Deer Demon Race

Chapter 213: Incarnation 1 family

   Under the rule of the Xuantian School, Lingtao Peak was two thousand miles east.

   A prosperous small city rests on the green hills.

   That mountain is not high, but there is a Taoist temple on the top of the mountain, named "Wang Mu Temple". It is located among many towering trees and is very quiet.

   On the front mountain gate, there is an inscription: "The place of the female crown, no male guest".

   In the inner courtyard, Zhang Meigu swung his axe and chopped firewood.

   From getting up in the morning to the present, he was sweating all over his body, and his hands and feet were sore. Then he dropped his axe, leaned his back against the wall, and looked at the white clouds that day.

   White clouds are blooming, quietly flowing and changing. Suddenly, she jumped up and shouted: "Tian Bodhisattva, how is it so difficult to build a foundation!"

   A stern female voice sounded over the partition wall: "What is the name of the ghost? I don't know how to cleanse the practice?"

   Zhang Meigu stuck out her tongue, hurriedly picked up the split firewood, and ran to the room.


   On the Cycling Ridge, the King Kong Iron Gibbon called three times, then turned around and punched the Demon King again.

   A shot in the head is still not dead, if it is a capable monster, it is not too unusual, but this King Kong Iron Gibbon is just a heterogeneous beast, and the King Ruyi is also a little surprised, swinging the gun and sweeping.

   The King Kong Iron Gibbon with a blood hole on its head was hit by the handle of the gun, but it completely ignored it, holding the handle of the long gun with alternate hands, quickly approaching, and hugged it again.

  Wang Ruyi got up and wanted to jump. Unexpectedly, the King Kong Iron Gibbon was so fast that he was hugged by it and couldn't take it off for a while.

   Far away over there, the deer deer looked cheap, stopped running away, and wiped a large bluestone in his mouth, and threw it over to help.

   The magical power "Silver Stone" comes from the monkey demon old spot with the blood of the father.

   The bluestone that this magical power flies up, flies faster and faster, even if the bluestone is not surprising, it is already extremely heavy in the back, and it will be a bag when it falls on the body.

   But if he flew so far, he could see the coming situation clearly, and Wang Ruyi slightly tilted his head to let go.

Not far below the water pool, there is an earth-stone building built by Qi Niu and others. It is the place where the two little monsters stationed in the mountain, the black face of the monkey demon and the leopard demon, do not fight. When he was young, he flew down and filled it with a pouch, smashing the Ruyi King from a distance, helping the King Kong Iron Gibbon who seemed to be immortal.

   If you procrastinate and procrastinate, Huang Huaniang will come!

The Ruyi King only wanted to kill the Deer Demon, but the King Kong Iron Gibbon went mad. He didn’t care about splitting, penetrating, breaking the intestines, and breaking his flesh. , And also bite with his teeth.

   It turns out that the King Kong Iron Gibbon is so fate, so difficult!

   The deer demon was in the distance, and the "quick stone" kept throwing, hitting Ruyi King, forcing him to jump continuously, reducing the damage to the alien beast.

   Before the deer demon could finish smashing the stone in his hand, there was another beast roar near the earth building below the water pool. The King Kong Iron Gibbon came up the mountain to fight every day.

   The deer deer said "Ouch," and then said: "He is working on the Demon King, he has no time to fight with you today!"

   If the later King Kong Iron Gibbon has not heard of it, his eyes are scarlet and he rushes forward, regardless of his kind, he also rushes to the Ruyi King!

   Seeing that the situation is not good, Wang Ruyi stomped to take off, and the broken limb under the original body suddenly hit his vagina.

   So, it didn't fly.

   Being hugged by the second powerful alien beast, the King of Ruyi slowed to evade. He was banged heavily on the face by a flying stone from a distance, and suddenly he had a nosebleed, and his head was a little dizzy.

The fleeting years are unfavorable. Today this King Kong Iron Gibbon is too weird to be entangled anymore. The Ruyi King is also mad, and the ice flower blooms under his feet again, and countless ice-ridged spears sprang out, stabbing two King Kong Iron Gibbons. Riddled with holes.

   The original body was completely broken, and again by this blow, his eyes could not be kept, and finally let go of Ruyi Wang's feet and touched his own kind.

   It passed by, and the bodies of the two King Kong Iron Gibbons were like water droplets, and they slowly merged together to become a new King Kong Iron Gibbon.

  What is this skill?

  Wang Ruyi was taken aback, and the deer demon flying over the rocks was also taken aback. The rocks in his hand almost fell: "Mother! Don't tell my old deer, this is also a supernatural power? Is King Kong fit?"

   After the fusion of the two King Kong Iron Gibbon, the flesh, broken limbs, and intestines that fell from the front of the ground slowly flew back, and all merged into the body of this new King Kong Iron Gibbon.

   For the remaining King Kong Iron Gibbon, his injuries have completely improved, his flesh has become harder, and his strength has become stronger.

   The King of Ruyi has exhausted all his methods, but it is completely ineffective for this King Kong Iron Gibbon. A lot of meat was torn off from his body, not to mention, and he was hit by flying big rocks from time to time.

There were several "sorry" "sorry" "I'm sorry," and "I'm not the old deer". The magical powers of "Shishi" are very accurate, but the King of Wishfulness will move and move to let the King Kong Iron Gibbon take care of it. hit!

   Fortunately, this King Kong Iron Gibbon only had the enemy of King Ruyi. He was smashed a few times by mistake, and he did not turn his head to deal with the deer demon.

