Deer Demon Race

Chapter 225: 70,000 years

   Hearing this, Mrs. Xiwang actually stopped. She only meant to tell so much?

   The deer demon closed his eyes and asked, "Old ancestor, why do I say that my ability to energize the immortal species from generation to generation into the roots of my soul is a great harm to the ancestor?"

Xiwang stared at him: "The Celestial Immortal Seed itself possesses the power of both spiritual root and elixir, and its effectiveness is more than ten times stronger, so that it can increase the aura of the Celestial Immortal Spirit for thousands of years! The plants in the space can’t be complete, so they can only account for one item at most! The mother tree, the mother tree, is not satisfied! The mother tree divides its own fairy energy into two, which is to take away the energy of becoming a spiritual root! If the mother tree is taken away The truth has become a spiritual root again, is it to kill the mother? This realm, there are few things that can be effective against the immortal species of the next generation. In the future, when your magical powers are free and you can use magical functions at will, you will most likely be able to cure the mother. !"

"The wood demon in the realm, after becoming a demon, produce elixir again, because it consumes the aura of the body, and the old mother must bear the elixir every few years because of the residual mother tree aura. There are countless spiritual auras, as the cultivation becomes deep, Lingtao will be promoted. If it is a hammer, it has never entered the peach knot to the mysterious grade! It drags the dead old lady, if it is not born with a long lifespan, it will almost die of old age before the demon ancestors ! Do you still want to let my old mother's original essence and spirit hub be the spiritual root, and then release the spiritual energy?"

The peach that the sacred ape **** family originally knotted is similar to the antler that my old deer cut by himself. It is self-damaging. The deer demon asks inexplicably, "The old ancestor’s peaches will damage the spirit, why don’t you use other elixir to make it up? return?"

   Mrs. Xiwang shook her head: "The old lady is different from others, she can only absorb the aura of heaven and earth for her own use, and eat other herbs and trees, but contradict the truth!"

As a fairy, the deer deer nodded and said: "I have received kindness from the ancestors and ancestors. I am not a person who does not understand gratitude. When the supernatural powers are successful, I will be the ancestors. The root cause is cured!"

Mrs. Xiwang nodded, and said: "Most of the twenty-one sees that your magical powers can cure my old lady's disease. Treat you to be thicker, and I have some understanding of the killing that day, so I send you back to be a lobbyist! I don't want to be the old lady. Go away, put you under your nose and run to the west!"

   Actually, it’s not that Mrs. Xiwang couldn’t see that before the White Deer Demon had agitated the intergenerational immortal seed into its spiritual roots, no one knew that his magical powers had such magical effects.

   The deer demon took the opportunity to say: "Old ancestor, my old deer looks at the holy monkey and misses you very much..."

   "Bah!" Madam Xiwang quenched her saliva, looked at him and asked: "Little demon general, dare to ask the demon saint and demon ancestor about the family affairs?"

   The deer demon smiled and said: "The ancestor himself said it was a family affair, the family..."

Mrs. Xiwang sneered: "Hmm, my mother and children are not grieving, this house should be broken too! You have finished speaking, you can go back! If you don't leave, just stay here, my mother may be a demon general. !"

   The deer demon hurriedly called: "There is still something to say, the old deer still has something to say!"

   Madam looking west stared: "Say!"

   The White Deer Demon hurriedly asked: "I heard the monsters from the outside say that in the day, the ancestor killed another Yuan Ying?"

Hearing him ask, Mrs. Xiwang hummed: "Professing to be the fourth child of the Xuantian School, I want to use my child to blackmail my old mother to kill Mo Dao who was killed that day. That's different! The old lady was killed casually, but looking at the body, the Yuan Ying was missing, the road of the servant was weird, I was afraid it was just a suspended animation!"

   The deer demon nodded and noted it down, fearing that he would be driven away again, so he hurriedly said again: "The seventy thousand years of the fairy peach core, please tell me about the ancestor!"

