Deer Demon Race

Chapter 236: General of the old deer

On the way, the wild little monsters who have never visited the gate of the mountain and have not enjoyed a stable life are all okay. The jackal who raised the flag and walked forward still smiled "hehe", and said to the deer: "General, take the lead." More than a thousand miles of road, all human realm, no monk dared to block the way, enough for my three to blow for a lifetime!"

Many wild little monsters, on the road, have already touched the bottom of the wolf demon Langlang in detail. General Bailu only let this little demon lead the way, making him a little uneasy to wait until he really arrived at the holy monkey mountain and saw the waiting white deer demon. All stay at ease.

   After entering the Sacred Ape Mountain, the little demon who was dragged by this team to lead the way was a demon who had just gained freedom. He arrived at the Longtou Mountain and kowtowed the Bailu Demon before actually begging to visit the Drifting Ridge.

   This is the best live advertisement, the deer demon allowed him.

   Lang Langhui reported: "Master, along the way, we are looking at many villages. The mortals are preparing cars to move, and we are indeed moving!"

The deer deer looked at it again. The wild little demon was still there when he set out, but it’s not good to mix with the four demon’s distracted families for a long time. These four demon kings all know that although they are currently exhausted, there will always be incompetence to win over the wild little demon, and they can't give a chance.

After reading it again, he called Yuan Xiang, who was exchanging affection with Lang Lang, the deer demon said to the wild demon: "He is my old deer’s confidant, and his name is Yuan Xiang. Little demon, if you wait for the middle-aged person, you may still recognize him! There are more monsters near the Lost Forest. When passing by, you can wait there to inquire about the mountain conditions, and then go to Doufengling. Let me tell you the truth. In the mountain field, the little demon has an influential body for a year, you wait to come from my old deer's homeland, so be more generous, double the body, and give you another reward if you are dedicated!"

   I confessed to Yuanxiang early that he must pass the Lost Forest near the Jinyu King’s house so that the wild little monsters can inquire about it.

After that, Lang Lang and Miao De and He still stayed for several decades. It is important to guard against, the deer demon called aside, "bathing in the quiet", let the cold sunlight in the sea of ​​consciousness purify the wolf soul for a long time, and indeed purify some. Huang Guang, I want to come to Langlang and have heard a lot of Buddhist scriptures and mantras of Miao De, but the wolf demon has never thought or thought about it deeply.

   After a long exhalation, they urged the wolf demon and Yuanxiang to take the team on the road. The white deer demon can get in front of the demon sage and the demon ancestor. He has already shown his face in front of the demon kings, and there must be no one along the way that will be embarrassed.

The wild little monsters were urged on the road again. The deer demon stood on the side of the hill and saw the disabled demon Ding Snakes in the team of Filling Water B. He ran over to say a few words and invited: "Although the mountain field of my old Lu is only newly established, I also want to set up a warehouse position, but I have no confidant to take care of it. If my brother is not happy, he can come to Fengling Ridge to find me!"

   Toad demon Ding smiled bitterly: "Thank you for thinking about it, I am disabled, it's nothing!"

   The deer demon smiled and said, "As long as you look at the warehouse properly, which one wants you to work hard? If your brother is willing, I will go to the King of Filling Water to ask you!"

   Toad demon shook his head and said, "These years, I have also been a treasury demon. The king has not treated me badly, how can I leave?"

   The face of Fill Shui O who has been eavesdropping looks a little better.

After    Toad Demon, there are not many familiar ones left. The Musk Demon Yuan Cun and the Tiger Demon have escaped, but they saw the Wood Demon Six Insects, the famous Erzengzi Demon, there is no need to say hello to this one.

The deer demon waited for a while. When he absconded, he took away only five steps, Goubao and them. The tea gardener also left ten little demon. He didn’t see any of them today. It is estimated that the shoes were worn a lot and they all escaped. .

   and Big Horn urged a few times to take care, the deer deer sighed and turned to leave.

   rode Xiaoshi, and did not go back to Fengling Ridge, but told him to find and fly to the north Wulao Mountain.

These five sects of monks, the spirit roots and elixir will be divided up by the demon ancestors and demon kings, there is nothing left for him, the great demon general, but the deer deer remembers that there is a piece of wonderful sound bamboo in Wulao Mountain, which is not a panacea, but The flute and flute made with that wonderful sound bamboo can be made, and they are very popular among monks.

The bamboo that can make equipment is not a panacea. For the mountain farm, it will not consume a lot of spiritual energy. It is vegetation at any rate. The magical powers of the word "Rui" should be effective. The deer demon is not greedy. Just need some little monsters to dig off the remaining bamboo roots. It shouldn't be difficult to plant them. Afterwards, they will become slices, which may be a kind of livelihood. For him who is poor and owes a huge foreign debt, it is worth a trip.

When he hurried to Wulao Mountain, he asked Zhu Weiwang to talk about it. Zhu Wei said: "Don't say that if you turn the purple, you will dig up all the yellow bamboo and send it to Pingdingshan. The ancestors spoil you, you come to Pingdingshan to ask for it! "

Bailu Yaoxin said that it was the old calendar. Now in front of the twenty-one ancestors, my old deer has fallen out of favor, but he said: "A few small things, no matter how good, I will trouble the ancestors! I only look for some bamboo roots, It's spontaneous!"

