Deer Demon Race

Chapter 214: The thickest golden thigh

   Thinking quickly, the deer demon lifted the head and body of King Ruyi and flew into the sky.

  Waiting for him to reach the top of the mountain, Huang Huaniang and Zhu Wei Wang also just flew over the top of Joyride Ridge.

   He yelled anxiously: "Hua Empress, Zhu Wei!"

   The two demon kings rushed down: "Wishful King Miles?"

   The deer demon raised the frog carcass of the bison, "Here!"

   I felt the flesh of the big frog, it was indeed the Demon King’s, Huang Huaniang and Zhu Wei both opened their mouths and said, "Why...Why is it dead?"

   Even if several demon kings of the same rank fight one by one, it is easy to defeat that demon king, but it is difficult to kill.

The deer deer replied: "After the flower, the ancestors came to my house to help me out of the siege, but I blamed me for not hiding from the house and ran out to cause trouble. Only then was the demon king hit the door, and the spiritual roots were interrupted. After losing my temper, I just persuaded me. Now help me sort out my spiritual energy, and see if I can save the spiritual root!"

   Huang Huaniang and Zhu Wei Wang thought he was talking about twenty-one, Zhu Wei Wang shook his head and smiled: "I know about Linggen? The ancestor helped you kill the Demon King, but he spoiled you too much!"

Deer Demon hurriedly said: "It is a hundred treasures fortunately to be loved by the ancestors! He knew that the two great kings were coming, so he asked me to persuade me to go back, saying that he didn't want to see guests today, and spread it out. It would not be nice to kill the local demon king. Let the two great kings not spread the word!"

  Think about Ruyi Wang, although he was not the demon king in his 20s, but he also sent "great gifts" to Pingdingshan every year. Huang Huaniang and Zhu Wei nod their heads.

Huang Huaniang said: "The three kings of Da Ni, chasing the King Guangmang far away. It took a long time. I was afraid that the King Ruyi would turn around and destroy the red ganoderma. I thought you would not be stupid enough to fight, so I didn’t take care of it for a while. You are too late! I don’t want my ancestors to come and help you fight and kill, so much work is saved!"

   The deer demon asked, "The King of Guangmang?"

   Banshee King replied: "I was let go after being chased for thousands of miles by the three Kings of Dani, I guess it won't last long here!"

King Guangmang has little hatred with his family, so he should not seek revenge. The deer deer nodded and handed over the bison big mountain frog: "This demon king body, the ancestor can't look down on it, so the queen of flowers will take it back to Wanhua Valley. , It's a coincidence to have a celebration banquet, it works!"

   Huang Huaniang stepped forward, touched the big mountain frog and sucked out the crystal clear demon pill: "You deer, you don't know the treasure, and the demon pill is not taken!"

   It is true that the impact of the appearance of the holy ape is too great, and he rushes to stop the two demon kings, really forgetting that there is still an unexploded demon pill!

   Banshee King hummed: "The ancestor Xu didn't look down on him, but he was a treasure. Is it really a gift?"

   Lu Yao hurriedly said with a shy face: "The ancestors of the Ruyi King's Corpse gave me the gift. I left it at my disposal. I was dizzy for a while. I forgot to take the demon pill and bring it back after the flesh flower.

King Zhu Wei was watching, but he heard that the demon ancestor gave it to him, and it is not easy to grab it. Huang Huaniang has already thrown the demon pill back, and hummed: "Impossible and untruthful. More and more miles!"

   Deer demon smiled bitterly: "How can my old deer dare to lie behind the flower?"

   Huang Huaniang said "Bah": "Why don't you even bring the frog head? His pouch, I think you haven't forgotten it?"

The deer demon hurriedly said: "Hua Empress clearly sees, that is really unforgettable, so I hope he will be richer, so that he can buy the one-horned mile from the ancestors! Speaking of, the Huang Shangpin that the four demon kings allowed me before, It should be redeemed too!"

