Deer Demon Race

Chapter 217: The beginning

   was also called Qing Luo to formally instruct Shura's combat skills.

The female monster first asked him to swear to the sky. After that, except for his two heirs, Shura's combat skills are not allowed to be passed on, nor can he be born with other women. Although he is very dissatisfied with this custom of cherishing the broom, the deer did not think about it. In violation of this, the world's gods will be sensitive and obediently swear oaths.

   After that, the one who rolled across the bed as expected, became her own monster, and the Shura girl gave her guidance and tried her best.

   The saint ape didn't dare to bother again, but after careful calculation, there are actually quite a lot of things about the deer demon.

The three tail feathers of the King of Wind Chaser have been worn on the body for many years. They need to be refined and refined on the white robes; Asura combat skills begin to be practiced; the characters must be practiced every day. Only by practicing can make perfect, can you make the divine will diligently and go further. Characters are superimposed on the upper part; in addition, the body tempering, the tempering of the spiritual consciousness, and the demon gas liquefaction are all time-consuming, and when the king of crusty gets the hand, it is necessary to temper and superimpose the characters.

Inscribed characters on the magical artifacts are superimposed, and the more difficult it is, the more difficult it is. Compared with the slow tempering of the monsters, there is also a natural shortcoming. It is a carelessness. It will destroy the characters engraved before. It must be destroyed, so be careful and cautious. Only when you are satisfied with the divine will, do you start refining. Although the white robe of the deer demon and the antlers that are ready to refining weapons can be repaired with the "regeneration" magical powers, they are not among them, but the single horned king who is prepared to take down has to be careful.

   In addition to the things mentioned above, after the demon pill of the King of Ruyi, the deer demon swallows it into his own belly, and it will take time to refine it slowly. It is estimated that it will take a few years.

   The Demon King Demon Pill was originally composed of three parts: Divine Consciousness, Essence and Blood, and Demon Qi. Unfortunately, it was not robbed outside of the body. When the Demon King died, most of them were poured back into the body, leaving only a small half of it.

But this small part is also a great tonic for the deer deer. When it is fully refined, the spirit of consciousness, demon qi, and essence and blood will be replenishing a lot, and the demon qi is still tempered by the moon essence. Of course, there are disadvantages. The divine consciousness in the golden core is not its own after all, and is different from pure soul power. If it is cultivated into one’s own divine consciousness, it will disturb the original realization of the divine consciousness. I am afraid that it will take a hundred years to complete. For your own use.

   After Shura Nv Qingluo entered Futaodong, the deer demon got up late for three days. When she realized that the time was not enough, she needed to draw up a time schedule and implement it strictly, not to be too indulged in the gentle village.

   Days passed, the King Kong Iron Gibbon from all over the holy ape mountain ran up one after another, sometimes more than two hundred a day, and sometimes there were seventy or eighty, all of them merged into the holy ape's body.

   These strange beasts have changed, and the demon kings along the way didn't pay much attention to such a big thing in the world of the demon saint, it was quiet in the holy ape mountain, except for the big and small monsters in the driving range.

The Holy Ape Lord, who had merged into thousands of clones, finally appeared in human form. He looked burly from a distance, but his temper was really bad. In addition to being in a daze at the broken peach tree, he also stomped and yelled at someone from time to time. When he scolded, his appearance was intense and ferocious.

  The sacred ape was in the Doufengling Ridge. The monsters and monsters were all excited at first, but unfortunately they were no longer allowed to bother them. From a distance, seeing the resentment that scolded the sky, they did not dare to pass. Just under the water pool, the nearest little demon in Shanding was in a panic when he was on duty.

   After more than ten days, everyone gradually stopped thinking about the holy monkey, and life gradually returned to normal.

One morning, when the deer deer went out to practice Shura combat skills, the fox demon fetched water in, and the female demon got up and cleaned up. As soon as she walked out of the cave hall, she heard the sparrow demon yelling outside: " The big flat fur of the dog day, come and do it quickly!"