King Zhu Wei smiled and said: "I forgot that your magical powers are cheap, and there is a mountain monster in the house! This wonderful sound bamboo is also very smart, it grows fast, but it takes years to change its color. Even more spirituality, the color can be darker, you If you just take the roots and grow yellow bamboo, it’s not difficult to think about it, but to get the top quality of the craft, you need to get the color deep to purple. If it can go from purple to black, and eventually become like ink, it will become a masterpiece of bamboo. Making cave flute and horizontal flute, the sound effect is the best, and the sound attacker is the favorite. It only takes a long time. It is better to ask the ancestors to make a bamboo cheap. Mozhu!"

   The deer demon thanked him for the reminder, but asked him to take it to find the broken bamboo roots.

Bamboos used to make flutes and flutes are only slightly thicker than thumbs at most, and the roots are not thick. Sure enough, there are a lot of bamboo roots left in the soil left by the little monsters. Most of them are short and they are usually grown alive. Probably not big.

   Pull out the general from the dwarf, find some longer ones, the deer deer randomly put it away, thanked King Zhu Wei, and then said hello to King Dingjia, King Dangkang, and King Baishan, and left.

   Then flew northwest and ran to Pingdingshan on the way. What if the twenty-one ancestor just couldn’t get past his face, would there be any benefit to his family in secret?

   No time wasted anyway.

   Looking from a distance, there are a lot of plants piled on the top of Pingdingshan Mountain.

The gate of the mountain was not embarrassed, but after going up the mountain, the demon ancestor did not see his face. The demon general Ye Xiao reported it, and said to him with a wry smile: "The ancestor said that he didn't want to see guests recently, and asked you to come and drink on September 19th! "

   got it, goodbye!

   This time I went straight to the Cycling Ridge and went home!

   Back to Cycling Ridge, the deer deer felt that the burning of his eyebrows was the first to check for any monsters that had been transformed by the monk.

   To check out the "crossing curse" of the monk of the **** of transformation, of course, you must first check from the monsters around you.

There are two groups of people who are most likely to have the "du Hua Mantra" on the driving range. One group is more than 40 years ago, who fled with their family to the west and listened to Miao De recite the Buddha mantra, Gou Bao, Laowen, Langlang, Biyan, Yuanxiang, and Xiaoshan Jing; the other group is the black winged peng that the sand demon is asking for, steel bone, Xiaoshi, Xiaoqu, and Yufeng.

In the past few days, the blessings of heaven and earth are still pouring in intermittently. The cold sun in the divine consciousness has completed its evolution and has stopped tonic. From now on, the divine consciousness can only be polished slowly by oneself. Guide to the word "瑞" to strengthen the power.

   "Bath Day Tongyou" is only available once a day. He didn't waste a few days outside. While waiting for the wild little monster, he checked all the three monsters involved and found nothing.

   It's a good thing to find nothing in the investigation.

In fact, it can be known from Yuanxiang, the wolf demon, and Xiaoshi that most of the monsters at the bottom are not interested in the Buddhist mantras that monks often chant. There are only a few who will go the wrong way to Duanlu Village and come into contact with Miao De, the Buddha's thoughts of transforming gods cannot spread too fast. But as long as you have heard that the incubation period is so long, what if you remember it someday? It may be a piece if you hit one, the deer deer who is frightened by the bow does not dare to relax!

   Purified Langlang Spiritual Sense that day and returned to Joyriding Ridge. The "Bath Day Tongyou" was not available yet, so I only asked Xiaoshanjing to help. He opened a new piece of land next to the Futaodong bamboo forest and buried the wonderful sound bamboo roots he brought back.

  The debts are huge, and planting purple golden potatoes is no use. The deer deer thinks that it will stop after the harvest next year, and the spirit urine of the small mountain spirit will be used to fertilize the bamboo in the future.

There are too many books brought back, no place is not good, Lu Yao thought, he simply opened a big hole at the top of Futao Cave twenty feet, as his own study room, the little demon is not allowed to go in and play. , And hospitality will be there in the future, hospitality in Wen Yun Mo Xiang, compared to those demon kings ~ style is a few higher!

   just called Laiqiniu and Kaitai to build, and ordered to start construction. The Shura girl heard about it and ran to hold the deer demon arm and begged: "Master, there is another cave in the study. Let's move in!"

Xiaobie wins Xinhuan. When she held her hand and rubbed it a few times, the deer demon became a little angry, and thought that although the chambers in Futao Cave were installed with doors, the privacy was really not good, so he nodded and ordered Kai Taihe. Qi Niu, according to her instructions, add an inner room to the study.

   I had already left all kinds of homework for a few days, everything was busy, but the beautiful woman was delicious, and I was willing to wait for half a day to send away the divergent cow and Kaitai, so I took Qingluo back to the cave and studied the "same sympathy" text.

   According to the black-and-white dog guarding the entrance of the cave, Master Lu has been running around for a few days. It is very hard. You have to take it easy first. You will no longer see the monsters at home today, and come back tomorrow if you have something to do.

   The next morning, Lord Lu called Niu Yao Gou Bao first.

   Staring at Gou Bao, the cold day flashed in his eyes, and he intruded into the sea.

   In this sea of ​​knowledge, there is a large grassland, a few idle clouds in the sky, and a big green cow is grazing leisurely. The deer demon looks at it and cries out: "Concretization of divine consciousness?"

   Silently, when has Goubao manifested his consciousness?

   This boy is really worthy of being regarded as a general by my old deer!

   The green cow raised his head and looked at the deer demon in surprise: "Master, why did you come to know the sea?".

   Deer Demon "Hey" smiled and said, "My new demon king level supernatural power, let you see!"

   Don't let Gou Bao be too proud, he will introduce his new supernatural powers prominently, and wait until the cold sunlight has purified his divine consciousness, and then tell him the matter of the Huashen monk "crossing the curse", telling him to secretly pay attention.

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