   Here, the Wishful King was violent and thunderous. On the other side of the Chisha River, another King Kong Iron Gibbon was flying over the mountains and ridges. Its speed was only slightly slower than that of the Demon King, and there was one at a distance!

   The two King Kong Iron Gibbon ran to the Chisha River, without stopping for a while, they ran directly to the bottom of the river. After a while, they came off the water from the opposite bank and began to climb the Cycling Ridge.

   On the scorched earth of the back mountain of the Cycling Ridge, there is also a King Kong Iron Gibbon fast climbing. Before reaching the top of the mountain, it folds directly from a certain section of the ridge to the front and rushes!

When the third King Kong Iron Gibbon climbed to the edge of the pool, he roared, and again after "Vajra fit", the deer deer's hand really slipped off the stone. He suddenly discovered that his own help seemed a little redundant, and he was completely unnecessary here. .

King Ruyi was frightened and angry. When he saw the fourth King Kong Iron Gibbon, he wanted to flee away, but suddenly discovered that his flying ability had been lost and he was hugged by this powerful King Kong Iron Gibbon. Can't fly at all!

The three fused King Kong Iron Gibbon hugged him. Not only was the body harder and stronger, but also heavier. It dragged it until he could not fly, and the ice spear could not pierce its skin. The spear can be pierced in, but then it will be stuck with bones, all of which are useless, and are strangled to death. I don't know if there is any strange ability. The King of Ruyi can't even change his original appearance!

   The fourth head swayed in front of him, leaped on to fit, and directly merged into the previous Diamond Iron Gibbon.

   Ruyi Wang is already feeling dull, his whole bones are strangled!

  He is a demon king!

   Then, the fifth one came from behind the mountain. When the five heads were fused, the King Kong Iron Gibbon was no longer willing to just hold his chest and abdomen to bite, and began to climb up along the body of the Ruyi King!

   Just like death is slowly approaching simultaneously, the King of Ruyi was completely frightened and cried, "Wow!" He who doesn't know is not guilty! He who doesn't know is not guilty! Grandpa Holy Ape is forgiving!"

   The King Kong Iron Gibbon slowly climbed onto his chest, grabbed his shoulders, and touched his neck up, with a direct "click", breaking and twisting Ruyi Wang's neck!

   The King Kong Iron Gibbon released his arms, and the body of King Ren Ruyi fell down and slowly expanded, turning into a headless mountain frog corpse.

   The Demon King's legs were still twitching, and he didn't blew himself up to death!

There is no need to listen to Wang Ruyi’s screaming for mercy before his death. The deer demon who witnessed the whole process has already guessed, and his heart "bumps": "Heaven Bodhisattva, such a big golden thigh suddenly flew out, my old deer still does not hug hug?"

   still had doubts in his heart, but the body ran over sincerely, knelt down to the King Kong Iron Gibbon, and shouted: "Little demon, kowtow to Grandpa Holy Ape! Knob to Grandpa Holy Ape!"

   "Holy Ape Lord" ignored him, dropped Ruyi's frog head casually, got up and walked into the messy peach grove, touched a broken wild peach, startled.

   Isn’t that the first spiritual root of my old deer breed?

  The White Deer Demon trot over, wiped out a peach core, held it in both hands, and laughed doglegally: "Holy Ape, there are miles, we can grow more!"

   Seeing the spirit peach core with both eyes, "Holy Ape Lord"'s eyes softened a lot, but he shook his head again and went back to stroke the broken spirit root.

what happened? The holy monkey wants a peach tree? Want to grow into a spiritual root?

The deer demon couldn't guess for a while, and in the direction of the back mountain of the driving range, a little sparrow flew over, hovered and lowered, and shouted in the air: "Master, the queen of flowers is leading the king of Zhu Wei! You can escape... ...."

Shouting from his mouth, he realized that there was a mess by the water pool. His master was intact and grinned at his home. Next to him was the King Kong Iron Gibbon, which is commonly seen on his mountain ~ with his head lying a little further The mountain frog, the size of a bison, has just separated.

   Huang Huaniang and Zhu Wei Wang are here, would you like to invite the "Holy Ape Lord" to meet?

   Isn't it right? The holy ape appears so fit together, and the movement is not big. What if it is intentional and you don't want the demon king and demon ancestors to know?

   After a thousand years, who knows what the demon ancestors think, the current "Holy Ape Lord" is not very capable, will it be a surprise?

  If the person in front of him is really a holy ape, how many diamond iron gibbons is he divided into? Are all scattered in the sacred ape mountain between east and west and 30,000 miles north and south?

The deer deer speculates that the holy rhinoceros broke the monkey mountain in the past. Perhaps the holy ape master’s family has all been annihilated. All the diamond iron gibbons in the holy monkey mountain are all divided by this holy ape, so no matter how many elixir they take , Will not advance!

  The sacred apes are united today, but the surrounding clones arrive first, and then they spread out to live their own lives, or all the Sacred Ape Mountain King Kong Iron Gibbon will come to unite, and just roar on the ground, the demon saint is here?

   What if the sacred ape does not want to be released, and he wants to spread out and go to the mountains, and let the matter go out, what should I do if there is something against him in the demon ancestor? The holy rhinoceros and the gods outside know about it, what should I do if they come to target him?

   What if this combination is interrupted, what will happen to the holy ape?

Although he has no feelings for the "Holy Ape Lord", there is no doubt that the holy rhinos and human monks in the holy rhinoceros Valley dare not enter this holy ape mountain easily, so that the ten thousand flower valley demon and the little demon live so nourishing, all just because This holy monkey master is still there! !

   is the sky that he holds up the entire holy monkey mountain!

   If he falls, the sky will fall!

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