Deer Demon Race

Chapter 237: Despair

A monk actually cast a spell to forcibly cross the demon of the Holy Ape Mountain. After the death of King Ruyi, the dog Bao, who was already a happy land for this, was also shocked. Fortunately, Mr. Deer had a great blessing and even the Buddha's thoughts of the gods. get rid of.

   After quitting Goubao's spiritual consciousness, the deer deer said again: "Tell Yuwei to prepare more hottest peppers. In a few days, some demon will come and use it!"

Looking at the bull demon, Bai Bao said truthfully: "It was the tiger demon who led us into the lost forest and killed the tiger demon! He was not a vegetable slave for his parents, so he was willing to be a wicked traitor, and this time he used him to complain. The qi turned into a black crow and entered the day of my divine consciousness, born with supernatural powers, and eliminated the disaster of the'crossing curse'! I have promised to spare his life, but I must have enough of living sins. Divine Soul, if you dare not use it for ghosts, just ask him to try his power, and I will use it for him if I am looking for spicy food!"

   Goubao didn't have much ups and downs on his face, he just asked curiously: "Nai slave, what is the resentment?"

   Deer Demon explained in detail what he knew, and then said: "If I spare his life, will you complain?"

Gou Bao lightly shook his head: "With the resentment, help you escape the catastrophe, the five steps of the spirit are to release your hatred, I will also spare him, just tell Yu Wei to find some of the hottest peppers to vent! Just blue eyes I often recite the five steps of goodness, I'm afraid it will not be easy to dispel the hatred!"

   The deer deer said with a headache, "I also know that, so I told you first, Lao Wenna will also have a good life!"

   Gou Baodao: "Lao Wen is actually more open-minded than me, it's okay!"

   Goubao went to tell Yu Wei to search for peppers, and left a sentence before leaving: "Master, the magical powers of the'decree' are indeed difficult to achieve. I have been thinking about it for almost 30 years, but I haven't touched it yet!"

   means, wait for the "decree" to be fulfilled, then come to find the master, I will show off?

   The deer deer was a little puzzled, and thought, with this boy chasing after him, I really can’t slack off and be lazy! If you fall behind, where do you put your old face?

   After Goubao left, he called Biyanlai again, not to mention the death of the tiger demon, only asked him to call the little demon to help.

   Waiting for the illiterate pros to follow the little monsters, the deer will let the ghost Zixia come out, let her lead the little monster to classify the books.

The White Deer Demon is not generous. These days, the words on both arms let Zixia eat enough. The "sympathetic" attacks on the spirit must amplify the power of ghosts, and the arrogant Yuan Luoxia view of Yuanxin For the master sister, no matter how painful other words are, she can barely bear the pain. Only the word "shuang" makes her extremely embarrassed. She also knows that as a ghost, as long as the master orders, there is no room for resistance. In ecstasy, I have gradually learned to follow orders.

The Bailu demon became the master, and he walked into the ghost road, and he was a completely involuntary servant like a puppet. He couldn't even ask for annihilation and suicide. Falling from the high clouds into the abyss, it was enough for Zixia to despair, all conceit, There is no more arrogance, the soul is only filled with grievances, loss, helplessness, powerlessness, and fear! This ghost way, if one's own minds practice, the transformed entity will become more and more stable. When it is no different from having a physical body, what should this **** White Deer demon propose to do? At that time, under an order, no matter how embarrassed and embarrassed, I can't resist!

   In the **** desperation, there is nothing but to curse the white deer demon to die soon!

Biyan looked at the female ghost summoned by the master deer, but became more familiar with it, and asked aloud. The deer demon will kill Zixia and transform the ghost again. The frog demon was so excited that he roared and jumped. Gao, his head hit the top stone wall, completely ignored, fell down and pointed at the ghost "haha" laughed, tears came out.

   Zixia dictated that she was teaching the little demon to sort the book, rolling her eyes a few times.

   Blue eyes squatted next to her again, smiling.

The ghosts and the little monsters sort the books into categories. The deer demon goes to practice Shura combat skills, tempers the body, trains the characters, tempers the white robe, tempers the consciousness, and takes time to nourish the slow-growing velvet antler. He is busy all day long. Don't make friends. Fortunately, although the mountains are full of monsters, there are not many important tasks in the mountain field.

The horned horns bought by the top grade of 1200 yellow, the first magical effect is "tear." The mind is spent on the magic behind.

The characters that can be refined now are the two characters "Bao" and "Gu". The characters "Bao" are more proficient. They can trace twenty-six stacks, and the characters "solid" nineteen stacks, but the more they go to the back, the less Stable, for the golden and precious horns, he only dared to describe the fourteen-five stacks that were safe in the front, and the twenty-one stacks that were “broken”.

   stack up again, each stacking is a risk, maybe it will destroy the horns.

   The horns are really precious, and the debts have not yet begun to be paid back. Think about the woodpecker beak destroyed by the collision with the Zixia Golden Cone. If this horn is also destroyed in the war, I am afraid that I will cry distressed?

   Even if there are so many elixir, where can I buy a second horn?

Although the    "solid" character is a common commodity, the "solid" effect produced by the overlay is practical enough, plus the solidity of the material itself, the second magical choice is this, so that it can be used for a long time!

   The "breaking armor" effect produced by the "broken" characters overlaid on top of it feels a bit duplicated with the original "tear" of the horns, but I don't want to add it.

   I’m not in a hurry for the time being, there are four magical uses for stubborn horns. I always have to see how many characters I can learn in the classified books. After careful consideration, I have a whole body plan before I start to do it.

