Deer Demon Race

Chapter 239: 2 monks

  The Sea of ​​Consciousness shook, and there was no answer to her. Zixia stomped her feet and turned her body into a black mist, spreading across the swaying Sea of ​​Consciousness, supplementing the Deer-Monster Consciousness of the Sea with her own soul power.

  With this new spiritual power supplemented, the white deer demon only felt a refreshing sensation in his brain, and immediately became more energetic, and continued to be strong, maintaining the three cold days in the sky, and the sun is blazing again!

   In the sea of ​​knowledge of the pig demon, cold sunlight is everywhere, although the Buddha's heart seals are densely packed, all over the sky, but they are all irradiated at the same time and gradually melted!

  Finally, there was a sound of Buddha's singing in the pig demon's consciousness, and then countless yellow lights became invisible in the cool and bright sunlight.

   The sun shines for a while to purify, and there is no response from the pig soul and the sea of ​​consciousness, and the deer demon withdraws.

  The ghosts in the sea of ​​knowledge also returned to their original state, the ghost body was much dim, and the deer demon spirit was extremely tired, and asked the old Wen: "Have you taken refuge?"

   Pig demon cried: "If I don’t do a good demon, how can I be willing to be a Dharma Protector? But in recent years, I really feel that Buddhism is supreme and the magic is vast. If my brother does not save it, I really want to be a monk!"

   The deer demon stared at him again and asked, "Have you ever read the Buddha's verses for someone else?"

Lao Wen shook his head quickly: "Before I became a demon, this monk in the sea of ​​knowledge was born. I didn't want to hurt you. I changed my mind to the Valley of Ten Thousand Flowers! The monk didn’t force me through the evil demon. Only the previous pro-familiar powers were the origin of the monk’s teaching me. I passed the Goubao and Yuanxiang. I don’t know if it would be harmful? I was also taught by the monk to govern the Ten Thousand Flower Valley Demon!"

The eyelids are getting heavier and heavier, it is really sleepy, the deer demon finally said: "I think you will not harm the demon, if you really haven't read it to someone else, go and ask the flowers, help me guard, I want to sleep! "

   The pig demon rushed out and called Huang Huaniang.

   When the Banshee King arrived, the Deer Demon was already asleep.


   In the caravan of people from Duanlu Village that moved eastward, there was an ox cart. The fat monk was sleeping with a few books on his head.

   The wheel ran over a stone, the monk's head shook, and a scripture suddenly flew out, and the pages of the book "crushed" automatically.

   The fat monk opened his eyes, waved his hand, and put the diamond cover on the bullock cart.

After turning to the last page of the scriptures, a fat monk's face resembling him appeared on the writing, and he asked aloud: "Miaode, two of Lao Na's Buddha Nian'er have been pinched off. Who can you see? "

   Monk Miao De said: "Amitabha, I guess, is the white deer demon who escaped from Duanlu Village?"

   The face of the fat monk on the book page asked again: "Can't you see it? Guess?"

   Miao De sighed: "I can't know everything about the world!"

   The fat monk snorted heavily on the page of the book, questioning: "Is it related to you?"

   Miao De shook his head quickly.

   The fat monk on the page took a deep breath, and another phantom fat monk appeared on Miao De's forehead and plunged directly into the page.

   The fat monk paused briefly on the page: "The White Deer Demon forty-five years ago? You detained a Wolf Demon, and then told Tao Demon and Old Ape that Daoxuan was not at home? What did you see?"

   Miao De smiled and said, "I told the old ape to go to the Xuantian faction to make trouble, great benefit!"

   The fat monk on the page asked: "Why can the white deer demon cut off the Buddha's thoughts?"

   Miao De said: "I can't see it, I can't see it!"

   The fat monk on the page of the book chuckled softly: "Don't lie!"

   There is Buddha's light coming from the book page, Miao De still shook his head: "I can't see it!"

   "If you can't see it, it's related to you?"

  Miaode still shook his head.

