Deer Demon Race

Chapter 212: This world

   The spear was swift, and the foot was stuck again, and the deer demon couldn't make a "tiger jump". He only shook his lower body slightly and greeted him with his left shoulder blade.

  Will the power of the spear refined with the tongue of the King of Ruyi be weak? Even if he has defenses such as "steel bone" and "strong", strong physical supernatural powers, and has been training for many years, the force of the spear is still a "bang", blowing up how much flesh and blood on him, and breaking his left shoulder blade!

   He is a demon general who has quenched his bones completely, and he has the blessing of "steel bone"! But just with this shot, the left hand was soft and unable to exert any strength, and it was almost useless in the first place!

   "Regeneration" helps, skin and flesh wounds can heal quickly, but bones take some time!

With the deer demon's pain-bearing ability, he also roared out, only relying on "stand up", the body did not fall over due to heavy injuries, and his feet stomped. Bing Leng, shouted again in his mouth: "Roar! Hiss!"

   Regardless of whether it is valid or invalid, after the "roar" and "low hiss", the deer demon's uninjured right hand squeezed the handle of the gun, and the "head mallet" reappeared.

  The Demon King smiled grimly, holding a spear in his hand and wrestling with the deer demon. Although he didn't have this magical power, he also greeted him with a head mallet, and another ice spear came out from his waist, piercing the deer demon abdomen directly!


After   , the head collided first, but this time, Wang Ruyi looked down at the White Deer Demon, and his skull was a little cracked!

   A little dark shadow on the peach tree rushes to the Wishful King!

   flew up and kicked off the ice spear, the deer demon flew back to the corner of his head, and saw the dark shadow pounced on the Ruyi King, and was surprised at first: "King Kong Iron Gibbon!"

   was overjoyed immediately, it is impossible that this King Kong Iron Gibbon has stayed on the Drifting Ridge for a long time, and fell in love with my old deer, and helped me fight today!

   He released the Wishful King's spear, patted the Demon King's shoulder with his right hand, and started "continuous shooting" with one hand.

   The King Kong Iron Gibbon is so fast, it rushes in the blink of an eye, and hits the front of the King of Ruyi with one punch!

   The Demon King was furious, and shouted: "Blast!"

   His feet were like ice blossoms that suddenly bloomed, and ice thorns suddenly emerged, all thrusting outward!

   This ice-ridged spear with its roots thrusting outwards gradually emerged, as if it were endless, the ice blossoms became bigger and bigger!

   The deer demon has stopped slapped, "Tiger Jump" jumped away, but the King Kong Iron Gibbon was unable to dodge and was pierced on the ice thorn, but its lightning punch also hit the front of the King Ruyi first!

   The King Kong Iron Gibbon Fist was so strong that the Ruyi King shook his head before he flew up and chased the White Deer Demon!

   was in a state of "boiling". Babao did not lose his senses today, and his figure flickered. Thirteen monsters with characters in white robe with the same model as the wound on their left arm appeared, and each of them fled out!

   Which is true?

   Regardless of whether you are true or not, let the king come back obediently!

   Ruyi Wang couldn't tell it for a while, and when he saw the illusion, he would run away, and then flew back to the original place. With a stroke, several ice ridges flew out of the pool again and hit the surrounding peach trees!

   In order to try to seduce the White Deer Demon to come back and rescue him, he didn't beat the surrounding peach trees all at once.


   The King Kong Iron Gibbon, which was hanging on the ice ridge, pulled out, and then suddenly rushed towards the King of Ruyi.

  Wang Ruyi was on guard, holding a gun and staring at the thirteen deer demon in mid-air, he flew another kick and kicked the King Kong Iron Gibbon.

   The King Kong Iron Gibbon fits into a hug, clinging to the legs of the King Ruyi, opening his mouth and showing four sharp fangs, biting it down!


   is the monster body of the Demon King, and was bitten off by it. The Ruyi King was furious, and the spear first returned and pierced into the head of the King Kong Iron Gibbon!

   The monsters all praised the King Kong Iron Gibbon copper body iron skin, but after all, it was only at the level of the monster general, and could not stop the shot of King Ruyi, but the spear pierced its head and did not burst again. It just penetrated.

   Watching the death of the King Kong Iron Gibbon, the deer deer's heart was chilled, Huang Huaniang and other reinforcements were definitely not so fast, and she was about to give up today.

   Throwing away the King Kong Iron Gibbon on his leg, Ruyi Wang waved his hand again, and a few more ice ridges rose, smashing Taolin.

   Linggen, the Ling apricot that can only be promoted in Doufengling is precious, and it is not as important as your own life. If you want to stay in the green hills, there is no need to save it!

   The deer deer has given up, and his heart is full of regrets. Thirteen illusions stand in the sky, only watching from a distance. There is still some time before the illusion is shattered, and it is the time to officially escape.

  How can I pull the Shura girl away? Shall we call Steel Bone?

   was still thinking, and soon, thirteen phantoms opened their mouths all together!

   On that ground, the King Kong Iron Gibbon, whose head was pierced by King Ruyi's spear, climbed up, with a large blood hole on his forehead, and his eyes were scarlet!

   This time he got up. It didn't pounce on the King Ruyi without its own strength. Instead, it raised the blood-holed head and opened its mouth: "Ho! Ho! Ho!"

The three roars are strange, the deer demon, the king of Ruyi, and the Pingdingshan demon ancestor 21 are not aware of it, but not far from the foot of the Doufengling Mountain, on the Twelve Peaks of the Crane, in the Wanhua Valley, and in the high mountains tens of thousands of miles away. Another King Kong Iron Gibbon raised his head, his eyes scarlet!


   Rulai Temple in Duanlu Village.

   The monk Miao De, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly rolled over and fell from the collapse. His bald head landed first with a bang.

