Deer Demon Race

Chapter 216: Black pot

   Yao Yao understood, let go, and patted him on the shoulder again, calling, "Good little monster, grandpa will hurt you in the future!"

   Snake demon rolled his eyes, really a little afraid of this shameless, and didn't dare to stay with him for a long time, so he wandered hurriedly.

   As soon as the snake demon left, the woman in the black dress walked out from inside.

  貊 yelled demonly, "I have seen little grandma!"

   The female monster's face was a little red again, and she made a soft "um" in her mouth, and she walked to the side of the mountain spring that attracted her, and she also wanted to wash.

   Being stared at by black and white, the Shura girl was a little uncomfortable, so she turned her head and asked: "I heard in it, what kind of monk curse you taught the little demon to say?"

The demon stunned, and cried out, "Heaven and Earth Bodhisattva, Xiuye's servant is really not my old teacher! This Shura girl looks like a thin-skinned girl outside, let her know that, every day the pillow wind blows, I don’t want to die too much. Ugly!"

   Today, this gangster is going to die in vain, and Yao Yao suddenly felt that the right and wrong place in front of this cave should not stay long, so he was busy with a few words, thinking about how to slip away.

   Yu Wei brought a female demon over, but she turned the demon at the Twelfth Peak of Crane. She was a fox demon. Unfortunately, she had bad luck when transforming the demon, and her face was impatient.

   brought the raccoon monster to the female monster, Yu Wei taught her: "Salute to the little grandma!"

   Waiting for the little demon to pay her salute, Yu Wei said to the Shura girl: "This fox demon is called Yewei, and he is a goat demon who opened Taiding. The slave family asked for it and listened to the little grandma's call in the future!"

   Ever since he followed Niu Yao Gou Bao, Yu Wei has gained more say in Doufengling. Before there was no mistress on the mountain, she gradually took care of all the chores except for the house.

   The female monster also knew that the female bat demon couple was very useful to the master deer. When she first came to her home and was about to make a relationship, she pulled her and asked quietly about the allusion of the "monk curse".

   Hearing that she was still curious to ask, Black and White hurriedly ran away, not looking for excuses.

   After listening to the bat demon smiling and covering her mouth, the female demon was stunned at first, then her face flushed red, and she wanted to clarify, but she was afraid that the master deer would be entangled by the master Huang Hua Niang in the future and shared the soup.

   Is this black pot memorial or not?


   "Holy Ape Lord" beckoned, the deer demon hurriedly flew over and bowed down to bow.

   The King Kong Iron Gibbon really has a smooth language, and said to the deer demon: "Look at what you do, but you thought it was a cautious one. Why are you female, won't you come to this saint to be diligent this morning?"

Listening to his sharp words, although he has not yet shown a human form, it is estimated that there are not enough fusion clones, but he dares to call himself "the saint". In the holy ape mountain, no one dares to pretend, the previous doubts are completely dissipated, and he has not worshiped the wrong temple. , Deer Deer breathed a sigh of relief.

   In the early morning, I will ask for warmth in the future. If I want to take the belly of a demon saint, I should not remember it, and the greetings are frequent. Don't you want to be impatient again? Deer deer showed some trepidation, and carefully explained: "The little one has become a demon for more than seventy years, and he has been living a small wing before. This is the first time I have to taste female sex, so I am a little greedy, and want to put it on the top of the word. The sword is right! Sacred Ape Lord forgive me!"

   Hearing the embarrassment of Master Deer, the little monsters around laughed, and the holy monkey said in a puzzled way: "You are a householder, why are you still the first brother? I think back then, this sage..."

   then turned away and changed to curse: "I don't want to use this thing, I'm embarrassed by the monsters!"

   The deer deer is only willing to make promises and dare not say anything back.

   After only a few curses, the holy ape asked the business: "On the top of your original Ludong Mountain, teach the little monsters to learn magical powers. After listening to this holy wind, where did the principles that originated the magical powers come from?"

This question is not easy to answer. The holy monkey is not easy to fool. The deer deer carefully said: "When I was a little demon in Jingping Mountain, I loved to be in a daze. Think slowly!"

The saint shook his head: "At first I thought it was wrong, but when I think about it carefully, the truth is not small, and it is self-contained. It takes a long time for the saint to think about it. You don't know how to be a little demon, how can you be thorough? "

   Being stared at by the sacred ape like the King Kong Iron Gibbon, the deer deer's scalp was a little numb, but he did not dare to change his words and insisted: "Holy Ape, I really came up with it when I was a little demon!"

   The sacred ape stared at him for a while before humming: "Heaven's path is impermanent, and some creatures are favored by the heavens, and they are born with wisdom, and there are also some. What is your guilty conscience?"

   The deer demon really couldn't explain it now, only a wry smile.

The Holy Ape stared at him for a while before he said: "You have this ability. If you have the opportunity to explain it more, you can benefit more of the demon race. My Holy Ape Mountain, there are too many unbearables below the Demon King, and there are not many useful! "

   The deer demon bowed and answered "Yes", the holy monkey hesitated, and then asked: "Every time you finish talking about the magical powers, those long-winded truths, are you also self-understanding?"

   Bai Lu Yao hurriedly said: "Some are self-realization, some are monk Yu Miao De, he taught me!"

   "Monk of Wonderful Virtue?" The holy monkey shook his head doubtfully: "I haven't heard of this name. You said this holy character is not good, but he taught you?"

I never thought that the Holy Ape Master had little eyes. He really remembered the mouth he complained many years ago. The Deer Demon cried and said, "Holy Ape Lord, it’s the little demon’s. It’s just that your old man’s clone had lost the pine cones back then. Little demon, I've been punished, so I don't care about it anymore!"

   was so scared that the White Deer Demon's heart was frightened, and the holy monkey master hummed twice: "You are ingenious! The magical powers of the roots of the spirit, use this holy to take a look!"