   The sparrow demon loves to fight against the Peng demon. Qing Luo has already heard Yu Wei talk about it, and she also said that the little demon in the family love to fight, but recently because the holy monkey master is on the mountain, it has been much more peaceful.

   This was the first time I met today. Seeing all the monsters in the hall put their arms on their backs and went out laughing and going out to watch the excitement, she couldn't help but be curious, and followed with her tail.

   Yao Yao is half-xuan and very eye-sighted. When she saw her going out, he hurriedly moved a bamboo chair over and covered it with animal skin cushions, and said, "Please sit down, little grandma!"

   Glancing at this black and white dog, Qing Luo was not polite with him, and asked Wei Wei to replace the animal skin cushion with one of his own, and then sat down on the bamboo chair.

I lifted my legs and looked around, only to find that all the monsters in the family seemed to be all except those on duty. The bully, demon, dog, and treasure in the micro-photograph, who is not a person who likes to join in the fun, is actually there today. I saw her look over. , And saluted her with a smile.

   Of course, Master Bailu didn't come to see it.

   Peng Yao has also been flying into the sky, seeing the two sides are about to dry, and the Yao Yao beside him yells terribly: "You two flat hairs, fly over and beat them, don't fall down and get dirty to the little grandma!"

The monster on the mountain looked at his family with pity, as if his family had been defeated again and again. The Big Black Wing Peng was already very impatient, but seeing that the sparrow demon really flew away, he followed him with his beak. Peck first!

  The sparrow demon is small in size, but it is extremely fast. It flies by wiping the beak, twisting its direction, and is about to peck at the belly of the Dapeng bird.

   The two giant claws of the Dapeng bird came together from the left and right. At the same time, another giant claw formed silently behind the sparrow demon, and then added it from the back!

   Qingluo was taken aback, black and white Kun beside him "hehe" smiled and said, "Little grandma, that is the magic claw of steel bone!"

   The three claws came together at the same time, and in the end the wonderful claw grabbed it. The little sparrow turned out to be just a phantom, and it shattered when he caught it.

  A sparrow with the size of an ordinary harrier eagle appeared behind the Peng Yao, pecking under the beak!

The sparrow demon and his own bird’s beak, Master Deer called to draw the characters when he was free, and now there are more than a dozen “broken” characters each, and the steel bones don’t dare to peck him easily. Falling naturally under weightlessness, avoiding the little bird's beak.

   turned over in mid-air, and the steel frame instantly turned into the original bird. The two huge wings flapped, the gust of wind swelled, and the hurricane was mixed with it, and they all rolled towards the sparrow demon.

Although there is no magical power, but the two big wings of steel bone and the wind method are also very difficult to prevent. The slightest can only rely on the "stable" magical powers of Jiugao Chuan, the body is minimized, looking for the gaps in the strong wind, and fast shuttles. When he got closer, he let out a soft cry, and a lightning bolt was smashed into the steel forehead.

   was struck by thunder and lightning, the steel frame stiffened, both wings stopped, and the strong wind stopped.

   looked at the opportunity, the sparrow monster's body suddenly swelled and transformed into a human form. Before the body fell, the "head mallet" flew out and slammed into the soft belly of Hei Wing Peng!

   After the first impact, he half-nodded his head and was about to fly back, but in an instant it turned into a huge sparrow's head, and then pecked it again like lightning. When he withdrew later, it changed back to a human head and opened his mouth: "Puff!"

   was an "arrow in the mouth". His own bird's beak turned into a jetted arrow, which turned into a ray of light and pierced into the belly of Peng Yao, before it shot through and flew back.

   Three combos!

   The demon has been staring intently, forgetting the fact that she needs to please the female demon recently.

   Two blood holes were shot in the belly, but Peng Yao had been fighting with him for so long, and had long experience, the bones squeezed each other to block the fleshy gap, let the bird's beak shoot on the bones, the bones cracked, and the internal organs were not injured.