This servant has just earned a demon pill, and there are things in the bag of the king of Ruyi. When he thinks that he has to pay two hundred top grades, Zhu Yanwang's face is a little bad, and he said: "You ask the demon to beg, please a demon. If the king stays in your house for ten days, will he be spared the elixir?"

   That was the price before the death of King Ruyi! The Bailu Demon rolled his eyes and said: "The king is kinder anyway, if you don't let it go, I will say that I don't recognize that demon, and I haven't said that!"

   Huang Huaniang "chuckled" and laughed: "I will ask for everything for you when I go back, and hope that you can help the red Ganoderma lucidum to sort out the spiritual energy in front of the ancestors. No one wants to come here and dare not pay!"

   After listening to her, Zhu Wei Wang Dun swallowed his repentance.

   After spending a while, I let go of the frog body of the Ruyi King, and finally persuaded Huang Huaniang and Zhu Wei to go back the same way.

   The deer demon stayed on the top of the mountain, and looked around for a while, and waited to see a few King Kong Iron Gibbon swiftly coming from far away, but they were still a little far away before flying down the mountain.

   Back to the water pool, he saw that "Holy Ape" picked up a thumb-sized fluffy peach from the mud. It was not too sour, and the hair was not rubbed, and he was biting in a small bite.

   This season, the wild peaches are really small, and they haven't grown up yet.

   The short and short sparrow was standing in front of the King Kong Iron Gibbon. He didn't know that it was the "Holy Ape Lord", and he was bragging about it, letting this be his audience.

   Deer Demon hurriedly shouted: "Hurry up, go to hunt for dog treasure, Yuanxiang, etc., call them all back!"

The sparrow demon flew away. Seeing that "Holy Ape Lord" only eats peaches, and then went to pick up the peaches after eating. The deer demon told his family to persuade him to return to the Demon King, and asked if he would go and tell the twenty-first class ancestors. Asking Yaozu to come to see him, he no longer ignored him, only shook his head.

   The deer deer went to the bamboo forest to call the female demon and asked her to kowtow to the holy monkey.

   In the previous fight, the Asura girl has been peeping, not knowing who hopes to win and lose, who lives and die, and ultimately it is the death of Wang Ruyi. At this time, it is a little sad and a little relaxed.

   was called out by the deer demon, hearing to call this "Holy Ape Lord", which also confirmed her guess in her heart, and behaved in a respectful manner.

   "Holy Ape Lord" gnawed Mao Tao, but still ignored.

   After she saw the ceremony, the deer demon pulled aside and said to her: "The body of the King Ruyi was taken away after being flowered. I forgot to ask you, is there jade bone in his body?"

   The Asura girl pursed her mouth, looked at the frog head over there, and said: "There is a small section under his tongue, which has not been taken away by the flower, but it is a pity that the body has been cold and has been scattered into mortal bones!"

Then don’t worry, the deer deer went to pick up the head of the big frog, ran to the "Holy Ape" in a pretended way, and shouted: "The demon king that the holy ape killed, can the elixir in the bag reward the little demon? ?"

   The King Kong Iron Gibbon just couldn't speak, but understood the words without any problems. After waving his hand impatiently, the deer deer was overjoyed, reached in and squeezed the pouch to check the harvest.

Sure enough, there are a lot of top grades hidden in the bag of the king of Ruyi, which is greater than the harvest from the storehouse. Ask the Shura girl to count them carefully. There are more than 240 copies of yellow top grades and more than 600 copies of yellow middle grades, which are worth 300 in total. Six or seven yellow top grade.

In addition to the demon king demon pill, there is also a spear refined with the tongue of the king of Ruyi. It is also very powerful, but it is far inferior to the power of the king of cruel horns, and thinking that it is transformed by the tongue, the deer demon is a little disgusted, thinking I held it for a while, and when I had a pair of hands, I gave it to Biyan to see how cute my frog monster was.