   Mrs. Wang Xiwang stared: "Which is your business behind?"

   Deer smiled shyly and said: "I am a doctor! Ask more clearly, if it is related to the condition, it can be cured!"

   Madam Xiwang gritted her teeth and stared at him for a long time, then leaned back on the bamboo chair, a little dazed.

   The deer demon waited patiently, and organized a new round of persuasive words in his heart by the way.

After a daze, Mrs. Xiwang sighed out and said, "Finally, your'Rui' character is purple, or the demon that should be admonished, please listen carefully to you, but if you dare to go out and chew your tongue, you killed him that day. If you don't clean up, my old lady will strip you off your white skin! Don't think that if your old lady asks for medical treatment, she will let you go wild!"

   Deer demon nodded hurriedly: "Ancestor rest assured, my old deer has always been the tightest!"

Mrs. Xiwang said: "The old lady was thrown over there, and the flesh was eaten by the passing beasts. At first, she had no wits and was just muddled. Then it sprouted and grew. For the first ten thousand years, she was just a peach. It is not surprising. In ten thousand years, when five years have passed, when the peaches that are not influential can be produced, only some little demons come to grab it!"

"In this way, after more than 10,000 years, my old mother finally gave birth to spiritual consciousness, and it took another millennium to transform into a little demon, but she was timid at first, and she would hide when she saw a monster. For the demon, the little demon will not be allowed to pick peaches from now on. The old mother is only incapable of being in the stream. It has been ripe for a few years, and there are not many fruits. However, no demon general or demon king came to seize the mountain. At that time, the land boundary The demon saint in charge is still an old snake!"

"It will take another two thousand years for the old lady to be promoted to the demon general. After the 30,000 to 40,000 years, the old snake's body died in the catastrophe, and then an old carving was flying overseas to occupy the mountain field. It was invited by the Osprey in the Wild Mountain to the west. I didn’t want the rhino in the Wild Mountain to be promoted to the demon saint. He came over and asked the old eagle to split the land. The old eagle deceived him to be a newcomer. He was not allowed. Go, the old rhinoceros was also seriously injured, and the Osprey came to embarrass him again, so he had to return to the Rhino Valley, which is now the Holy Rhino Valley! The mountain field was empty for thousands of years, and the black bear had the opportunity to become a demon saint. , Changed its name to Holy Bear Mountain."

   "To the east of today's Xuantian School, there was also a demon saint who was an old lion. Later, when a bald monk ran around, the land was emptied."

"My mother is really slow to advance. Although I can see and hear a lot, I have the memory of the mother tree. She is still not very courageous. I am afraid that she will be moved and lose the hope of the sky demon. Before the demon king, there was no little demon on the mountain field, just her own. Plant some elixir to deal with the debt collectors who come to the house. Besides, most of them are closed for life and rarely go out. Until they are promoted to the Demon King, they order some herbal demon to watch the mountains and go out on their own."

"My old lady enlightened those herbal demon, two of them also became demon kings. Since I went out to open the mountain, I dare not ignore my old mother. My old lady was bolder and traveled farther. Thousands of years later, I ran into an ape monster while traveling far away. , A natural alien, only the little demon dared to fight with the demon generals. It is really extraordinary. It is the unique King Kong Iron Gibbon on this mountain that becomes a demon. The old lady is happy in her heart. Either way, I brought it back, and gave it a name. Because of its hard skin, it was called...Tiepi!"

   The deer deer hurriedly looked up at the sky, thinking that the name of the holy ape was too stylish.

Mrs.    looked west and caught a glimpse of her and sneered: "The heart of the killer that day was only sharp, and Danshan was here to bear it. If you are so courageous, dare to laugh at his name, you will be known when you go back, and you will think about it yourself!"

   Deer Deer sits in a hurry, and says in his heart: "I won't laugh, I will not laugh!"

