Deer Demon Race

Chapter 224: Peach species

The success in attracting Mrs. Xiwang did not depend on his husband and wife, but on the supernatural power of the word "Swiss"?

Under the moonlight, Mrs. Xiwang's image is still the same. Although her words are vicious, but the cognition she has been in contact with many years ago overlaps with the "old woman of the hunk family" in the mouth of the holy monkey. The deer demon feels a little cordial, and first responded: " Follow the orders of our ancestors!"

As soon as he learned about the magical powers of the word "Rui", Deer Demon told her the results of growing spiritual peaches several times, and then elaborated on the current situation. What you can't say to outsiders, explain it together.

Mrs. Xiwang frowned and asked, "You have no racial prejudice in your heart, so you got the word ‘Rui’? Can you **** that little miscellaneous hair? Is it purple?"

The deer deer got up, pulled the robes back, and let Madam Wang look at the words.

Feeling that the handwriting was unclear, Mrs. Xiwang asked the deer demon to turn around.

After turning around, there was no sound for a long time, and when the deer demon turned back, seeing Madam Xiwang, she had already lost her mind.

When she noticed that the deer demon turned around, she came back to her senses, her face was a little excited and melancholy, and stared at his face again.

The deer deer was so frizzy, and after a dry cough, he called: "Madam?"

Mrs. Xiwang grabbed his wrist: "It turned out to be born under the eyes of my old mother, it turned out to be you!"

Didn't you recognize my old deer before? The deer deer was taken aback, and her wrist was sore that she cried, "Husband...Madam!"

Perceiving the failure, Mrs. Xiwang retracted her hand and walked a few steps on the peak, but she became irritated again, and shouted: "Listen to the demon king below, all withdraw from Baili, otherwise the old lady will be killed!"

Although the old ancestor Xiwang had a bad temper, he had never shouted and killed the surrounding demon king before. Hearing her voice, they all retreated in fright.

Thinking that the big horn was also underneath, the deer deer yelled: "The monsters below, do you want to live with me to the Sacred Ape Mountain? Is there anyone who wants me to help? Now the Demon King is a slap!"

It's just that no one answered him. Among the extensive spiritual consciousness, the Demon King, Demon General, and Demon Ding were all going away, and none of them remained.

Mrs. Xiwang stretched out her hand and pulled it again. The scenery in front of the Deer Demon suddenly changed. The sky was also full of stars. It was also on the Lingtao Peak, and the Lingtao tree was also there, but under that tree, there was actually a hut with a small courtyard separated by a fence. There are some flowers and plants. There is a bamboo table and three bamboo chairs in the yard. Two women are sitting on the bamboo chairs with their legs up and waiting.

Seeing Mrs. Xiwang pulled the White Deer Demon in, the two women were shocked and hurriedly stood up: "Madam?"

Looking at the deer demon, isn't one of them the fox demon adding fragrance? The other looked at her quieter, and saw the deer deer looking at her, busy doing blessings and salutes.

Mrs. Xiwang shouted: "Girls, make tea to entertain the doctor!"

My ancestor was so polite to my family? Deer Deer was suspicious, Tian Xiang rolled his eyes at him, and said, "If you take advantage, you will run away, brother!"

Only when I remembered that I had promised to teach her to read, but I ran away, and smiled: "I can't help you!"

With a slight sense of consciousness, this fox demon is still a demon, and the other woman is also.

Mrs. Xiwang scowled and hurried her: "Hurry up and make tea with my old lady?"

The fox demon stuck out his tongue and ran into the house with the other female demon.

Mrs. Xiwang said: "The other is the maid accepted by the old lady. She is named Xiaoxiao. She is a cat demon with blood-like blood. Just sit on your own!"

"Like blood?"

This sounded strangely, and Mrs. Xiwang rolled her eyes and said: "Ancient strange beast, named'Class'!"

Why did you suddenly change your attitude towards yourself when you brought it to this secret place unknown to the outsiders? The deer deer couldn't understand, but Mrs. Xiwang was polite, and it was always cheaper for her to save three thousand miles of mortals, so she thanked her and walked to the bamboo chair.

There were only three bamboo chairs in the courtyard. The two maids sat one each. The empty one was undoubtedly Mrs. Xiwang's. The deer deer thought about it, and sat on the bamboo chair that the fox demon added fragrance to.

Mrs. Xiwang sat down in her chair, exhaled, and said first: "Sit down first, and I will think about it later!"

The deer deer waited calmly.

The two female demons inside probably boiled water using magic techniques. The water boiled quickly, and the tea was brewed, and Tian Xiang brought it on a tray.

First put down the lady looking west, and then put the deer demon tea bowl, the fox demon raised her head and stared again: "Untruthful brother, I am still the first visitor, but you deserve to be retributed, and then your face will be straightened. , And become uncomfortable!"

My old deer's appearance has already been seen, okay? What a fox demon holding a grudge.

Raise the tea bowl and take a sip, it's just Fanpin, but the fragrance is very good.

After waiting for a long time, Mrs. Xiwang opened her eyes, told the two maids to return to the room, and waved her hand to make a sound-isolating cover beside her. She straightened her hair and said slowly: "I will tell you the truth. Today, I see you are different from the others because of two things! The first one, the sickness of my old lady is about to fall on you; the second one, you may have responded to a powerful admonition!"

"There are these two things, my old lady treats you slightly differently, but don't want to be different, if you think it's extraordinary, if you want to take advantage of my old lady, I will make you howl!"

The deer deer nodded hurriedly and asked, "My ancestor is peach wood, but is the word'rui' useful for old wounds?"