Today, the sparrow demon avoided the wind very well, and he rushed over unscathed, but he was injured first, and the new grandma in the door looked at him again. She was very faceless, and the steel frame was furious. The black-winged big peng bird with its wings spreading five feet wide came, and its two wings flapped wildly, turning the front into a stormy wave, and there were countless small hurricanes spinning in it.

The weakness of the small size is magnified at this moment. In the fierce wind composed of these two huge wings and the wind, it can't maintain the shape at all. It is not being slapped back, but directly being swept away. Rolling in the middle, hurricanes tore his body, first tore his feathers, and then tore the flesh, the little hairless sparrow's skin had cracks in the skin, straight to the bones.

   The family monsters fighting are so ferocious, Qing Luo couldn't help but whispered "Ah", and asked Yao Yao: "It's all from my own family. It's just fighting. Are they going to stop?"

   Yao Yao shook his head, and said: "It's a little bit skinny, don't worry little grandma!"

  As soon as the voice fell, the sparrow opened its mouth with difficulty in the storm, and yelled, "Hiss!"

   This is the magical power of "low hissing". If Peng Yao hasn't learned the "black cry", it will be difficult to stay awake. The Dapeng bird swayed in the air to recite the "Clean Heart Curse".

   The sparrow demon turned back into a human form, pointed at the Dapeng Bird, and struck three consecutive lightning strikes, and none of them escaped under the influence of the "low hissing".

  Three thunder strikes, the steel bones were a bit scorched, and the "Heart-Clearing Curse" was finally finished.

   shook his body halfway, and nine hairless little sparrows appeared, flapping their red fleshy wings, all flying straight in chaos.

   When he was close to him, his small size made it more difficult to grasp. Peng Yao shrank his true form and transformed into a human form. A whirlwind swirled around him, surrounding him in the center and slowly falling down.

After being blown by the whirlwind, the illusions were shattered. Unable to enter, the sparrow demon immediately transformed back into a **** human form, endured the scratches, and rushed into the and stepped on the back of Peng Yao, this The feet are blessed with "juli".

The steel-bone eyes glared, but they quickly changed back to their original form. The feathers on the body hardened instantly, turning into pieces of steel blades, and they flew quickly to the slightest point. It was the "steel feather" that originated from the Blackwinged Peng's clan Yufeng Jin Demon Ding. , Because feathers are often knocked down, I haven't learned this magical power so far.

   The sparrow demon screamed, and the muscular drum on its short body is the "inflating" learned by the Wanhua Valley Qin Demon, and it also has the blessing of "unloading force".

   After receiving this fierce kick, the steel body deformed and flew forward, and several bones that had not been tempered were broken.

   But it's not over yet!

In the exclamation of Qingluo and many monsters, he suffered countless "steel feather" slices, and the flesh and blood of his upper body was cut off almost instantly, leaving only the skeleton, but he screamed in pain, his movements did not stop, and he stomped. At the same time as the steel bones, the soles of the feet quickly turned into bird claws, firmly grasped into the flesh of the Peng Demon, and flew out with the Peng Demon.

   The steel frame just stopped, and there was a sudden cold under the crotch. I didn't know when, a small bird claw had formed there, and I grabbed it hard.

   The steel bone screamed, his body curled into a ball, and he fell directly to the ground, completely unable to fight anymore.

The sparrow demon with only its skeleton also fell to the ground, staggering, but able to stand firm, gasping and hissing: "In addition to the'steel bone', your'bulging body' and'wonder claws' have actually been learned. !".

   Next to Qingluo’s bamboo chair, the demon opened her mouth wide, and it took a long time before she yelled: "Mother, from the little demon to the demon, I finally beat him today!"

   The Shura woman reacted and kicked him severely: "Why don't you go and give him two treatments? Come on, the master will come back and tell him to skin you!"

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