Deer Demon Race

Chapter 240: Hit the autumn breeze

When    Qingluo woke up, there was no Master Lu on the bed.

   She is not surprised. She knows that the deer master has a lot of things. Recently, she has been up a little bit before dawn, and she can't keep it up. At this time, she is mostly learning the Raoshizi characters in the study outside.

   The ghost characters created by the monks are really killing monsters, and they are too complicated. If you stare at it for a while, your eyes will be blurred. I don't know how Master Deer can bear it.

   can understand the characters, this plague has many tricks!

   took the little clothes placed by the bed, first covered the scenery, and then put on the new light blue neon clothes.

The robes brought by Lord Lu, the mountain lord, the Banshee King, the old ones are powerful, but unfortunately they were worn by others, and they are all made into Taoist robe styles. They are not good-looking at all. Qingluo is a little disgusted and doesn’t want to wear them. .

Just this new outfit, Master Lu said that there are only thirty-seven layers of practical "block" characters. Although it is only a magical function of "blocking", the color matches his own name. The appearance and magical effects are better than the original black dress. Qingluo is already the favorite. As long as it is changed to the original black dress, he has already asked Master Lu to wait for his Laoshizi characters to develop some results, so as to help her add magical effects to the neon clothes.

Straighten up, glanced at the gray puffing robe supported on the bamboo pole beside her. There is no color pattern, too rustic. I don't know why the ghost loves it. She hasn't refined it. She can't collect it in the body. very?

  Look at her, anyway, grandma doesn't love it, so let you let you!

   In my own home, I didn’t bother to use spiritual senses before and walked out of the room, only to find that Master Lu hadn’t practiced characters in the study, so he had already practiced Shura combat skills? Why didn't you call me together?

   Suspiciously, the female devil speeds up. It is estimated that the tail is still asleep. She takes a basin and fetches water to wash herself, picks up her hair bun with a few combs, takes the hairpin, and walks out in small steps.

   Out of the study hall, Qing Luo ran straight to the tea garden above. At the entrance of the tea garden, there was a slightly flat platform built by Ding. Usually there are few monsters, and it is the place where Master Deer practiced combat skills in the morning.

   Only at this time, the two little demon on the tea garden guarded the door, but the white deer master was not seen.

   Qing Luo was a little strange, and asked the little demon guarding the tea gate: "Is the master not here?"

  The little demon in the tea garden looked stranger than her, and stared at him and replied, "Little grandma, I haven't seen the master of the mountain!"

   Where did this plaguer go?

   Seeing the mountain demon and the demon are good at home, they are afraid that they will not be respected in the future, so they pick up the combat skills that have been left for many years, not just to accompany the deer to play here!

   If he is not here, grandma will practice by herself!

   took out the black-bone lancet, chopped, chopped, slapped, and Nai. After practicing for a little while, Yu Wei hurriedly found it.

   After returning the knife, Qing Luo asked the fox demon: "Is the master visible?"

   Ye Wei shook his head, and asked strangely: "Aren't you with the little grandma?"

   Qingluo also shook her head, instructing Yuwei to say: "Go and inquire, where is the master?"

The little fox demon ran away, but it was fast. The Shura woman practiced more than a dozen knives, and she inquired back: "Little grandma, the black tiger demon at the entrance of the cave said, the master called the steel bone chop early and went out. !"

   The female monster turned around fiercely, the blade stopped on the top of the tail, scared the fox demon exclaimed: "Ah!"

   This master of the disease, who only spent the night in Wanhua Valley the night before, ran away in the early morning?

   Just one night, addicted to eating?

   What I said last night was to make grandma happy, not really!

   The Shura woman retracted the knife and said viciously: "I don't practice anymore, I'm upset!"

   stomped his feet, walked back to the study with Yu Wei, and went in and out twice, always upset, simply went out, and went down to the blessing peach cave.

Outside the gate of Futao Cave, there is no little demon playing, only a sick demon is lying on his stomach. Now everyone in the mountain field recognizes that it is a black tiger demon. The demon's cultivation base is somehow evil to the master of the mountain, every three days. It's going to be hot once in public. I didn't know that I was tortured again yesterday, wailing and screaming for a long time.

   Into Futao Cave, she still didn't see a few demon, she went to the room.

   In the room, the weird little mountain spirit was stuffing his mouth, and when he saw her coming, he only raised his head and called "little grandmother", completely not afraid, and continued to steal his mouth openly. The newcomer bamboo rat meat slices are fried so well that the female tiger demon saw it, and greeted her and asked, "Is my little grandma hungry? There's still a while for breakfast!"

   Qing Luo shook her head and asked her: "Yu Weili?"

   Dashun Na Hun family replied: "I said I was going to listen to supernatural powers, and told me to stare at the house!"

   The female monster said to the hill, "It's not time to eat, you should just steal your mouth first!"

   Xiaoshan Jing rolled his eyes: "Brother Shanzhu doesn't care about me!"

   A little monster. Hearing that he bit the word "brother" so hard, Qing Luo didn't bother to take care of it and turned and left.

She knew that Master Lu's most useful dog treasure was in charge of the teachings in the mountain field. This boring gourd taught supernatural powers, and many demon and little demon love it. Qing Luo listened to the sheep demon Kaitai and exaggerated a few mouthfuls: "Dog Brother Bao understands what he said, not long-winded, no nonsense!"

   When she turned around and found her there, Kaitai was a little panicked and ran away.

   This sheep demon praises Goubao, why are you afraid of me, grandma?