   After a busy day, early the next morning, he called the frog demon with blue eyes. "Bath Day Tongyou" first saw and purified his spiritual consciousness, and then talked about the tiger demon and the ghost.

   Blue eyes really angrily said: "Brother Wubu has such a good relationship with the master, how can he forget his hatred?"

Deer demon said: "Kill the five-step female cultivator, you are also watching, I squeezed it to death with my own hands, and now I accept it as a ghost, and I can always concoct and calm down! The tiger demon is a wicked traitor for a reason, and it helps me. The deer had magical powers and purified away the curse cast by the monk Huashen. Both Goubao and I realized that they had spared him the death penalty and told him to suffer more living sins, that's it!"

   Biyan gritted his teeth: "Master and Goubao are generous and want to spare his life, I Biyan has nothing to say, but my belly is small, and I will still be enemies with that boy in the future!"

   The next day, the deer demon looked at the little mountain spirit again with supernatural powers, but couldn't invade it. This little man seemed to have no divine knowledge.

   After realizing this, the queen of the small hill asked: "Is my brother looking for my spiritual knowledge? Among the strange things, I am also a weird person. There is only a fleshy fetus, and no spiritual knowledge!"

   The deer demon had to give up.

  On this day, the Tiger Demon family went to Doufengling Mountain to beg for a meeting.

  After the deer called up the mountain, he first asked the dead ghost parents: "You and your couple have been in the Immortal Cave for a long time. How much can the monks learn in cooking?"

The dead ghost father was named Dashun, and replied: "Master, the usual side dishes, the monks are too lazy to do it, and they will also ask me to cook them. I fry the whole meat slices best, and I will go with wild vegetables! The big dishes have never been done before. !"

   Deer demon said: "That's what you are going to do in the kitchen, so that you can make food. I am receiving some recipes, so I have to ask the ghost to read it to you in my spare time!"

   The tiger demon couple knelt down and thanked them, and both listened to the arrangement of the dead ghost.

The deer demon said to the black tiger demon: "As I told you, the death penalty is forgiven you, the living sin always suffers more, the skin cramps damage the repair base, the master is too lazy to use that method, but it will not make you feel better! Every three times in the future It’s hot every day, show it to the little monsters, stop, and see when you will please the master! When the master is free, help you try the supernatural power of the soul-scorching power."

   Hearing that the sun will be hot for a long time, the dead ghost said bitterly, and said, "Master Ren has gone!"

   The White Deer asked: "'Holy Ape Mountain custom, monsters of the same realm, males are called brothers, females need to be called female Bodhisattvas, and they appear to respect her." Are you talking about it?"

   The black tiger demon froze first, and then smiled bitterly: "Master, I arranged it casually, but if the master passes the lost forest and spends a day or two with the monsters, he will know it, and this must not be sinned!"

   The deer deer's eyes twitched twice, and he sighed: "You can't be sinned. You love to be called a female bodhisattva. When the sun is hot, I will call the female demon again to help you!"

   In a stunned death, the Demon White Deer called a pro-family little demon to lead the way, waved to the tiger demon's father and mother: "You two will go with him to the house to find out!"

   Call the dead ghost again: "You go to the door and call Banxuan, follow him to fight first, get up early tomorrow morning and get up early!"

   After this family quit, the deer demon looked through the characters of the five factions that he picked out.

The characters of the five monks that were searched, as revealed by the Golden Pill of Lianzhen Pavilion, did not really serve as the foundation of the sect, the mystery and the mystery, and the word "town" printed on the green jade Buddha was not seen, but Not counting the "escape" characters, the 31 basic refining characters he acquired from the book should also be considered practical!

After reading it carefully twice, and then recruiting the ghost, the demon Bai Lu asked: "You Luo Xiaguan is good at making The magical instruments are famous for the Jiangling Ling and the binding of immortal ropes. But the'turning' characters that I have already obtained? What characters are used for vestments and immortal ropes?"

   Zixia is not good at making tools, but as a master of the martial art Zhuji, he has all the basic characters.

   It’s just that she never thought that she would become the ghost of this servant. In addition to what she was worried about, she actually wanted to sell the basic characters of the school?

   If it's another monster, it will be sold if you sell it. Anyway, you can't learn it, but this weird white deer monster can actually get the magic in the character, can be superimposed, and can make weapons like a monk!

   Ghost pursed his mouth, unwilling to speak.

   It's a pity that she can't help her, the divine consciousness has been completely controlled, the deer demon grunted, and the black mist in the ghost's body went deep into the memory to spy on it.

   There are many privacy secrets in his memory, how can he let him look around? The nasty ghost text flew out of the deer demon's left shoulder again, and fell on her body. Zixia screamed, "No, I told you that!"

   The evil White Deer demon has left her alone, letting her shiver limply, her divine consciousness has checked all the relevant memories with the black mist, read them all, and then quit.

   "Luo Xia Guan just made the vestments, regardless of the magical use of the characters? The key to binding the fairy rope is the two characters ‘bundle’ and ‘tight’? There is also the coordination of ‘relaxation curse’?".

  The ghost is most afraid of mental harm. When she screamed out and eased her energy, the deer deer called: "Write down all the characters you know about on the paper. Master saw that there are seven!"

   originally thought that the worst was a death, but he could be reduced to a ghost. He couldn't blew himself up and killed himself. There was no secretiveness. The actions were all controlled by the evil White Deer. Zixia only learned at this time.

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