Deer Demon Race

Chapter 215: Dare you

   Blue eyes also nodded, and Yao Yao Banxuan asked with a simple face: "Master, Shura women are so pretty? When will you take me to Mengluo Mountain for a walk around relatives!"

   Deer demon cried: "Go!"

   scolded black and white, the deer demon asked the little mountain spirit: "What do you do?"

   Xiaoshan Jing said: "Brother should thank me?"

   The deer demon asked: "Why?"

Xiaoshan Jing sighed: "On Peng Yao's back yesterday, I see that she was still a little reluctant. She taught the steel to shrink her body, so that you two could get a little affectionate. Turning around, she passed away! My brother got a beauty. Not to mention, attracting the Ruyi King, and also attracting the Holy Ape Lord to kill the servant, and get a lot of benefits, wouldn't it all have my gong?"

   Deer demon smiled bitterly: "Yes, it's all your gong! What do you want to do?"

   Xiaoshanjing pointed at the King Kong Iron Gibbon and licked his mouth and said, "Grandpa Holy Ape is already on the line. My brother is going to be beautiful in Holy Ape Mountain. When will I take me to Beihai?"

   The deer deer thinks about it, and replied: "I have to wait until I finish finishing here, and then inquire about some news, then I can go!"

   The little little chicken nodded like a pecking rice: "Brother keep it in mind, don't forget it!"

   Waiting for the little spirit to leave, the deer demon stayed alone, waiting to see the King Kong Iron Gibbon fit together, and from time to time stepped forward and cared for a few words and asked if there were any requests.

   just watched, "Holy Ape Lord" was getting more and more impatient when he asked him, so he didn't dare to too often.

   The deer demon was counting, and when he had merged the thirty-six diamond iron gibbons, he asked again. This one was finally able to speak, but he could only say one word: "Peach! Peach!"

   The deer demon picked wild peaches for him, but he didn't want them. He only ate the peaches that grew on the peach tree, but unfortunately, the peaches that were slightly larger than the thumb were eaten by him and no more.

  Think of Crane Twelve Peaks and Wanhua Valley. Wherever you plant the spirit peach core, whether it becomes the root of the spirit or not, there are two diamond gibbons, and they will fight for food.

   I have heard Huang Huaniang say that the ancestor of Xiwang is the lady of the holy ape. This spiritual peach core comes from the spiritual peach of the Lingtao Peak, and is related to the lady of the west. Is the holy ape miss his wife?

   It's just that the King Kong Iron Gibbon was fighting with each other before, what's the reason?

   Blame yourself? pain?

   The couple quarreled and froze, one ran away, and one blamed himself?

After thinking about it, he squatted beside and told the "Holy Ape Master" one by one the deeds of Mrs. Xiwang that he knew, and he said a few words. "Holy Ape Master" is not too annoying, so he can listen with all his attention. Fascinated.

   It's a pity that the deer demon doesn't know much about Mrs. Xiwang, and I don't need two sticks of incense to finish what I have personally experienced.

   "Holy Ape Lord" was dissatisfied again, and waved his fist to beckon him to speak again, Deer said: "There is really no more miles, when I escape all the way to the Holy Ape Mountain, I won't know what happened to the ancestors looking west!"

   "Holy Monkey Master" got up and walked around again irritated.

   accompany him until the sky gets dark. Seventy or eighty diamond iron gibbons have come to fuse, and the deer demon only invited him: "Holy Ape, go to my cave to rest?"

   "Holy Ape Lord" shook his head, pointed at the peach tree, motioned to him to be here, and waved to drive away.

  The deer deer thinks about it, and then shouts Heimian and Laoban, these two apes, a monkey, and the apes and monkeys of the little demon are also called to speak with the "Holy Ape".

   "Holy Ape Lord" did not drive away.

   The deer deer feels that his flattery is really good, but in fact, the monkey demon is better without his own relatives.

   then ordered the police Shanding to step up patrols before the deer demon walked back to the cave.

   Outside Nafu Taodong, there are a few unsleeping little monsters still playing.

   A Miao Man figure stood quietly in front of the bamboo forest, and when he took a closer look, who was not the Shura girl?

   The deer demon yelled: "Qing...Qingluo!"

   This is the first time he uttered the name of the female monster, which is a bit unaccustomed.

   Monsters are different from monsters in that they don't have clothing made from animal skins. She was caught accidentally. She probably didn't bring a change of clothes with her, and she was still wearing that somewhat dirty black dress.

   Turned his head when he heard the sound, his face was a little confused.

   Bai Lu Yao slowly approached, only then did she discover that she was really tall, not a little shorter than her own figure of about 1.8 meters, and she could look at her with four eyes.

The deer deer scratched his head and didn't know what to say, so he just tugged and said, "Isn't the banshee suitable for you? Pingdingshan has not yet opened the market, I will go to Huaxia tomorrow, and ask you for a few new ones? "

  It’s hard to say whether the other banshees have any clothes, Huanghuaniang definitely has them, and the deer demon sees that she changes them almost every day.

   Qing Luo shook her head: "Make do with it first, don't ask her!"

If she asked Huang Huaniang for women’s clothes, she would be teased and teased again. Hearing her unwillingness, the deer demon nodded and couldn’t find the topic. After thinking for a while, he said: "The holy monkey is all on the mountain. King Shura, you may change your mind if you know, and you may return to Meng Luoshan!"

   Qingluo's eyes were a little red, and she gently shook her head: "What my eldest brother said, it's rare to change her mind!"

   The deer demon teased: "It's not difficult to wait for him to hug his nephew!"

   The beautiful woman turned around and stopped talking, but relying on the night vision ability, the deer demon saw that her jade neck was red.