The female monster is a little confused, but I have also heard that when Master Lu came back from Longtou Mountain, it is said that he learned the magical power of the "juhuan". In Zhushan Dingtulou to teach new supernatural powers, no wonder there are not many little monsters in Futao Cave.

   Originally in Ruyi Mountain, there were not many demons who like to learn skills like this. Not to mention that the following demons and little demons are lazy, and the former husband Ruyi who has lost his life is not that he has not practiced Shura combat skills for many years. It is too hard.

   Master Bailu, this mountain is only one peak, and there are so many more tricks than Ruyi Mountain where he used to be his grandmother.

The sick black tiger demon Ding is new. When Qing Luo heard that his second day was hot, she dared to speak out against the female demon. She was a courageous and unfamiliar woman. She didn’t want to talk to him. .

  If not, take a stroll around Xingtan?

At the water source of the waterfall in Doufengling, because of the yellow lingering apricot tree, it was called Xingtan by the monsters. The holy ape master was combined there to embody the world, and there is some nobleness there. The peach tree destroyed by the Ruyi king has long been destroyed. Clean it up, the scenery is good, it's close to the earth building where Goubao teaches supernatural powers, don't know the whereabouts of the master deer, the master of Yu Wei's family must know.

Now in this driving range, the little demon is called the master of their own family, the female little demon is also called the master demon who delineated her family, and the master deer is called the master of the mountain. The confidants of Biyan and Yuanxiang can use them in their backs. Called "Master Deer", Qingluo followed in this way.

From Futao Cave, walk a few miles down the bamboo forest, which is Xingtan. Only when she and Ruwei walked halfway, they saw a group of flying monsters flying back first, and female bat monsters were among them. , And then, the stone platform ran back to the ground.

   Seeing that there were many monsters running back, Qing Luo hurriedly brought her tail to the bamboo forest without blocking her way.

   It's just that she is there, and everyone who runs in front of her will stop and call "Little Granny" before continuing on the road.

   The female monster kept nodding her head in response.

  Until the tall female demon ran past and stopped calling her, Qing Luo asked, "It's so early today, just finished talking about supernatural powers?"

   shook his head properly and said: "No, it's the master's flower empress who has come, and she is waiting outside the mountain gate, the dog Baoding will go down to welcome him, and tell the mountain to prepare for the guests, and then talk about magical powers tomorrow!"

  Master Lu didn’t go to Wanhua Valley?

   It’s just that my master doesn’t go, why are you still chasing home?

   Huanghuaniang is here, how about going to Shenxingtan? Qing Luo gritted her teeth and turned to call the fox demon Yu Wei: "Go, go back to Futaodong!"

   turned around and went back, think about it, first prepare tea for the guests, grandma can't throw away the noodles!

   Huang Huaniang, the master demon king, first fell outside the gate of the mountain to beg to see him.

   After Huang Huaniang and others landed outside Futao Cave, Qingluo saw her. Not only she was here, but there were also three demon generals and several demon diners.

   It is estimated that her own thoughts are bad, and the female devil's heart relaxed, and she happily went to make tea.

  Waiting for her to serve tea into Futaodong, Huang Huaniang was asking with a smile, "How did you go to Saru Mountain when I was looking for something to do with him? Doesn't it take two or three days to get back?"

   This is to myself, how do I know grandma? Qing Luo smiled lightly and replied, "Xu is something, sneaky and didn't tell me!"

   Huang Huaniang slapped her slap: "Nothing, wait for him!"

  What does this mean?

   Goubao was surprised, and Qingluo of Decent Tea was also surprised. Huang Huaniang turned her eyes: "Goubao and Biyan are both at is Yuanxiang in your house?"

   Qing Luo didn't speak any more, Gou Bao was honest, and answered honestly: "Go out and bring the wild demon!"

   Huang Huaniang smiled and asked, "Is there a mistake on the road? Can I ask the generals to respond?"

   Goubao shook his head: "Yesterday the policeman Shanding was found, only more than two hundred miles away, and should be there by noon! My master has obtained the faith, so he can go out with confidence!"

   Huang Huaniang was overjoyed and pulled Qingluo over: "Oh, this vest must be worn on your body to match it. The color of this queen is a little different, so I can't hold it up!"

   was suddenly pulled and talked about gossiping affectionately. The Shura girl didn't know what medicine she sold in the gourd.

   Over there, Jiugao, Shouling, Mengge, and Lao Wen also all got close to the Daofengling demon and talked to each other.

Seeing that Qingluo is unfamiliar, Goubao is honest, blue-eyed and dull, and the other demons are not enough, they are only willing to promise, and the half-xuan among the demons cried out: "No matter what you do, you will steal if you don't mean it, and you will pick the deer master When you’re away from home, is it possible to catch the autumn breeze? It’s just that I’m driving around the poor, what can I do to Wanhuagu?"

   Black and White couldn’t figure it out, so he only passed a message to Gou Bao in a whisper: "The owner of the house is afraid that he is going to make the autumn wind. I can’t see the benefits to be sought. Brother pay attention!"

   Goubao was startled, playing the autumn breeze? Then it should be the wild demon? ?

Gou Bao wakes up, but Huang Huaniang has noticed that there are secret words secretly spreading, and then she curses at Yao Yao: "The unfamiliar white-eyed wolf is the one who transferred from Wanhua Valley to Doufengling! There are so many secret words that I cannot listen to. ?"

   Yao Yao cried, "I am wronged by the Queen of Flowers! I told my brother Gou Bao that Futao Cave is small, so I need to move the cave for the Queen of Flowers and the generals so that I can sleep at night!"

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