Mrs. Xiwang nodded first, and then said, "It's still useless now. Your supernatural powers can energize the spiritually-dead celestial species into spiritual roots. This is a great harm to my old lady. Only when your supernatural powers can be controlled freely can it be effective! "

Then I don't know when to wait until, the deer demon nodded, how sure about being a good lobbyist, and then asked: "Mighty confession?"

Mrs. Xiwang said, "70,000 years ago, in the Jade Lake of the Heaven Realm..."

I wanted to be a quiet listener first, but I didn't want this to make him blurt out, "Heaven? Yaochi? Seventy thousand years ago?"

The first time I heard it, it was normal for the Deer Demon to be surprised. Mrs. Xiwang nodded and continued: "Jade Lake is the thirty-two-day West Queen Mother's Dongtian Mansion. There are three thousand fairy peach trees in it, incarnation of three thousand female sky demon... .."

The deer demon couldn't help it again, and said strangely: "Three thousand sky demon? These numbers are too..."

Interrupted my mother twice! Mrs. Xiwang glared at him, think about it, and patiently explained: "The heavens are divided into realms, divided into 33 days, the bottom eight is the bottom eight days, and the upwards are the next eight days and the middle eight days. , The last eight days, the thirty-third day is also called Tianwaitian, where the Holy One lives."

"In the bottom eight days, although it is also called the sky demon, the sky immortal, the sky ghost, and the sky monster, there are no abilities in the heavens. They are only maids, dancers, yellow turban warriors, Taoists, and heavenly soldiers, just like... Well, just like the enchantresses of Jingping Mountain where you were originally located, they all rely on roots and feet, immortal medicine, chance, and merit to get into the heavens. They don’t have much ability. They can hardly advance to the next eight days. Really come to the realms, most of them. Can't even fight against the ordinary demon ancestors!"

"These demon ancestors and transformation gods in the realm, as long as they can advance to the heavenly demon or the celestial immortal, and ascend to the heavenly realm, they will directly be in the next eight days, and they will not be mixed at the bottom eighth floor!"

I just came to persuade the couple to join together, and didn't want to change the style of painting, but involved the secrets of the heavenly demon and the deer, deer demon really didn't know how to express his emotions.

"Among the three thousand fairy peach female sky demons in Yaochi, one of them hates that he can only be a dancer and can only hang around in the bottom eight days. One time, one of the sky beasts was able to go to the Western Queen Mother's banquet, seeking opportunities to ask about promotion. She was the best at divination, but she did not despise her because of the eight days of divination. After making an exception, she told her that if you want to advance to the next eight days, you need to go to the realm to disperse your cultivation base and cultivate again."

Listening to the ancestor of Xiwang, is such a big matter actually related to your own family? Not wanting to hear that there were omissions, the deer deer hurriedly asked: "Who is this mighty?"

Mrs. Xiwang frowned and looked at the sky. After a while, she said, "It's Fuxi's old ancestor, 30 days of mighty power, and 31 days of Tianyao Nuwa, who were brothers and sisters. For husband and wife! This old ancestor is the best at divination, and usually doesn't mention the name of his old man, otherwise it has something to do with fate!"

After the deer demon was surprised and nodded, Mrs. Xiwang said again: "The great power has been to the fairy peach and the sky. Since ancient times, the two realms of heaven and earth have not come between the two worlds. Give it a try. The fairy peach sky demon has done enough dancers, and has enough eyes on the bottom eighth floor. When the luck is bad, he will be selected to be a powerful furnace. If he is willing to take a risk, Da Neng will pass her a condensed method. The method helped her rebuild, and another admonishment was passed on:'Yao Chi looks west, purple air is coming from the east'."

"The fairy peach sky demon got this hexagram, and found the opportunity to escape from the heavens with the original appearance. After how many winds and looses, the remnant body fell on the ground. The place where she landed is in the north of Luzhou!"

"Only when she takes root, she hasn't dissipated her cultivation base and re-cultivation of demons, and then she knows what is meant by'unacceptable to water and soil'! The spiritual energy on the earth is much thinner than the heavens. She is a fairy, in the wind. Originally it was severely wounded, and the immortal seed didn't have enough spiritual energy to absorb it, and slowly withered, it seemed to be dying."

"She is not capable enough to go back to the heaven. She regrets and hates her and cursed her for being able to deceive her. If she knew that, it would be better to stay in Yaochi and stay at the bottom of the eighth floor. Before he died, he divided his fairy spirit energy into two and produced a peach, which was to use half of the fairy spirit energy extracted to merge with the spiritual spirit of the earth world, and would no longer be uncomfortable with the water and soil, but the appearance fell drastically, and it was no longer a fairy peach from the heavens. The important memory of her was left in the peach core. That great ability lied to her, and she didn't dare not believe his words at all, and hoped that the peach core could return to Yaochi again, so the name was Xiwang."

At first I thought that the fairy peach sky demon was her, but now I realized that I was wrong, and the deer demon thought again: "No wonder the holy ape once said that his family has the hope of a demon. Hope, I'm afraid I will laugh out loud first! Of course, maybe it's true!"

Mrs. West looked at him, nodded and said: "That peach kernel is my old lady!"

No need to explain, my old deer already knows!

Mrs. Xiwang said again: "The mother tree of the old lady, before she died, she tried her best to throw the peach out, and it flew down on a high mountain in the holy ape mountain today.".

The deer deer was fascinated by it, and Mrs. West looked at him and said: "That's it. What exactly does that slogan say, my old lady doesn't know, but Da Neng personally said it, I'm afraid there will be beginnings and ends in the future. Look at your words. , It seems that it should be true, so I will use my tongue to explain to you!"

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