   "Qingluo!" Bailu Yao's heart "boom", and he called his name again, feeling dry, and finally asked: "Call a female bodhisattva, do you dare to answer?"

   The female monster turned her head, and it turned out that Hongxia was full of her face, and she greeted him with saliva: "Bah, grandma hacked you to death, a monk!"


After the sun got hot, outside the Futao Cave, the demon half-xuan said to the little demon next to him: "Cultivation, look no further, my master has been deserted for too long, and it's hard to get a favorite drafter. Master is here, and there is something big, so I have to do it hard first. You see, he usually doesn't get up at this time? You come back at noon!"

The snake demon snorted and looked at him sideways: "I have something to do. I can't wait slowly. You are staring at it! Didn't Drunk Flower Curie look for a female bodhisattva? The mountain again believes that there is a female demon. , What are you still staring at?"

   Yao Yao said with a cold eye: "Since I moved to Drifting Ridge, I am not allowed to leave the mountain without permission. How long has it been since I have been back to Drunk Huaju? The female demon of the Hun family has been promoted for a long time, so I can't count on it!"

   After speaking, he rolled his eyes again: "You little demon, you are becoming more and more unruly. Nowadays, even Chongmu is too lazy to call?"

   Snake demon sighed: "It's the little demon who made a mistake, half Xuan Dingmu forgive me!"

   This little demon is very perfunctory, and his eyes are too lazy to look over. He doesn't care about it. He just smiles and asks: "Can't you still be promoted?"

   Xiuye ​​gritted his teeth and responded: "Quick! Quick!"

   Banxuan smiled and said, "Quick, fast, twenty years will be enough!"

   Waiting for Xiuye ​​to stare at him, Ban Xuan said with a smile: "I heard that Su Ji is betting with someone else, betting that when you are promoted to the Demon Ding, that pair of handles can give birth to magical powers!"

   Xiuye ​​yelled "Bah" and exclaimed: "Snake monsters are all double handles. What's so strange about them? It's not unique to me. Which one does he bet with? I'm going to get it if I find it!"

   Hearing what he said, Ban Xuan sighed: "Above this, we all admire the snake demon. If you have this ability, tsk tsk..."

   "That's the true form!" Xiuye ​​sneered: "Isn't there only one to be transformed into a human form? The female bodhisattva allows you to use the true form to be nice to her?"

  Half-Xuan Nunuu mouth, with a simple and honest expression: "My little grandmother has only come to my house, so I can promise!"

   Xiuye's face was stunned: "The monk curse?"

   After the demon broke, the two unscrupulous "hehe" laughed together.

It wasn't until another two or three quarters of an hour that Master Lu walked out of it. Yao Yao was laughing and kowtowing: "Knock your head to the master, the holy monkey master will tell you to talk to him when he wakes up! "

   The deer demon said "Huh," and he hurriedly walked to wash his face next to the spring water drawn by the bamboo tube, and asked as he washed, "Is the Holy Ape Lord able to talk? Is there anymore to go to the mountain?"

   I could only pronounce one single word last night. It seems to be much more integrated, and I can talk normally.

Xiuye ​​hurriedly replied: "The clone of the Holy Ape Lord has been going up the mountain all the time, day and night, counting the dots, plus the number that the master said before, there are more than two hundred! You can say everything in the middle of the night, and Heimian and Laoban talked in the middle of the night, and Tianming called some little demon to ask questions, and I followed and got a face in front of the holy monkey!"

   relied on being pampered again, and asked curiously: "Master, why is there an extra word on your robe? What do you read?"

   Mr. Lu's left sleeve of the white robe, there is indeed a new character under the words "pain" and "suffering".

   The white deer demon laughed "hehe", sprinkled the water, and said to the little snake demon: "Xiuye, the master only teaches you to read this word, so don't pass it on to anyone else!"

   only teach oneself? Yu Guang caught a glimpse of the frustrated look of Yao Demon, the snake demon suddenly beamed and nodded fiercely.

   The deer deer’s mouth lightly moved After the whispered voice was transmitted, he said with a straight face: "Master gets up late, just pondering this supernatural word, not being lazy!"

   After the magical powers were taught by the Magical Power Hall, Master Lu's "sympathetic" magical powers. Who doesn't know that the master can add words after a while? Xiuye ​​laughed with him for a long time, and then asked, "Master, did the monk curse happen last night?"

   The deer deer just rinsed his mouth with water. Hearing his voice, all the water spurted out, and finally scolded, "You little demon, it's okay not to learn, ask what you do!"

   turned to half-xuan scolding with a simple face again: "It must be you, who made him crooked!"

Banxuan broke his face in an instant, and said in grief, "Master, don't tell me if you don't teach me the word, just give me a memorial if the black pot is not good! Master, you don't know what is cultivating? You shouldn't favor him so favorably, just like him. Tempt, stay with Brother Yuanxiang to settle the case, and we all drive around Lingmen Feng because of him! Why do you blame me?"

  Master Deer hummed twice. After all, the Holy Ape Master recruited him, so he didn't dare to delay, he got up and flew over.

   Half-Xuancai asked Xiuye ​​with a sullen face: "Brother, what is the new character for the father?"

   Snake demon rolled his eyes: "Chome, I'm just a little demon, don't bark!"

   Black and white dog strangled his neck and shouted fiercely, "I taught you all about the monk curse, brother is not righteous?".

   This boy is almost using all his strength, Snake Xinzi will be strangled out, Xiuye ​​coughs dryly, and hurriedly shouted: "Master said, this ‘cool’ word is not allowed to teach anyone else, I dare not tell you!"

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