The deer deer wiped the sweat on his forehead and hurriedly used the word "Rui" out. The sacred ape closed his eyes and felt for a while before he said: "It is the blessing of the heaven and the earth and the spirit, and the little signs of auspiciousness are generated. How can you get the fortune of the heaven and the earth? Favorite?"

   The deer demon shook his head, and the hijacking of Fuyun from Zhang Yifu Avenue was related to Mrs. Xiwang. Yesterday, she had reported it, so she explained the creation process of this "decree" because of the envy of the little mountain elf peeing.

   After listening, the holy monkey shook his head, also a little confused.

   At this moment, the flying demon from the police mountain Ding came to tell him. Looking at it from a distance, three or four sacred ape clones came, and it is estimated that they will go up the mountain in half an hour.

After asking the question, the holy monkey said to the deer demon: "This holy is on your mountain. I don't want anyone else to know for the time being. It's not that I'm afraid of trouble, but I'm upset and want to meditate and don't want to see him waiting! You are blocked! The news, if you do things properly, accept your love, you will pay you back in the future! Yesterday’s lively activities have been ruthless enough, these little monsters in your family are all told to leave, don’t let me bother you! You too! Don't come again, if I have something to find you, this saint will call it!"

   Hearing what he said, the deer demon hurriedly took his orders and coaxed all the little monsters away, instructed not to disturb the holy monkey master in the future, and completely cut off the idea of ​​"showing a face in front of the holy monkey master".

   He guilty again, saying that he was going to go out, he was going to Huang Hua's family to ask for money, and he would return when he went, and he never dared to disclose the matter of the Holy Ape Lord.

   The holy monkey replied: "You can go wherever you want to go, it's up to you! My holy temperament is not good, I think you have no guts to really make this holy flame!"

   The phrase "bad temper", I think both of his family love it.

   The deer demon said goodbye, called the steel bones, and flew to the Ten Thousand Flower Valley to collect the account.

  Red Ganoderma lucidum grows alive, and the Ruyi King died. After the Guangmang King escaped, the Dani King personally led the Yaojiang to visit his mountain field. The mountain field was empty and it was estimated that he had escaped.

  Whether the Demon King has fled, the local demon ancestors will know clearly, and in the future, it will be enough to ask for a plausible letter from the 21st ancestor.

Yesterday’s celebration was a full frog feast at the level of the Demon King. He had already eaten it, and the King of Darkness raised his brows and took his men back to the Chishahe Mountain Field. No matter how good the red ganoderma is, he has nothing to do with it.

   The Powan general of his family, until the end of the war, the deer demon had no chance to meet.

The remaining King Shanxian, King Zhu Fan, and King Big Si were not in a hurry. They only sent the monsters under the door back. They sat here for a period of time to prevent the King Guangmang dog from jumping over the wall and make an appointment to destroy Chi. Ganoderma lucidum.

Together with the six mysterious turtle skirts, Huang Huaniang has helped the deer demon collect the accounts. She is afraid that the deer demon is eager to change the one horn of the king, and the debts of the king will be paid by her first. Anyway, she will go. If it is settled, King Da Ni will not fail to pay it back. If it is delayed for a long time, he can still charge more interest back.

Adding the harvest in the bag of the Ruyi King, this is almost enough to make up the number of eight hundred yellow top grades. When Huang Huaniang introduced that year, the king of crucifixion failed to promote the demon ancestor, and it will exhaust his own life and leave behind the unicorn. The power of breaking the mountain has been in the hands of the twenty-one ancestors, and the ancestors can't use it. There was a demon king who bid 800 copies of Huang Shangpin, and they all thought it was cheap and not sold. So if there are no accidents, 800 copies of Huangshangpin is just a guarantee. How big the gap will be is But not afraid, the twenty-one ancestors kindly treated me Lao Lu, it was also Lao Lu Jin. One of the thighs, maybe the eight hundred yellow pints are sold out?

It’s just that the sacred ape is still in his mountain farm. The sacred ape has a bad temper, and he has promised not to leak the news. The demon ancestor’s method is not clear. If you go to Pingdingshan at this time, it is not good for the ancestor to see it, so wait for the sacred ape After the Lord King Kong has been integrated, go buy it again.

   Drunk Flower Curie, there are actually many female Bodhisattvas, and many Yingying Yanyan. Thinking that Qingluo lacks clothes to change, she won’t let her talk to Huanghuaniang. Most of those female bodhisattvas are fine. They are not familiar with them, so they quietly searched for Laowen and asked him to ask for some help, because the Shura girl is tall and the largest in size. good.

Lao Wen went there for a while, brought two sets of dresses, and hugged a piece of silk and satin, shouting: "The general is happy, I have time to congratulate the old Wen, so I asked the warehouse for a piece of satin and gave it to my little grandma to make a self-fitting set. No! There are really no new dresses. These two sets will be just a few days away."

   The deer demon thanked the old plague, and all his brains were in his pocket.

   Flew back to the Drifting Ridge. The Holy Ape had ordered that she should not be disturbed anymore, so she called the Shura girl Qingluo, and handed out her dress and silk.

I heard that the two sets of dresses weren't from Huang Huaniang, so the Shura woman was willing to wear them. Holding silk and satin, she said, "These mortal fabrics cannot be made of vestments. The slaves only make them for home wear, but they have the same thing. When you are wearing Fan’s dress, you can’t help the master in a fight if you have something to do. Don’t blame the slave!”.

   The deer deer realized that the black dress on her body was specially made by Shura.

   The deer demon nodded, saying that he would take it down, thinking about when to help her find another dress.

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