   Monk Miaode opened his eyes, reached out and touched his bald head, and found that he hadn't picked up the bag before he jumped up, hurriedly slammed the door and ran out: "Yes! I should! Really!"

   ran to the doghouse, found it was empty, and ran around the temple again, only to find the wolf dog hiding behind the temple wall. The fat monk smiled and said, "You little demon, what do you do in hiding here?"

   The wolf dog sighed: "Hungry!"

   The fat monk said: "Nonsense, the offerings sent by the laymen every day have never been short, and have not been enough for you?"

   The wolf dog had a heartbroken expression on his face: "I am a wolf! I am a wolf! Not a dog! Which wolf is vegetarian every day? I'm not allowed to go out to steal meat. I don't have any oil and water. Can I not be hungry?"

   The monk smiled and said: "Dogs walk thousands of miles to eat shit, wolves walk thousands of miles to eat meat, and the monk hasn't told you to eat shit. How can you be a dog?"

The wolf dog slammed his head against the wall and made a "boom" sound. A lot of bluestone powder was hit on the back wall. The wolf dog then said angrily: "Smelly monk, it’s just a matter of life to force me to be a vegetarian, and he is stingy to death. For ten years, I haven’t given it to an insidious plant. I’m still just a little demon, and I can’t breathe the aura of heaven and earth. Brother Goubao and the others are already demonized. I’m afraid I won’t be able to see each other again.

  Miaode touched his fat bald head, "haha" smiled: "Don't worry, don't worry, fast! The monk will teach you a sentence today, wait until you meet him, you can learn it from the white deer!"

   The wolf dog raised his head covered with lime, and asked in doubt, "What's the matter?"

   It's okay to use secret words, but the fat monk looked around thiefly, then put his mouth to the ear of the wolf dog, and whispered: "Miscellaneous hair is not at home!"


   Above a hundred peaks, Xuantian Taoist Palace.

   Yuan Ying Dou knocked on the door several times, and an old voice came from inside: "Come in."

   pushed open the door of the quiet room, walked in, and opened his mouth and shouted, "Big brother, I'm back!"

   On the futon in the quiet room, sitting on a skinny old man with wrinkled skin, gray beard, and age spots, wearing a purple robe, said weakly, "The eighth brother is working hard!"

   Dou crossed his legs casually in front of the old man with a cry, and said: "It's just playing with him, how can it be called hard work?"

   The old man said: "In the brothers, if you occupy the word'sound', you have to know the voice of others more so that you can sharpen the road. It is destined to work harder!"

   usually talks and laughs, his voice is always so weak, Dou Yi has been used to it, and smiled: "The brother has a birthday in his name, should he hide and prolong his life?"

   The old man wrinkled his face and squeezed out a smile: "Are you scolding me, this big brother, is a ten thousand year old bastard?"

   It was said that both of the senior brothers laughed, but the smile of the senior brother made the wrinkles all piled together, how ugly and ugly.

   After a while, Dou said with a loud voice: "Senior brothers are talking about their fame, but the nine brothers didn't get it right!"

The old man sighed slightly: "He wants to avoid the catastrophe, but he doesn't know how to avoid the catastrophe? You can avoid the catastrophe, but the human calamity, the evil catastrophe, the heart evil catastrophe, the master at the time The'catastrophe', which is considered to be dangerous and dangerous, was changed to the word'jie' for him, but he did not hide in the end, and was folded in the hands of the old ape **** family!"

   This is an old thing hundreds of years ago, the old man sighed lightly, broke the topic, and asked: "What is the matter this time?"

Dou hummed softly: "It's not from the side of Xumi Shanzhou. He has sent people to ask, and he wants to move to our continent and then move the residents and some small groups. First come to the front station, want to negotiate an amount! Senior brother, now he is waiting. As people move more and more frequently, should they always let them act?"

The old man is the boss of the Xuantian School's Eleven Yuanying. After becoming Yuanying, his name is Yuan Yishou. UU Reading is also the principal of the Xuantian School. Hearing the Eighth Junior Brother Dou asked, he seemed to There was an endless sigh, and then he sighed slightly: "Not to mention the incense sentiment of the original school, it is only the people who are innocent, and they have to collect it! The third child went to Xumi Shanzhou, haven't you heard him come back? Many places have been hungry and perished. Don’t say that he is on the Avenue of Merit. It’s you. Maybe you can bear to leave it alone?"

   Dou Yi was helpless about this, and accompanied the big brother with a long sigh.

   After a while, the old man asked: "What are the regulations of each faction?"

Dou rolled his eyes with a loud voice: "It's not all just grieving, each pushes out, if you want to take over! We have the seven major factions of Luzhou in the north, and the most shameless one is the Yuxiaomen! Tell his house to only border on the desert, and then expand the border. In the past, it was not pleasant to live in, and it was really impossible to pick up any more. This time I don’t want a household! When he was swayed by his house, the Taiyimen said that his house is now surrounded by the center, and it is impossible to extend the borders, even to encircle the sea. There is no way to rebuild the land, let alone pick it up!"

   "How many households should you have?"

Dou smiled bitterly and said, "It's still 200,000 households and ten small groups! I'm afraid it's the same as last time. We agreed on the number. When he got on the ship, he secretly packed several times more. I'll tell you when I've set off. Should I take care of the Third Senior Brother Dao again?"

   Yuanyishou said: "You can't let him wait, you didn't say, don't you pick up one more household?".

"Why didn't you say it?" Dou cried out: "Senior brother! It's not just me, but the seven schools all say this, but it can't stop Xumi Shanzhou from being improper! There will be more than a few million households temporarily. Get on the boat, when you get here, can you still push back?"

   The two brothers were silent for a long time, and then sighed together.

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