   The fat monk said on the page: "If you are not sincere about the Buddha, you should return to Xumi Shanzhou and get married!"

   Miao De yelled angrily: "Where am I not sincere? It is because of the Buddha's heart that I want to marry you!"

   The fat monk said on the book page: "If you are sincere about the Buddha and pick the holy ape to fight the Xuantian school, why not report it?"

  Miaode waved his hand and said, "It's still too early to right or left, how can I be in a hurry? And Lingshan Temple can't get involved this time!"

   The fat monk on the page asked: "How long is there?"

   Monk Miao De muttered twice, and replied: "I always want it for a half year!"

   It's also early for half a year? On the page of the book, the fat monk suddenly glared at him and shouted sharply: "Wonderful virtue!"

  Miaode smiled: "Dao Xuan hasn't come back, and the arrangement of Lingshan Temple is useless. If you have the face to fish out of the boundary at this time, Daoxuan will dare to hit the gate of Lingshan Temple in the future, and call the Wuzhou God to judge!"

   The fat monk on the book page snorted again: "When Lingshan Temple moves to Beiju Luzhou, you can still play tricks!"

   Miao De exclaimed: "The old monk shouldn't mess with the victim. Where has the monk ever played tricks?"

   The fat monk on the page of the book stared at him, and then asked, "Are you a human?"

   Miao De flushed and stopped answering.

   The fat monk on the page hummed again, and finally disappeared.

   Miao De sighed, closed the scriptures, and patted his forehead and shouted: "If you don't cross the living beings, you only cross your own body, you monk who crosses oneself, you are a buddha who is still a slapstick!"

   patted his forehead twice, and he shouted again: "Ouch, I was called away if I forgot you, and I won’t be born again tomorrow!"


   When the deer deer woke up, it was noon the next day, lying in Huanghuaniang's room.

   The room is empty, his head still aches.

   There was gasping and crashing against the wall outside the door.

   listen carefully, the deer deer smiles bitterly: "Don't bother you two!"

   After a while, Lao Wen came in, "Yang Ya Ya Ya", scratching his head and said: "I have to help the general to get rid of the monk curse. I was a little overjoyed and couldn't hold back my temper!"

   Huang Huaniang tidyed up her clothes, then came in, first gave Lao Wen a glance, and then said to the deer demon: "What, now you can solve the curse of the monk? Then leave it here and be an uncle with Lao Wen?"

   The deer demon jumped out of bed and said hurriedly: "Go back! I have to tell the holy monkey master about this matter, it's very urgent!"

   asked Lao Wen again with doubts: "Isn't it true that the Buddha's curse has not been taught to harm anyone else?"

Lao Wen cried: "Pointing to the sky and saying, if you lie to the general, tell me Lao Zhu Tian to fight five thunders! I have healed with the Queen of Flowers for many games, and I never thought she had heard it once! My Lao Zhu is not very ambitious. It's just that it will harm others!"

   After the rescue, he still said solemnly that it would not be a lie. The deer demon nodded and told him about Rao Hu demon's death.

   Lao Wen sighed: "If you kill him and come back alive in five steps, you will not be spared! You can't pay five steps to kill him, and it doesn't matter if you die!"

   Deer demon nodded, and asked Huang Huaniang: "My supernatural powers are already available. After asking the flower, can I help purify the divine soul? Have you ever heard of the Buddha's mantra?"

   Huang Huaniang hummed: "When the dead pig demon said, my old lady was shocked and scared to death! I only heard the monk curse before, or did you need to be purified?"

   The deer demon shook his head and said to her: "If you wait for the monster to recite the Buddha's mantra, you must come to me!"

After thinking about it for a while, the Bailu Demon said again: "In one or two days, there should be a wild little demon on the mountain field. I said to him, keep it for a month, and then let it go if you don’t want to stay! My mountain field is small, and I want to be near the thick legs of the Demon King, so I will collect it after the flower!"

   Huang Huaniang asked in doubt: "Wild demon? What's the use?"