Looking at him for a while, Mrs. Xiwang continued: "The old lady just hated the coldness of the mountain, and didn't want to bring back the killer that day. It didn't take long for him to take all the herb monsters in the wild, and the mountain field was about to be thrown away. The old lady actually dared to talk back when he took care of him. If she didn't fight, her temperament changed only when she cared about him and the herbal monsters. It was not like this before!"

   The deer demon couldn't help but chuckle.

   Mrs. Xiwang bit her silver teeth again, trying to take out a wooden stick to knock him, but she was afraid that she couldn't help but beat her, she really killed the doctor, and she had no hope for the secret illness she left behind.

   Seeing that Mrs. Xiwang was annoyed, Bai Lu Yao was busy begging for mercy.

After a while, I will tell the past: "I was eaten by my old lady with a peach stick. Twenty-one, they all obeyed each other, but his temperament is hard to beat! The other herbal monsters are all old and dead after they have counted their lives. , Only the one who was killed that day and twenty-one were promoted to become the Demon King, both of them went out to start the mountain and raise the little demon to live their lives. The old lady's promotion was too slow, and they were all caught up!"

   "One day, on the 21st, I said to my old mother that I wanted to marry my old mother as a wife, and I didn't want to be known by the murderer that day. In other words, I fought in the old mother mountain field, and both were driven away by sticks!"

"After that, both of them often bothered. The old lady made heavy moves. Twenty-one was beaten too much, and gradually no longer dared to come. The one who killed that day was not afraid to fight, and after several hundred years, she won’t look back. The old lady thought, then marry. Stop him!"

"The old lady was pleased, but the one who killed that day was turned upside down, saying that he had collected a lot of enchantresses in the cave. The old lady must marry him, according to the usual practice of the demon clan, and give birth to an heir before he will become his wife! The peach stick smashed his bones, and only a few breaths left before he changed his mouth to beg for mercy. The old lady asked him to move the mountain field to live, and later renamed the mountain field to I also let him go."

"Since my old mother married him, it has been hundreds of years. He wants to be promoted to the demon ancestor. The old mother teaches him the condensing method passed down by the heavenly demon. When he has to learn, he is still eating twenty-one vinegar. Twenty-one is not allowed."

"He relies on this method to condense and become a demon ancestor. His abilities have increased greatly, but his ability to cause trouble is also great, and he is becoming more and more restless. I told him that if he went out to make trouble again, the old lady of the Famen would teach twenty-one, or wait until he was beaten to death and remarried, and through this excuse, he would be detained for a thousand years."

"After the 21st Jin Demon Ancestor, the method is useless. He wants to let his temper go wild. Fortunately, my old lady has to hurry up. After a few hundred years, he will finally have to be promoted. If he can't beat his old mother, he can only be obedient."

"Waiting for him to be promoted to the Demon Sage 7,000 years ago, the old lady originally asked him to talk to the old bear. It is enough to live in half of the mountain field, or ask the old bear to change to the original old lion boundary in the east, but did not say twice. After a few words, I started to fight. My mother couldn’t move her face. It was a good thing to think about getting to the mountain field. Except for 21, there were still a dozen demon ancestors under Lao Xiong’s door, so she helped him and brought 21. With the help of the two without grievances, the old Xiong was sent to the east, and then Holy Bear Mountain was renamed Holy Ape Mountain."

   "Wuyuan was originally from his sect, and he had already been promoted to the demon ancestor before the war; the 虺虺 was under the old Xiong sect and was beaten to obedience; the teeth were from the late Jin Dynasty; the golden mane was from outside.".

   "You come to be a lobbyist, and you don't know what's going on? Do you want my mother to talk about it?"

   Unexpectedly, after listening to the Gouxueqiao section, the deer demon shook his head hurriedly and said: "I am back from the Xuantian Sent, after the ancestor's mahogany core was broken, I don't know about it!"

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