven will die!"

   The King of Darkness called: "This king swears to the sky, and he is no different from the Huaniang, but the Guangmang King will never die!"

   Zhu Wei Wang, Da Si Wang, Shan Qian Wang also expressed their views one by one.

After listening to the five demon king’s promises, although it may not be true, as long as the gap is not easily, the demon king swears to the sky is not a joke. Sorry, goodbye!"

   The form has changed drastically, the drunk flower is in the middle, and the white deer demon is dumbfounded.

   With her own mastery of Shura combat skills, Huang Huaniang spoke for a while, so she said she left the two demon kings?

   I don't want the battle to turn so fast. With the Guangmang King and Ruyi Kings alone, how can they be able to beat the five demon kings here now?

   I'm afraid that we will see the resolution today, Lao Tzu's Joyride Ridge!

   The hatred value of the Ruyi King towards his family is already adding fuel to the fire, and it’s burning vigorously!

   It’s important to go for a ride in your own Now that I can’t take care of this side, the deer deer eagerly yelled: "Steel bones, know things!"

   Waiting for the small mountain spirit and the two black-winged monsters to come out, he hurriedly jumped up and urged: "Walk around, go back to the driving range!"

   The steel frame was already waving its wings, the deer deer looked at the Shura girl beside him, staring at her with apricot eyes, hesitated, and yelled at her: "Come on!"

   The Shura girl's complexion was slightly stunned, and she jumped on the Peng Yao's back vigorously.

When the two demon formations withdrew, there was a huge gap in the periphery, so I dared not let the King Ruyi see it. Baibao called Steel Bone and Xiao Shi flew out from the opposite side of his demon formation, first wiping the ground and flying low, waiting for the mountains to obscure the sight before rising. high.

   Don't need to remind Xiaoshan Jing and Xiaoshi, this time the steel frame will no longer use the "bulging body" magical powers. Unfortunately, the deer demon is anxious at this time, and the nephrite jade is warm and fragrant, and there is no extra thought at all.

   At this time, the King Ruyi and King Guangmang knew what defeat was like a mountain.

King Shura and King Dangkang can just leave. The two of them who have already forged feuds obviously can’t. Even if they want to make peace, Huang Huaniang and King Dani will not agree. They need to get rid of them. Will feel at ease.

   When King Kang left his house, the Demon Formation in the Valley was forced out, and all the five demon kings also came out to fight the water dogs. King Da Si and King Zhu Wei went home to move their troops last night. They only ordered their demon generals to lead by themselves, and they had rushed back to join the war. .

   Actually, there is no need for those two families to come here again!

Being besieged by the five demon kings, the Ruyi and Guangmang kings soon covered themselves with flesh and blood, and the demon array below was also in chaos. Many clever gates were already flying to escape, leaving no accompany with death, the demon supported by the demon array. The huge body is shrinking rapidly.

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