Seeing that she wasn't interested, Lao Wen said anxiously: "It's the little demon in the land of no owner around Lingtao Peak. Since Zihua Demon has to fight to survive, she has the most wild temper and is extremely good at fighting. Compared to ours In the Valley of Ten Thousand Flowers, one is in the sky and the other is on the ground! The little demon who loves to fight in Dufengling, I'm afraid it can't be compared when he is really desperate. Yuanxiang from his house is from the wild little demon!"

The little demon of a mountain farm in Doufengling rushed the other four demon generals and complained several times in front of her. If the old plague hadn't stopped, the little demon of Wanhuagu would not be able to keep her face even more. I heard that Doufengling The little demon couldn't compare with it, so Huang Huaniang's eyes lit up and asked the deer demon, "How much benefit do you allow him to wait?"

  The deer demon honestly said: "Two plants a year do not enter the stream, and there are additional rewards. The flowers are also at this price. Don't spoil him for waiting!"

Seeing Huang Huaniang's eyes turn, she is probably thinking, Deer Deer hurriedly said: "After a month, I don’t want to stay in the mountain for a ride, so I will ask for the flowers later! Don’t fight with my old deer, otherwise it will be delayed for a hundred years. The deer came to Wanhua Valley to grow peaches!"


   Huang Huaniang screamed, "Isn't it possible to pull the mountain field by your own ability? Go back first, I'm afraid that the Shura woman will be a thousand times in cursing the old woman!"

   The deer demon left Drunk Huaju and asked to go for a ride back to Fengling Ridge.

   On the back of the Peng Demon, the Deer Deer sneaked into the divine consciousness and called Zixia, but saw her phantom dimmed a lot, and asked her: "Master I was in a hurry to purify the monk curse. I didn't hear it clearly. What do you call it?"

   Zixia's soul remained silent, and the deer demon asked again before she roared: "You are not allowed to use that word to trouble me in the future!"

   The deer deer was startled when he heard it, and then said: "As a ghost, you don't listen to your orders. How can my old deer fix it?"

   The ghost hummed softly, and the deer demon said again: "From now on, if you follow orders, the old deer will not feed you with words!"

   The ghost was silent, and finally nodded.

   The deer demon asked again: "When do you cultivate the ghost way?"

   Zixia suddenly raised her head, UU reading imaginary eyes rounded: "What did you ask?"

   Deer demon said: "You ghost, not only can increase my soul power, you must always be as strong as possible! In the future, I want to help others to purify!"

   Hearing this, the ghost breathed out lightly, and bowed his head in silence.

   Seeing that she was reluctant to answer, she helped her home once, and when it was too difficult to cross the river, she demolished the bridge.

   Zixia noticed it and raised her head and shouted, "Give me back the gray robe!"

   The deer demon paused: "Huh?"

  In the sea of ​​knowledge, the ghost ghost should be clearer, she gritted her teeth and said: "My master left the Taoist robe, return me!"

   The deer demon wondered: "Your clothes and robes are all soul power metamorphosis. Can you wear ghosts in that robe?"

   Qing Luo shook her head, and said: "Refining, and it will be done one day!"

   Lu Yao nodded: "Nah Cheng, go back and ask Qing Luo to pay you back!"

   Back to Dover Ridge, Qingluo rushed forward and pinched several on his arm.

   Although it doesn't hurt, the deer demon hurriedly called: "It's really urgent, so I stayed in the night of Drunken Flower!"

   can't pinch the white deer demon, the Shura girl grunted and shook her head, and went back to the hole again.

   I'll go to appease again at night, today's "Bath Day Tongyou" has been idle, and the deer demon called the tiger demon dead ghost to try the soul-scorching power.

   "Bath day leads to quietness", can purify and burn the soul. .

   When he invaded the sea of ​​knowledge of the dead and ghosts, the tiger demon soul was scorched by the sun, and then roared miserably, rolling all over the floor, and his soul was almost annihilated, he quickly recovered his magical powers.

   It is really hot, and it takes a little longer, it is not too difficult to destroy a demon soul.

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