Deer Demon Race

Chapter 211: procrastination

   Seeing left and right is not an issue, and there is no courage to blew himself up, and he didn’t want to lose his life. The King of Ruyi yelled: "You kids, run away!"

   then shouted at King Guangmang: "Flee separately!"

   The two of them fled together. For fear of being forced to explode, King Zhu Yan and the others did not dare to push too much, so they had to let go of the road first, let them both escape, and then followed each other to chase.

For the demon kings, the Doufengling matter is not a problem at all. King Guangmang’s hatred is even heavier. King Zhu Wei and King Shanxian helped King Dani chase King Guangmang, and the remaining two chased Ruyi. King.

   tailed after Wang Ruyi to cast spells, Huang Huaniang couldn't help but screamed out, while Da Si Wang laughed triumphantly, and his voice spread far and wide.

   chased hundreds of miles away, really can't kill them, only then did King Da Si and Huang Hua Niang stop, turn around and go back.

Life is saved, but today’s war will spread throughout the realm of the 21st ancestors. My family lost the mysterious spiritual plant, was robbed of the mountain’s wife, broke the door, completely defeated and lost, how many monsters would I be reduced to? laughing stock?

   is just helping the ally Guangmang Wang, what did I do wrong?

The chasing soldiers had returned, and the King Guangmang could not be found for a while, and there were not half of the monsters under the door. The king of Ruyi was sad, hateful, angry and miserable. He yelled like crazy on the spot before gritting his teeth and cried out: "Being Guangmang" Wang Nasi is implicated, and this battle is unsuccessful. It is a complete defeat! Offended these five families. The 21st boundary is no place for me to live, but the Demon King Realm is only halfway on the way to the demon cultivation. What do you want to explode? Don’t say that if there are five other demon ancestors in the holy monkey mountain, if they only have one body, they will be cheaper to travel, and they will leave the land of the original and the wild mountain. With the body of the demon king, where can they not be able to survive? It’s just to find the way to the Jin Demon Ancestor again. You don’t have to be too sorrowful. When you are proud in the future, come and find him, and then revenge today!"

I comforted myself a little bit, then turned to hate: "The White Deer Demon is too hateful. When I looked at the old elm wood surface, he only called him hot and saved his life. I don’t want to remember to hate me for decades. Not to mention the red ganoderma, but also took my wife away. If this hatred is not reported, I will leave my hometown, and it will not feel good!"

Since it is certain that the white deer who snatched his wife was praised by the twenty-one ancestors, he knew that his mountain field was in Doufengling. At the moment, he would not even be looking for the confidant demon. , I am going to find another mountain field to ask about geography in the past.

   Seeing some defeated doormen on the road, he was anxious for revenge, but he ignored it, just whizzed past.


The deer deer flew back to Cycling Ridge and jumped off with the woman in black dress, and called Gou Bao anxiously: "Every Ding took the little demon, as I said before, they all scattered and hid! The guard Shanding stayed staring at the nearby mountain. , But seeing the demon king coming to our mountain field, I rushed to the Wanhua Valley to report a letter, please come and rescue after the flower!"

Also called the Musk Demon: "Yuanxiang, you flew out of the Ten Thousand Flower Valley quickly, and when the war stopped, I asked for the flowers, and asked which demon king would have time to come to Fengling Ridge as a guest for ten days? I said he would like to come. I'm free of the top grade!"

  The Shura girl came to his mountain field for the first time, but unfortunately she was busy right now and couldn't get a few words to guide her, so she had to walk around and take a look.

Outside   , I saw the three characters "Fu Taodong" in a straightforward manner. The surrounding bamboo forests are faint, and the wild peaches and mountains in the distance are not a difficult place to live in.

   Other monsters were all coming to see him. When he heard the deer demon's arrangement, Gou Bao was shocked and asked: "Master, you want to fight the demon king?"

There is an insurmountable gulf between the Demon King and the Demon General, and Master Luoxiaguan Zixia is already the foundation of the golden core soon, and she has a good magic weapon, so she dare not confront the Demon King head-on. !

The deer deer gritted his teeth and said: "I always reluctant to bear those treasures! If only a demon king comes, try to lead him to flee, delay the time, and wait for Huang Huaniang to save; there are two coming. I didn't say anything, I also flee. !"

The treasures that the deer deer talked about are all by the water pool. The three old confidants of Goubao, Yuanxiang, and Biyan know that the deer half-xuan relies on the "True Eye". I guessed something.

  The other monsters are all surprised, do we still have treasures on this driving range? Master reluctant?

   The deer deer was anxious to bury his life-saving big antlers, stomping his feet and calling Goubao: "Go fast, don't delay!"

   Goubao has been with him for many years, but he knew that Master Lu was good at him, but he had little Meng Langshi, so he really wanted to escape. The Demon King couldn't easily kill him, so he nodded, screamed that the demon Ding summoned the little demon, and evacuated down the mountain.

   Goubao waited before the evacuation began, and the White Deer Demon asked the female monster again: "The King Ruyi is here to kill me, who can you help?"

   The Shura girl looked blank, and shook her head gently.

If she had her help, the two powerful demon generals could join forces to resist Wang Ruyi for a while. At this time, she wished she was a bit more affectionate. Seeing her shaking her head, obviously would not make a move. The deer demon just sighed and asked Asking her to see her ex-husband Weapon immediately, it was a little too embarrassing in the end, and said: "Then you go with Goubao, go hide first!"

The Asura girl turned pale, and she gritted her teeth and shook her head: "I can't help him, and don't go anywhere. If you come and kill me, you can do whatever he wants! But if you are beaten to death, he will listen to me. Say, let him go!"