   When the harvest was counted, there was already a King Kong Iron Gibbon running up the Cycling Ridge, and it merged with the previous "Holy Ape Master" like two **** of water.

   Every time one more King Kong Iron Gibbon is fused, the "Holy Ape Master"'s ability increases by one point.

   After counting the gains and looking at the losses, this is called optimism first and then pessimism.

   The orchids sent by the twenty-one ancestors have all been trampled on, and even the roots in the soil have been destroyed. No matter how good the roots are, they can’t live anymore.

Other wild peach spirit roots, except for the more remote one that survived the disaster, all the others were interrupted. This level of damage must have nothing to do with the word "natural". The root is just Fantao.

   Fortunately, there are still spiritual peach cores. If the spiritual roots are destroyed, they can be replanted. Fortunately, the apricot tree seedling with yellow lower grade is left behind.

   The loss is acceptable. Now that you have such a big golden thigh, as long as you hug it, what do you want?

   If the sacred ape completes the "Vajra Conjugation" in his mountain field, I don't know how long it will take for the King Kong Iron Gibbon, which is tens of thousands of miles away, to arrive. Such a long time is enough for my family to hold the golden thigh firmly, right?

   In my mind, imagine 10,000 ways to please.

There is a King Kong Iron Gibbon going up the mountain at any time, and it cannot be stopped in the mountain. After all the monsters in the Drifting Ridge return to the mountain, and after one is not bad, the deer deer publicly announced that the Drifting Ridge will be closed on the same day, and no monsters are allowed to leave the mountain again. No outsiders are allowed to enter the mountains.

   After the announcement was completed, he led the Heshan monster to worship the King Kong Iron Gibbon, and taught them to shout: "Holy Ape!"

   Among all the demons, the golden hitter was frightened and fell over.

The tiger demon Su Ji was right there, and when he looked at the rat demon, he remembered that he was the two who made a bet that year. The golden hitter ran up to the Twelve Peaks of the Crane Mountain and stolen a piece of King Kong Iron Gibbon's hair back to prove his courage. !

   Quietly, Su Ji knelt a little farther from the golden hitter.

   The "Holy Ape" also grinned at the Golden showing his fangs. It turns out that the memories are also merged, knowing that the Golden Smasher has plucked his hair.

   The rat demon urinated unusedly.

The deer deer also remembered that Crane Demon General Jiugao once said that in the end of the ancestral realm, there was a leopard demon king who was greedy, wanted to eat ape brains, and didn’t like the taste of beasts, so he personally caught the King Kong Iron Gibbon. Thinking about it now, he is really a courageous demon king.

   I also slandered the sacred ape's bad temper, and was heard by a King Kong Iron Gibbon. I wonder if it will happen?

   Secretly glanced, but fortunately "Holy Ape Master" ignored him.

After the monsters have worshipped the "Holy Ape Lord", they all rejoiced that the sparrows got up. The Deer deer made the demon not to be lazy, and led the little demon to perform their duties. The mountain gate and the police are not allowed to talk about the holy ape. thing.

   waited for the call to disperse, but Xiaoshan Jing, Banxuan, Yu Wei, and Biyan did not leave. The deer demon asked, "What else is there?"

   Yu Wei pointed to the Asura girl over there and asked, "Master, but is it placed in your cave?"

   It has been so many years, but Master Lu hasn't accepted a demon, so he directly told the monsters below to suspect that there was a problem with him, otherwise they wouldn't have asked about it.

   Lu Yao old blushed, and he gave a soft "um".

   The female demon blushed when she heard it, and Yu Wei stepped forward and led her, walking side by side to Futao Cave, but she obediently followed. .

   blue eyes "hehe" laughed twice before asking: "Master, how do we call this man in the future?"

Deer deer think about it. Many years ago, Big Horn taught her to call her the Tiger King to love her pet and add fragrance, but the Shura woman often called herself "grandma", so she hesitated and said: "Called the little lady? Or the little grandma? You wait to ask her love. Listen!"

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