The deer deer was full of disgust, but was anxious to bury the big antlers. I didn’t dare to delay any more, thinking that she had done nothing wrong, but with her temperament, she might fight back if she quarreled. At that time, she was just right. Help, disturb the situation, no longer persuade, only take out the black-bone lancet, and hand it back to her: "You can save your life or save your life, beware that the king of Guangmang will follow!"

   An adulterer ** is together, most of the original owners are looking for an adulterer first, and it is rare to clean up the ** first. The same is true for Ruyi Wang Ruo, his family can always stand in the front.

   Xiaoshan Jing has gone with Goubao, and he asked Ganggu to carry an antler, and he separated from Xiaoshi and went to hide on the hill nearby. He heard his own yelling and flew to rescue him.

   Another antler is hidden in the peach grove on the mountainside.

   I really can’t bear to plant the spiritual roots and the upgradeable ling apricot saplings, for fear of being ruined by the mad King Ruyi. In any case, the deer demon must give it a try!

He has forged a death feud with King Ruyi, but the Demon King has to face the five families of Huanghuaniang, and it will not be easy. It can survive a wave or two. When he can't stand it, he can escape from the realm of the 21st Ancestor. Maybe There will be life.

   The most dangerous thing is today. If Yuanxiang can ask the Demon King to come and sit in battle, he will be able to fight with the Ruyi King!

   Weirds only blame, their own monsters and little monsters are too few, so they form a monster formation to help, Ruyi Wangquan can kill them without worrying about the catastrophe, hard resistance is not enough.

  Perhaps, borrowing some little monsters and monsters from Huang Huaniang and staying for a year or a half is also a way?

   Hidden the antlers, and just flew up to the top of Joyriding Ridge to look at it, and there was already a blue light flying in the distance.

   came so fast!

   The deer demon shouted loudly: "Wishful King!"

   The azure light flew straight forward. After seeing it clearly, he was short, with big eyes, and a green leather suit. Which one is not the frog demon Ruyi Wang?

   This side is heading south, the mountain is full of scorched earth, it is best to fight, after seeing it clearly, the deer demon flees down.

   The deer deer ran away on the scorched earth and stone, and the Ruyi Wang was burned in anger, but when his consciousness swept around, he sensed that there was a strong monster behind the mountain, and there was also a monster-level existence.

  The demon general level existence is very familiar in the sense of consciousness, which is not his own Shura wife?

   Kill the deer deer first, or question Shura’s wife first?

   was only vaguely, and he was a little bit reluctant to see the female demon, did he ask: "I am the demon king, you were looted, why do you like this demon general and wild man?"

Unwilling to go to Asura’s wife to question him, Ruyi Wang thought: “This wild man, the White Deer, has strange magical powers. Come, why don't you run away early and stay and wait for me instead?"

   This problem is not difficult, and then I thought: "Yes, he has a treasure on this mountain that can't be taken away, he wants to lead me to hold me, and wait for Huang Huaniang to save!"

   The war over there is over, Huang Huaniang and other demon kings are here in an instant. To kill the deer deer, you need to be fast!

   The King of Ruyi is going to grab time!

   first smiled sadly, Ruyi Wang said: "White Deer Demon, this king will lift you up the mountain first, and then come to find you!"

  , instead of chasing the deer demon, he crossed the mountain top of the Cycling Ridge and turned to the other side to take a look.

   The deer deer was shocked, busy and turned back and chased.

  Wang Ruyi Wang's Divine Sense has been paying attention. When he saw him chasing him back, his heart was even more determined. When Divine Sense carefully explored the Doufeng Ridge, he did not find a particularly conspicuous spiritual plant. It was just that by the water pool, the aura was much richer than elsewhere!

Ruyi Wang does not have the ability to understand spiritual roots like Huang Huaniang, but he can also think: "This Doufengling has been heard from the sky, and the back is still burnt black ~ the vegetation is not growing, he only manages this The noodles were originally known as spiritual roots, and there are spiritual roots on this side, and there is more than one!"

   If you want to attack the enemy, you must save, the King of Ruyi rushed to the edge of the spiritually-rich water pool, and first found the yellow and low-grade apricot tree. This thing was not worth mentioning in his eyes, so he didn't think about it, and first looked for the spiritual root.

   The surrounding peach trees are full of peach trees, all bearing velvet wild peaches. He did not bring a stone, so it is difficult to distinguish them one by one. Seeing that there is a cluster of orchids by the pool with a special temperament, he landed directly and stomped the bluegrass with one foot.

  Since the deer demon couldn't bear it, he wanted to bring him to his rescue, so Ruyi Wang deliberately slowed down and raised his hand again. A large ice cone flew out of the pool, interrupting all the peach trees on the left!

   Deep in the peach forest, a dark shadow raised his head, his face full of anger.

   Baibao saw from a distance, and screamed in pain: "The King of Ruyi!"

   "Vitality" is not good enough, the deer demon "Boiling" started instantly, panting heavily, humming in his nose and rushing to rescue!

   For the first time, "Boiling" and "Swarming"!

   The dark shadow also flew along the peach treetops towards the pool.

   There are not many monsters who are willing to destroy the heaven and the earth. If it weren't for the anger today, Ruyi Wang Yuan would not do this. Seeing the deer demon rushing over, he stopped and stopped.

   The deer demon rushed towards him, and a phantom of words flew on his body first. The King of Ruyi didn't evade, but only opened his mouth: "Puff!"

  The spear shot out suddenly from his mouth, and it grabbed the white deer demon's facade. At the same time, ice ridges emerged from the ground, and the deer demon's legs were frozen!

  The flying-in text brings bursts of spicy feeling, and the King of Ruyi strips it out and throws it into his own spiritual consciousness, and it will no longer be able to make waves!

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